Description : This is another Jazz/Funk composition. My brother on the Loop, BaoBou was kind enough to grace this track with his fire on guitar. Also, as a result of his contribution, I got inspired and added even more funk into the mix. Enjoy.
This funk track was uploaded by kingmt77. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (32)
If you have time take a listen and give kingmt77 some feedback.
Hi there kingmt77, this track certainly has funk written all over it, got the hallmarks of Bootsy Collins on bass and Jabo on the drums from JamesB days of funk and soul......those were the days. This is an excellent track my friend.
Greetings Glenn. You definitely get an A PLUS in JB funkology! And agreed. Those days were pure gold. Thanks for giving your thoughts and high compliments. Peace.
It is funk, it is jazz it is gorgeous. Excellent keys and strings here, not to mention the brass and the drums. Very well done.
My best wishes, Anthony
Hey Anthony! Thank you for the stop, listen and huge compliments. Its really big you throughly enjoyed what you heard. Have an awesome and safe weekend.
It's Happiness that this popped back into the Featured Tracks Category. My sentiments are the same as the first time I heard this; only THIS time I almost broke my back attempting to dance in front of my mirror like Mr. James Brown. Kids, don't try this at home! LOL
Mykael ok youre gonna need some Icy Hot! LOL! You know better! Thank so much for swinging back through and sharing your impressions. Its good this listen was just as good as the first one. Peace.
Hey Mark, Funky, Funky, FUNKY! I thought at any moment James Brown's spirit may resurrect itself and say "Maceo Whut Da People Say? Ha!." BaoBou also laid down some tasty guitar for the track, and I really liked the killer synth solo that kicked in around 3:41. Meets my seal of Funk Approval, U Da Man!
YOD ! Your stop made my day. I was about to send the hounds after you LOL! I trust all is well with you. So my sentiments on your JB and Maceo comment is this. IN ORDER TO PLAY THIS KINDA FUNK, WE GOTTA GET OL SKOOLED IN JB OLOGY! Thank for your reaction and fave! We must get caught up my friend! Peace.
Greetings, Now this was a interesting piece to listen to. I did dig the jazzy and funkie vibes though. Prety catchy indeed. So well done. Have a good one, Verdi
lol... Mark you are too funny!...I guess my sultry vocals is my get out of jail card once they hear me singing...Thanks for the smile on my face my friend. Seriously though, you and bao should collab more often if this Masterpiece is anything to go by. Have a Blessed start to your week ahead :)
Right Right but before your release you should shoot your video and have the prisoners sing back up then when you hit them and the guards with the warden with all that sultryness. The prisoners will become productive citizens the prison bars will melt and then and only then you are free to go haha LOL! You feel me? Be Blessed my friend.
I could have sworn I commented this one but obviously not. The beginning made me feel like I wanted to throw on my long leather shaft style coat and pretty heels and strut like a bad@ss boss-lady lol
Seriously though FANTASTIC! collab here bring on the funk. Top! Work! Stay Blessed!
Ok Lady Shaft! Go ahead and GET DOWN! I C U! And yes you can use this as your theme soundtrack LOL! Now on to another topic Yep about DRUNK! You need to be arrested and thrown under the jail for all that sultryness on your vocals! You know youre so wrong for that! Top notch talent and performance from you my friend! Keep it up. Be safe.
Funk with a capital F - puts me inmind of 'Get on up/Sex Machine' by James Brown - great synergistic blend from the two of you - a very dynamic duo! Kay
Kay! Just so happens I cut my FUNK teeth on SEX Machine back in the garage band days. Its good this collab proved to be a decent listen for you. The compliments and fave is appreciated always. Peace.
Hey Rick! It’s huge having a fellow funkster stop by. You smiled? My mission is complete! The compliments are over the top. Let’s keep it going. Peace.
JohnSmokey. It's good you stopped by. So I'll tell you The Oceans reference is a big compliment. I just listened to "NYC Larceny" from Oceans 8. I get what you mean. Thanks for sharing your perspective. Peace.
Thanks a lot for incorporating my noodling! I love that by shifting the whole thing one beat it became even more funky.
The whole thing is a masterpiece as usual. The horns here are off the chart btw.
Love it and thanks for letting me be a part of it!
BaoBou!!!!! Really? HAHA, gimme a truckload of those "NOODLES" anytime my friend! Your contribution here set this one just right. You caught that beat shift move, huh? Yep, on the beat or off the beat I don't care, just as long as it's funkier! I did the same with the bass too, BTW. Peace.
Hey Mark, hope every thing is going well for you. Just want to say, I agree with you on bringer's reply on this one. With out textures there is no element of surprise in a song. I consider song form and textures one in the same. I try to keep my distance between predictable moves in Jazz productions, and who's going to listen to a track that they know what's going to happen from minute to minute. The door to perfection is eternally open to musicians, which is why we are able to endlessly create. You proved this on this track. PEACE. T576 OUT.
Bill. It’s always big when you stop through. You, just like me……….. share the same thoughts on the element of surprise. And that is the life and excitement of what we do. Thanks for the time you’ve taken to share your thoughts. Your compliments are received humbly. Peace
I'm liking the 8 bit foley. Nice guitar solo (and keys later), very fitting. It does feel a bit sparse at times (in the first 2 or 3 min), like you are not finished, but you gotta be careful, the cost of perfection is infinite.
bringer, thanks for stopping by and sharing your observations and fave. BaoBou's solo was the missing link, and it's good you enjoyed his work. Now, what you call "sparse" I call "texture". Every textured moment was intentional and the setup for the next soloist. We have to remember that "less is more" is a strategy, especially in funk. My belief is that we are never really finished at this phase of what we are doing musically. Our ability to hear and express what we do musically should increase daily and only over time we get closer to perfection. Why? We all have our own definition of what true perfection is really all about. TTYL
Kirkoid, what's up with you? I'm glad for the stop through. Thanks for sharing your appreciation for this one. Take it easy, and I'll catch you on the next go around.
Hey Mark! Just back from a long trip, so please excuse my recent absence. Knew I needed to swing by and see what you've been up to. As always, the funky man with the funky music had something new.
Most folks have been remarking on the composition so I'll just mention that the mix is absolutely pristine! As always, every little element is SO well balanced with every other. The drums are especially punchy and forward while never being overwhelming. Oh and I just lived for that slippy/slidey synth solo around 4:20.
Cam, thanks for stopping through. It is good to know that all is well with you. Seriously, the funk is impossible to shake. Also, sharing your perspective is just the type of feedback I need to continually hone my skills. The compliments are appreciated big time.
Well, what can I say about that? I think everything has been said! All thumbs up! Great piece. I feel like I've been transported back to the 80s in an old jazz and blues basement by Phladelphia. Someone has already written here. James Brown would be delighted. Nice funky sounding instruments. Great !!!!!!!! Greetings Manuela
Manuela, greetings. It’s good you’ve stopped by. Agreed this one is saturated with that 80’s funk vibe. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on how this track hit you. Your compliments are greatly appreciated.
2nickB. What's up? I'm happy you got the chance to hear my latest creation and give your opinion. I uploaded every phase of the process, 8 in total trying out different ideas, editing, etc. Furthermore, I'm pleased with how this turned out, as I was able to take everything I've learned over time and apply it here. Be safe.
hyperactive, hell, hyperbolic af attack of the 50-piece jazzfunk arkestra sun ra left a burning fragment of behind upon his return to saturn.
you’re reaching for the mythic and nailing it, man!
DANG! xstokes it's like that? Sun Ra? Ok, that's way, way up there! But really, there's absolutely no limit to what we can do musically. If we're willing to learn and apply those lessons, we can achieve what we could only dream about a short while ago. THX, much for the thumbs up and fave. Go ahead and have that awesome weekend, and I'll catch you on the next go round.
Mr. James Brown would definitely APPROVE!!! I hate to say it, but it's true...many folks on this platform (and others) totally miss the mark when it comes to FUNK music. They don't understand the language. From the very beginning your intro sets the stage...the horns are so in the pocket. Then the funky guitar and baseline come together and it is magic. As if all that wasn't enough, you throw in jazz influenced keys. The percussion is sitting right where it should be... I hate that horns are not as predominant in music as they were in the 70's. It is so refreshing it hear a horn section arrangement done as flawlessly as you have here. The synth is Currrrazzzy. There is nothing NOT to like with this polished version. Well done, you!!!!
Mykael, first off it’s been a minute and it’s good you stopped through. Your critique hit pretty much everything I was attempting to say. James Brown’s music has permanently effected me. PERMANENTLY! From his arranging chops to mastering that “On The 1” groove and everything in between. I’m with you on horn arrangements. There’s nothing like that sound . I’m happy this hit right. Thanks for sharing everything you enjoyed here. Be safe and stay cool.
Goodmorning Mark.
I just wake up and the first thing that i do is get my coffee and most of the times listen to music.
This morning it is your track.
A nice funky wake up and that intro is so cool.
That high guitar sound ohh my god !!
then the piano and sax and everything so smooth into eachother.
I dont know how you do it but you are the king of jazz thats for sure.
Hey RitaJustBouncyRita! So if I’m hearing you correctly, this was a “Top of the morning caffeine hit FUNK”. I’m glad you got your day kicked off just right with this one. I concentrated on creativity by jacking that nostalgic JB swag. That section you mentioned with the Rhodes and sax I swapped with The Jimi Hendrix flavored solo, so we could chill after that outrageous synth solo. The feedback and compliments are extremely valuable. The fave is received graciously. As always, be safe and have an peaceful and enjoyable weekend my friend.
love that muffled intro then the breakthrough, it reminds me of the intro to an Avalanches track 'since i left you' that Ian put me on to, although its totally different genre, and the intro is longer also but similar start
great changes throughout mate but my previous comment is still valid no need to repeat just quality. hope you liked the Avalanches link :)) gorgeous track and vid
Paul Thx. Every track is a learning experience for me. Some of the changes were subtle but this was a big achievement in every aspect. I appreciate you taking out the time for another listen. Your feedback is extremely helpful for sure. Be safe.
Lovely warm organic sound and the funkiest thing I can ever remember hearing - every instrument is brimming with such smooth funk and the sound is gorgeous right up to and including the ringing cymbal on the outro. The only thing I wanted was some finger clicks for a bar or so right at the start. Masterful. : )
What’s up Ian? Thanks for stopping through. So the high point for me here was achieving that proper low mid range and upper low range sweet spot. Example, my kick beater makes a slight click when it comes in contact with the drum head. That nuance put me in my happy place. Anyway I appreciate your encouraging comments and fave. Have a great rest of your week and stay safe.
secondnature1. Correct! As a matter of fact, It's James fault that I do this type of stuff, LOL! So now someone has to fill in for him here. I greatly appreciate the feedback. Have a peaceful week and stay safe.
I was about to say "Mark does lo-fi".
Then the Tower of Power showed up. Syncopation is a understatement, I knew the Drums were going to be "Nasty Funky" on this one and you delivered.
The Keys were extra tasty especially @ 2:34ish.
The outro is smokin.
This track definitely has a spot in your top five.
Great Track. Faved..
PEACE from the East...
Rob! Yup! If our brother dimestop can do pop, you better believe I'm doing lo-fi! At least a few bars worth, LOL:). Nasty drums? Absolutely! Remember, I started playing Mama's pots and pans on the kitchen floor. Thanks for your continued support. It means a lot. TTYL
Nice filtered intro. cool entrance. love the g-tar, cute synth underneath then the organ with that brass is sublime. Cool Mix. percussion add-ons are a treat, this is a masterclass. After that old school synth solo, the guitar tone was awesome. was it a vst amp? Cool waka wakas at the end, and then gone. I like that ending. great job as usual.
Cru, music is one of life's simple pleasures that causes us
to fall in love with it over and over again. I'm thankful every time you stop by and share your thoughts. Everything you heard is what I intended to convey. I'm glad you enjoyed the listen. Be safe.
Fantastic stuff Mark. I was just about to ask if you needed a guitar solo and then I heard you actually found Jimi Hendrix around 3:25 :D
Awesome as always!
Yo BaoBou, I've been working on this one for a couple of days and just yesterday I finally locked the groove in. I'm gonna work on the syncopation a little more. And yep, if you want to drop your fire guitar on this, I'll fire Jimi and give the spot to you. Thank you for your time and comments, We're having way too much fun :)! Be safe.
nice swing in that intro, then drop into that funky groove, its got bounce, love the twinkle of keys and the tamborine and shaker the delicate cynbal make a mark, pardon the pun, just the right loudness same with the hat, the guitar is fly and the brass is always standout with you, like the wah wah feel at theoutro great job mate faved
Paul, I appreciate the stop and listen. It is good this groove resonated with you to the degree you gave it a fave. It's far from done. I got more funk to inject into it. A little adding here and trimming there, then we'll be finished. P.S. I'm serious...... Dem contract boys coming straight for you. Your tracks keep a smile on my face. Have a great evening and stay safe.
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peace -._.-
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Thanks to everyone who contributed in explaining what I did wrong in the engineering, mixing and mastering, especially Ben (bringerofDOOM). Looperman is truly an awesome community and thank you all. Did I say you guys are awesome?
Now also with a clip on !
My best wishes, Anthony
I could have sworn I commented this one but obviously not. The beginning made me feel like I wanted to throw on my long leather shaft style coat and pretty heels and strut like a bad@ss boss-lady lol
Seriously though FANTASTIC! collab here bring on the funk. Top! Work! Stay Blessed!
The whole thing is a masterpiece as usual. The horns here are off the chart btw.
Love it and thanks for letting me be a part of it!
I think BaoBou was my first collaborator...
Faved, keep it up.
Most folks have been remarking on the composition so I'll just mention that the mix is absolutely pristine! As always, every little element is SO well balanced with every other. The drums are especially punchy and forward while never being overwhelming. Oh and I just lived for that slippy/slidey synth solo around 4:20.
Hope all is well with you and yours!
you’re reaching for the mythic and nailing it, man!
I just wake up and the first thing that i do is get my coffee and most of the times listen to music.
This morning it is your track.
A nice funky wake up and that intro is so cool.
That high guitar sound ohh my god !!
then the piano and sax and everything so smooth into eachother.
I dont know how you do it but you are the king of jazz thats for sure.
great changes throughout mate but my previous comment is still valid no need to repeat just quality. hope you liked the Avalanches link :)) gorgeous track and vid
Then the Tower of Power showed up. Syncopation is a understatement, I knew the Drums were going to be "Nasty Funky" on this one and you delivered.
The Keys were extra tasty especially @ 2:34ish.
The outro is smokin.
This track definitely has a spot in your top five.
Great Track. Faved..
PEACE from the East...
to fall in love with it over and over again. I'm thankful every time you stop by and share your thoughts. Everything you heard is what I intended to convey. I'm glad you enjoyed the listen. Be safe.
Awesome as always!