30th Mar 2018 07:16 - 6 years ago
Tags :
Description : It's a track I Made for my wife.
I Know I'm not a great singer :)
I'd like your help about the mixing. How can I improve myself ?

PS: I don't know if it's really an electro track !!

Comments (9)

If you have time take a listen and give Nous2 some feedback.

HenryPascal 13th Mar 2019 22:45 - 5 years ago
Je ne peux que retirer mon chapeau et m'incliner devant la grandeur de cette composition. Même si je ne comprends pas le français (pour écrire, j'utilise le traducteur google), j'aime beaucoup la manière dont vous définissez la voix. Vous êtes un homme chanceux d'avoir une femme qui vous aide à vous exprimer en musique, et une chanson qui lui est dédiée est le moins que vous puissiez faire pour la remercier. Malheureusement, je n'ai pas cette chance.

C'est vraiment dommage que vous n'ayez pas autorisé le download, je l'aurais écouté très volontiers dans ma voiture, à l'instar de Pa Kouba.

(s'il vous plaît, écoutez ma dernière chanson, "Nothing Left feat. Stepa K", vous pouvez download après avoir commenté, si vous l'aimez :) merci beaucoup, continuez sur cette voie!
GregVincey 5th Apr 2018 20:34 - 6 years ago
Bro, this some 80s, vinyl days vapor wave type music, and in french. This's epic man
Nous2 replied 9th Apr 2018 - 6 years ago
Thx man !! appreciate it
EricMilligan 5th Apr 2018 19:25 - 6 years ago
Bonjour, Nous2! Very nice track! I think your vocal was actually quite good. So, I would encourage you to do more. I especially liked the fact that the lyrics were in French. French, like Italian and Spanish, is a very musical language. Much better than English I think. More emphasis on vowel sounds.

I think that your wife would be very pleased with this song for her. It is a very special gift.

Anyway, if I were working on the mix for this track I'd experiment with a few things. I'd try tightening up the bass using a compressor and EQ. I think the mid-low frequencies are a bit too prominent in the mix and makes it sound a bit "muddy". It sounds "full", but it would be worth some effort to see how it sounds if each instrument/voice in the track is placed in its own area of the frequency spectrum. Personally, I liked how the vocal sounded and I'd bring up its level in the mix a little bit - at least in some sections.

I liked the vocoder that you introduced at the end of the track, but I thought that the synth sound with the filter sweep competed with it too much. I would experiment with either dropping the filter sweep treatment, or reducing its intensity, or at least reducing the level of that instrument in the mix. I think the vocoder part was really interesting and should be the focus of attention for the listener.

My last comment is definitely subjective and you probably won't agree. Again, if I were mixing the track I think I would try dropping some of the new elements you introduce as the track progresses. I thought that simplifying the arrangement a little bit might make it more impactful. You have lots of variety as the track progresses, but I'm not sure that they all contribute to a cohesive experience. I could be entirely wrong about this and it might be more a question of the level they have in the mix rather than eliminating some of them entirely. But, I would definitely experiment. Each new element in the track needs to have a purpose and should somehow tie in with the fundamental essence of the track.

All that being said, it is entirely possible that having experimented with all those things I mentioned, I'd leave the track unaltered because it just sounds really good the way it is right now, keeps my interest from beginning to end, and conveys the emotion effectively. After all, that's really the true purpose of any piece of music. N'est pas?
Nous2 replied 9th Apr 2018 - 6 years ago
Hello !! I read with attention your comment and firstavle i thank you for the time you take to give your view.
I'll try what you tell me about the bass, the vocoder and the filter sweep.

If it's not too much to ask you, could I ask you for advice by email ?
Mine :
thx alot Eric !!

stubobs 3rd Apr 2018 18:26 - 6 years ago
You have little to worry about with the mixing. You have balanced the vocals and the backing track well. Just do the same with everything you do and you will have no problems. Your voice is fine and suited to a variety of genres. You both sound 'pretty good together. Interesting track, enjoyed listening. Thanks for uploading.
Nous2 replied 5th Apr 2018 - 6 years ago
Thank you a lot Stubobs !! I'd like to listen what you do ;)
See you!
Zivonmusic 31st Mar 2018 17:30 - 6 years ago
I love emotional love dedication peices. The feel of this track is amazing!

You have a lovely voice in my opinion! :)

Nous2 replied 2nd Apr 2018 - 6 years ago
Thank You Zivon
BLEEP 30th Mar 2018 17:08 - 6 years ago
Petit ajout! je me disais bien que quelque chose dans ce morceau me faisait penser à un autre titre! et là ca y est, ca a matché en le ré écoutant: il y a un petit quelque chose de kavinsky (nightcall)

encore bravo c'est un super boulot en terme de compo

Nous2 replied 31st Mar 2018 - 6 years ago
Je vais écouter ça ...
BLEEP 30th Mar 2018 17:06 - 6 years ago
le morceau est franchement interessant, nle beat est superbe notamment par contre il y a de serieux déséquilibres sonores sur les différentes pistes. Après ca c'est juste du réglage mais bon, c'est pas la partie que je maitrise le mieux moi même!!! A la limite, à l'oreille tu peux déjà pas mal compenser et si par magie tu connais un ingé du son, là tu auras un mixage tip top!
en tous les cas, j'aime beaucoup ce petit son! bravo

Nous2 replied 31st Mar 2018 - 6 years ago
Merci Bleep pour ton commentaire. Quand tu dis déséquilibre tu veux dire quoi? Je sais que les voix, je galère vraiment !
J'aurai aimé m'y connaitre mais je trouve ça tellement compliqué le mix !!
Merci encore ;)

A bientot
silverman 30th Mar 2018 15:43 - 6 years ago
You have a high pitched voice that has great quality.
I reckon you could do a lot with that on most genres.
Reminds me of something in my past the whole thing but I can't put my finger on it.
Good stuff though.
Nous2 replied 31st Mar 2018 - 6 years ago
Thank you silverman
tekreck 30th Mar 2018 11:41 - 6 years ago
ur a great singer
Nous2 replied 31st Mar 2018 - 6 years ago
Thx Tekreck but it's not true !! ;)

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4th Jun 2014 14:41 - 10 years ago
Tags :
Description : Hard electro song I made in 2 hours. Made this stuff because I noticed that you can find just 2-3 songs like these one on looperman. Pls leave feedback, tell me what you think ;) Enjoy everyone!
*** I used 3 loops: 1)
3) ***
12th Jun 2021 20:37 - 3 years ago
Description : Tema synthwave actualizado a nuestros días,algo más suave después del hard trance, espero impaciente vuestros comentarios, deseo que os guste. Cuidaros y salud para todos.
18th Mar 2015 17:18 - 9 years ago
Description : Basically, this track was made back in the day when I was a HUGE Electro House (Especially, Big Room) fan. I was inspired by the track LRAD by Knife Party but I ended up with this piece of poopie. I'm not even trying to produce EDM anymore but I just wanted to share this since I spent a lot of time on this. Positive/Negative comments are all welcome! Thanks!
(Every individual stem of this track can be found on my profile just in case you like the melody/drop/kick and want to play with them!)
23rd Sep 2009 01:06 - 15 years ago
Description : A new Electro house track under my new alias "Shawdy Scotty" this is gonna be on my demo, and i think the master sounds great. But thats subjective. What do you think?
4th Feb 2019 18:48 - 6 years ago
Description : Well i choose "Electro" as "genre" but it's definitly a SALSA/RUMBA track. If some can put some words, you're welcome, contact me let's do something nice...
13th Jun 2014 15:34 - 10 years ago
Description : THIS was one of my first tracks i made for the looper fam. I was not sure whatkind of genre it realy is, so i named it electro.
I used only samples i found on looperman. I did a vocal line by myself and mixed all in a way i liked it. Hope that you also like what i had done.

Just tell me what you think.

Loops i used in this song:

From Anubis.
drum loop puzzle.
snares army.
drum of escape.
flute and violin.
marimba bells.

From Xelaplus.
legato choir.

From BrandonBergman.
Hey loop.
----This is cool on headphones but better dont start to loud, cause it beginns very powerfull--- english translation included in lyrics
2nd May 2017 08:29 - 7 years ago
Tags :
13th Apr 2017 19:34 - 7 years ago
Tags :
Description : Musique type oriental 128 bpm
si vous faite un remix envoyez moi s'il vous plaît parce que j'ai l'impression que quelque chose manque à ce morceau donc une collaboration me semble possible

Loop to use
Music oriental type 128 bpm
If you made a remix send me please
Because I feel that something misses this piece Therefore a collaboration seems to me possible
14th Sep 2016 22:21 - 8 years ago
Tags :
Description : hey guys, hope you're all well. this is my first track for some time due to, well, life ! its my first attemptt at an electro swing track, take a llisten and as always comments are welcomed and enjoyed !
9th Dec 2021 13:07 - 3 years ago
Tags :
Description : Plaything - beginning as an experiment with unexplored software and slowly took some shape now greatly improved with a couple of remixes.

A cool vox for sure and great indie vibe

MPC as daw
8th Feb 2016 16:47 - 9 years ago
Tags :
Description : the title may change\
need a vocal\
electro house\
19th Sep 2024 14:02 - 5 months ago
Description : Camera..........................Action ..
5th Sep 2019 07:01 - 5 years ago
Description : My remix of "Other Friends" from the Steven Universe movie. Electro swing!
4th Nov 2023 17:13 - 1 year ago
Description : Music MaxSubZero
9th May 2016 08:46 - 8 years ago
Description : I am useless with genres so if it what it says it is please educate me.