Description : Used alot of sounds from this site so thx everyone. Made this song after watching a bunch of crazy shamans on TV. Its got a fast jungle/techno kinda feel to it. Used Fruitloops 8. "We all go a little mad sometimes." " Dont You?"
This jungle track was uploaded by DJAid. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (13)
If you have time take a listen and give DJAid some feedback.
Did you get that Nicholas Cage sample from I have that same loop on a track but mine is nowhere near as good thats why I did not post it. This track has great earcandy and super mindf#$k samples. I thought I was schizophrenic for awhile.
I do believe I got the sample from but I didn't know It was Nicolas Cage. Thought it was from the original Psycho movie. Anyway yhanks for your listen and review.
u did the impossable u mix techno jungle and drum n Bass (clapping hands loudly)this is unbelieve man,your tracks just get better and better.hey i got a track called "Jungle Jacking"
check it out when i upload.great gret work aid your my second fav artist behind Koukotsu now.
Thx for your reviews man and Im honored to be someones #2. Made this track using the demo of Fruity Loops 8 back before I had the full version. Couldent save my work so I had to write everything that I did down on paper lol.
I love the picture created at the beginning. Just as I was starting to settle in, the techno kicked in and that was awesome. I like how the middle section morphs into back into the techno beat. I enjoyed the creativity. Kper
Really cool fusion of styles on this track! Definitely a bit tribal. You still need to quiet down that sample and hold sounding synth. It fits in well, but it's way too loud. I like how the rhythm kind of degrades into a march at the end of the track. Cool stuff!
Very tribalistic, the shamanistic influence is very apparent, the cane/bamboo sounding xylophones are definatly a good supporting mechanism for the rest of the track, overall a very well produced and arranged track, alot of tracks on this site have a good beat but the arrangment and production is tar.... this is a bit above the rest!
Definitely dug hearing psychotropic loops in the beginning, and it was the first time I've actually heard someone using the same loops as me. I'm with JackRipper re: 1:57 - that needs to be turned down some as it was really distracting. Banging track to be sure.
Crazy madness coolness. This thing thumps good on my headphones and I'm lovin' it even more when it kicks in halfway through. Great jungle speed. Very cool work man!
Play 2 now...
Excellent usage of the reverse soundin breaks in this mate. I think that was prolly my favorite part of the song. Along with the tribal chant vocal sample and that nutty bass/synth ya had near the end (in fact, they sorta reminded me of some bass loops I recently added). Two things bum me out about this. The first is that it isn't avail for download (sad face) and the other is that one vocal sample that sounded like it came from a movie (with site rules and all that). Course, I'm thinkin you could still have a pretty bangin track without that sample. Later on!
Hey man. This track is kinda crazy! Got a techy sort of edge to it.. I like it. The thing I didn't like was @ 1:57 or so, def. need to bring that DOWN..but all in all good deal man, keep it up
Jack Ripper
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Description : Ok, so in the mist of working on a bunch other projects, I wake up in the middle of the night last week and wanted to do a "Jungle / Drum & Bass" track for some unknown reason. This was the end result hope you like it.
Description : This track is now remastered and will be out on streaming platforms soon. If you could go to the spotifies and itunes and see if you can find my account and follow it... that would be MASSIVELY appreciated (heart emoticon)
Description : I've been away for a while, but I'm back into dabbling with music again! This was just sort of a mishmosh of sounds and samples and really was just me being bored and having some fun with ableton. I thought it would be fun to snag some samps from the community here, so there's a few vocal samps from users 2scarze & steelyvibe!
Not sure what else to add or where, and I'm still actively playing around with this so any suggestions or feed back is greatly welcomed!
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Description : I try to explore all the electronics style... this time i went to say hello to Mrs Jungle :) Hope you will enjoy it ^^ it looks like bugge wesseltoft for those who know him. Is "Jungle jazzy" already exist? lol
Description : Rnb meets jungle I think this one. Used Jenna 01's acapella off here and built around it and used Sunil Bawa's guitar sample to build around so big ups both of them. Not a bad little jam tho, defo for the UK club vibe
Nice piece
check it out when i upload.great gret work aid your my second fav artist behind Koukotsu now.
FarCry 2 rules!:D and the African jungle!!!
great work man very powerful!!
Excellent usage of the reverse soundin breaks in this mate. I think that was prolly my favorite part of the song. Along with the tribal chant vocal sample and that nutty bass/synth ya had near the end (in fact, they sorta reminded me of some bass loops I recently added). Two things bum me out about this. The first is that it isn't avail for download (sad face) and the other is that one vocal sample that sounded like it came from a movie (with site rules and all that). Course, I'm thinkin you could still have a pretty bangin track without that sample. Later on!
Jack Ripper