Description : Another attempt in my continuing efforts to learn how make a trance track. Is intended to have a vocal doing the melody. Would try to find a singer but need to work out lyrics first. For this track I tried to make the melody not too repetitive. I limited it to four bars max of the same melodic phrase.
This trance track was uploaded by EricMilligan. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (13)
If you have time take a listen and give EricMilligan some feedback.
Hi Eric! I love it. You said that the highs are a litle bit agresive due to your hering loss, but for me this is what it gives some groove to those nice warming sounds. A while ago (a few years actually) you downloaded one of my song to your iPhone to play it on your way to work. At that time you encouraged me a lot. I wanted to thank you because it did help me to learn more. Maybe you can check my latest song and leave your opinion again. I would apreciate it.
Maybe you can use Tonal Balance from Izotope on your master track as Last plugin to see how your mix is balanced. Search for it on YouTube to see what it can do.
Thanks for the suggestion about Tonal Balance, Fidiu. I actually have the plugin, but hadn't used it. Am working with it now and I think it will definitely help me. Thanks again.
Thanks for the encouragement. I am embarrassed to admit that I've been at it much longer than you, so the just proves that I'm either a really really slow learner or just plain hopeless. :). I guess my best excuse is that I have a short attention span and really don't stick to one genre. Would probably make better progress if I did
this song was really neat. I really love the melody. I would suggest making the melody stand out a little more somehow because (this is my opinion) I feel the beat over shadows the melody a little bit but other than that its amazing.
I am planning to work on the track some more, so will see about setting the melody line a bit higher in the mix. Glad you liked the melody line. It really is meant for vocals.
Sometimes I get frustrated and do the vocals myself, although I am an absolutely horrible singer. But for this track, there was just no way I could do vocals on it. I'm getting some ideas for lyrics. Not much sense getting a vocalist lined up if there are no words! :)
Usually when I think of trance I think boring and repetitive, but this is very neat and very listenable. Your instruments have pleasing tones. I like that the kick and bass are more subdued because it allows the pretty melodies to dominate.
Thanks, Heath. I don't think trance has to be boring and repetitive, although I agree that some of it is. I like a focus on melody. Perhaps that's why JoeFunktastic felt that this really wasn't trance.
I have had a tendency in my tracks to make the kick too dominant I think. I am trying to dial it down a bit. My wife calls my music "thump, thump music". That's not meant as a compliment, but it accurately reflects the way I have mixed kicks and bass in my tracks.
I think this track would be a lot better if it had real vocals. Just need to work out some lyrics. And, find a singer of course! :)
Hi EricMilligan
Please excuse my delay.. and my poor english it is not my mother tongue..
according to my update ...I am working with Logic but I guess you can do this with any DAW.
Create a low pass filter or hight pass filter dependent what you want to remove.
Simple when you second beat start use the automation to activate the Filer .. on and off..
I used this a lot before I bought Ozone .. now I am using the dynamic eq of ozone 8 .. ;-)
I now it is very expensive ... but in my workflow it saves a lot of time !!
Thanks very much for the explanation. I use Logic as well. And I also use Ozone. Haven't used the dynamic EQ. I'm assuming that you are using automated EQ to duck beats because the drum tracks in audio files, not midi files. All the tracks in this project are midi, except for the sound effects (boomers).
So, I could get the same result simply by editing the midi information in the drum tracks? Either removing or muting the midi notes for the second beats?
I should use the EQ technique for tracks that are audio files?
Hello Eric,
Mate, me too I love to do a trance track that I'm happy with but unfortunately I can not make a track to save my life(Trance).
You are far ahead of me mate this track is brilliant well done mate.
Fave for a wonderful effort.
Great Job
Thanks, Jamid. I've concluded that although EDM seems like it should easy to make, in fact it is very complex. Producers need to master a whole variety of skills to produce something that is good. I have so much to learn, and so little time. :)
I did like most of the parts. I did think the off beats could off been a tad better / tighter. But this was a good effort. KEEP GOING. I want to hear more from you in this community as time as goes on.
Suggestion: Listen to some older and newer tracks from Perfecto Records for ideas.
When i red "Trance" i did expect something like Gouryella style. But this is... SOOO MUCH BETTER! Dunno why, for me its synth pop, not trance. Really like the atmosphere you create here, sounds kinda my style! Sure, keep on working on this, "you won't laugh, you will not cry" 'till you finish your job!
Hi, Nicolo! Thanks for commenting on this track. I've tried for years to make a good trance track. I don't know why it seems to be so hard for me.
I supposed this could be synth pop. I think most of my tracks are probably in the pop genre. I don't feel embarrassed by that. Making a good pop track is not easy. Making a good EDM track is definitely not easy either.
From other comments it looks like I need to do more work on the bass parts and the kick drum track. I have about 3 or 4 kick drum tracks on the project, so there is more refinement required. MPOProduction has suggested, I think, that the kick needs to be tuned properly. I know that's supposed to be really important, at least for some EDM genres. I know how to do that, at least in theory. I guess it's time to practice.
I like it ! cool .. just a small note.. the first 4/4 kick at 0:16 I have the feeling ... it clash a bit when you start the second beat.. for instance ... I use automation and reduce the frequency.. in some of my beats ..
As you can see from my reply to Kyle, I've had trouble getting the low frequency parts of the track to sit right in the mix. If I understand your suggestion correctly, you think I should use automation of tuning on the kick track to lower the frequency. Essentially, tuning the kick to the key of the song? Have I understood correctly?
I had written a nice lengthy response to your post, but something went “wrong” and it didn’t post. Lost the whole thing.
So, here is another go at it. I’ve got tinnitus, probably from spending too many years in front of loud guitar amps, a long time ago. Anyway, that apparently means that I probably have hearing loss for high frequencies. Consequently, I probably tend to set those parts a bit higher in the mix than I should. I think things are in balance, but they really aren’t. Anybody with normal hearing would hear the track as being out of balance. That’s not an excuse for how this track sounds, but it might be the explanation.
I actually had NO bass part on this track at all, but added a couple of layered bass tracks to the project pretty much at the last minute. I really never found bass sounds that I thought worked perfectly. The track got buddy real quick, even with compression. I ended up EQing the bass parts a lot to keep them focused and to keep the mix as clean as possible. But, it still was muddier than I had wanted. Clearly, I need to spend more time finding the right bass sounds.
Thanks again for the feedback. I really do appreciate it.
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#Drum and Bass
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Maybe you can use Tonal Balance from Izotope on your master track as Last plugin to see how your mix is balanced. Search for it on YouTube to see what it can do.
Thanks again,
I am planning to work on the track some more, so will see about setting the melody line a bit higher in the mix. Glad you liked the melody line. It really is meant for vocals.
Sometimes I get frustrated and do the vocals myself, although I am an absolutely horrible singer. But for this track, there was just no way I could do vocals on it. I'm getting some ideas for lyrics. Not much sense getting a vocalist lined up if there are no words! :)
I have had a tendency in my tracks to make the kick too dominant I think. I am trying to dial it down a bit. My wife calls my music "thump, thump music". That's not meant as a compliment, but it accurately reflects the way I have mixed kicks and bass in my tracks.
I think this track would be a lot better if it had real vocals. Just need to work out some lyrics. And, find a singer of course! :)
Please excuse my delay.. and my poor english it is not my mother tongue..
according to my update ...I am working with Logic but I guess you can do this with any DAW.
Create a low pass filter or hight pass filter dependent what you want to remove.
Simple when you second beat start use the automation to activate the Filer .. on and off..
I used this a lot before I bought Ozone .. now I am using the dynamic eq of ozone 8 .. ;-)
I now it is very expensive ... but in my workflow it saves a lot of time !!
So, I could get the same result simply by editing the midi information in the drum tracks? Either removing or muting the midi notes for the second beats?
I should use the EQ technique for tracks that are audio files?
Mate, me too I love to do a trance track that I'm happy with but unfortunately I can not make a track to save my life(Trance).
You are far ahead of me mate this track is brilliant well done mate.
Fave for a wonderful effort.
Great Job
Suggestion: Listen to some older and newer tracks from Perfecto Records for ideas.
I supposed this could be synth pop. I think most of my tracks are probably in the pop genre. I don't feel embarrassed by that. Making a good pop track is not easy. Making a good EDM track is definitely not easy either.
From other comments it looks like I need to do more work on the bass parts and the kick drum track. I have about 3 or 4 kick drum tracks on the project, so there is more refinement required. MPOProduction has suggested, I think, that the kick needs to be tuned properly. I know that's supposed to be really important, at least for some EDM genres. I know how to do that, at least in theory. I guess it's time to practice.
Thanks again for the feedback.
As you can see from my reply to Kyle, I've had trouble getting the low frequency parts of the track to sit right in the mix. If I understand your suggestion correctly, you think I should use automation of tuning on the kick track to lower the frequency. Essentially, tuning the kick to the key of the song? Have I understood correctly?
I had written a nice lengthy response to your post, but something went “wrong” and it didn’t post. Lost the whole thing.
So, here is another go at it. I’ve got tinnitus, probably from spending too many years in front of loud guitar amps, a long time ago. Anyway, that apparently means that I probably have hearing loss for high frequencies. Consequently, I probably tend to set those parts a bit higher in the mix than I should. I think things are in balance, but they really aren’t. Anybody with normal hearing would hear the track as being out of balance. That’s not an excuse for how this track sounds, but it might be the explanation.
I actually had NO bass part on this track at all, but added a couple of layered bass tracks to the project pretty much at the last minute. I really never found bass sounds that I thought worked perfectly. The track got buddy real quick, even with compression. I ended up EQing the bass parts a lot to keep them focused and to keep the mix as clean as possible. But, it still was muddier than I had wanted. Clearly, I need to spend more time finding the right bass sounds.
Thanks again for the feedback. I really do appreciate it.