22nd Aug 2023 23:03 - 1 year ago
Description : protest sort, tell me people dont think the same, its controversial yes, but controversy is my middle name :))
my vox on BeatMakers dope track Victory, see what i done there
its political its crude but its current. i slay the bastards dimestop style
like i say 'i own this, delivered softly, spoken with contempt
lyric sheet available

Comments (20)

If you have time take a listen and give dimestop some feedback.

Morash 29th Dec 2023 22:54 - 1 year ago
beat is dope fit nicely with your vocals.
dimestop replied 30th Dec 2023 - 1 year ago
thanks bro, it was a controversial one :)) and i will defiantly jump on one of yours im a big fan of collabs and sharing great talent, thanks for having a listen
Dennel 11th Sep 2023 23:33 - 1 year ago
LMAO! Yeah... I'd say you rattled some cages with this one for sure. First off let me say you did a helluva job on this track from a production standpoint, everything fits so well. I now understand more clearly what you were referencing in the description section to your track "Kicking In Doors Knocking Down Walls." I was reading the post between you "Manuela" & "Mickey." And of course, they disagreed with your point of view. It is a really interesting time period in which we live, any comment or viewpoint that doesn't fit in what is supposed to be the "free from reality / don't step on anyone's toes at all cost logic," or you'll be labeled "anti this or anti that." I obviously don't condone hatred or violence towards any group, individual or belief system. However I don't shy away from a fact if it is in conflict with reality or if it is just plainly the truth.


dimestop replied 12th Sep 2023 - 1 year ago
that's a super response Dennel. Manuela and Micky i love dearly they have both become friends and great inspirations for me with constructive critique and plenty of advice, as well as being fantastic artists. we just didn't agree on some points, that's cool because i respect their opinions.
just put my latest up if you get a chance and it will give you a better understanding as to why an old bugger like me behaves as i do, thanks again for your time its absolutely brilliant to have an old member back in the fold and showing the great community spirit that grabbed me when i first joined, props bro
imakebeatsLF 28th Aug 2023 09:00 - 1 year ago
ain't nothing wrong about using your platforms to say what you gotta say, fr I am with that. I gotta take a real listen when i got a chance. Just got laptop speakers for now but still on this! Controversy gets people talking, get it out there
dimestop replied 28th Aug 2023 - 1 year ago
thanks bro appreciate the comment, that's exactly what it was supposed to do create a talking point, object achieved i think, plus the replies inspired me even further as i already have my reply wrote, its all recorded just need to master it now, listen out for it. thanks again for your time bro
SteveLewis 27th Aug 2023 09:25 - 1 year ago
Great track, loved the subtle panning.
Controversal to the max, likley to rattle cages for certain.
"If you have a dick you can't be chick" LOL
dimestop replied 27th Aug 2023 - 1 year ago
thanks Steevo, yeah a cage rattler for sure. i stand by my opinion and i think more people around the world agree with me too most wouldn't admit it though, im not afraid lol your last sentence is so true bro :))
2Sisters 26th Aug 2023 15:36 - 1 year ago
You don't have to change, I don't have to change, nobody has to change. Versatility is what counts! There are many wonderful musicians here who are also wonderful people. Everyone is different, one is more active, the other more passive. We come from different societies, different countries. We have different religions, different political attitudes. But we are all here! We are all here because our music unites us! That's what counts! That's wonderful! This is a valuable treasure! That's what defines us.
Isn't that the most important thing?
dimestop replied 26th Aug 2023 - 1 year ago
im not changing or leaving Manu, im exploring other areas i have too many friends here, they like me give back.
i would include you in that group, you are the one that gives me the fiercest feedback which i love and thrive on, your what i want. i will just play a different roll now. the community songs will stop, how can i sing about a community that don't believe in me for my opinion on a couple of issues, not one issue with the political stuff calling BBC pedo's you all watch BBC world service its been accused of fake propaganda loads and is NOT governed by the same rules as our major broadcaster, the state mouthpiece. the corrupt governments food and fuel poverty, the big con that was covid, the fucking war in Europe could have been avoided. what part of this is conspiracy, everything i speak is in the open agenda right now in time. my track is not homophobic in any form of the word, i included the word thoughtfully because that's what people be saying under there breath, at no point did i say rich migrants, i said HEALTHY YOUNG MEN from safe countries. not fleeing persecution or tyranny, illegal.
there is only two genders on this planet male and female, to teach young children anything different is criminal people who think differently to this should hang their heads in shame, i have all the time in the world to debate this and wont flinch.
if i last another 30 years and if we continue to go like this, actual sex will be forgotten, kids be like what's sex mammy they've only ever experienced fucking themselves up the arse, we'll be extinct in 200 years. these people are scared of robots taking over they have peanut and wheats allergies, no fucking backbone but there quite happy to see Frankenstein's bride walking around I'll happily go to my grave knowing i played no part in it.
2Sisters 26th Aug 2023 14:41 - 1 year ago
My God, now everyone come down again! Dip your heads in ice water to get your sanity back!
dimestop replied 26th Aug 2023 - 1 year ago
that's right Manuela back to the music, its achieved its objective for me and changed my view of our community, at least this place went hectic for a few days instead of stale. i will continue to be me, im no shrinking violet, but i'll now explore other avenues where people want to partake in a community that backs each other, not agree, that's different, that's what makes us human, we are unpredictable. but a community that actually acts like a community and give back to the platform that provides you with the opportunity, who without you would all be nothing. for me this track proves all the wrong reasoning after i provide all the right reasoning behind this track, im proud of it. im sick of explaining myself to be fair:))
RitajustRita 26th Aug 2023 03:01 - 1 year ago
wow Paul I am so proud of you.
This is the best of you.
Your voice sounds insanely good here and
everything is just right in place and clear.
Fortunately, the lyrics are included and I was able to translate it.
And I dare say it...I agree with you 100%.
I have no problem with homosexuals or anything but don't force it on me.
I don't walk around with flags and colors and anything else to make it clear to everyone that I'm straight.
Here in the Netherlands it is terribly forced on rainbow colored zebra crossings, bags in the supermarket etc etc.
Why should there be a gay parade in Amsterdam once a year where they get horny half naked in tight leather pants?
Or is a man hanged outside to show how they do bondage sex?
I don't show outside what I do in the bedroom, do I?
If someone wants to be converted into a man or a woman, okay, go ahead.
But to change your gender in a passport? No not agree.
I don't want my son to get married and then find out that his wife was born male.
I don't want my daughter to be in a locker room where a man claims to be a woman.
Everyone does what they want to do, but don't force it.
There are damn parents of a 4 year old child who likes to play with dolls and make up.
Do they want to take that child to a child psychologist because maybe that child would like to become a girl.
My son has played with cars but also with dolls. I never thought anything like that.
If he was gay I would accept that too.
But right now it's just being forced on kids and everyone.
About all that co2 shit...pffff
Here we even get a sugar tax supposedly for our health hahaha.
We can get less and less soft drinks without sugar here. You are obliged to drink drinks with sweeteners as if that were so healthy.
My conclusion is that everything that is tasty will soon be only for the rich again, just like before.
Flying and holidays and driving a car too.
The petrol will be here by 2023
2.24 euros per liter to ensure that people can no longer drive a car.
Walking, cycling or public transport and carpooling is the goal.
People who have been registered for a rental house for 14 years get nothing because everything goes to the asylum seekers.
I have absolutely no problem with people fleeing war zones. But I would like to return when their country is safe again.
80% are fortune seekers from safe countries who have thrown away their passports.
Here they receive benefits and a furnished house.
And our own citizens increasingly go to the food bank and live in a car or caravan or on the street.
So that and more and more is my opinion.
But again..I'm proud of you for making this.Hats off.
And the beat of Beatmaker4real is of course also
dimestop replied 26th Aug 2023 - 1 year ago
thanks Rita, nice to see you about Mrs. thanks for your supportive comment, all the people that dont agree with me are all from outside the UK except Bou, your countryman who lives in London. still European Dutch not English and of course they all know far more about the troubles in my country than me. im fine with people leaving comments that dont agree with me and as you can see my replies to them are adult and i give MY reasoning why, except for disorph who was patronising his post boiled my piss, as for the rest i have no issues with these colleagues and will continue to listen to their work comment and encourage them, I AM the biggest community player this site has got, that's unquestionable even if i say so myself no other artist backs our place like me. i have received thousands of comments and ive replied to everyone single one, even the negative comments. i appreciate everyone who gives me their time. look at the listens we get, then look at the comments, its lazy, the community it could do more. hundreds of ignorants don't even reply. i joined a community for feedback not mute this is the whole point being part of it. i dont have time, yak,yak,yak,yak,yawn...they all got time to fucking produce it, they all got time to leave a description about their track, they got time to make one comment on ONE track, any track just to get their track on top, but they aint got time to say thanks, who's the cunt here? i worked this place out in a week but refused to stoop to that and still left them comment after comment, thanks would have been good enough, nah to much ego, i dont bother even listening to them now, like being on social media i just scroll past.

ive never told you this before Rita, you always stood out to me for being BOOM BOOM but you stood out more cos you speak your mind too, WE ARE generation X got backbone xx
BeatMaker4real 26th Aug 2023 02:38 - 1 year ago
Oh yea, you definitely made the right
dimestop replied 26th Aug 2023 - 1 year ago
im still pissing myself laughing its 2.50 am UK, i cant go to bed im wet through, scared i wet the bed, i am an adult after all :)))
BeatMaker4real 26th Aug 2023 00:43 - 1 year ago
Gotta say dimestop, you did it
Loving the production level with the vocals..
Save that vocal chain, it'll make it so much easier
whenever you do vocals again..
dimestop replied 26th Aug 2023 - 1 year ago
already saved in my presets bro along with another, workflow saver.
bro we done it, although you didn't know. your beat was oh so nice, i delivered a beautifully soft vocal to accompany the gentleness of the track, just forgot to put the romantic vocal on it, how the fuck did i miss that. im really sorry i changed the title too, my first thought didn't really sit, MEN iN LOVE, do you think i made the right choice mate
2Sisters 25th Aug 2023 23:34 - 1 year ago
Actually, I didn't want to comment on the subject. But a lot of what I read here scares me! Still, I don't share Paul's point of view that he expresses in this song! But I'm not judging Paul for what he said. I know many colleagues who have a migration background. But they do a great service to our society through their work. In my environment I know some people who live and feel differently sexually than I do. They are also good friends, just like the many heterosexual people. We should be careful not to pigeonhole people in order to sort and classify them. There are bad people among the so-called "normal" as well as among the so-called "others". There is no pure "black and white" there is only "grey"! That is a good thing. We have forgotten how to accept people who "think differently, live differently, believe differently, look differently...". We have forgotten how to live with them. To see them for what they are: people like you and me. Angel said it right: there are many people who have the same opinion as Paul but don't say it. But because many people have the same opinion, is this opinion correct? No! Definitely not! But we make a big mistake when we judge these people for their opinions. We have to discuss with these people and if that doesn't help, then we have to tolerate these opinions!Guys, we're here because we're all great musicians. If someone finds hard words in their song now, tell them so, but don't reject them! None of us have to like Paul's words. But it's his opinion and he still belongs to our community!
dimestop replied 26th Aug 2023 - 1 year ago
thanks Manuela, i wont repeat myself :)) really adult post, i shared my opinion, like a share my scars, my life and my heartache. this community is far stronger with me than without me. i encourage, i promote the talent here, i comment, i give advice, im a pair of ears, a shoulder to cry on, i try to boost everyone. i am the only artist that sings about OUR community, i have worked with loads of great talent and there are others that want to work with me too.
im a good man, im a proud man too, i can be tough, because ive learnt to believe in me first, and what I believe right, no one has to agree with me, if im strong i can help others then, when my thoughts are low i rely on others to snap me out of it, its hard to be truthful about your personal life but i done that with strangers. you lot.
of course there was motive behind this track, ive been here three years and yes its stale, i done something about that, i cant ever remember a track that brought this much controversy, im laughing my head off.
this is not an apology, i would never openly offend anyone, im an adult, why would i want to hurt somebodies feelings i wouldn't but i would tell them if i didn't agree or i thought it unethical whether they like it or not.
im an intelligent man, this is my opinion and i would expect my friends to have the decency to accept that, as i would anyone else whether i agreed with them or not.
it was a test, im loyal maybe this is were i find out who's loyal to me, i brought a great track irrelevant of content it was well written, it was delivered impeccably the production was good the mix was good the music was exceptional from BeatMaker and fitted what i wanted, this is a music site first, maybe some people forgot that eh?
thanks for a wonderful post, lets just get back to the music :))
ClickbaitCabaret 25th Aug 2023 21:58 - 1 year ago
This is brilliant. Love the subtly of it & the British accent on the vocal. Fantastic job.
dimestop replied 26th Aug 2023 - 1 year ago
thats my soft north east accent clickbait, i was afraid i was being to subtle :)) cheers for being the first to see the funny side, im wetting myself. as i was when saying it.
Angelus777 25th Aug 2023 15:03 - 1 year ago
Hi P.

This track is such a sweet powerful! beat by BM4real! I always think when recording on his tracks that half the work is already done for me because "I Can't mix For Toffee" but you have finessed it to a "T" well done you on the production. I can tell you have put a lot of thought into your lyrics also, although it seems some don't agree with what you are saying & the words you use, it leaves a bad taste in their mouths does not mean that what you are saying is not a reality but I'm not here to politic.

I'm all about the music and leave it with this, A lot of what you're saying is what a lot of people are actually thinking but dare not say. At the end of the day Your opinions are your own everyone is entitled to theirs. The world is full of so many problems it would take a lifetime and beyond to solve them but we can only but hope. "To Find Yourself Think For Yourself" this is a quote by Socrates. You are a straight shooter you always think for yourself. Again Nice! work on the track, seems you got em triggered.
dimestop replied 25th Aug 2023 - 1 year ago
Angel what a great post,
i sing and write from the heart as you know, I'm genuine, im real, ive built good friends and im a popular member and an active supporter of our community, ive brought over 50 tracks in 3 years, worked with some great artists
i bring a track, that in inverted commas, is what the majority of people in the UK feel, like you say most wouldn't say it though, i did.
lets be perfectly honest here, the hate is because of the pony comment, nothing else, its a crass comment, i know that, why do you think its in their.
if the truth be known i told BeatMaker months ago i was gonna stir the pot :)) just didn't tell him when or it would be with one of his tracks. we both come to the conclusion this place is getting too boring same old same, with fewer comments other than the friendships you've made its a little stale and needs a refresh, i like the place but i also want fresh.
i also believe people wont comment as much on this simply because they want to keep their views private because they think it too. i have no issues in that either. it really is all about the music for me too, i back myself 100%. if you dont believe in you, your dead already, may as well follow the bell on the lead sheep and just roll over, not me im made of sterner stuff, my response is already penned, listen out for it :))
2Sisters 24th Aug 2023 23:04 - 1 year ago
Hi Paul, I know you're a good guy!!!!
dimestop replied 25th Aug 2023 - 1 year ago
thanks Manuela, have a great weekend lady
2Sisters 24th Aug 2023 17:16 - 1 year ago
Hello Paul, I will not participate in the political discussion here! It is your opinion and you are free to express and represent it.
Regarding the song, it is already of very good quality (musically not in terms of content). However, I noticed that there is a slight clipping in the voice here and there. Or are my speakers defective *smile. All in all, you can tell that you've made enormous musical progress in the last few months. I think that's great! Keep working on yourself!
Greetings Manuela
dimestop replied 24th Aug 2023 - 1 year ago
hello Manuela, that's exactly right, im free to express myself, that was how i was feeling when i picked up my pen. i had BeatMakers track victory and used it, because it was gentle and my words are harsh, and no, i don't expect everyone to agree with me, that's freedom. we will leave it there :)) im not cross.
thanks for your continued support on my improving music progress, you've become a good friend, I've not turned into a monster overnight, I'm still that good guy, most know all my work comes from the heart, i speak my mind. and i except that some of the words are crude, but im defending women.
my visualisers don't show any clipping, maybe its a few words i emphasize. so i get that on the clipping.
i already have my response track wrote, its typical me, always back myself :)) this can ride for a bit until i decide whether to do my own music or use someone else's, im in no rush. thanks again Manu, i always appreciate your feedback
Zootman 24th Aug 2023 12:02 - 1 year ago
In with anger out with love, as that woman on absolutely fabulous used to say. It's a good track, your vox are spot on as is the production. But there's enough anger and hate in the world already. Peace bro.
dimestop replied 24th Aug 2023 - 1 year ago
thanks for the check Chris, totally agree there's a lot of anger and hate across the globe, its starting to show more now though, if you don't speak out nothing changes, you know i write from the heart, and i always write a track in the mood im feeling at that time, yes its crude, certainly my stance on transgender in sport, its non sporting and unacceptable, finally the pro's are starting to speak out against it which is great to see, nobody was saying anything in case it affected their popularity or their sponsorship, now they see the public reaction, they jump on the bandwagon. a perfect example all the shit about homosexuals when the world cup was in Qatar, players condemning the illegality of being gay, then they all run of to the Saudi league for millions of pounds off their homophobic paymasters, really, it was illegal in the UK until the sixties, and we are supposed to be the civilised ones, crass bullshit. i am in the majority, not the minority on this and others comments will not change my opinion, it might be hurtful, but life in general is hurtful the way normal people are treated.
theHumps 24th Aug 2023 10:26 - 1 year ago
Dude, your production has improved so much with this one, well done on that part of the track. Your vocals are great, the layered tracks sound professional, the quality of the vocals is so much better as well. Did you get a new mic?

Best one so far Paul!!

dimestop replied 24th Aug 2023 - 1 year ago
thanks for the feedback Wayne, no the mic is the same one, it really was a case of just concentrating on getting the levels right. 16 layers on this, 3 vocal cuts to play with. i wrote the song pretty quickly so it was really just all about layering it with BeatMakers track. i spent hours mastering the vox, over a 4 day period trying new things, removing all the side noise, messing with the volume gate and used a limiter and used span visualiser meter to check everything was balanced, i looked deeper into the 1K volume area and was really pleased with the processing, i thought the clarity was good. thanks again for the positives, you have been one of the driving forces for my improvement thanks
BaoBou 23rd Aug 2023 16:52 - 1 year ago
The track is a good one Paul, you're getting better and better in production.

But like Micky I vehemently disagree with your political statements (except where you take aim at the Tory bastards). I don't see a lot of need to discuss them here, but maybe we can right the world over a couple pints some day.

I don't see a problem in transgenders in sport; certainly not to the extent where it's a political problem. Why not integrate all sports and just have people sports?

I don't see a problem with illegal immigrants. The problem is not that they're illegal; the problem is that they felt the need to leave their ruined countries.

The rhetoric about rich immigrants and raping and stealing is so repugnant I can only say please change your channel. It's just not true, sorry. It's just not.

And woke... it's such a misnomer used by certain people who don't even know what they're talking about... let's not use it. It's silly.

Whoops, I said too much anyway.

Anyway, I disagree, and see you soon for that pint ;)
Next time I'll listen to the music.
dimestop replied 23rd Aug 2023 - 1 year ago
great post Bou, a value your opinion mate, i just dont agree with it. as i explained to Micky freedom of speech is a democratic right.
i don't need to change channels im intelligent and get my news from a number of sources not just the mainstream agenda, that's brainwashing propaganda. western society today is trained to moan about things and not to come up with a solution, woke is relevant. India have just landed on the moons south pole, we just teach kids to moan to achieve, i see it everyday.
we also have people sport, that's called learning to be good at something you start that as kids, we have men and women events to balance the agenda when biology takes over, otherwise women wouldn't win nothing, maybe an ironing contest but they'd have to go some to compete with my starched collars :))
i take aim at all politicians not just Tories, they're all the same, just different coloured jackets, racism is rife, your mayor is a racist, its all over the news, not one labour politician as spoke out. it starts at the top, they divide us.
and ive given a perfectly good reasoning why transgender in sport is a no, its un-sporting and goes against the grain of fairness.
sorry if it seems a little condescending, its not meant text dont show emotion, im smiling as i write.
anyway bro, its only a song, we can agree to disagree, your still my mate.
BeatMaker4real 23rd Aug 2023 11:49 - 1 year ago
Nice work on the track dimestop.
dimestop replied 23rd Aug 2023 - 1 year ago
cheers bro, told you it was controversial, sic track though :))
Micky 23rd Aug 2023 08:27 - 1 year ago
Hi Paul, you know I've always been on your side in all your musical endeavors, but I have to disagree here. You have incorporated very hurtful statements into your text here. Not that they affect me, I'm straight and married. Please don't take this as a personal attack, but I always had a heart for those of us who don't fit into norms and are marginalized by society, and I've had the privilege of getting to know some of them. Just as you are exercising your right to free speech here, so am I.
Peace, Micky
dimestop replied 23rd Aug 2023 - 1 year ago
hey Micky thanks for the comment, i am expecting some harsh replies and welcome them. i would never consider this a personal attack bro, im an adult and believe in free speech and debate, i know this will cause a talking point. i am exercising my rights. i have no issues about the LGBT community and, if men want to be women that's fine too, but your not competing as a woman, anyone can see that's wrong. i also feel heartbroken for legal migrants you know the ones that are fleeing persecution. when you are fleeing persecution, you take your family and children with you, we have boats full of young men, well fed, healthy, all got mobiles, this is an invasion, most come illegally crossing numerous European countries to abuse our welfare system, they can come for the day legally for 28 quid but they choose to pay thousands and come without a passport so we don't know nothing about their past, we have thousands in our prison charged with raping young girls drug gangs and murderers and our government are spending 6 Million pounds of tax payers money each day to give these chancers a better life while they take two years processing their asylum claims, then we cant find them cos they wander off into the underworld, we are not against true refugees, dam right im pissed off.
i have fought against racism all my life its repugnant, judging someone on the colour of their skin, that's real poison, we as a society cant get that right, because weve allowed the wokeness to replace all rational and logical thinking. tell me im wrong
Jynxz 23rd Aug 2023 04:38 - 1 year ago
What's up Paul,

"I feel you now... I feel you now!
Damn man, you're a lyrical miracle.
Your background is spot on.

Great track. Faved.. PEACE from across the big pond...
dimestop replied 23rd Aug 2023 - 1 year ago
hi Rob, thanks for the listen and comment, i wondered who would be brave enough to comment first, this track will cause controversy im sure, why do you think i brought it, not everyone will like what i say but that's life, we have serious issues in the UK with a corrupt government, illegal migrants and people struggling to feed their kids and pay for utilities, these are the issues we pay taxes for, they dont deliver, main stream media with all the fake propaganda, transgender men should be nowhere near women's sport
society is soft and woke, you get condemned if you speak up about it, i hope people comment, im an adult and my opinion is shared by millions of people across the globe, thanks for being brave and leaving a comment.

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!!! USAGE !!!

Absolutely Any Use of my beats "Including leased beats" REQUIRE CREDIT IN THE TITLE (Prod. by AACKBEAT). There are NO Exceptions. Any Social Media use of my Beats require credit to me In the caption @AACKBEAT
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Description : Sad emotional beat. enjoy
You can use this, for no commercial use.
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