Description : I just bring togethere this 2 artists:
Track : divady2 - Sometime
Aceplla : a1000times - mathnasium (singer : Dream Vacation)
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Comments (6)
If you have time take a listen and give zipbass some feedback.
T'inquiète c'est juste un peu "cramé" comme on dit niveau compression et un peu typé électro niveau instru mais ça le fait déjà très très bien.
Envoi moi un mail que je t'envoie la voix solo.
(on va éviter de spam ici ^^)
mon probleme c'est que je fais 1 a 2 morceaux par jour ..mais je bacle enormement le choix des instrus l'arrangement aussi n'est pas assez travaillé suis pas vraiment bon dans le mixage et le résultat le suis hyper productif en mélodie piano..accord..harmonie..mais me manque de l'experience en arrangement / mixage et choix instrus
ok si tu peux m'envoyer l'acapella vais refaire une autre version en essayant de donner plus de punch et de rajouter des harmonies ...
par contre j'aimerai le lyric stp comprends pas trop l'anglais en ecoutant ..
no prob, par contre c'est bien ça le problème, je pense qu'il n'y a pas trop lyrics ...
(I think there is no lyrics).
Check la réponse du chanteur :
Reply by a1000times Hey - These are first pass improv as we are writing this song. Half of it is nonsense and the other half just free form. I'll ask my singer if he can write down the ones that are in there. sorry. thanks!
It was ok for me, maybe to much compression (a little) and maybe some others EQ settings.
but 3 Hours to do this it's fast !
Divady2 when I will finish the retune and sync for the voice, I can send you the wav with the voice only and you can remix all, if you want it of course.
Yeah 1 hour =), but it's not me ! I do not sing at all ! and fortunately lol. It's an acapella from a member : a1000times. With hindsight, the voice need a little retune sometimes ^^'.
Thank you.
Description : Spacey and Dancey and Synthwavey and Dreamy
Please leave your opinion if you have one
This is the rough draft. To hear the final version, you can find the official release on streaming services and bandcamp.
Be sure to check out Jenna Evans
Username: JennaEvans
Profile#: 2108940
Description : UPDATED 01/03/2023 better volume level
hi guys this is my comeback song, never let them haters beat you.
as you know ive not been around much having gained a successful job and giving that all my attention. ive some catching up to do
this is to CreativeStudios great track The Ride, see what ive done :)). its 5 mins plus. thanks for letting me loose on it Jan.
Description : messed around on my piano, came up with a good idea, and put it in fl studio. I think it turned out pretty great. It would be awsome to get some vocals to this. if you do, feel free to change up the title or whatever. tempo is at 105 if ya need to know. review it and enjoy.
Description : Prod. by Louie Jun and Marbs Music. Diamond Star is the singer. It's on YouTube and SoundCloud. Check out my social media @diamondstarsy.
Description : My original vocal composition with an array of fantastic looperman samples.
Production and Mix - 2nick8
Lyrics and Vocals - 2nick8
Music from Looperman Samples
willaman-xxxtentacion-drama-drums #2
Description : This one has been sitting on my computer for a bit now but didn't really like it. My friends say it can use some vocals and I think that is what this one needs. If there is anyone who wants to put some vocals on this, send me an email at or post below. Thanks for tuning in and have a great day!
Description : Based on excellent track by BradoSanz (nothing compares instrumental). I've added an intro, many sliced up vocals, audio effects, and some electric guitar. Includes loops: Holly's Within your soul, and 40A's Unstoppable.
Hope you are all staying safe! I don't know about all of you guys but I was feeling really creative during this pandemic. I'm really proud of it because It reflects a lot of my life and it's an all-round feel-good hopeful ep can't wait to share it. It's out 6.19.20 you can get a sign up for a reminder on my website or just comment below and I'll send it to you when it's out! :) THANKS EVERYONE SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT FOR THE PASS 4 years!!! #LoopermanFam
Envoi moi un mail que je t'envoie la voix solo.
(on va éviter de spam ici ^^)
par contre j'aimerai le lyric stp comprends pas trop l'anglais en ecoutant ..
(I think there is no lyrics).
Check la réponse du chanteur :
Reply by a1000times Hey - These are first pass improv as we are writing this song. Half of it is nonsense and the other half just free form. I'll ask my singer if he can write down the ones that are in there. sorry. thanks!
Je t'envoie ma version rectifiée.
but 3 Hours to do this it's fast !
Divady2 when I will finish the retune and sync for the voice, I can send you the wav with the voice only and you can remix all, if you want it of course.
Thank you.