Description : Before we came along. The humans. Nature was the ruler of the planet. From the most serene, to the most destructive. Living in the Pacific Northwest, I'm constantly reminded of how it must have been before we were here. That's what this trilogy is about. The progression of the cycle of life from the deepest past, to our not so distant future. Enjoy. Take care. V.
This heavy metal track was uploaded by ValveDriver. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (31)
If you have time take a listen and give ValveDriver some feedback.
Thank you, Zoot. As the creator of this one, I don't think I'll get tired of hearing "Epic". lol I appreciate you taking the time to listen and comment. Thank you again..
Take care.
Absolutely epic. And it made me realise I really should consider to work with tools like ezdrummer or superior drummer. Those drums make a YUGE difference over my standard Ableton packs.
I assume you can use them with midi, so I can still drum on my kit, then transform it in such a tool?
Anyway. Your track survived 6 years with ease. Congrats and happy new year!
Bao, how are you?
I would suggest it. Highly. I still have the first edition of Ezdrummer and it still gets the job done. I imagine by now the newer versions are even better and have much cleaner workflow. If you end up pulling the trigger and getting one, let me know what you got and if you like it.
Happy new year to you as well!
Take care.
This sounds really cool, and with the back story, it gives the elements you've chosen more context. I like that you have the peaceful nature sounds for the softer parts. It sparked an idea of adding storm and wind nature affects along the harder parts of the song
I'm glad you liked the tune. The PNW, man. Home truly is where the heart is, ya know?
As far as the storm and wind for the harder sections, I actually did try it in a couple spots. But with the distortion of the guitars and all the drums, it was just extra noise that crowded up the mix, so I opted to leave it out. Trust me, it's much better this way.
Thanks again for taking the time to listen and comment. I appreciate it.
Take care.
Hey Aaron.
Im typing and listen in the same time.
The intro does touch my heart..alsmost becoming sad so if you can do that then you didd it good lol.
And then...hahaha oh my know im not a realy heavy metal lover but i do love some tracks of Iron maiden .
I think this comes in the way of Iron maiden.
Perfect combination of nature,rest ,sadness,alone,and despair.
Thank you Rita. I think this one was a little more touching because of my love for the forest and mountains where I live. I just might have put a little extra into it. I'm gkad you liked it, even though metal isn't your style.
Fantastic and unbelievable re the vst guitars! Great drama and build and release of tension. I spend a lot of time alone in the bush (part of my job) and I love it. I have always thought of nature as a mirror that reflects back whatever you bring with you. To me the bush and mountains are peace and wonder and respect but then here in NZ we don't have things that went want to eat you! Which this track sometimes feels like!
I would love to have a job where I spend all my time alone on the mountain. But, unfortunately, I'm temporarily outside of the PNW where it's all flat praries. When I get back, maybe.
Where I'm from we have bears, mountain lions and large elk herds. Granted, the elk don't want to eat you, but they don't want you on on their territory either.
I'm glad you were able to connect the emotions of the song with what was intended. I guess tha means I did what I set out to do, huh?
Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment. It means a lot.
this is great V, we dont get much metal, the intro is great then that guitar wow great metal riffs sic gritty as fuck bass, great staging and breaks the drums are solid and loud the soft gentle parts are so contrasting of each other like your description in can be your heaven, tread carefully and treat it well it could be your hell great production and sound it might be old to you but its new for me
Thanks, man. I've got about four or five metal tracks. Some heavier than others. Metal is my first true love when it comes to music. I make a lot of electronic, or DnB, but it's metal that really does it for me. I've been a full-on metal head since about 1985. Back when it was still in it's infancy. I love almost all kinds of music, though. I mean, my collection goes from J.S. Bach to Infant Annihilator, and damn near everything between.
Thanks for checkin' it out, and I'm gkad you liked it.
There was once a great guitarist that was on Looperman quite frequently. I once saw him comment in a forum post that a guitar VST was good for backing tracks or simple effects, but could never be good enough to make a complete track.
Even with the tremendous amount of respect that I have for this man, I took that as a personal challenge. So, I set out to make a few tracks that you couldn't really tell if it was live, or VST. I like to think I came close enough with this one and the "Overmyth" series.
Yep, learning metal riffs right now since I put my toes into learning more about metal creation, you have that authentic sound that will be impossible to achieve from a vst. 6+ minutes definitely my favorite part.
Centrist, Hello. Thanks for the kind words. But I can absolutely guarantee you that it's not impossible to achieve authentic sounding riffs with VST's. That's all this track is. Not a single live instrument was used. 100% software.
All the riffs were built, by me, one note at a time in my FL piano roll. All of the drums were mixed and built one hit at a time to go with each riff. Same with the bass and acoustic guitars.
It can be done!
Thanks again, for taking time to listen and comment.
Thanks, man. There was a time when you did hear more rock and metal here. But, those days are long gone. As far as the 8 minutes...that's a short track for Doom Metal, my friend!
The water drops and the atmosphere created was a nice touch, just as you said, a wide range of emotions in the song but all good.
Very well put together.
Very cool intro. Very grandiose. Personally, as far as influence, I hear Black Sabbath and a touch of Metallica. Your drums are fantastic, but maybe need just a small boost to the low end. The switch to that Mr. Crowley organ at 3:54 was awesome. In total, a great progressive metal song. Doesn't even need vocals. The music speaks for itself.
Heath, first let me apologize for the year long delay. I kinda dropped this track here and got busy with life and forgot about it.
Second. Thank you for not only taking the time to listen to it, but to leave a kind comment as well. I always find it interesting to know what others hear in my work. The fact that you heard Black Sabbath and Metallica is no surprise to me. Those were two of the earliest and most influential bands of my teen years. You may not hear it, but there's even some Pink Floyd in there. Some of the Old Timer Loopermen that are familiar with me and my work may pick it up. They know that I'm a Floyd Junkie..
Anyhow, again, thank you for the kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed the track.
I couldn't understand why there wasn't a comment by me on this from last year. Then I remembered that I probably did a big review on Facebook. Still well worth listening again to this massive mossterpiece.
First 1:30 is a bit noisy but that's OK. And then the badassery makes itself known and takes over from the somewhat Celtic previous stuff. Slightly reminiscent of Led Zep's folkier stuff, which then gets totally smashed out of the way.
2:38-2:44 I could have done with a fat kick but it's a stylistic choice to do without.
2:58 swing your hairy heads, metallers! And then get widdling on your air guitars.
Nice organ (ic), Floydy break after that. Back to the forest from the huge mountain.
4:48 that's the fat kick I was referring to before (when it wasn't there).
6:24 fukcin' badass skullcrushery!
7:05 haha to that widdly guit fiddlin!
7:20 saving the best riffs to the end. Nice stops and space.
Wicked guitars throughout. Maybe as I don't really play anymore I should just Shreddage it up. Nah, real playing's always better. Unless you can do this.
I think that the most impressive element of this track is the clean sound and overall great engineering and mixing you did. I come from a metal background, and I know that it can be very hard to achieve a clean sound within this genre. You did a great job with that. The guitar playing is pretty good. Good job!
I apologize for the year long delay. But, better late than never, huh?
Thank you for the kind words. I think, for a 100% solo project, as far as the heavy metal engineering and mixing goes, that takes longer to perfect than the writing and composition of the track itself.
I started to listen , but that intro made me have to go pee. Damn getting old. Ok, back to the creepy plucks and then that brass sound. Intense opening my friend and sounds great in my earphones with awesome placement. Then that cymbal crash. Sabbath like beats, Then that phased sound kicks off like a demon spewing filth from itÅ› unholy mouth. Then 2:35 the guitar riffs kick in with the tomÅ› and massive snare attack. Holy Wah effects man. Amazing at this point. You bring it down at 3:54 to some clearing in the forest where the rites will be performed whether you want them or not. Beautiful arrangement so far. 6min mark brings some heavy back. Like your climbing that mountain with a heavy load, shedding all the differential weight on the ascent. As crowded this is with distortion I can still hear all the elements, so amazing production. Awesome ending with the crash. Loved it Mate. Loved it.
A very solid and nice track indeed. I certainly did dig it. Love the grudgy and roughy guitar elements in it. At the same time, it was like, i was listening to two different songs at the same time. The metal part, as well as a sort of tranquil nature track. So i did loved the elements that you did combine all together. So a job well done. Keep up the good work and keep on creating.
Verdiqo, thank you for the kind words. I like your take on the song, and how it felt like 2 songs at once. That wasn't my intention, but I like the idea just the same!
Definitely feeling a little Floyd...especially in the lower/mellower build & break bits (love that organ part)...kudos on the thoughtful composing that obviously went into evolves like a musical story...perfectly arranged as far as my tastes go...I can imagine the amount of creative time that must have gone into this (I wish some of our looper types would take lessons from it)....Can`t offer high enough praise Aaron...and sure dont have anything to otherwise offer other than to say....even though I`m not a big metal fan (unless Floyd & Metallica count) I enjoyed listening to this whole thing.....and its not too ears were still at full attention to the last note...Big well done to you.....keep on.....Ed
Ed. Sorry for the late reply. Honestly, I wasn't sure how to respond to such high praise.
Suggesting that others could learn from my work is quite a compliment. Which would be a cool idea for a thread post. "Pick a looper, and break down one of their tracks." Then dissect it part by part as you describe your interpretation of it, or even on a technical level.
There is definitely a little Floyd in it. I think at this point, everything I do has just a touch somewhere in it. I dont think I can escape that!
Like I said to Neo, its good to hear that my arrangements are satisfactory. Sometimes, that's one of my biggest hangups.
Floyd and Metallica definitely count. Even though now-a-days Metallica isnt as high on my list of favorites, back in the day they were the top of the tier.
Thank you, Ed for continuously taking time to listen and comment. Your endless support and encouragement means a lot to me. Especially knowing that metal isnt at the top of your list!
Bandit, thank you for taking the time to stop and listen, and comment. I'm gkad you liked it, and I apologize for such a late reply. I appreciate it, none the less.
I forgot to mention a few things in my first comment. Dude, I have had to listen to this several times. Your playing has really evolved and I'm seriously amazed. I know your into a lot of different forms of Metal and as such, influenced by many bands but if I had to pick one this really reminds me of its Mastodon. The heavy rhythm chugs and fat notes sound very close especially tone wise and the mixture of Prog Rock/Metal, Psychedelia is yet another similarity. I'm hoping you are feverishly working on the next installment. Oh and yeah, danke makes a good point in reference to your extended track times and that maybe you may have to take up the mantle since it appears that StaticNomad has dropped off the grid. He once was the undisputed king, the so-called Looperman Long Shanks of track times but alas, it looks as though his reign has now come to an end and its time to name his successor. ( I'm laying it on thick here in case he reads this in hope to flush him out and goad him back into action, ha ha)! It surely looks like your up to the task. Ok bro, enough with the proverbial butt slapping and high fives. Get to work on part "Deux" brother !
You are correct about there being some serious nature out here. The bear thing, yeah, that's real, man. There have been a few times I was out and about and noticed that I wasn't alone. Once I was at this little mountain pond, walking around in the woods, and I looked down and saw some really fresh bear tracks. Around them, were smaller bear tracks. Which, as I'm sure you can guess, meant there was a mama bear and her cubs, and anyone who has any survival instincts at all come across mamma bear and her kiddo' get the hell out of Dodge. Which is exactly what I did.
The intro to this song is supposed to be an acoustic guitar. I was using Philharmonik VST. Not the greatest, but with a little creativity, I got it to sound fitting at least.
I'm relieved to hear that the transitions and leads were good. Those are the two things I have the hardest time with I can come up with rhythms and riffs all day long, but coming up with them so they flow together organically, that's the tricky part. Same with leads. Getting them to follow the song without just being a bunch of notes thrown together like a roll of the dice is really difficult for me. I'm just not a lead kind of guy.
"Your playing has really evolved and I'm seriously amazed."
Dude, that is a huge compliment, and means a lot! Thank you for that, man!
As far as the Mastodon influence...definitely. It wasn't a conscious thing, but much like Pink Floyd, I've listened to so much of them, it just kind of naturally comes out. As far as my "drumming" goes, Brann Dailor is by far one of my biggest influences.
I am in fact working on the next installment. It's not going to smooth at the moment. I kind of his a spot where it could go one of two ways, and I'm not really sure which way to choose. SO, I'm sitting on it for a week or so. Then I can go back and listen again. Once I do, I'll know exactly where to go with it.
I will pass on to StaticNomad that his empty throne has been filled. I've been trying to get him off his ass, too. Maybe this will be encouragement. If not, we'll have to start referring to him as StaticNowhereToBeFoundMad.
Tell ya what, man. Next time you head out this way, let me know. I'll take you out for a beer or something.
no tale ... we are opening a new king ... since Staticnomad has disappeared, we are always looking forward to your new opus Aaron ... but now you have done all that much ... who can give you the credentials of a theme in the music, the word is called: artist ... my favorite is around 7.30, Slayer ... :-)
I am humbled by your kind words, my friend. It's always encouraging to hear such positive feedback. It inspires me to not only keep doing it, but to keep striving to do it better than the last one.
As always, I appreciate your feedback and always look forward to hearing from you.
I read your description before playing it and having visited your neck of the woods several times in the past, was reminded of one occasion when I ended up on an excursion with some friends from Portland. We piled into a van and headed into the forest on a dirt road for miles up some mountain to pick Huckle berries and mushrooms! I saw Bear warning signs along the road !! We got out and wandered into the woods and walked around for a few hours. Yeah it was beautiful, huge trees, rivers and lakes everywhere but I was scared shitless the whole time thinking I was going to end ripped to shreads by some man eating bear! Listening to this track and thinking back on that crazy adventure did stir some emotions, mainly fear and anxiety. There is definitely some serious nature there in Washington and Oregon no doubt.
But, back to the track. This thing plays like some kind of a metal rock opera. I seriously dig all the guitar variation here, particularly the melodic stuff. It also incorporates a nice mixture of styles from slow Doom/Melodic Death metal grooves to the more aggressive Hardcore/Metal Core blastbeat rhythms. Super tasty structuring throughout. Love that intro. Hard to tell if its acoustic guitar or a harpsicord (strings or keys), but its mighty cool all the same. Also some really nice articulation within those lead notes, the portamento slides and cross fades are sweet and really add some fabulous dimension. Aaron I gotta say you killed it here man. I was just digging each and every one of the transitions in here. Super heavy riffs in the outtro and I cant forget to mention the superb drum track, all combine to make this one awesome piece of metal music. I'm really looking forward to the next part of this one !
Dude, I was about three quarters of the way through a big-ass reply to your second comment up there, and my damn phone glitched out and I lost the whole damn thing. I'm at work right now, so I'm saying F it. I'll wait until tomorrow when I can sit down at my 'puter and type it out properly. So, real reply coming soon. Until then, if you haven't already, check out a little band called Glowsun. If Pelican and Karma To Burn had a kid, it would be these guys.
No doubt...a masterpiece !!! Splendidly structured with brilliant buildup and growing tension combined with parts more relaxed, for example that break at 3:53 is simply magical, and on top of all brilliant sound and production...or in one sentence top notch treat on all levels! Aaron, sincerely, this must be one of your best (if not the best) metal creations...well, maybe even overall!!
Wow, Leon. That's some very positive feedback! Truly appreciated! For years my work came from an angry place, but over the last 3 years or so,(and a lot of introspection), I've managed to let go of it all. Now my work is inspired by that which surrounds me. In this case, nature. I believe by letting that happen, it's opened up a new door for creativity, and the results thereof!
Thank you for your kind words and continuing support.
Take care.
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Take care.
I assume you can use them with midi, so I can still drum on my kit, then transform it in such a tool?
Anyway. Your track survived 6 years with ease. Congrats and happy new year!
I would suggest it. Highly. I still have the first edition of Ezdrummer and it still gets the job done. I imagine by now the newer versions are even better and have much cleaner workflow. If you end up pulling the trigger and getting one, let me know what you got and if you like it.
Happy new year to you as well!
Take care.
Take care.
I'm glad you liked the tune. The PNW, man. Home truly is where the heart is, ya know?
As far as the storm and wind for the harder sections, I actually did try it in a couple spots. But with the distortion of the guitars and all the drums, it was just extra noise that crowded up the mix, so I opted to leave it out. Trust me, it's much better this way.
Thanks again for taking the time to listen and comment. I appreciate it.
Take care.
Im typing and listen in the same time.
The intro does touch my heart..alsmost becoming sad so if you can do that then you didd it good lol.
And then...hahaha oh my know im not a realy heavy metal lover but i do love some tracks of Iron maiden .
I think this comes in the way of Iron maiden.
Perfect combination of nature,rest ,sadness,alone,and despair.
Take care.
Where I'm from we have bears, mountain lions and large elk herds. Granted, the elk don't want to eat you, but they don't want you on on their territory either.
I'm glad you were able to connect the emotions of the song with what was intended. I guess tha means I did what I set out to do, huh?
Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment. It means a lot.
Take care.
Take care.
Thanks for checkin' it out, and I'm gkad you liked it.
Take care, brother.
I'm really not one to mix words, or candy coat. I'm not a dick about it, just straightforward and no bull.
Have a good one.
Thanks again.
Take care.
Even with the tremendous amount of respect that I have for this man, I took that as a personal challenge. So, I set out to make a few tracks that you couldn't really tell if it was live, or VST. I like to think I came close enough with this one and the "Overmyth" series.
HA! No. No sex bots here. It's not funky enough!
Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate it.
Take care.
All the riffs were built, by me, one note at a time in my FL piano roll. All of the drums were mixed and built one hit at a time to go with each riff. Same with the bass and acoustic guitars.
It can be done!
Thanks again, for taking time to listen and comment.
Take care.
Thank you again.
Take care.
Thanks again for the kind words.
Take care.
Very well put together.
Take care.
Second. Thank you for not only taking the time to listen to it, but to leave a kind comment as well. I always find it interesting to know what others hear in my work. The fact that you heard Black Sabbath and Metallica is no surprise to me. Those were two of the earliest and most influential bands of my teen years. You may not hear it, but there's even some Pink Floyd in there. Some of the Old Timer Loopermen that are familiar with me and my work may pick it up. They know that I'm a Floyd Junkie..
Anyhow, again, thank you for the kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed the track.
Take care.
I couldn't understand why there wasn't a comment by me on this from last year. Then I remembered that I probably did a big review on Facebook. Still well worth listening again to this massive mossterpiece.
First 1:30 is a bit noisy but that's OK. And then the badassery makes itself known and takes over from the somewhat Celtic previous stuff. Slightly reminiscent of Led Zep's folkier stuff, which then gets totally smashed out of the way.
2:38-2:44 I could have done with a fat kick but it's a stylistic choice to do without.
2:58 swing your hairy heads, metallers! And then get widdling on your air guitars.
Nice organ (ic), Floydy break after that. Back to the forest from the huge mountain.
4:48 that's the fat kick I was referring to before (when it wasn't there).
6:24 fukcin' badass skullcrushery!
7:05 haha to that widdly guit fiddlin!
7:20 saving the best riffs to the end. Nice stops and space.
Wicked guitars throughout. Maybe as I don't really play anymore I should just Shreddage it up. Nah, real playing's always better. Unless you can do this.
Mountainous congrats again. Badass bear music!
Take care.
I apologize for the year long delay. But, better late than never, huh?
Thank you for the kind words. I think, for a 100% solo project, as far as the heavy metal engineering and mixing goes, that takes longer to perfect than the writing and composition of the track itself.
Take care.
Thank you again, it's always appreciated.
Take care.
Suggesting that others could learn from my work is quite a compliment. Which would be a cool idea for a thread post. "Pick a looper, and break down one of their tracks." Then dissect it part by part as you describe your interpretation of it, or even on a technical level.
There is definitely a little Floyd in it. I think at this point, everything I do has just a touch somewhere in it. I dont think I can escape that!
Like I said to Neo, its good to hear that my arrangements are satisfactory. Sometimes, that's one of my biggest hangups.
Floyd and Metallica definitely count. Even though now-a-days Metallica isnt as high on my list of favorites, back in the day they were the top of the tier.
Thank you, Ed for continuously taking time to listen and comment. Your endless support and encouragement means a lot to me. Especially knowing that metal isnt at the top of your list!
Sincerely, do take care!
Take care, V.
I forgot to mention a few things in my first comment. Dude, I have had to listen to this several times. Your playing has really evolved and I'm seriously amazed. I know your into a lot of different forms of Metal and as such, influenced by many bands but if I had to pick one this really reminds me of its Mastodon. The heavy rhythm chugs and fat notes sound very close especially tone wise and the mixture of Prog Rock/Metal, Psychedelia is yet another similarity. I'm hoping you are feverishly working on the next installment. Oh and yeah, danke makes a good point in reference to your extended track times and that maybe you may have to take up the mantle since it appears that StaticNomad has dropped off the grid. He once was the undisputed king, the so-called Looperman Long Shanks of track times but alas, it looks as though his reign has now come to an end and its time to name his successor. ( I'm laying it on thick here in case he reads this in hope to flush him out and goad him back into action, ha ha)! It surely looks like your up to the task. Ok bro, enough with the proverbial butt slapping and high fives. Get to work on part "Deux" brother !
You are correct about there being some serious nature out here. The bear thing, yeah, that's real, man. There have been a few times I was out and about and noticed that I wasn't alone. Once I was at this little mountain pond, walking around in the woods, and I looked down and saw some really fresh bear tracks. Around them, were smaller bear tracks. Which, as I'm sure you can guess, meant there was a mama bear and her cubs, and anyone who has any survival instincts at all come across mamma bear and her kiddo' get the hell out of Dodge. Which is exactly what I did.
The intro to this song is supposed to be an acoustic guitar. I was using Philharmonik VST. Not the greatest, but with a little creativity, I got it to sound fitting at least.
I'm relieved to hear that the transitions and leads were good. Those are the two things I have the hardest time with I can come up with rhythms and riffs all day long, but coming up with them so they flow together organically, that's the tricky part. Same with leads. Getting them to follow the song without just being a bunch of notes thrown together like a roll of the dice is really difficult for me. I'm just not a lead kind of guy.
"Your playing has really evolved and I'm seriously amazed."
Dude, that is a huge compliment, and means a lot! Thank you for that, man!
As far as the Mastodon influence...definitely. It wasn't a conscious thing, but much like Pink Floyd, I've listened to so much of them, it just kind of naturally comes out. As far as my "drumming" goes, Brann Dailor is by far one of my biggest influences.
I am in fact working on the next installment. It's not going to smooth at the moment. I kind of his a spot where it could go one of two ways, and I'm not really sure which way to choose. SO, I'm sitting on it for a week or so. Then I can go back and listen again. Once I do, I'll know exactly where to go with it.
I will pass on to StaticNomad that his empty throne has been filled. I've been trying to get him off his ass, too. Maybe this will be encouragement. If not, we'll have to start referring to him as StaticNowhereToBeFoundMad.
Tell ya what, man. Next time you head out this way, let me know. I'll take you out for a beer or something.
Take care, brother.
hats off as Leon showed, Danke
I am humbled by your kind words, my friend. It's always encouraging to hear such positive feedback. It inspires me to not only keep doing it, but to keep striving to do it better than the last one.
As always, I appreciate your feedback and always look forward to hearing from you.
Take care, sir.
That's a bad ass track man.
I read your description before playing it and having visited your neck of the woods several times in the past, was reminded of one occasion when I ended up on an excursion with some friends from Portland. We piled into a van and headed into the forest on a dirt road for miles up some mountain to pick Huckle berries and mushrooms! I saw Bear warning signs along the road !! We got out and wandered into the woods and walked around for a few hours. Yeah it was beautiful, huge trees, rivers and lakes everywhere but I was scared shitless the whole time thinking I was going to end ripped to shreads by some man eating bear! Listening to this track and thinking back on that crazy adventure did stir some emotions, mainly fear and anxiety. There is definitely some serious nature there in Washington and Oregon no doubt.
But, back to the track. This thing plays like some kind of a metal rock opera. I seriously dig all the guitar variation here, particularly the melodic stuff. It also incorporates a nice mixture of styles from slow Doom/Melodic Death metal grooves to the more aggressive Hardcore/Metal Core blastbeat rhythms. Super tasty structuring throughout. Love that intro. Hard to tell if its acoustic guitar or a harpsicord (strings or keys), but its mighty cool all the same. Also some really nice articulation within those lead notes, the portamento slides and cross fades are sweet and really add some fabulous dimension. Aaron I gotta say you killed it here man. I was just digging each and every one of the transitions in here. Super heavy riffs in the outtro and I cant forget to mention the superb drum track, all combine to make this one awesome piece of metal music. I'm really looking forward to the next part of this one !
Back at'cha soon.
Hat's off_____Leon
Thank you for your kind words and continuing support.
Take care.