Description : A little fun with an acapella I liked. Thank you SilverBella!
This funk track was uploaded by BaoBou. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (18)
If you have time take a listen and give BaoBou some feedback.
Whoa BaoBou! You are a one-man firestarter here with a track like this! Hooked us in with the swingin' bluesy piano riff for sure, anchored by one fantastic beat. Bass line is so much fun, and that guitar bit at 1:41? Well dang! Fabulous. Thanks for being a Superspreader of your swing/blues goodness.
Thank you so much for checking it out, I'm super happy you liked it!
As you noticed I sped the acapella up a bit, which I thought gave it more groove, and I cut and pasted a bit to make it fit my idea better. Nothing to serious though, your acapella was great!
BaoBou yeah OK! Entrance piano sets a nice pace. As we move along what Im missing is some fire BaoBou guitar chords. Yep theres plenty of space for that. Vocals are perfect. Bass line is pertinent and the beat is catchy. I throughly enjoyed what youve done as always. Peace.
There's some guitar in my latest track ;)
This year I've mostly been playing piano though and in general trying to find a different process. Who knows what it will bring :)
Thanks for stopping by and listening and commenting Mark!
Haha I am very happy to hear that because generally my recordings suck. But I expect you mainly refer to Bella's Acapella and yes, that is excellent. She did a great job!
Hello BaoBou....I like this a's well done and Silverbella is an excellent vocalist....this is a must listen for the community. Great job my friend.
Hi Bao,
Bloody hell! where you been hiding lol...anyways I have not been here much either I have a life away from here & it's too freaking early but I'm doing my paperwork BUT back to this jammy funky tune every thing is nicely balanced, the vocals sit nicely on the track, good to see you still creating the thing that you have so much passion for (Music) Enjoyed the listen Kudos!
I've been hiding under a pile of work... ;) I've not yet fully recovered but the goal of this track was to feel the joy again of making something fast... And it worked! Thank you!
Hi Baobou welcome back.
Nice to see you here again.
A comeback with a nice funky track with the great voice of Silverbella
I can see you sitting there in the ...i think it is the kitchen behind your piano lol.
Well done mister
Dank je wel! The piano is in my office... But close enough :D I think you probably saw the IG reel of me playing "Rich Girl", that's more or less what it looks like ;)
Well, I somehow messed up my reply to your comment on my track, I was meaning to ask u to check out my work with my group, The Monzder Squadd, if u get a chance, I think theres a few surprises there if u find the time. Ill leave that kryptic lol.
Thank you for enjoying it! The idea was to let the Acapella shine and not fill it up :) (which is what I usually do). But if you have great ideas... Feel free to take it to the next stage :) I always like a good Collab!
this is a great start but it feels a bit empty? not sure if that was your intention to leave room for the singer which is fair, but maybe try adding a pad or something to fill it up. i hope you dont take offense from my suggestion, and it is only my opinion. great work all the same!
Yeah that was intentional. I have a tendency to fill up all the space, but this was intended as just a quick exercise to see if I still had it, and I left stuff out this time rather than putting more in. Maybe you can take it and add the things you'd like to hear! :)
Good to see you mate!
great to see my good mate back in the community, i follow you on socials so see your works, this is funky as hell bro, Bella's vocals are sitting so pretty in the mix and truly integrated with your excellent playing, love the drums and that deep bass, excellent return mate
Dude! where ya been man? i was just wondering about u the other day. And i def wasnt ready for that level of funk this early in the morning, Made me spill my coffee man lol. U labeled the genre 100% correctly, man. I havent heard anything i didnt like of yours, and this one is standard for u - great.
Hello, Im Jared, Aaron's (Pnnywze) brother, and member of his group, The Monzder Squadd. Youre one Im familiar with, tho, Ive been using his Instagram for a while now, and Ive seen posts of yours on there. This is funky as hell man! nice work.
Hello my friend, you can't imagine how happy I am to hear you here again!! I have really missed you. Great song that you present to us here in your unique bluesy style. Silver's vocals are wonderfully integrated into your music. Somehow, the whole thing has a slight live touch, just as we know it from you. Best regards, Manuela
Welcome back my friend coming back with the uniqueness right here! Those drum works that's what's up! The female vocals works great man, where you been? Great funky break line. Dang something new to the ears! Enjoying my listen. These ears thank you. Guitar part I think you should have brought in a little earlier but other than that everything is pretty damn original!
Description : 'Love will find you at the right time'...This track is about how we vibrationally attract love. From my recollection, in the early 20s/teen years, a typical place to encounter this wonderful force was the Disco. (Kay)
'I always wanted to produce a funk and soul song, as I love the rhythms and vibe. I hope you like my first attempt at this. Many thanks to Darren Hirst for his great bassline' - Oli.
If you like our work, please find us under kayos2 on Bandcamp.
So, Do you wanna Dance?!
Description : This is kinda like a funky electro acoustic type thing. Definitely our funkiest piece yet, trying to explore a few different genres here, hopefully you enjoy it! :)
Description : I'm try something a lilbit defferents hope you enjoy & Keep on PLAY! Made on MixCraft 8Pro... (THIS IS FREE DOWNLOAD & USE FOR NON-COMMERCIAL... IF YOU WANT IT FOR COMMERCIAL USE YOU CAN BUY A LICENSE IN or contact me to my email..)
Description : Continuing my journey with sampling. This was mostly an accident, and not where I originally thought it would go but I'm happy with the destination. I started with the track Real Reel Switcher by Eunice Russ Frost, which has a slower melancholy swing to it, however I've been playing a bunch of older video games lately, with SSX being in the mix heavily, so this track ended up taking on a bit of that for inspiration as well. Would love your thoughts.
peace -._.-
Description : A Dark Funk tune , with a touch of Nawlin's jazz funeral procession. Midi-sparks asked me to do a Halloween song for his competition, and so here it is!
Description : It a funky tune and its purpose is to make you move your heads and your bodies to the rhythm. Made with Steinberg's free Sequel 3. I really hope you will enjoy it.
You can view the video on my YouTube channel.
Description : 3rd track of my future vocaloid album, Acerbus 2.Many thanks to Venuslove for the vocals, MrFunktastic for the Funk bass, Strings (left and right), and the robotic sound mainly at the beginning of the song. and Atlasblue for the Snares (sorry atlasblue that I couldn't include you in the title, only 50 characters allowed, thus I ran out of space)
Description : Updated 12/2/2022. This is an interesting redo of a funky and fun composition. I gave it more polish by switching to a different drum kit, swapped the flute solo for a synth, then infused more flavor into the guitars, bass and organ. Then lastly tweaking the final master. Can you tell the difference? Let me know. Enjoy.
Description : This is the first production for STAR TRAVELS in collaboration between MICKY (LM) and JYNXZ (LM).
Micky: concept / arrangement / guitars / synths / fx / vocals / mix / mastering
Jynxz: synths / bass / rhodes / clavinet
Description : Everything is recorded live, so you probably hear that. It's also all me :$
Thanks to everyone who contributed in explaining what I did wrong in the engineering, mixing and mastering, especially Ben (bringerofDOOM). Looperman is truly an awesome community and thank you all. Did I say you guys are awesome?
Now also with a clip on !
As you noticed I sped the acapella up a bit, which I thought gave it more groove, and I cut and pasted a bit to make it fit my idea better. Nothing to serious though, your acapella was great!
This year I've mostly been playing piano though and in general trying to find a different process. Who knows what it will bring :)
Thanks for stopping by and listening and commenting Mark!
Bloody hell! where you been hiding lol...anyways I have not been here much either I have a life away from here & it's too freaking early but I'm doing my paperwork BUT back to this jammy funky tune every thing is nicely balanced, the vocals sit nicely on the track, good to see you still creating the thing that you have so much passion for (Music) Enjoyed the listen Kudos!
Nice to see you here again.
A comeback with a nice funky track with the great voice of Silverbella
I can see you sitting there in the ...i think it is the kitchen behind your piano lol.
Well done mister
Good to see you mate!