well im 20. i grew up around music all my life since my dad was a drummer for a bunch of bands and it's pretty much all i know guess if my dad was a framer i would probly be too but he was a musicain and i'll be the same till the day i die least i hope i will. i paint and a lot and was gonna go to college for that but as much as i do it i think of it more as a hobby that a living so im going try to go to college to become a producer or something like that and hopefully help other lil band out cuz i know a lot of them who are realy good they just need a boost in the light and they would go far. just hope they'll be around in 4 years.
guitar is my main one,base (since there basicly the same), the keys, drums, sitar, sax (but i sucked at it so i gave up years ago) trying learn the violin but not going too well at the moment
i use fl for 95% of my stuff and that pretty much the only stoftware i like and use
a lot of junk. from realy old odd sounding keyboards to a muilt track recorder and all the crap i need for anything
well been realy getting into the red painting lately love there songs walls and street fell into my window. but other than that it just listen to the usall
that kinda hard cuz that so much i like and keep tying in my top ten
90s music all the way from tool to blind malion, ohgr to butthole surfers, primus to prodigy, and everything in between also 60s and 70s music too.
well it matters which "style"(i guess u could put it that way) u listen to. like my life's work is a collection of songs i written over the years for band ive been in and am in now. that style has deff 90s roots like pumpkins, radiohead, tool, peppers, ohgr, and other simie main streem during the 90s and i worked on a sound call mef (middle eastern funk) just a mix of arbic and funk riffs and scales speed up and wit a dash of destrion. my techno usally would be trance based or a jungle, glitch, dnb trance mix. then there my junk pile which is crap ive made that realy dont sound like much of anything but crap basicly
well im always either at home mixing something up or out jamming but the 10% im not im just hang wit my bros and just existing