Description : Thumping low frequencies included. Not quite what I remember it feeling like when I was chased down a river bank by hippos, but a good approximation nonetheless.
(final tweaks and annoying audio artifacts removed) Fetish #1 done for now. Thanks for assistance, friends!
This dub track was uploaded by n0mad23. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (26)
If you have time take a listen and give n0mad23 some feedback.
Wow I really love the imagery on this on. The percussion is great! Really drives it. I don't know much about DUB, but I know what I like.... and I like this! The beat just takes your body over... it forces you to move. Great job Fam!
lol - it's one of those tracks that can't be ignored, at least not if the volume's at 50% or more! It's funny hearing this one a couple years later - and reminds me that it's totally possible to make interesting and compelling music with a DAW. And to think once upon a time I thought it was only fakery! Glad you enjoyed this one! Cheers!
Wow! This is a great one. I still like the edginess. I really like the story behind the title for this track! You've got the knack for making a good drum track. This one definitely transports you into the African Wild with the jungle and tribal sound. This is still a Fun listen after all this time.
p.s. Thanks for listing my track in the Rave For The Golden Age Forum.
Thanks Todd. This one still has a special slot for me, and I still dig listening to it when I remember to give it a spin. I think that's the thing about inspiration and inspired pieces - somehow they retain the Spirit of that Moment. It's so cool hearing all our evolutions in this, and stepping back to hear how we're really still in the same currents but doing things differently. Great fun. Thanks!
Wow man listening to this again after such a long time, worth leaving another review....become very familiar with your style over the last year which to me... considering 'Music to have a rebellion to' has mellowed since this early material..though the chaos is still there in your present work seems more we have pure uncut furiousness which could easily be the representation of a furious hippo hell bent on bringing chaos to a village...the whole context of the piece listening now gives me those animated images.....within the madness of this track is some excellent sound work man...and it is Dub!
In the mood for listening to more from the man...and there are some classic tracks to choose from.
Yeah, jahknow called it way back when, didn't he? It's dub totally removed from the Jamaican Reggae spices, but remains unadulterated Dub nonetheless. Raw, ferocious and ultimately danceable. Same stream, different gyrations. Cheers!
It's a colourful track, isn't it? Actually Em, this was the track that made me admit there was something to this medium, and that exciting stuff could really be made with loops. I guess it goes to show some old dogs can actually learn new tricks. Thanks for the listen and review.
Hey Man! Really like the feel of this track! It really transports me deep in the jungles of Africa amongst the wild animals and lush nature! Yes it does give the feel especially in the begining of running to escape those angry hippos who were disturbed!
Very creative and cool stuff!
Keep up the good work!
Thanks! This was my second piece recorded with this medium, and THE one that convinced me it's worth doing. It's been hard getting over my own prejudices with a couple dozen analog instruments grumbling about feeling abandoned. Thanks for the review!
Alot of people may not know this but the Hippo has killed more people in Africa than any other wild animal, and this is a killer track..enjoyed your music tonight..thanks.
I'm one of those that knows this, and I'm glad to shared it for those who read the reviews! Don't know if you read through any that reviewed before you - this song is actually inspired by my own experience with an angry herd on the Benue River in the north west border of Cameroon when I was 9 years old. My dad and I got chased several hundred yards down the river bank and narrowly escaped in a `66 Ford Bronco. I think I did a fairly good job of translating that experience into an intense sound scape. Thanks for the fave!
The titles to your songs are great! What a number you got here. It's like an industrialized jungle with mechanical animals all walking in sync. Interesting stuff!
This is such an exciting track! The orchestration makes this song beyond reason, almost like mind control. Amazing tribal trance material here! Nice work! Faved!
"A cross section of some hot springs" and certainly a successful attempt at sonically identifying a personal archetype. It's a point of abstract personal fear now banished. Thanks for the fav!
Wow. I could feel this like a wave that hits me on one side and then move through and back to do it all over again....Great work,
The only thing In my opinion it turn up the drums a tad... Other than that, great work..
Yeah I think I overcompensated with this one in some ways, as originally it had no bass anywhere including the drums. On the plus side, the drum intensity is a bit like having charging hippos coming from somewhere behind! Someday I may come back to this one and try to do something about pulling the drums back a little, but first I'm going to apply what I've learned into a new series of tracks.
Ha,such an original track and title.
Like the way you evoke a scene or place with your music.At some point,I could feel the breath of hippos behind me!
Great track
Bonjour mon ami (it is still morning here)! My first incarnation as an adult was as a graphic artist, so I suppose there's no escaping the influences of the past. I suppose it's why I naturally try to create soundscapes as opposed to 'traditional' song structures, as well. As I remixed this one last night, I was surprised in watching the spectrogram in my master channel that the sound in this actually moves in waves back and forth across the frequencies. Water agitated by the movement of annoyed hippos! Glad you enjoyed it!
Great african feel to this one. The meter and those low end frquencies do indeed convey a kind of weighty loping movement and there is definately a hippo snort in there - great stuff.
And it's the one track that's got no African drums on it! Funny how we can invoke location sonically with the right/rite frequencies and rhythmic patterns. I'm glad you can hear the hippo snort, too (which is how I came to title it), as I thought maybe I was the only one. Glad you dig it!
Very very creative track. So many cool noises going on at once. I love the flow of this piece...and I love when that snare comes in!! Great work have an original sound that kinda stuff!
Thank you kind sir! I'm delighted that I was able to remaster this one with this degree of satisfaction. I'm beginning to think that Abelton Live 7 is capable of anything that you can imagine doing! The key of course being "imagination," and the helpful hints that other users provide! Cheers.
"a cross section of some hot springs in action" - planetjazzbass' description below is the best I've read yet, but I know what you mean. Wall0soundD. I like that "maximalism" a lot; occupying the opposite spectrum to Philip Glass probably needs to be done. Any volunteers? Cheers.
C69 - the first to ever listen to this track and instantly write a review! I had hoped you'd like the revision here. Soon some of those others you've commented on will be revised and uploaded, too. I look forward to seeing your take on them as well. Cheers!
I like this one heaps!..plenty of incoming swell (like waves) and a lot of sonic reflections and tangents in the far as compositions go I'd like to hear a bridge section but this isn't like most compositions ,it's more like a cross section of some hot springs in action...I think you definitely need way more bottom end..the frequencies are very focused in the mid range... you'll be able to rectify this very shortly I think ;)..great work! Dave
Yes, I'm a bit fond of this one in particular, which is why I'd like to get it right. Originally 6 loops and me playing with volume and built-in effects amplitudes in real-time - this is when I realized that my resistance to electronic music creation was something to face. Music is music, and there are things that can be done with this approach that I've always dreamed of. And you looperman friends are a generous resource that I really didn't anticipate. Thanks Dave!
I would still really enjoy a melodic interval in here, which I know is a bit against your background.
You really do have something special Sean.
Keep It UP!
Can you hear my palm slapping my forehead? It was one of the first tools I played with and thought how useful it could be, then completely forgot about it as I explored other things. I'm on my way to check out the links you've provided. The melodic me? I think I need to rub the Buddha belly to grok it. Love you little Brother Abe!
Normal instruments used in Electronic music , excuse me but i hadn't knowledge on this genre , all what i know is i heard those musics in movies and games i thought it's need to full studio stuffs for do one of these , you must have a talent to do these things man !
Thanks for the listen and review! All done on a laptop with various Max MSP programs, this latest version with Ableton 7 LE. I've put a new version up since your review and spent a lot of time fine editing the wav in Audacity. I think it sounds even better!
Thanks for the listen and fav! It's still drafty, but I think I'm nearly there. The 3rd remix is now up, and hopefully I've resolved the issues I still had with it before.
Play 2 now...
Hmm, this one does come across as a bit odd. Kinda like I could picture this being played in the green room or something. Or even better, I'm thinkin this'd be cool to play on one of those Scion commercials. Coz it's different or in a way it sounds experimental to me. Course, this would be really cool to pair up with some song that has more melody in a mash-up mix. Thanks for sharing. Later on!
I like the idea of this being used as a mash-up. I think you've pretty much hit it on the head here: it's actually more like a couple of tracks spliced together than a song, in that it's a live recording created with iamthemightyjungulator. I think I'll pull this one into Live and see if I can't expand it into something a bit more complete. Thanks for the idea here. Cheers!
this one sounds even more industrial to me man for some inexplicable reason, still in the same general area you've been investigating....I wanted to hear an almost intense slightly funky groove to come in somewhere...because u know I like them commercial flavors from time to time :)....another fave for me, I think you are getting close to an entire album here maybe!
thanks for sharing your artistry and always breaking new boundaries! the nyC...listening to new directions in sound...
Yup - I've still got all my Throbbing Gristle, Coil, and Psychic TV vinyl. I never play it as my spouse threatens divorce when I pull it out. I agree with your assessment and I'm now exploring Ableton Live Lite 7 to get me out of the limitations of doing this "live" with freeware. I'm thinking that I'll be able to do this 'playing' the computer like an instrument, but be able to do the overdubs and revisions necessary to move it to the next logical level. To this point, all my music here you've listened to has been done with a single mouse. Not bad considering, but too hobbyish or amateurish for what I really want to do. Thanks for your encouragement Victor, it's birth cohorts that inspire me the most!
great pulsing subrhythms and fantastic ... polarity mind twisting squeels and shimmers.
man, this feels like i ate a half ounce of magic mushrooms and wore nothing but a hat and a plastic shovel and i am chasing after that willy hyena who stole my banana
love it, keep doing whatever the hell you are doing lol
The Noize. Check out my gallery for some of my favorite instruments - the geng gongs in particular. The bamboo jaw harp's can make sounds that are inherently psychedelic in nature. Since I discovered them in the mid `90's I've played them a lot in conjunction with a Boss DD-2 digital delay pedal. Playing to/with an effect like that is to me the ultimate in Hi/Low Tech and it's not unlike what I'm trying do do with sampling. Maybe my stuff should be labeled "Retro" - like late neolithic. Grabbing whatever works and I can scavenge up!
The African roots...well, no getting away from that one even if I wanted to.
Tottaly unique. A really different one. I like this chill ambiance you putted in your track. As fiery said, it should be in the ambient-experimental section but i like your perfect job !
Thanks - I've followed through and this piece is not longer classed as "trance." I'm encouraged by the reception and thinking that a lot of people do actually appreciate something different. Sure makes me want to make more music! I'll be checking your tracks out presently.
Hippos ARE edgy! True story - when I was 9 my dad and I were chased by a herd of hippos along the edge of the Benue River in Cameroon. They can hit 35 mph on dry land! A truly horrifying experience. Hippos are a personal archetype of big edgy things, and the bass tones in this reflect it.
Haha, I gotta admit your song titles are creative. The imagery alone of the title made me want to check it out. Again, you've managed to incorporate organic sounds into electronic music. Very very cool... again not really trance - this could maybe fall under ambient/experimental? I dunno, I just know I like it ;)
One of my bands was called "The Hybrid Association" and our mission statement was "There are a bunch of people playing music around the world. We're some of those people." I'm posting "Kali with Peanut Sauce" next.
Very strange, I love it like your other track. Really spacey total originality. The kind of stuff the mainstream music industry ignores. Keep it comin'
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This track is finished but i walays looking for any collab for a future track. Especially with vocalists. Contact me !
Description : Vocal Stem is available for download.
Place your verse in the middle and add any instruments you like to play. This is why I left so much space on the track.
Video and track stems are linked in my profile page. Click the avatar and grab hi-res files. :)
Have fun!
Description : Another song that stuck in my brain. This is my take on the song, In The End, by Linkin Park.
With other words, it´s just a cover, made by me.
Description : Chilled out ambient transcendental dub. Grab yo drank and grab some shrub.
Sit back, relax and spark it up and sip the drips from out ya cup.
p.s. Thanks for listing my track in the Rave For The Golden Age Forum.
Keep on dub'n it up.
In the mood for listening to more from the man...and there are some classic tracks to choose from.
Very creative and cool stuff!
Keep up the good work!
Wayne, the Humps
The only thing In my opinion it turn up the drums a tad... Other than that, great work..
Like the way you evoke a scene or place with your music.At some point,I could feel the breath of hippos behind me!
Great track
French Kid
along with abletons spectrum analyzers, you might be able to cut closer to the sound you seek?
Understanding these...
I hope that helps some?
Sounds really cool still!
I would still really enjoy a melodic interval in here, which I know is a bit against your background.
You really do have something special Sean.
Keep It UP!
I will be in contact soon!
really great =)
Hmm, this one does come across as a bit odd. Kinda like I could picture this being played in the green room or something. Or even better, I'm thinkin this'd be cool to play on one of those Scion commercials. Coz it's different or in a way it sounds experimental to me. Course, this would be really cool to pair up with some song that has more melody in a mash-up mix. Thanks for sharing. Later on!
thanks for sharing your artistry and always breaking new boundaries! the nyC...listening to new directions in sound...
great pulsing subrhythms and fantastic ... polarity mind twisting squeels and shimmers.
man, this feels like i ate a half ounce of magic mushrooms and wore nothing but a hat and a plastic shovel and i am chasing after that willy hyena who stole my banana
love it, keep doing whatever the hell you are doing lol
added to the n0mad23 greatest hits
The African roots...well, no getting away from that one even if I wanted to.