Description : HAPPY NEW YEAR PEEPS!!
A friend told me how she honoured her late father by building a playlist of his favourite songs, a song every day for 49 days.
I thought that was a beautiful thought, and then unfortunately, not too long after, I lost my good friend Jean.
This then, is for both. Hope you guys like it and recognise the emotions.
I'm not a fan of Christmas songs and I've long wanted to write an anti-Christmas song... This afternoon I suddenly had a piano riff that became a song. Sometimes songs come easy and you know instinctively what you want to do with them, I guess... and sometimes an anti-Christmas song turns into a Christmas song :)
...with a little surprise at the end for all my lovely friends here at Looperman. Keep listening!!
Description : Some time ago I met the wonderful poet Yasmin on an open mic night. I'm usually not the biggest fan of poems on such occasions but hers was different - it was very long but also excellent and I knew right away I wanted to sing it.
Yasmin very graciously allowed me to use her poem, which is called "4 seasons"; this is what I made for "Autumn". I hope you'll like it - I hope you'll agree the poem is something special.
Description : First fixes are in. More to follow.
The song feels to me a bit like it could be on stage in a musical. It's a bit theatrical... I like it, but the next one might well be a rock song ;)
It's also clearly rather rough (let's call it a "live" feel) but I need to get it out there to clear my mind because there are other songs that want to come out :)
All instruments & vocals recorded live at home, without samples.
I will probably deploy some fixes over the next days...
Description : To get myself going again, after a track with an acapella, here's me going crazy (and fairly unfiltered) on the instruments. Just having fun - it's not perfect, but I hope it has loads of energy and makes your toes curl and your nose twitch (or vice versa).
Description : W000000000000000000000000000000t!!!
With a mastering masterclass by the awesome Manuela and Angelica!! Give it another listen and be astounded - my track suddenly has bass!
Inspired by a challenge: "make a track that has a sick, groovy, funky, massive, dirty, retro, pumping or hypnotic bass line. Keep it between 100 and 150bpm."
Oh! And this is also partially inspired by a track by xstokes that's itself quite different :)
Description : Another track on the upcoming EP... several of you have already added my account on your Spotify or iTunes or Deezer or Sneezer or whatever they're called and thank you so much, keep doing that please!
Oh! And if you are on Spotify... spam your track to mne here and I add you to my playlist!
Description : This track is now remastered and will be out on streaming platforms soon. If you could go to the spotifies and itunes and see if you can find my account and follow it... that would be MASSIVELY appreciated (heart emoticon)
Description : Various fixes applied. Thank you all :)
This is a track under construction, I'd been working on it but couldn't make it work... but I think this is a good sound now.
Tell me what you think it needs!
Description : I was working on another track that I couldn't get to work and after a couple hours I gave up disgusted and frustrated and just started playing keyboard a bit, for fun.
And then I wrote this.
Because sometimes that's how our creative brains work. Go figure.