Description : 'This is our first go at a country-chillout Christmas fusion - by that, Oli means this is more crazy than ever! It's is the story of the Farmer's wife, coming straight from her heart. Essentially, it is a tale of how true love inspires and stays strong throughout the toughest of times. Many thanks to Darren for the Violin and Illfadeprod for the heart guitars. Also thanks to Dolly the Sheep. If you like our music, you can find us under kayos2 on Bandcamp'
This country track was uploaded by Kayos2. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (19)
If you have time take a listen and give Kayos2 some feedback.
Merry Christmas Oli :) Pleasant song in a storytelling style, I like the sounds in the intro, the combination of guitar and a synth/piano(?) The way the violin is placed in the track is so good. Really hard to categorise this piece of music, and that's the beauty of it
Glad you enjoyed the track - glad u liked piano and strings - yes, we do tend make tracks that slip between the genres:) Thank you for your kind words and Merry Christmas from Kay and Oli
great listen for me with great lyrics, Santa will be here shortly, another Christmas original, Dolly is a Superstar and lighting up the Vintage team at xmas , baa baa
Hi Kay and Oli, well, this is really great! It's so sweet and beautiful... I had the feeling when I was listening to it that there was something very disturbed lurking underneath... kind of David Lynch-like... but maybe I'm completely wrong LOL. In any case, it's a great piece of work, very fitting for the Christmas season.
Thank you for your feedback. The v slight darkness is the ever-pervading circle they feel stuck in, as a farming couple. This woman knows of no other life they can go into or indeed have the energy to explore. The rest is about the power of hope, love and appreciation. Kay
Hello VintageNights, this is a very nice
Xmas short story. The narrated vocals tell the tale warmly and well spoken.....nice violin and guitar and soft country ballad follows a great tale of the holiday....this is a very well done track.
Hello, both of you! You can really feel that the Christmas season is in full swing. Beautiful song, great melody, and very lovely lyrics. I really like it. Best wishes, Manuela
Thank you, Manuela, that means alot coming from you. We both appreciate you taking the time to view the lyrics and give us this feedback - Christmas Greetings to you and your family , Kay and Oli
haha...You guys always think outside of the box and it is absolutely brilliant! to listen to this little masterpiece, like I have said before the minds behind your work are like a creative universe, keeping the planets in orbit Freaking Fantastic! :)
Mixing it up guys! Quirky and playful lyric and vocal and beautifully produced with some glorious 'breaks' and small melodic flourishes /outbursts of lush dreamy sound. Very enjoyable listen
Music is meant to entertain just as much as anything else, though Im most definitely not always entertained. lol. U guys have the gift to be able to entertain, and also reach the listener because your songs have heart as well as soul. Sometimes there are hidden truths to the lyrics, other times the meaning is plain to hear. And you take risks, more so because u follow ur heart, and so it pays off. I was entertained to say the least, But the point of the song was not lost on me. Im a broken record by now lol, but ill say it anyway - well done. - Aaron
The lyrics are exquisite, I mean it is the theme they deal with, which is unexpected, so lively and tale like (as you describe), I think it was a genious moment of the writer. Your performing is also so vivid, so full of love for life and his smile. The music is absolutely great especially for this year's period. Bravo to all of you
My best regards, Anthony.
Thank you for totally 'getting' the process - spoken word story-telling was the way that just felt right when I was writing this - we really appreciate your comments Kay
Ironically, that bleat was an expression of frustration I let out inadvertently, when I was having a bit of tough time getting the words in a rhythym - weirdly though, it just fitted so well, Oli expanded it and it got peppered thru the song! Thank you for your comments Kay
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Description : Here is a country song that I wrote and recorded. I played all the instruments and sang (not the best singer but its fun) as well, drums are from ezdrummer. If you like the track feel free to download it and thanks for listening.
Description : It was a long winter here, at Dartmoor. 4 Month of continued rain and damp. And suddenly (Drummroll), the sun came back. That did remind me of a collaboration with Silver Bella and her Acapella "Keep the Faith" from last year. A positive song which could have the potential to make a difference to the day. Thanks SB :-)
Description : I was actually just trying to mix up some new and old rhythms a while ago and come up with a track that just drew me in. Found it and thought I would put it out there for you guys to chew on. Let me know what you think. Send me some comments.
Description : This is my first serious attempt at a country song.
I am playing all instruments except for the drums....they are MIDI.
The song allowed me the opportunity to try my son-in-laws 1981 Gibson J40 acoustic, my new Dean Resonator Guitar and my new harmonica.
I hope you enjoy.
Description : If a girl wanted to do the chorus and a I can do the verse and we can make lryics to so if your a good writer your wanted. if interested send me a comment below
Description : A country soundtrack. Feel free to add vocals if you want to just make sure to add(ft. Migwel).I would love to hear what you did with it.
For non-commercial use only.
Description : My first attempt at country, Apple loops for drums, the rest a mix of guitars including a lap slide.A fun tune for me hopefully for you as well....Doc
But mainly, I love the name of the singer. :-) :-) :-)
Hats off,
Xmas short story. The narrated vocals tell the tale warmly and well spoken.....nice violin and guitar and soft country ballad follows a great tale of the holiday....this is a very well done track.
Wishing you all the best!
Keep up the awesome work!
My best regards, Anthony.
Well done guys!