Description : Similar to Anai, but a different approach
Made this today, listening to above and beyond
i loove to creat music/trance nad i relaly hope you like
No loops all me
Edited the distortion
Everything should sound better
This trance track was uploaded by ToxicVoltage. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (37)
If you have time take a listen and give ToxicVoltage some feedback.
pretty good, once again, a classical feel on it :)
my only concerns are the clap + ride.. could be lowered in volume.
while the lead melody could get some more volume.
sorry for being a d!ck here.. but like i said in my other reviews to you, i always try to give a honest review.
goodluck! :)
this track is ILL ma...i see you have somewhat similar taste that I do...if you get a chance check out my beats and my group's page:Prosthetik Intelligentz page...peace
I can see you've attained a lot of attention with this one and I must admit that melodically this is a very sound production. Lead arps and those fantastic trance pads have been created well against a pretty solid bassline. However I wasn't quite so keen on the distorted nature of the HP filtered stab lead hooks which doesn't quite sound right against the clean nature of the other elements. This of course maybe just down to preference. Anyway if you could get just a little bit more of a sub-bass going on, I reckon your could make this song into an awesome gem indeed. Peace & Greetz, --Davey-- x
GIRL you have talent plus, this an amazing track, great beat and bass, and those synths are wicked, love everything about this one too, another fav by the way...will check out more of your top work when I get another chance in next day or 2, looking forward to hearing somemore of your gem's, Fav'd...brillaint...Peace
Love the feel and energy of this track. A very well produced and arranged composition. I especially like the synth hook. Major props to you girl. You have the ability to be a top shelf music producer. Keep up the great work.
another one of your amazing trance tracks favorited, another load of inspiration from you. Im very impressed with it all, the way the pads and the arp fit together.
I can see how you listened to above and beyond, because it does sound a bit like their work, but you havent stole anything off them.
I love the fact that its a good four minutes long, gives me something to listen to when Im goin somewhere. I love 3:41 the most out of all the amazing parts in this song.
TV, the pads are very nice at the start, really sets a loving feeling and sparks good memories. I like the main intro lead which certainly does a great job for me in my mind. It has the quality of swing that I tend to picture allot when I listen for a certain period for time. The main melody lead is also quite nice I like how the change was subtle and worked nicely. Nice work TV! Keep it up! By the way, this is quite the oldie, no new tracks in the oven?
Absoloutly Fantastic Track. I love the synth, i love the bassline,everything just ''fits'' and its brilliant, definatly one of my favourites, right in there along next to Tiesto-ISOS 7
i've never been really big into this type of music..until i came to looperman and realize how truly artistic a person needs to be to create such wonderfull and cohesive pieces.. I've attempted to record dance music myself strictly for fun.. nowhere near this does it come... I enjoyed listen to this ... thanks and keep up the great work..
I remeber listening to your earlier tracks a long time ago and thinking...."wow, she's got major potential" and you still cease to amaze people on here. I love the whole synth line, it really changes the song. Anyways, this is a bangin track....keep it up =]
those pads sweep nicely - you can hear the influence behind the track - well placed cut down as well - I might have filtered the pads in the break downs a little to add to the buid by bringing them up a little - nice sounds though well done :)
hey nice track.. but i want some acapellas.. if u could try n sing some good lyrics to my blinded visions and get and acapella for me..then i'll let u remix the beat how's that for a trade.. :D
I put on my sony studio headphones, sat back in my chair,and drifted off to a different place where nothing mattered, just music. you've come a long way bri and really excited for you and this awesome track. what did u use for ur bassline this time? because you nailed it! i dig this tune alot!! favorited 4 sure!!!! great work again bri!!!!
Another banging Trance track. You have a feel for these tracks Tox. I am especially liking the repetitive background "wall of sound". I like that approach since it allows you to wind your melody in the foreground. Keep on making good sounds. I'd like to hear longer versions of most of your pieces which I understand is not possible with the size limitation but I'd still like it.
sounds gr8 Bri!! Am really impressed the wasy you have come on with your productions....guess all that Nitrous Oxide is rubbing off on you!!!!! NIce work!
Yeh this opens beautifully. One of those openings that you hear and know that this is what this kind of music is supposed to sound like. Ambient, atmospheric and wonderful. To be honest, I'd like to hear the beat that comes in without the higher synth that comes in attached to it, if that makes sense. Doesn't sound too distorted to me. Sounds good. Maybe it's been fixed?
What's really amazing is comparing this to "Move Along." You are sooo jacked in right now! I really like how you've found "spaces" to move everything back here, and how the melody works so well with your rhythmic sensibility. Nice track.
wow that's some awesome trance, really nice melody, chord, bass, well the whole things is good, exept 1 thing... your kick was too high in the low freq so it make the whole song distort... just work on your kick and it will be PERFECT!! :D
Thank you for the critique
It sounds better in the high quality version
I had to put the bit rate to like 112kb
so that could be a bit of a factor, but I really do appreciate the advice
I fixed the kick problem, idk if you would like to listen to it again, tell me what you think
Description : Big thanks to Justze3 who released the four loops to his drake ovo style piece because he didn't plan to finish it, challenge accepted. I would also like to thank LankFrampard for the extra drum loop and av3 for the sample "trapped" which gave a lot of extra feel to the song.
Description : this song is the last i created. I wanted to remix the famous "the chase" from the movie "midnight express, i love the original sound! i don't know if the result is enough good but i'm proud to say that all has been composed by myself: the instrumental parts, the arrangements, melody, recording and mixing. I hope you'll enjoy it! don't hesitate to let a comment after listening :)
Description : Progressive song that I made a few weeks ago. Tried to make an uplifting sommer song. I know it is nothing original but like the flow in it.
Description : Used loops from MHYST trance sequence 8,2 and Goa. Dune 2 Vst. also thanks to Fibonacci 1.1618
ref looperman-l-0203623-0112992-mhyst-trance-sequence-8
MHYT has a series look him up under trance sequence
Description : A relaxed Trance-Trible-Electro-Wave track. Feel the power of the alien tribe connection. Dance your dream or dream your dance. Just be part of the connection.
This is what you get when i try to make a Free Radical song.
In the end, it does not sound like something I've ever heard from him.
But it was, after all, a try.
Thus, it is not completely different, ´cause i have not sung this time.
And it is electronic music but .....
However, I like the resulting song. Hope you too. Only 1 sample was used here - Anubis-Anubis-Loop all the synth´s are played by me and i added some drumsounds with powerdrums2 played by myself Comments are sure welcome.
Description : A drum and bass, electronic something or other inspired track. The main Melodies taken from short loops I cut from some sessions my bro &e's recordings he had made at my location. I had been meaning to use his sounds for a minute and he said it would be cool. Finally did.
#Drum and Bass
Description : Another attempt in my continuing efforts to learn how make a trance track. Is intended to have a vocal doing the melody. Would try to find a singer but need to work out lyrics first. For this track I tried to make the melody not too repetitive. I limited it to four bars max of the same melodic phrase.
Description : I made this track the day after I was trapped in the lower dimension and could not wake up. The only way I escaped was to send unconditional love to a huge group of dark beings going to attack me.
Description : Would you be at all surprised if I told you this was a Trance edit of And Then She Left Me Again? Didn't do a whole lot to it. Just changed the bpm to 138, swapped out the drums and slightly changed the drop. That's all I've had time to do since I uploaded the house/techno version. Originally this was going to be DnB edit but I got tired of trying to find the perfect kick and percs
Description : It is time to max up your volume and make this party a real one with Infinium.This tune is made to be looped infinite timefor some epic hours in a party. this is why there are no proper intro or outro in this one.Also this tune is progressive maybe for some "rave". Anyway please enjoy the last track I made for this years (2014).Sorry i would describe more this track but I have a party right now !! :D
Keep them coming
my only concerns are the clap + ride.. could be lowered in volume.
while the lead melody could get some more volume.
sorry for being a d!ck here.. but like i said in my other reviews to you, i always try to give a honest review.
goodluck! :)
I can see you've attained a lot of attention with this one and I must admit that melodically this is a very sound production. Lead arps and those fantastic trance pads have been created well against a pretty solid bassline. However I wasn't quite so keen on the distorted nature of the HP filtered stab lead hooks which doesn't quite sound right against the clean nature of the other elements. This of course maybe just down to preference. Anyway if you could get just a little bit more of a sub-bass going on, I reckon your could make this song into an awesome gem indeed. Peace & Greetz, --Davey-- x
GIRL you have talent plus, this an amazing track, great beat and bass, and those synths are wicked, love everything about this one too, another fav by the way...will check out more of your top work when I get another chance in next day or 2, looking forward to hearing somemore of your gem's, Fav'd...brillaint...Peace
I can see how you listened to above and beyond, because it does sound a bit like their work, but you havent stole anything off them.
I love the fact that its a good four minutes long, gives me something to listen to when Im goin somewhere. I love 3:41 the most out of all the amazing parts in this song.
I look forward to seeing more of your tracks!
As I have said b4, tranceis def your forte.....another great track...faved
well done
; )
glad you like
what did you use to create the bass? deep and timelapsed, kinda similar to "bass i love you"
and nice job =)
im glad you like it
Thank you for the review:)
Im really glad you enjoy it and if you want a dl, just message me
I like the way you've build up the drums and the synth part after the breakdown is too good.
Keep it up.
All the best.
but please check out my new track out my Mind thank you
I actually fixed the distortion, so the track should sound perfect now
I had to lower the quality
in order to upload
sorry for the distorted sound
I actually redid the track so it isnt distorted, if you would like to listen to ut again distortion free go right ahead
It sounds better in the high quality version
I had to put the bit rate to like 112kb
so that could be a bit of a factor, but I really do appreciate the advice
I fixed the kick problem, idk if you would like to listen to it again, tell me what you think
you rock