4th Sep 2023 01:02 - 1 year ago
Description : Experiment in minimalist repetitive ambient. Chopped up a gamelan loop by Nostalginc, duplicated it, time stretched one of them to bring it in and out of sync and hence mess with your heads. Added synth percs etc.

Comments (13)

If you have time take a listen and give Zootman some feedback.

BaoBou 2nd Oct 2023 22:30 - 1 year ago
Lovely sounds indeed. I hope you had some pleasant phu... well never mind.
Good stuff my antipodean friend!
Zootman replied 13th Oct 2023 - 1 year ago
Thanks BB. Fun to experiment...
theHumps 2nd Oct 2023 06:23 - 1 year ago
Ever see the anime movie Akira? The intro reminded me of that movie, it has that type of percussion in parts of it.

Pheasant plucker, pleasant fucker, ha!

World music to me, I like this kind of stuff.

Zootman replied 13th Oct 2023 - 1 year ago
Hi Wayne, thanks for the listen. Sorry late reply, got busy away from home and hearth and time just slipped away...
Mosaic 2nd Oct 2023 03:25 - 1 year ago
Hey Chris, very much and Oriental sounding track with bells n chimes, used have pheasants back in my home town in OZ so can say I've actually plucked pheasants lol, listening to this in lower vol, which makes it sound like a great chillout piece, very nice work mate fav'd Peace mosaic
Zootman replied 13th Oct 2023 - 1 year ago
Kia Ora, that's pretty funny, you are the pheasant Plucker. Cheers for the listen and comment.
CINCOCENT 29th Sep 2023 20:24 - 1 year ago
I'm not the pheasant on the pheasant plucker son I'm only plucking pheasants till pheasants pluckers come! I have no clue but I will let's listen lol oooOOO intro scary mysterious sucking me in! I think like when no drums music. Take me on Journey. That sound is really haunting and it's so cool when you got it moving from one side to the speaker to the other it's so cool I'm going to have to get this if it's available!!!
Zootman replied 30th Sep 2023 - 1 year ago
Yo CCC, you got it man. I thought the title fit the feel pretty good. In my bad old days, we used to play a drinking game using Pheasant Plucker, you can probably imagine what mistakes it translates to after a few rounds. Anyway, thanks for the listen, fav and download.
RitajustRita 14th Sep 2023 23:43 - 1 year ago
Hi Chris im back.
Nice sound.
uhhhmmm you try to to hypnotize us uhmmm ??
I hear a sound that sounds like a mean laugh like you got us and now you can make us do whatever you want lol

About that one track of mine.
I just can't find it anymore.
I'm afraid I put it on my external drive and I can no longer open all the tracks on there.
Not even if I put them back on my PC.
Then you will have to use the MP3.
Zootman replied 15th Sep 2023 - 1 year ago
You are in my power, you will do exactly as I say lol. Was thinking to make another just so I had the chance to call it Pleasant Fucker ha.

No worries about that track, I had a feeling you wouldn't be able to find it. Will see what happens and if I find time or inspiration. Thanks for trying.
Dennel 12th Sep 2023 14:07 - 1 year ago
Hey Chris, this is a interestingly "hypnotic" composition you have here. I guess you and I on some level share a fondness for creating minimalistic tracks lol! Love the time stretched loop that comes in and out periodically, it adds a nice eerie effect to the track. A very creative, experimental / enjoyable listening experience.

All the best

Zootman replied 13th Sep 2023 - 1 year ago
Greetings, thanks for the listen and fav and for taking the time to comment. Glad you enjoyed. Given your water inspired track here at the moment, maybe you should check out mine...pretty much a love song to water. All the best. Oh, it's called Water Treatment.
2Sisters 9th Sep 2023 18:05 - 1 year ago
Hello Chris,
thank you for the detailed answer. I always find it very interesting to hear or in this case read where the motivations for creating a song come from. Crucethus is absolutely right! You can really do almost anything in music. But I think you almost need a mathematical sensitivity when you make a song like that. I'll stick with it, the song is very good!
Have a nice weekend Manuela
T576 9th Sep 2023 02:41 - 1 year ago
This has a earie chime like feel and sound along with some sound design sounds to keep it moving. Good to me. PEACE. T576 OUT.
Zootman replied 9th Sep 2023 - 1 year ago
Thanks a lot for checking it out. Cheers Chris
2Sisters 8th Sep 2023 16:24 - 1 year ago
but you didn't do it. Your playing with synchronicity and asynchrony has resulted in the repetitions making everything synchronous again. So nothing got messed up in my head. Timing is too consistent for that overall.
Well, the song or should I say the experiment, your sound games, have something more of a trance-like quality to them. The small built-in nuances lead you to literally look for other variations. So it's definitely not boring. Even though, or perhaps even because, nothing contrasting is happening in this sound image, it captivated me. I'm really surprised. Well done, best wishes Manuela
Zootman replied 9th Sep 2023 - 1 year ago
Hi, well there they go again, the best pair of ears on looperman! Yes I think it comes back into sync about three times over the length of the track. So not too asynchronous. The trick was to find the right level for the stretched track so it didn't end up just a mess, but you could still track its progress if you leaned in and listened. I think it was Crucethus who said to me once that you could do what you wanted melodically but if you messed with peoples sense of rhythm you were in for trouble.

Actually, the thing started after a conversation with Micky who referenced Terry Riley in relation to one of my other tracks. After that, I found this utube documentary on minimalists which I really enjoyed. It talks about using old tape machines and loops with long delays that eventually threw stuff out of sync but also after a while added various noise artefacts too. Terry Riley and LeMont were also quite influenced by eastern philosophy and religion too so that spiritual dimension also appealed to me.

Long winded response, but for once I'm typing on the computer rather than the phone!!

Cheers Chris
BeatMaker4real 8th Sep 2023 12:15 - 1 year ago
Nice work on the track Zootman.
Zootman replied 8th Sep 2023 - 1 year ago
ClickbaitCabaret 6th Sep 2023 11:54 - 1 year ago
For some reason this brought to mind Chinese insects building a dam. The background synth is a bit ominous & lonely. Like Dresden after the Allies bombed the crap out of it. So basically this is Chinese Insects building a dam after a bombing raid. That's why I love this track.
Zootman replied 7th Sep 2023 - 1 year ago
Interesting breakdown lol.... Like hive mind. Thanks man.
Kirkoid 5th Sep 2023 07:23 - 1 year ago
I loved this, an ethereal mysteriousness to it, it stays interesting all the way through.
Zootman replied 6th Sep 2023 - 1 year ago
I hoped it was interesting enough. Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it as always.
dimestop 4th Sep 2023 22:43 - 1 year ago
love the ambient charm in the intro Chris the whole track is minimalistic but you added great percs which keep the listener interested it has a haunting feel to it at times nice mix and the outro was cool, well done bro experiments are always good Ian used to always bring them, and because its different, i call it creative, it appeals to me
Zootman replied 4th Sep 2023 - 1 year ago
Thanks Paul. I find it kind of hypnotic if you listen in a certain way and all the way through. Others might just think it's boring lol.

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5th Apr 2015 20:48 - 9 years ago
Tags :
Description : Headphones are recommended for a more immersive experience :P - - - A weary American soldier is walking through the remains of what used to be a small town in the middle east, only to rediscover the horrible reality that sometimes war can affect even the ones who have no part in it.


This is my first attempt at creating a virtual environment to tell a story and convey emotion. Hope you enjoy! Comments are welcome!

- ER
27th Dec 2021 20:42 - 3 years ago
Description : Un tema sencillo, suave. Espero que les guste.
30th May 2023 19:13 - 1 year ago
Description : the other end of the scale from me, yep people, this is a ballad. its for all the people who have lost somebody long before their time was due,
i used my experience of tragic loss and how i hid my mental health issues that stemmed from it while writing it, its repetitive but has fresh verses
its to Matthias music Du Bist Nicht Mehr Hier almost the same title, He has suffered too that's why he wrote the music and dedicated it to his brother. i hope i have done it justice
30th Nov 2017 17:28 - 7 years ago
Tags :
Description : A miasma of digital sound... like in a dream.
22nd May 2014 22:44 - 10 years ago
Tags :
Description : This track contains several loops, all of them are from looperman artists - listed below. I don't know if "ambient" fits well for it, but i get most loops from that category. :)
Inspired by the Final Fantasy series and my ex girlfriend. Hope you will enjoy it (not my ex! :D). As always, free to use for a song, any opinions-critics welcomed... UPDATE 2015.10.24.: improved audio quality - lower lows, higher highs. Now in 256kbps!

Applied loops :

DJ4REAL : 0102056-0000849 (Sax 120), 0102056-0021138 (Violin vibrato singular), 0102056-0021641 (Sax attack the floor),
DJFREDVAL : 0002663-0007540 (FV 120 BackBeat2), 0002663-0007541 (FV 120 BackBeat3), 0002663-0007542 (FV 120 BackBeat4),
MEGAPAUL : 0448131-0059810 (Ricky K Armada 100bmp G), 0448131-0068095 (Grasslions 75bmp A Bass), 0448131-0061055 (Chinese Gyros 90bmp Cmajor),
SHORTBUSMUSIC : 0500098-0054224 (Acoustic guitar with Harmonics in Dm-F), 0500098-0062445 (Acoustic guitar with Delay in Dm-C-B),
MRROBOT : 0082073-0002480 (Mr Robot smooth synth 125 bmp 8), 0082073-0005872 (Johnny Cash like Drums),
SERIALCHILLER : 0000003-0000094 (Chilla Synth Skank Riff),
DJKNIGHTLIFE420 : 0165908-0027771 (Toxic Whistle),
TARATOXIC : 0096919-0027238 (Pan flute),
GUITARGURU : 0057331-0003621 (Harmonic 2),
MINOR2GO : 0159051-0031469 (Power Rap T7 Marimba Flanged),
SHATNER : 0227480-0045258 (Battle On),
MHYST : 0203623-0017135 (Celtic Vibrato Flute Melody),
REI4REAL : 0039029-0005928 (Rei zapjam05 A 90),
KASHYAP : 0040306-0015442 (Beat it up 2).
29th Dec 2020 15:22 - 4 years ago
Description : Ambienty, chill track. kinda boring I know. If someone wants to master this im down.
23rd Mar 2020 18:00 - 5 years ago
Description : Working with DarkKZ by Beatskillz, Synthmaster 2.9, Waves Bass Fingers, Microtonic drum synth, Izotope nectar 3 elements, Ozone 8 Elements & several other plugings I'm trying for the first time. The vocal samples are from Ghosthack, LANDR & Sampleswap. Hope you like it. Cheers.
Post script: The word "Ambient" has come up several times in the comment section for this, so I switched the genre to that. Thanks for the input. I really appreciate it.
13th Sep 2021 12:08 - 3 years ago
Description : Ambient, psychedelic chill out rock or something or rather. Lyrics, vocals, guitars and keyboards myself. One drum loop used (free Loopmasters ambient pack). If you want a bit of a back story on the words check the lyric page.
21st Nov 2019 16:47 - 5 years ago
Description : I made this with Garageband and was inspired by Anime music, such as Naruto. And if you noticed one little part is very similar to one of the melodies.
16th Jul 2015 01:56 - 9 years ago
Tags :
Description : Depression and sadness can sometimes serve as motivation for creativity as in the case of this track. A few months back I went through a period of loosing a few friends and co-workers. Attended a few funerals and as a result found myself reflecting on life. One night I had the urge to try to transfer my feelings into music and this is what came out. Some baratone guitar accompanied by synth and accapella.
Final EDIT: Further tweaking on levels and a slight change up in the timimg of the choir section.
18th Mar 2020 10:51 - 5 years ago
Description : Hello,
this is a track between composition and cover.
Amandine (Sova Berry or Dine on soundcloud) made a cover of the a cappella "Song of Sophia" by Dead Can Dance.
I liked it very much, so i decided to make an instrumental with her vocals.
Hope you'll like it and if you want to comment, you are welcome, whatever you think.
11th Feb 2016 06:04 - 9 years ago
Tags :
Description : Updated and mixed better. Ambient Opus that will have you staring at the walls figuring out what's going on.
27th Mar 2015 20:16 - 9 years ago
Tags :
Description : Ambient, Chill Out, Cinematic .... I´m not sure ... Take your headphones. Close your eyes. Start the engines and have a ride into the unknown. A spacy little trip from somewhere into anywhere outside. - U_P_D_A_T_E - I made a video to this track. So you can enjoy now the flight with open eys.
1st Dec 2018 08:50 - 6 years ago
Description : Alex Richard, bass. Hanspeter Dubach, guitars. Laurent Schwaar, guitars. Claude Barbotte, hammond. Laurent Wirz, drums. With excellent loops from: Planetjazzbass, MINOR2GO, ZacWilkins, Slapjohnson.
27th May 2016 01:50 - 8 years ago
Tags :
Description : Hey guys, this is a cover-up version of Another Day With You, now with pianos, guitars, violas, cellos, violins, and etc.

Please do guys tell me if there's something wrong, or any feedbacks I do love to hear it!
