25th Jul 2009 12:19 - 15 years ago
Description : I would definately consider this track my finest so far. Its a bit long but i just had so much fun with it and so many ideas. Any suggestions on improvements are very welcome! Let me know what you think guys.

Comments (7)

If you have time take a listen and give Faketrix some feedback.

CalifKen 3rd Sep 2009 10:53 - 15 years ago
Really really cool work on the rhythms and what goes on between the synths and percs. Love it.
MCLift 20th Aug 2009 07:17 - 15 years ago
Downloaded this track! Excellent work. When I saw the genre was "deep house" I almost passed it by thinking it might be too loud/repetitious/monotonous. What you have is a groovy smoothie with a great bassline, nice pads and synths. You throw in a few breaks with the drum beats and if I would make any suggestion it would be to change up the drum beat occasionally - don't just drop it out - but utilize a drum that would change the pattern to create some build and maybe switch back to the original drum loop when you're winding down.
Faketrix replied Unknown
Thanks for the good review MC. I will definately try out a few more drum fills to spice things up a bit and see how it works out.
Cheers, Faketrix
kmy 19th Aug 2009 01:17 - 15 years ago
i like, it def kept me listening to see if anything new would happen. I could see this being played in a fashion store or something like that... It makes me want to go shopping lol
blackryan 14th Aug 2009 07:21 - 15 years ago
F i liked the first part (3 or 4 mins)of the track but agree about the pads to give a bit more depth. On a negative I would say that the track is too long and has places were not a lot is realy happening. I think u could easily strip out a couple of mins. On the right lines tho!
bones2008 27th Jul 2009 13:11 - 15 years ago
youve got some good combinations of sounds with an nice beat here, the track could do with a lil more filling out in placesperhaps by layering some sounds or like the suggestions below adding some kind of pads or some extra drum fills

tip... try to bounce some of your midi tracks to audio which should free up some cpu load, its wot i did before i upgraded my ram which sorts out the problem in the long run... also by bouncing to audio there are normally more options as far as fx could try bouncing down like 8/16 bars of each channel(if you wanted to change the arrangement at all + add different fx) or the whole track(each midi channel seperatly) and then add the extra midi tracks for the pads or woteva you want to add... i hope this resolves your problem...dont forget to delete the now unused midi tracks and i would save another copy and call it (b) or sumthink incase it f's it up knowing wot computers can be like
Faketrix replied Unknown
Thanks for the review! I have tried sticking in some pads but as soon as i open another Albino3 it get CPU overload and it wont play properly. You got any tips on this type of problem?
Cheers, Faketrix
Spivkurl 25th Jul 2009 18:19 - 15 years ago
You've got a great deep house track goin here. I really enjoy this bass line! I agree maybe some creepy sounding pads would fit in really well. Nice melodies! Great work!
Faketrix replied Unknown
Thanks for the review and the kind words. Much appreciated.
oskarssonPL 25th Jul 2009 16:33 - 15 years ago
i like ur track mate,its all good,but you asked
for suggestion...try adding some nice pad to ur
tune and you'll see the difrence i think it would work
very nicely together with ur tune,greetz;))peace
Faketrix replied Unknown
Thanks for the review, ill definately try out the pads and see how it works.

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6th Jun 2007 13:40 - 17 years ago
Description : An attempt at writing a deep house track. Recorded in some guitar, chopped out some loops and built the track around it. Not sure if you could call it a deep house track though but there you go.
30th Apr 2016 21:44 - 8 years ago
Description : A slightly hypnotic song here, a little impulsive but also comes very relaxing.
As always tinged slightly dark.
I knew again not what kind of a genre it is really.
Therefore, it is under Deep House because that fits in my opinion, quite good. But who knows ....
Who wants to understand the text, but not be German, which can be read by a translation.
To see under - Lyrics ....
Hopefully you like this song - feedback would be nice.
4th Apr 2016 08:49 - 8 years ago
Description : So I took just one pad phrase that Alex wrote and built this monstrosity entirely around it. A gentle deep house ambient sentiment with soft jazzy pianos and deep and dirty bass withs lots and lots of percussion. I really like this one And I hope you do too!
23rd Feb 2019 04:18 - 6 years ago
Description : Instrumental version - NOT THE FINAL MIX
Used loops and vox by Joe Funktastic, Loop by Sharpnotes, vox by Sheba (who doesn't seem to be on this site anymore). If I've left anyone out I'll come back and edit this.

Anyway, I haven't uploaded anything in a while after a death in the family. Hope to remedy that with more tracks.
29th May 2013 19:59 - 11 years ago
Description : feat. Auqa (Vocals from the 70s)

A mix of 80s House and 90s Deep House.

Love or hate it, thanks for listening! :)
6th Dec 2021 15:20 - 3 years ago
Description : Demotrack #03 St.Ra
Somtimes a banana is not enough, so i turned up my smoothie mixer added some strawberries and this got me back to my roots. I started with fl and deep house. I programmed a slow analog drum machine Blofeld mixed with 808 and Rickenbacher Bass.
1st Nov 2016 17:48 - 8 years ago
Description : Here's a deep house track, you can download a higher quality version here:
the vocal was taken from this website
23rd Jul 2015 17:53 - 9 years ago
Description : Strated making this Deep House styled track yesterday and yea... :D Hope you people like it or dont like it :) and feedback would be great always :)
8th Feb 2018 21:27 - 7 years ago
Description : A lively upbeat track with crisp sounds and chopped up looperman vocal sample made with logic pro x instruments,plugins and sampled fx.
3rd Feb 2019 14:47 - 6 years ago
Description : Again some new experiments. Welcome to my first G-House attempt! It was pretty muck constructed with loops but i also used some one-shots from my packs. Enjoy, comment and download! Peace.
15th Jan 2019 09:59 - 6 years ago
Description : Another wee tune I made in Ableton, I found a cool funky guitar loop on here from a user called Danke and also a vocal from a user on here called Searz. The rest I made myself using various samples and instruments
4th Jun 2015 16:29 - 9 years ago
Description : Now for a bit lighter topic I thought I uploaded one of my most recent tracks. I wanted to make a very deep synth and think I managed to do so. Build up to the 2nd part really gives it more depth. Let me know if you like it or give me hints to make it better. I did not use an actual drop in this. Thought it did not fit the track.
4th Mar 2016 21:12 - 9 years ago
Description : big melody with Japanese incredible voice
7th May 2016 16:55 - 8 years ago
Description : Summer is an South African Deep House produced by me ReckLezz Beatz

Hope you like
14th Jan 2020 18:50 - 5 years ago
Description : Remixed 50 cent