Description : So this is a dedication to my old printer. It was really funny - it made many funny noises and didnt do its job properly. But I still liked it. [..I used its vocals for this one..]
Also this might be my first breakbeat track. + Again some heavyweight experimentation. Tell me what do you think, guys!
This breakbeat track was uploaded by DustSounds. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (9)
If you have time take a listen and give DustSounds some feedback.
your a genius,
doing that with your printer samples takes some skill,
you got it sounding quite rhythmical! nice breakbeat also, love the 16 beat slam rolls!
Getting around to review a track of your and chose this one.
I see you listened to the heavy metal track 7 times. That's cool, but probably would be better if you just downloed it and listened to it thru your home speaker system to get a better overall sound.
Anyways, I like the printer one you did here. Sounds like a typical dot matrix as I used to have one. Now a Deskjet that makes very little noise.
It's cool the way you incorporated the printer sound into your mix, and is certainly differently than anything else I have heard.
Overall, I think you did a clever job. Nice going!
I like this. Great and original. What do you use to mix? I cannot get a good mix. Mine are always kind of muffled. Where did you learn to mix? Is there a secret? PEACE.
Well.. unfortunately there is no secret. It just happens. I remember those times when I just started to learn using Fruity Loops.. everything was just not very well sounding.. But now all that does it is just the limiter, compressor on few necessary tracks and the rest is just what my ears tell me to do [panning & volumes]. I've never really known how to mix.. I've never went through tutorials about mixing either.. maybe because I am too lazy for that. But this website and its members really inspire me so I might get down to exploring things more techically.
OMG, I love this track of yours. :-) refreshing. I wonder if there are any loops of old DOT MATRIX printers you could add to this. Those Old DOT Matrix Printers used to make all kinds of noise you know. Perhaps some vocals using the classic blurbs such as "Print on Demand". Ink is running low lol..
All started with a Future Bass Drum with Reverb at 140 BPM. It sound like Dubstep and then all go fast. A very Deep Synth Flute with Reverb as Bass. Hig Synth for the Melody. High Flute with Reverb for other. And High Wobbling Synth with stereo Phaser. Many Crazy Snares and lite Stick Hits as Percussion with Reverb. End a Pad with the same Stereo Phaser effect. Yeah thats it. I work 4 Hours at this Track. Sounds Like Future Bass or Dubstep with a lite Happy EDM touch. Please leave some Feedback. Which genre is this? Whats good , Whats Bad? You know what I mean :D
Description : here it is a quickly done mix for this demo//mash up electro clash sort of // with breakbeat // crunchy soundz and FX.
Now this track needs collaborationS !
like a punchy vox and some keyboard skills.
I may add some funky guitar at the very end ??
If some space still avaible in the mix...
Description : BRICS, the new economic powerhouse of emerging nations Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. In the struggle for economic dominance will cooperation prevail regarding climate change and other issues of global importance or will it be business as usual?
This track is a heavily sampled break beat melange featuring Russian vocalist Doctyabrev and excerpts of speeches in languages of the other three countries including Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, and Marina Silva of Brazil. There's a whiff of Maceo's "Cross the Tracks" in there too.
Much thanks to all the Looperman contributors including: Doctyabrev, fanto8bc, djnab, blueskies, buffalonugaluss, megapaul, and 7venth12. 100 bpm, key of E.
Description : Update: big intro atmosphere breakbeat with evolving break patterns. I took off one of the synths and it sounds cleaner now. Also continued the track with another bassline /witch now I think it's kinda slow. Or maybe not ?/ I will appreciate every comments & advices.
Description : The classic disco song of the 70's done from a man's perspective, in a mellow semi-accoustic chill version. Original artist, Gloria Gaynor did this song in 116 bpm, I am doing it in 94 bpm. If I'm granted permission to post the acapella on this site, I'd love to hear what you guys can do with it.
RIP printer lol
I would never be able to sample my printer sounds into a song lol
this is great
Your printer has real talent, mate :) And its owner has fan far bigger one ))
Real fun! Thanks for sharing
doing that with your printer samples takes some skill,
you got it sounding quite rhythmical! nice breakbeat also, love the 16 beat slam rolls!
great job man!
Butcha d-_-b
Getting around to review a track of your and chose this one.
I see you listened to the heavy metal track 7 times. That's cool, but probably would be better if you just downloed it and listened to it thru your home speaker system to get a better overall sound.
Anyways, I like the printer one you did here. Sounds like a typical dot matrix as I used to have one. Now a Deskjet that makes very little noise.
It's cool the way you incorporated the printer sound into your mix, and is certainly differently than anything else I have heard.
Overall, I think you did a clever job. Nice going!
It is nice to receive a review from you.
Actually this was a very old Deskjet printer.. I guess it sounded so loudly just because of its age. And, yeah, my new one is silent as well.
Unfortunately I dont have any proper speakers to blow my brains out with while listening to your track.. yeah.. downloading is a good idea, though.
Thanks again,
Well.. unfortunately there is no secret. It just happens. I remember those times when I just started to learn using Fruity Loops.. everything was just not very well sounding.. But now all that does it is just the limiter, compressor on few necessary tracks and the rest is just what my ears tell me to do [panning & volumes]. I've never really known how to mix.. I've never went through tutorials about mixing either.. maybe because I am too lazy for that. But this website and its members really inspire me so I might get down to exploring things more techically.
But thanks for the review!