Description : I wanted this track to have a "Live" feel to it. Micky came through for me writing the name, lyrics , sang all the vocals and Mastered the track. The only loops are the Audience.
This psychedelic track was uploaded by Jynxz. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (11)
If you have time take a listen and give Jynxz some feedback.
J-Man!! what a knockout, it’s a cool departure from the star travels sound, but still completely recognizably you two even tho mickey’s not playing on this one. your instrumentation on this really takes the cake, esp that intro, and once you start poppin the bass the groove is insane. the outro section is stellar, i swear i was there that night. standing o’s to both a yez!!
I have a tendency to be more Psychedelic
When I write tracks for myself.
I didn't up till very recently discover that
Micky could sing. I generally use loops and sample
Vocals. When I told Micky I had written a track that
I wanted to sound "Live" He listened to it and said he
could make a Vocal track and do the Mastering on it I told him to "Do his thing" and he did. I'm very happy with the result of this collab.
Thanks for your listen and comments
Pseudoble nailed it. Zappesque indeed. I Felt Transported to the seventies with this one, and that's an alright place to be. nice ¨Live" touches. I have tried that before, a long time ago. Otherwise stellar work as usual my friend. I always look forward to listening to you and Mickey´s brew. This one was tasty.
I really enjoy making tracks with Micky.
Now that I know he can sing, it should open up
a whole new dynamic to our writing. I had actually
written this track with sample vocals at first but when
I found out that Micky did singing and lyrics I just gave
him the track and he added the Magic.
As always thank you for your listen and encouraging comments.
I've been collaborating with Micky for about a year
without realizing the vocals I thought were samples on the tracks we were doing and on the tracks he's done for himself and other LMer's most of the time were him.
It has been a blast working with Micky. I've learned a lot about the engineering side of music from him as well.
Micky and I have been collaborating for about a year.
I just found out he could sing a couple of weeks ago.
We are about the same age so, we have a similar musical background and tastes, even though we grew up 130,00km
away from each other. We have just been having a great
time making music.
As always thank you for your listen and encouraging words.
Wow, that's the difference with somebody who knows what they doing and somebody like me who is winging it a bit, cos I'm still learning, and struck lucky a couple of times, the whole production was flawless, every thing on point, would I buy my tracks, maybe? Would I buy yours, most definitely.
Impresionante tema, me gusta como suena desde la primera nota, las voces excepcionales, Micky tiene una gran voz y sabe como sacarle provecho, y lo hace de lujo. Las guitarras soberbias. Bien hecho amigo Jynxz. Me gusta mucho como te a quedado. Que tengas un gran día. Salud y paz para todos.
Description : OK, I finally managed to find a song name, so here it is. But the genre is still open. WTF is it? World? Trip? Trance? Rock? psychedelic? .
I started this song with the wahwah background track, I think I wanted to go in the triphop direction but when I played with it and tried out things I added some Tabla sounds from the available sound library of the cubase software to it, just to get a feel for it. It sounded right somehow, and so it developed from there. As before, we did the work on wikiloops band section: bhunt1 (Brian) on Bass added his track, and rp3drums (Raymond) on drums (one straight drum track, and one para-diddle track). I then added several more guitar tracks.
So I would be happy to listen to your comments and advice, and if I get a good suggestion for name and genre I will change it. Cheers, TG :D
Description : My actual track for X-mas. Too late again, as usual... But now just with a few days only instead months. :D It's enough stodgy, need some mood for enjoy, that's sure. Dunno where to put it. Fusion? Cinematic? Weird? Trash? :)
Like evrytime, the track contains only free loops from several Looperman artists. Merry Xmas, and Happy new year for everybody!
Applied loops (fully or partially):
LEOSMG: 0826182-0084977 (Pizzicato part1 - month of june),
0826182-0084976 (Pizzicato part2 - month of june),
DJ4REAL: 0102056-0018219 (oboelation),
0102056-0018220 (oboelation 2),
MIDISPARKS: 0479957-0053239 (underwater abstract harp 1),
LOOPFREAK: 0531700-0051978 (minor strings and harp),
FLONUT7: 1133675-0079482 (Happy Harpy 777),
DEEPKODE: 0862877-0067790 (Trance Pluck),
CENTRIST: 0079105-0053514 (Dark Hero Apocalyptic Drums 2),
PSYCHOTROPIC_CIRCLE: 0071878-0006976 (Clarinet Ensemble 124),
BLUEESKIES: 0907685-0067264 (Dreams),
ALIVIDLIFE: 0158799-0050009 (alividlife nonsufficient timpani orchestra C 133),
PLANETJAZZBASS: 0111346-0047909 (Epic 4),
DANKE: 0671112-0088234 (Drums of Mordor),
STERIXX: 0243518-0019002 (Rage Simple Bassdrum Loop),
BANANNAZ: 0298699-0041844 (Luv Choir 1),
WILOBOWSKI: 0321170-0027201 (piano phrase 4 bars),
DIGITALSKYY: 0562523-0046490 (Never Fall For a Romantic Heart Pt 6),
RASPUTIN1963 : 1564425-0088883 (deleted loop: Harp Arpeggios 1)
Description : Break up song of sorts lol. Vox, guitars and keys by Zootman. Beats and bass free Loopmasters demo. Words are (mostly) what I thought Damo Suzuki was singing on One More Night by Can. Instrumental or stems avail if anyone wants to play with it.
Description : Full Moon energy blasted through me big time. This track encompasses all those emotions about feeling lunarly de-railed. The lyric 'can't do it, won't do it' reflects the desire to step away from the norm, due to overwhelm.
The scream speaks for itself!
Please feel free to download from if you want to support our work. Many thanks, Oli&Kay
Description : Sung by me - bbrossas track for background
Saw this track on looperman and I had to make something.Please feel free to let me know what you think.
Open to suggestions. Thanks all :) I hope you enjoy!
Description : Psychedelic, Eastern, dark dance/jazz/fusion based around my cello playing plus minimal other instrumentation. Two sections of electric guitar, one of Fender Rhodes, one synth pad, some swirling female vocal samples and one sub synth bass. Apart from multiple drum loops and programmed acoustic drumkits, everything else is cello, including most of the weird sounds.
Description : Another mission in the vastness of the universe. "We don't know where, but we were there".
Jynxz: synths, fxs
Micky: production, guitar, fxs
I have a tendency to be more Psychedelic
When I write tracks for myself.
I didn't up till very recently discover that
Micky could sing. I generally use loops and sample
Vocals. When I told Micky I had written a track that
I wanted to sound "Live" He listened to it and said he
could make a Vocal track and do the Mastering on it I told him to "Do his thing" and he did. I'm very happy with the result of this collab.
Thanks for your listen and comments
totally a concert experience!
Thank you for your listen & comments
I really enjoy making tracks with Micky.
Now that I know he can sing, it should open up
a whole new dynamic to our writing. I had actually
written this track with sample vocals at first but when
I found out that Micky did singing and lyrics I just gave
him the track and he added the Magic.
As always thank you for your listen and encouraging comments.
Every element is clean and at the right place
I can feel that you had fun doing this and it makes me happy
I've been collaborating with Micky for about a year
without realizing the vocals I thought were samples on the tracks we were doing and on the tracks he's done for himself and other LMer's most of the time were him.
It has been a blast working with Micky. I've learned a lot about the engineering side of music from him as well.
Thank you for your listen and kind comments.
Man, you and Micky are inseparable musically.
This track is a result of two of the top musician.
Great track my friend.
Well done
Micky and I have been collaborating for about a year.
I just found out he could sing a couple of weeks ago.
We are about the same age so, we have a similar musical background and tastes, even though we grew up 130,00km
away from each other. We have just been having a great
time making music.
As always thank you for your listen and encouraging words.
I've enjoyed every track of yours I've heard.
In fact I learned a thing or two from your last track.
Trust me you got the gift.
Thank you for your listen and encouraging words.
I told Micky his Vocals and lyrics could be easily mistaken for The late great Zappa.
Thank you for your listen and comments.
I tried to comment on your latest track.
No luck, is that you or LM?
Thanks for your listen and encouraging words.
realmente agradezco su escucha y sus palabras de aliento.
PAZ Mi amigo...