30th Jul 2023 05:30 - 1 year ago
Description : Updated 8/12/23. This is my latest jazz/funk/fusion creation. Check it out and let me know what you think. Thanks and enjoy.


Comments (13)

If you have time take a listen and give kingmt77 some feedback.

bringerofDOOM 12th Aug 2023 12:37 - 1 year ago
Like the slapping in the beginning. How did you get the mute FX on the horns (plugins, samples)? Also, pretty sure I heard sweep picking in a jazz solo; if so it's about f-ing time.

Great work per usual, keep it up.
kingmt77 replied 24th Sep 2023 - 1 year ago
bringer sorry about the late reply. Thanks for the listen, comments and fave. Sweep picking on the bass? I gotta have it! My brass library is busting at the seams. The brass you heard here was from Kontakt 7. With my special blend of sound seasonings. TTYL.

BaoBou 11th Aug 2023 14:18 - 1 year ago
Funky as fork, as usual. On my crappy earphones I seem to be missing a bit of low end at the moment, is that possible? More than on other tracks here I mean.
Still a great track!
kingmt77 replied 12th Aug 2023 - 1 year ago
BaoBou. Hey buddy. Thanks for the stop and compliments. It's good seeing you around the place. I'm glad you found the funk in its proper place. For the low end, I had to do a delicate balancing act with timbres and frequencies. And keep the kick, bari sax and the basses (which I layered 4 throughout the track) in their proper perspective. And that's new for me. It is all done by ear, not by analyzers. Have an awesome weekend and I'll talk with you later
2Sisters 11th Aug 2023 09:41 - 1 year ago
Hi Mark, I don't even know where to start. I particularly liked the brass section and the keys. It's impressive how you staged the entire set of instruments without one part becoming too obtrusive. Especially this clarity in the mix and mastering is already world class. I don't think I know anyone here with as much sensitivity and attention to detail as you! I take my hat off to this achievement and skill!

All the best Manuela
kingmt77 replied 12th Aug 2023 - 1 year ago
Manuela. Greetings. Thank you for the stop, comments, huge compliments, and the interest you take in the details of my compositions. This one took a lot of extra effort. The elements you noted is an indicator I'm headed in the right direction. Stay safe.

Jynxz 10th Aug 2023 07:53 - 1 year ago
Damn... At first I thought my headphones were off, but it was the ultra cleanliness of your mix, the separation is just crazy good. The composition is classic you, altho I remember a time where this track would have been 8min minimum. The Keyboard part you have written for this track is so progressive, I thought I heard a little Herbie style Rhodes sound I love it. I ain't even go start on the Drums.... Ok.. I think this is my favorite Drum tracks ever. It is incredibly balanced to fit without being overpowering while being in it's own Universe just jammin. The ending caught me off guard, I was sure there was more.

Great track. Faved.. PEACE from the East TTYL...
kingmt77 replied 10th Aug 2023 - 1 year ago
Alright Rob! It’s good hearing from you. Happy belated BD! Thanks for the in-depth feedback comments and fave. On what you heard you are well aware of what it’s like to go over and over again 1 small section to get it just right. Anyway we have to chop it up real soon. Peace.

klmr29 5th Aug 2023 19:22 - 1 year ago
whaooooooooooouuuuuuUUU !! nice track bro !!
kingmt77 replied 5th Aug 2023 - 1 year ago
klmr29. I greatly appreciate your stop and response. I'm glad the listen was a good one. Be safe. Peace.

xstokes 5th Aug 2023 14:52 - 1 year ago
hello Mark, lovely mellow intro and sendoff, then there’s all that jazz that gets right between the ears. i love all the nifty handoffs, man lotsa beautiful sounds in there, i’m captivated by the quality sound you get out of your instruments. i like the different basses, and how it goes syn-bass for the last section or was that fretless on overdrive? great track, man!
kingmt77 replied 5th Aug 2023 - 1 year ago
What's good Mike? It's great hearing from you, and I trust all is well. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on what impressed you. The compliments and fave are rewards all on their own. The bass in the section you mentioned was Trilian's Fretless Bass VST with a mute treatment and pinch of overdrive. Great ear, my friend. Be safe. Peace.

BCVProductions 4th Aug 2023 10:16 - 1 year ago
I like this. the progressions are super delux.
I think you should hire a live bassist. the bassline is good, but it is a little stiff and artificial when soloed. A pocket player would tear it up and really push the song imo.
The motifs are really strong, esp on horn and guitar. Nice work here :)
kingmt77 replied 4th Aug 2023 - 1 year ago
Hey VirginiaSlimm. Thank you for stopping by. Your comment's and perspective with the fave is greatly appreciated. I would love to plug a live bassist in to give a more organic feel to the groove. I feel you on "tear it up"! But for the time being, I will work on those stiff sections. Have a great weekend. Peace.

T576 3rd Aug 2023 03:06 - 1 year ago
Oh, ok, so you coming like that. If this was a drum and bass track only, I would have been satisfied as hot as bass and drums are. Your overall sound seems to have morphed into something I think the Pro mastering engineers would be proud of if you were one's student. The chord structure is chord magic. The song form keeps the FUNK alive. The arrangement is classic MT. last but not least, Your drum tracks are just plain BLAZZING. Nice one Mark. PEACE. T576 OUT.
kingmt77 replied 3rd Aug 2023 - 1 year ago
Yo T! Your stop through, critique, reaction, compliments, comradery, and fave is not taken lightly. You are astute with your observations on the overall sound. I logged a lot of time on honing the sound of the overall mix. I even got stuck for a couple of days. So I went bare bones on the master chain. 1st in the chain, Tone Empire Model 5000 Compressor, then Sonible's Smart Limit. Both are low impact CPU wise and high impact on sound quality. Ok, enough shop talk! We'll get caught up soon. Peace.

dimestop 31st Jul 2023 21:41 - 1 year ago
you really do take the piss, first off you bring a shockingly good drum intro, then fatten me with the bass immediately, i take half a breathe and the brass works are in. the guitars are great too, love that fat plucked one, the drum works get better the deeper in like that hat change that comes occasionally and that guitar at 3.04, really top work from the magician, great share Mark
kingmt77 replied 1st Aug 2023 - 1 year ago
Paul, thanks for giving this one the once over, compliments and fave. A lot of ideas converged at a point with this one. Drums, bass, guitars, brass...... you name it! I'm really having a full on blast with no end in site, LOL! My focus for the overall sound was dynamics. The learning curve is getting better, as with each new track I learn something different. Anyway we're rolling! Take it easy and we'll catch up next time.

Angelus777 31st Jul 2023 17:01 - 1 year ago
Don't mind me Mark, I had to listen to this piece of crystal ice of a gem track, superb & High class! music here, absolutely for the grown up ears...oh and YES! absolutely send it to the station no if's or but's :)
kingmt77 replied 31st Jul 2023 - 1 year ago
Angelus....... The master formula goes as follows, MI CASA TU CASA! I always appreciate when you share that the sounds are on point. Thanks for stopping by. Now it's back to work. Till next time, my friend.

ClickbaitCabaret 30th Jul 2023 20:27 - 1 year ago
Very clean, professional sounding mix. Great job.
kingmt77 replied 30th Jul 2023 - 1 year ago
What's good CBC? Thanks for stopping by and sharing your impressions and compliments. Peace.

Micky 30th Jul 2023 18:24 - 1 year ago
Hello Mark, my goodness, you've concocted something again. Would that be playable in real life? What drummer can hold out like that? The bass is amazing, or rather ALL the basses here are amazing. I don't know, but should you play that Rhodes (or so I think it is) yourself... then hats off, dear! Oh, yes, this one should definitely be sent over to the station. Feed people's ears and hearts.
Peace, Micky
kingmt77 replied 30th Jul 2023 - 1 year ago
Micky Greetings. I value the stop, listen, and reaction. With the drums, the biggest task was tuning the kit for this track. I used the SSL drum strip to get that phat pocket to drive this groove. Also, the mentioning of the basses is big for me, as I'm starting to get comfortable playing those parts on keys. And yep, I handled the Rhodes chords and some of the simpler melodies. I'm beginning to enjoy playing keys as much as playing drums. And definitely I'll keep rolling. Have an awesome week and we'll talk soon. Peace.

Angelus777 30th Jul 2023 08:03 - 1 year ago
Hola Mark,

Woohooo! Front row seat, to listen to this AWESOME composition. Well what a DELIGHT!!! hearing this sweeetttt! jazzy funky fresh! track by the one and only Jazz-King on the loop. As you know I don't come here much but when I do it's always nice to hear some quality! music & my little ears knows it when I hear it & you certainly got that covered my friend.

The brass instruments are selling this stunning! track all day long, I also love the arrangement & the drums, Man, I must say you still "GOT IT" and it has been a real pleasure listening into this little gem right here. Never disappointed in your work. This is GOLD! Bravo!
kingmt77 replied 30th Jul 2023 - 1 year ago
Hey Angelus:) And just where have you been? On tour? Oh, ok LOL! Thanks for stopping by the listening room and checking up on my and my musical escapades. The compliments and fave with all the encouragement is priceless. Always over the top info when you find what you heard fully to your liking. Be safe and we'll talk soon.


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Description : Every instrument is performed and recorder live. Piano, double bass, drums.

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-"KAY" upright bass (MADE IN GERMANY somwhere in 1950th)
-TAMA Imperial Star + Pearl OMAR HAKIM snare + Various Ziljian cymbals.

I just put together some old ideas to see if it will work. Some vocals and brass, or guitars is clearly needed. Let me know what you think about it. Tnx
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Description : 4/12/2024

BPM 135

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17th Feb 2014 08:09 - 11 years ago
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Description : Do not freak out just because this is jazz! There's also blues, rock, funk and a little hip hop in it to break up the deep, chillout jazz sections - gets particularly rocking then funky at the end. Main bassline (the track's foundation) is recycled leftover slide resonator guitar parts detuned one octave to make a slide bass sound. Also features: piano, violin, hammered dulcimer, organ, ethereal pad guitar, bass guitar, jazz/blues/rock electric guitar and multiple programmed acoustic drumkits. This was difficult to make at times as I thought I needed more leads parts eg from sax or trumpet. But I'm happyish with the end result. I expect very little interest in this as it's both jazz and long jazz. But it's also an unusual type of genre-mixing jazz. So, leave your thoughts, good or bad, if you like...
20th Dec 2024 10:09 - 2 months ago
Description : I think it's a late evening song to accompany you for a single drink.
Jazzy in most of the aspects. It is made single handedly so please consider it an experimentation for the thrill of making music.
Hope you will like it.
25th Jul 2017 18:26 - 7 years ago
Tags :
Description : This track made me just stop working on it and listen to it for enjoyment.
Smooth Mellow funky Jazz. Uses: 0111003-djrumplestiltskin-swung-funk-drum-beat, 0087009-mrroads442-guitar-line, 0072485-michiel555-mellow-funk, 0058934-ferryterry-90-bpm-soprano-sax. Is this Funk or Jazz?
11th Mar 2014 09:15 - 10 years ago
Tags :
Description : This track contains only free loops from and several loops from Looperman artists (listed below). I "made a promise" that my next track will be use a lot of jazzy loops - well, i done with this track, for the great sadness of jazz lovers or experts i think - i fear they will never forgive me. :) While my ISP launches my internet out of the Earth system for a long time, i had to face the fact that i dont have too much downloaded jazz loops on my computer, so i think no wonder that this one is sounds like if i smoke some marihuana while making it. But hey, who cares, i like the result - it reminds me the (maybe only) really funny episode of "Breaking Bad", where Pinkman uses some heroin and flyes up with an idiotic smile on his face - that chapter is priceless. :D
I dont think this one needs a vocal, but ofcourse you can use it if you want, and as always, just write and i will give any support as i can. Any feedback welcomed too as always. Enjoy! UPDATE 2015.10.24.: improved audio quality - lower lows, higher highs. Now in 256kbps!

Applied loops :

STEVEJAZ : 1118799-0068664 (The Jazz Vehicle), 1118799-0068713 (A Lydian Chords 1),
TUMBLEWEED : 0498019-0068255 (G Sharp Acoustic Rhythm), 0498014-0068257 (120 A Tele Rhythm),
JOEFUNKTASTIC : 0630386-0055418 (MrF - Great Scott - Set 1 - Piano 120 A), 06300386-0054520 (MrF - South Bronx Ghetto Piano 92C),
DANKE : 0671112-0066558 (Heaven Calls), 0671112-0067503 (Reggae Sax),
REI4REAL : 0039029-0005229 (Rei Smile03 D 120), 0039029 (Rei - Plain3 D 100),
SERIALCHILLER : 0000003-00000076 (Chilla Do Do Vox Fx),
DJFREDVAL: 0002663-0007540 (FV 120 BackBeat2)
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Description : Made with love from...


120 BPM
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Tags :
Description : Cover by Bleep - Electro Jazz - 95 bpm
Can follow me too on soundcloud:
25th Jul 2019 18:04 - 5 years ago
Description : ableton live and getting on the keyboard for a change
8th Jul 2020 00:07 - 4 years ago
Description : I created a hip hop groove in Logic and decided to duel some Saxophones. I am playing the Baritone sax on the left pan and the Tenor Sax on the right pan.
I added some bells like a boxing match bell to give it a fight drama feel. The hip hop track itself is dope to me. The duel is cool too. Who won?
1st Jun 2017 15:13 - 7 years ago
Tags :
Description : Complex drumbeat / Strange ambiance / a bit of jazz / a bit of Hip hop / a bit of sample / Needs vocal !!
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