Description : This track is a jazz/funk infused hip hop flavored idea I’ve been working on. It’s different than my usual but this was a total blast. Let’s hear your thoughts on this one. Enjoy
This funk track was uploaded by kingmt77. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (19)
If you have time take a listen and give kingmt77 some feedback.
Mark you have the ability to mix genre's with Jazz Feel like I've never heard. Your intro's always make me anticipate what's going to happen next. My kind of artistry and track. PEACE. T576 OUT.
What’s good Bill? Thanks for the visit and kind feedback. This one was a summertime experiment LOL! I really had a lot of fun putting this one together. Also that track I mentioned is titled “Locked And Loaded” and is uploaded and featured on the Loop. The traction on “When When” is what’s up. Stay Blessed. Peace.
Hello, a song that doesn't fit into any category because it combines so many genres. Well constructed, mixed and mastered. Nothing that bothers you. Really a treat. Great !!
Manuela I appreciate you and your stop, listen and feedback. A plethora of genres? Absolutely! The power and freedom of making music! Have an amazing day and Be safe.
damn, mark, you do put on a show bro! this is so wide-open and good at heart inviting yeah this is it. restless in all the right ways good instinct superb funk.
xstokes. Hey buddy! Thanks for stopping thru. The feedback you left on this track is received humbly. What you heard is what I set out to accomplish. The fave is appreciated too. Be safe and have a great weekend.
Maj! Man I’m ecstatic you’re back on the better side of things! Heart plumbing work at life’s pit stop is a great thing and you’re good for another million miles! Now on this track, the reception has been warm and your stop, listen, comments, and fave is like receiving a Grammy! I’m grateful for the time you’ve taken out for this visit my friend. Continue to be well, stay safe, and have an amazing weekend. Peace
Hi Mark and sorry for my late reaction.
1 thing is sure,you are a talent!!
I'm never disappointed with your tracks and I admire how the master of jazz tries a different style.
Jazz with scratch and rap and it goes very well together.
You know how to make music.
Rita hello. First off thanks for sharing your impressions and the fave on my track. This endeavor went better than expected. I played around with the idea for some time. And as it happens with me I’m working on something at the other end of the spectrum, then this comes from out of nowhere! I’m happy you really enjoyed the listen! Your comments and compliments are super encouraging. Be and stay safe Rita! :)!
This must be the Funky track you were talkin
about a while back.
You have to face the Funk
or your nose will grow. lol
Vocals?.?.? Stretchin out Ba-Ba.
Rob, I started to hit you up for the Jynxzetts to make a guest appearance! I’m glad you got the chance to listen and comment. Much gratitude for the fave too.
Far out, for me that bass and those drums are the star of the show. And the sax. Incredible. Love the jazz and funk sensibilities you bring to this masterclass. Has the feel of Super groove, an old NZ band I saw once and they were cooking too. Great stuff.
Zootman, greetings buddy. It’s great hearing from you. You’ve stopped by for a taste of hip hopping funk and that’s cool. Thanks for sharing what jumped out at you and gracious fave. I will check out Super Groove shortly. Be safe my friend.
Hello Mark,
woah man, my headphones have gotten hot ... I have to switch to the speakers, then the neighbors will benefit too. So much funkyness in one track ... just amazing. I have no idea how you get such a wicked rhythm section onto the track, but you're obviously a master of this class. Hats off!!!
Greetings Micky, I’m elated you got a chance to listen here and the funk hit you just right. I really had a total blast with this and the fact you enjoyed it is epic on many levels. Your compliments are received graciously. Be safe.
Michael I’m honored by your stop. For this track to be to your liking is an indicator my musical ideas are coming across well. I’ll keep working at it. Peace.
Incredible slap bass was not expecting the scratching, excellent percussion, and drumming, as well as that alto sax. nice reverb on the snare BTW. And a flute solo to boot. The spoken word had a "Tribe called Quest" feel to it as well mate. By 2:10 I was physically bobbing along and then the incredible keys. this is a nice piece of work, my friend. U get a fav at this point. Sick sax solo at the end. And we get a Funk declaration as well, then some jangly guitars and .....Fin.
Cru. It is great to know you could move and groove to this one. The spoken word was none other than Doodlebug from Digable Planets! I'm also happy you noticed my snare. A lot of work went into that sound. I'm totally honored by the fave as well. Take easy, my friend.
hey Mark please take this the right way you are a legend when it comes to jazz and brass, but this my dear friend is erm.....fooking brilliant sir, fuk that jaz keep it for your radio stations friday night slot bring me this shit anyday of the week, that scratch bro, you got me dancing my arse of im poppin and locking funky style even a bit of breaking, its midnight my windows are wide open its boiling hot and im dancing like i dont give a fuck, brilliant mate now this is music my style, faved for sure yea ha groovy
Paul, by no stretch of my imagination could I ever think that this is not your domain! Thanks for the feedback. I'm glad I passed the litmus test. Actually, I've got about an album's worth of ideas like this. Now it's onward and upward. I greatly appreciate the fave, but don't forget to smash that heart.
Hou. Lee. FOOK!!
I'm out of breath and I don't have enough exclamation marks. So... You really are Mark King of Level 42 and this is your new band? Tell me when you're playing live because I need tickets!!
BaoBou. Nothing like a good dose of that funk. For me it’s the jackhammer of creativity. Thanks for enjoying this endeavor and sharing it’s effects. I had more fun than the law allows! Peace.
Description : 'Love will find you at the right time'...This track is about how we vibrationally attract love. From my recollection, in the early 20s/teen years, a typical place to encounter this wonderful force was the Disco. (Kay)
'I always wanted to produce a funk and soul song, as I love the rhythms and vibe. I hope you like my first attempt at this. Many thanks to Darren Hirst for his great bassline' - Oli.
If you like our work, please find us under kayos2 on Bandcamp.
So, Do you wanna Dance?!
Description : This is kinda like a funky electro acoustic type thing. Definitely our funkiest piece yet, trying to explore a few different genres here, hopefully you enjoy it! :)
Description : I'm try something a lilbit defferents hope you enjoy & Keep on PLAY! Made on MixCraft 8Pro... (THIS IS FREE DOWNLOAD & USE FOR NON-COMMERCIAL... IF YOU WANT IT FOR COMMERCIAL USE YOU CAN BUY A LICENSE IN or contact me to my email..)
Description : Continuing my journey with sampling. This was mostly an accident, and not where I originally thought it would go but I'm happy with the destination. I started with the track Real Reel Switcher by Eunice Russ Frost, which has a slower melancholy swing to it, however I've been playing a bunch of older video games lately, with SSX being in the mix heavily, so this track ended up taking on a bit of that for inspiration as well. Would love your thoughts.
peace -._.-
Description : A Dark Funk tune , with a touch of Nawlin's jazz funeral procession. Midi-sparks asked me to do a Halloween song for his competition, and so here it is!
Description : It a funky tune and its purpose is to make you move your heads and your bodies to the rhythm. Made with Steinberg's free Sequel 3. I really hope you will enjoy it.
You can view the video on my YouTube channel.
Description : 3rd track of my future vocaloid album, Acerbus 2.Many thanks to Venuslove for the vocals, MrFunktastic for the Funk bass, Strings (left and right), and the robotic sound mainly at the beginning of the song. and Atlasblue for the Snares (sorry atlasblue that I couldn't include you in the title, only 50 characters allowed, thus I ran out of space)
Description : Updated 12/2/2022. This is an interesting redo of a funky and fun composition. I gave it more polish by switching to a different drum kit, swapped the flute solo for a synth, then infused more flavor into the guitars, bass and organ. Then lastly tweaking the final master. Can you tell the difference? Let me know. Enjoy.
Description : This is the first production for STAR TRAVELS in collaboration between MICKY (LM) and JYNXZ (LM).
Micky: concept / arrangement / guitars / synths / fx / vocals / mix / mastering
Jynxz: synths / bass / rhodes / clavinet
Description : Everything is recorded live, so you probably hear that. It's also all me :$
Thanks to everyone who contributed in explaining what I did wrong in the engineering, mixing and mastering, especially Ben (bringerofDOOM). Looperman is truly an awesome community and thank you all. Did I say you guys are awesome?
Now also with a clip on !
Greetings Manu
No doubt...a masterpiece !!!
Splendidly structured with brilliant buildup.
Well done mate.
1 thing is sure,you are a talent!!
I'm never disappointed with your tracks and I admire how the master of jazz tries a different style.
Jazz with scratch and rap and it goes very well together.
You know how to make music.
This must be the Funky track you were talkin
about a while back.
You have to face the Funk
or your nose will grow. lol
Vocals?.?.? Stretchin out Ba-Ba.
Great track. Faved..
PEACE from the East...
woah man, my headphones have gotten hot ... I have to switch to the speakers, then the neighbors will benefit too. So much funkyness in one track ... just amazing. I have no idea how you get such a wicked rhythm section onto the track, but you're obviously a master of this class. Hats off!!!
I'm out of breath and I don't have enough exclamation marks. So... You really are Mark King of Level 42 and this is your new band? Tell me when you're playing live because I need tickets!!