Description : UPDATED 01/03/2023 better volume level
hi guys this is my comeback song, never let them haters beat you.
as you know ive not been around much having gained a successful job and giving that all my attention. ive some catching up to do
this is to CreativeStudios great track The Ride, see what ive done :)). its 5 mins plus. thanks for letting me loose on it Jan.
This pop track was uploaded by dimestop. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (34)
If you have time take a listen and give dimestop some feedback.
impressive production level on this. reminds me of local radio station tunes from the late 90s. that switch up at 1 min caught me off guard but it's definitely a nice flow. Vocals reminds me of Gorillaz/Fat Boy Slim. Fresh
Great track Dimestop, just jumped on to upload a new one and saw you got another track up. Awesome. Sounds like you've been working hard on your mixing skills! really nicely balanced my dude, great effort :) Love your splattering of poetry-esque vocals as well - James
cheers bro, nice to see you around. thanks for stopping off and listening/ i just nailed a really good job gonna be a grandfather again my 4th and outshone all my old colleagues, most were haters, and got an extra 15k on my salary, so i wrote a song, why not eh James, i really are having the ride of my life
cheers mate just commented on your latest nice to have you back around, lifes going well for me. ive done a few since you were around few rap tracks too but happy to see you again bro hope lifes treating you well
I think it's really nice when your own children praise their parents. I totally agree with your kids too. You are a very good songwriter and your singing is getting better and better. Greetings and have a nice weekend Manuela
thanks Manu, im an extremely proud man and proud of my children and my grandchildren and you too are a proud person and parent and it shows your tight knit family, you, Angelica, Claudia, all super talent, have a great weekend i will, not back in till Tuesday.
The instrumental is so groovy and your vox is so unique. It brings a unique and distinguished vibe to the track. I enjoyed it all the way through. Good work, pal.
thankyou bro, nice to see you around. the music from fellow loppers CreativeStudios was great. lifes going well for me so why not sing about it. will check your latest later and drop a comment Modnex. i love skittles so looking forward to it with a bag of no shells too :))
Hey Paul, the song IS good! There are just a few ways to perfect it even more. This has absolutely nothing to do with good or bad! And your songs prove that you can sing too. In Germany they say "Don't put your light under a bushel" Maybe this saying also exists in England? Greetings Manuela
Manu your support is super cool and we have that saying too in the UK. we say don't hide your light under a bushel which is a proverb taken from the sermon on the mount, meaning don't hide your hidden talents or your beliefs and identity, i never ever thought i would sing my parents said i was tone deaf :)) and yeah it was scary for you all at first but i have improved with all the advice and feedback, my kids just hear their dad too, George doesn't mind the rapping but both Cara and George just cant get the singing ha ha, they don't think im rubbish, just the fact im 57 and their dad, but they both think im a good song writer so ive still got hope of being an absolute superstar, in my own bedroom. :))))
Hello Paul, you've improved a lot on your song in the meantime. The volume of your vocals is now perfectly matched to the music and the backing. However, I would actually keep the lead vocals more in the middle. In the first part you wandered a little too much over the canals for my taste. This is distracting when listening. After all, your lyrics should also be taken into account. So, you in the middle and everything else can then pose around you and also wander around you. Because what you have to say is the most important thing. You are the content, the soul. Everything else is the coat, which can also be very beautiful.*smile I hope you understand me. Kind regards Manuela And of course: GREAT WORK my friend
thanks for giving it another listen Manuela, you know how much i value your opinion. there's still so much for me to learn but i'll persevere. keep keeping on at me, with suggestions and your thoughts, its valuable. constructive critique is vital for improvement and you being a great singer is a plus for me, im sort of just winging it, i shouldn't call myself a singer really im not very good but i do write a good song though.
i fully understand what your saying the vocal and drums should be central and the instruments left and right. hopefully my next track will be better this weekend maybe?
Hi Paul back with a bang! Its a bit funkier than your usual stuff but certainly as powerful! Flowing lyrics as ever and a nice fit over the funky backing! Very well well done sir!
thanks sp, nice to see you around. i appreciate your listen. ive done a few different genres now. i like a good roast but synth pop and three chord changes, i had to come up with something different, i was happy with the transitions. i'll be on your new track a little later mate, expect a comment :))
Hi Paul, been a while but this was a treat. Love your raps in this, you know you are a very good lyricist. Glad to read that things are going so well for you. I've had a pretty damn good couple of months myself. Looking forward to a bit more looperman time now hopefully.
thanks so much Chris, lovely warm comment. its great to here you've had a goodtime of late, im sure like me you wish good luck on everyone, its such a nice feeling knowing things feel right, hopefully it continues for us. its great to see you about and new material, ive already listened and commented on it class bro.
What a comeback. The changes peaked my curiosity to listen completely. Really nice groove. I was feeling it from beginning to end. I can understand every word of the vocal. Great mix and overall sound. PEACE. T576 OUT.
thanks so much for your listen and comment, ive had a tough 6 months since i walked out of my old job at 56, this was to show i was not finished i have now gained a new roll and out performed all my old colleagues most were haters, and got an extra 15k to boot too bloody right im having the ride of my life :)) just commented on your beautiful classical piece too, stunning bro
Hi Paul nice to have you back and im so happy for you how life is going now for you.
You know how much respect i have for you and the guts to start singing to your beats
The beginning was difficult and scary but you persevered.
You did something with the advice you received and that's how your voice improved every time.
this is another beautiful track.
It is true that the sound fluctuates but I know very well how difficult it is to get everything right and which plugins to use. With even more advice from more experienced you will eventually succeed.
I have every confidence in that.
You learn fast, you're a perseverant, you've got guts and you don't give a shit about the haters.
Just keep it up !!
Hello Rita great to see you. i wasnt happy with the volume im messing to much with plugins whilst practising, sometimes my ears bleed, and i just say sod it. i used to be scared of my voice now im f#cking sick of it :))) when im doing the mastering. i'll get there eventually. thanks for the warm feedback and your continued support. this is what building a community is all about having faith in each other and only wanting the best for everyone positivity is lacking these days because of the global situation so im spreading some here albeit personal to me. hope your good lady.
Smells like a flower all right! Keep grooving, brother, you are nowhere near finished. I’m feeling this like mad — hell yes, publish them lyrics!
Life’s been a bit of hell on wheels, but with this in my ears everythings right now. Good to see yez, Paul!
Michael hell on wheels now theres a song title, hope your good tho bro, much love from this side of the Atlantic. got a great new job, gonna be a grandad for the 4th time. glad this was good for you, i feel as happy as i sound, great to see you about
Hi Paul, I have the feeling that with the special kind of your voice and your vocals it's somehow always ok for me. Sometimes I think, what the heck ... at one point the voice is too far forward, then at another point it is too quiet and then just right again. I would say that you really can't go wrong, you are ALWAYS an original. This track is another example of that.
Cheers from Micky
Hi Micky thanks for your kind feedback, im still learning on the engineering side. was not totally happy with the volume levels, had 3 limiters on just messed to much and got fed up :))) but WTF im enjoying myself. your comment is always a plus mate thankyou.
Really nice song. I'd put my vocals in the centre where the bass and drums are. If that's your style great, but I'd kinda remind people with an empty of loose beginning space to tell them where you're starting. Other than that I loved the groove and feel love it gave!
Hallo Paul, auch ich freue mich sehr darüber, dass du zurück bist mit einem neuen Song. Es geht ja schon fast in Richtung soul. Sehr anspruchsvoll. Aber auch ich habe den Eindruck, wie auch Wayne, dass der Mix noch nicht richtig stimmt. Da fehlt noch die richtige Balance. Der Gesang ist manchmal zu sehr in den Vordergrund gerückt, dadurch wird der musikalische Hintergrund, der den Gesang ja eigentlich stützen soll, zu sehr eingeschränkt. Alles für sich alleine ist okay. Aber zusammen ist es noch nicht so richtig ausgewogen. Ich würde am Mixing noch etwas arbeiten. Es sind vielleicht nur Kleinigkeiten, die aber eine große Wirkung haben können. Vielleicht würde es auch helfen, instrumente und Stimmen im raum anders zu verteilen. Wenn sich zum Beispiel unterschiedliche Vocals alle zusammen in der Mitte befinden, dann vermischen sie sich in der menschlichen Wahrnehmung. Ordnest du sie aber räumlich nebeneinander an, dann sind sie für das menschliche Ohr auch besser zu unterscheiden. Probiers einfach aus. Aber bitte immer nur kleine Änderungen vornehmen und die alte version immer abspeichern. Das macht zwar mehr arbeit aber du kannst den Unterschied hören, weil du vergleichen kannst. Das menschliche Gehör ist sehr schnell überstrapaziert und gewöhnt sich daher auch schnell an alles. Liebe Grüße Manuela
thanks for the listen and feedback Manuela, its important you listening your pro. i keep trying new things and knew the volume was not were i would of preferred but its a learning curve and not doing much music as the new job has my full attention as it should, i need to do more research on production techniques, so for the meantime just switch the volume down :)) your opinion is always valued too. your an assetto the community, hope your good regards paul
So the new job is working out? Always a refreshing new beginning when starting a new job. Hope it all works out Paul!
This has a cool, pop, refreshing feel. The transition or change at 2:10 was nice.
My suggestion when you mix it to watch the threshold on your compressor on the master track. I usually have mine around 11. Then I use a limiter to gain after the compressor. If you put your threshold too low on that compressor, you make all the tracks get the same level and loud, too loud and too congested. Use the limiter to get the loudness while keeping a good level on the instruments with a decent threshold.
thanks for the stop and feedback Wayne, im still a little raw with production but trying new things all the time. i used a limiter on the vocal tracks and two on the master its getting the balance right though, i use fruity loops and although theres a few stock compressors, i dont think they are brilliant, i'll keep practising, your advice is priceless mate and always makes sense
If I understood your response to me, you said you are 57 today?...If so, Happy Birthday! fella, you're still in your prime :) and AWW congrats! on becoming a grandfather again. It's a blessing indeed, we should count our blessings & I give thanks for mine always!
thanks Angel yep im the birthday boy today, 57. having the ride of my life, hence the song, real positive start to the year, and who doesnt like grandkids, im blessed
love it Paul its nice to see you uploading again! I took a little hiatus myself its nice taking a step back you know. Your versatility as a producer is inspiring to say the least keep up the good work. :)
thanks for the comment Lyle, just got a new job so thats were all my attention was and is at the moment, but i love music so will keep going as i settle in my new surroundings then im back regular
Ok I see you. Your beats are truly becoming next level. Have u ever tried rapping? Man I wish I hade confidence on my vocals just in the beat making. Good stuff bro
hey Paul :) nice that you put out new stuff. those dreamy pop urban beat comes in tight with your vox. i really love your greedy edit on yor vocals. you change your flow like a chamelon on this. fck them haters. i recently split up from my band , they wanted to do generic pop shit with evil people and no politics involved,. its hard to find your own thing today and your track gives me a lot of vibe. i really love your line" smell at the flower, plough and deflower. it´s what im feeling all the time in society. i was sad for a long time. but i grew older and im 30 now. i can accept reality. i reall ylove the end section (3.50) when the beat is a bit mellow and your vox can shine bright. i love when you go up in the register, and i can feel all the pain. im glad that your my mate as well. you were the first to welcome me here on looperman and cheered me up to go my own way. love from a banana
thanks for such a nice comment Lu, we are lucky social media can be very fickle, but here in featured we seem to have struck lucky and get along fine. music is our bond, the super talented people here are unbelievable, of which you are one. splits happen for the right reason eventually, so dont beat yourself up, your great solo fam. keep thinking positive, if you dont believe in yourself, who else will. your a firm favourite among us because your original, i remember your introduction, i was like wow, this guy is nobody but himself.
Jansmusic provided the music that was not me i only added overdrive and a couple of fx to the master. i was happy with the overall job 3 big changes. im in a good place at the moment Lu so heres a little goodluck from me hope it rubs off. be you bro f#uck the haters, we always here
Woo Hoo - nice one Paul, in terms of feedback, I think eveyone already has it covered - great to hear you giving such a ballsy delivery, great mix of styles in the vocal delivery and fits really really well with the tune, great lyrics, you keep getting better and better at this, etc. The only thing I'd say that might be worth thinking about is the mix sounds a little loud - but having said that I dont think it's clipping - I mean that's what the volume knob is for hey. :)
haha i usually set my master volume at 3/4, i like to here stuff, but i might have to put it to 1/2. all my levels were fine the volume knob is easier though :)) i enjoyed this one mate, im pretty pleased with myself getting the new job, good salary, and perks, and plenty early finishes. it has 3 changes in the song so it was a test to try something new synth pop start to rap. thats what i told Jan i was thinking of doing. hopefully more inspiration will come, lifes positive at the minute for me personally, the economy is still f#cked though like everywhere really
Paul....... Welcome back mate. So let's jump right in. Man, this is genius on so many levels. The switch-ups @ 0.57, 2.07, and 3:16 sets this one out there like a mixtape! And you know I'm a connoisseur of baked in creativity. The mix is crisp, and the vocal effects and layering is excellent. I really like the string arrangement running in the background. And finally, judging from that solid brick waveform...... you put the business on your master track. Well done mate. Peace.
thanks Mark, it was a tricky task to try, the three parts had a big switch but were connected and my vocal had to reflect that, i wanted a clean smooth transition between them, i think i done ok, the music was Jansmusic, was a catchy synth pop, i kept it the same. its promotes positivity, believe in you. and yes i am as happy as i sound
cheers for the listen Michael, its all about believing in yourself, only you can really change, strengthening mental health with positives about yourself. just because im 57 doesn't mean im finished, ive got tonnes of drive, if people say i cant do that, i'll go out and show them i can. why do you think i sing :)))))
This is a really NICE! tune it has that feeling of spring or summer feeling but also of hope & you are absolutely ~SHINING~ on this & telling it like it is which is something I do. The upbeat energy on this is awesome!! your riding the on the wave of joy it seems. BTW, congrats on your new job well done you! on your achievements.
Haters?...there are overt and covert ones like snakes in the grass who smile in your face then slander you with gossip and lies behind your back. The best revenge I have found is to be happy no matter what they say or do, most of it's based on lies and pure jealousy, If this happens, at least I know I'm doing something right lol...Hate is the complement of fear and copycats have no imagination is something my uncle use to say. Keep up the great work...Your Happiness! of your achievement is overflowing in this track and infectious, it's lovely to hear. Well done! indeed.
thanks Angel, im happy just being me. ive out performed all the snakes. im 57 on Saturday, secured a very rewarding job onsite engineer gonna be a grandad again in 6 months, im having the ride of my life, why not sing about it. thanks for stopping by Angel, massive respect for you as you know
thanks mate im settling in at my new place so aint about much at the minute but i'll start up again regular soon, me and you again too mate. thanks for the listen bro
That's really good Paul. And this is Looperman, no haters here, only lovers :)
Check the level of the vocals btw, they might be slightly in the red and I think you can bring them down quite a bit to make them a bit smoother. Good luck buddy!
ive tweaked the vocals down thank you bro, the haters were the people in my last company, thought i was finished, not me, out performed them all and got a great job and an extra 15 bags for the pleasure, im smiling :))
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Seems like you were using some cool effects.
i fully understand what your saying the vocal and drums should be central and the instruments left and right. hopefully my next track will be better this weekend maybe?
You know how much respect i have for you and the guts to start singing to your beats
The beginning was difficult and scary but you persevered.
You did something with the advice you received and that's how your voice improved every time.
this is another beautiful track.
It is true that the sound fluctuates but I know very well how difficult it is to get everything right and which plugins to use. With even more advice from more experienced you will eventually succeed.
I have every confidence in that.
You learn fast, you're a perseverant, you've got guts and you don't give a shit about the haters.
Just keep it up !!
Life’s been a bit of hell on wheels, but with this in my ears everythings right now. Good to see yez, Paul!
Cheers from Micky
This has a cool, pop, refreshing feel. The transition or change at 2:10 was nice.
My suggestion when you mix it to watch the threshold on your compressor on the master track. I usually have mine around 11. Then I use a limiter to gain after the compressor. If you put your threshold too low on that compressor, you make all the tracks get the same level and loud, too loud and too congested. Use the limiter to get the loudness while keeping a good level on the instruments with a decent threshold.
Hope that makes sense.
Cool track!
If I understood your response to me, you said you are 57 today?...If so, Happy Birthday! fella, you're still in your prime :) and AWW congrats! on becoming a grandfather again. It's a blessing indeed, we should count our blessings & I give thanks for mine always!
Best! wishes to you and enjoy your day.
these too are sort of linked double A side
Jansmusic provided the music that was not me i only added overdrive and a couple of fx to the master. i was happy with the overall job 3 big changes. im in a good place at the moment Lu so heres a little goodluck from me hope it rubs off. be you bro f#uck the haters, we always here
Haters?...there are overt and covert ones like snakes in the grass who smile in your face then slander you with gossip and lies behind your back. The best revenge I have found is to be happy no matter what they say or do, most of it's based on lies and pure jealousy, If this happens, at least I know I'm doing something right lol...Hate is the complement of fear and copycats have no imagination is something my uncle use to say. Keep up the great work...Your Happiness! of your achievement is overflowing in this track and infectious, it's lovely to hear. Well done! indeed.
It is really captivating my friend.
You've come a long way, Paul.
Well, Done mate.
Check the level of the vocals btw, they might be slightly in the red and I think you can bring them down quite a bit to make them a bit smoother. Good luck buddy!