19th Aug 2009 20:54 - 15 years ago
Tags :
Description : The final version with loops largely from this site. plantjazzbass has one that drives this whole bit, and other notables include Dj4Real, and loopytunes. The bass line is by DustHill. The rekeyed didgeridoo sample comes from Anton Woldhek (Creative Commons).

Comments (28)

If you have time take a listen and give n0mad23 some feedback.

alividlife 19th Sep 2010 06:36 - 14 years ago
On the clip in ableton did you change the complex waveform algorithm to "Complex" instead of "Beat"
Or "Complex Pro"?
I was just saying because I heard some grains being processed?

I just noticed that...
this has continually evolved?!?!

So awesome... Your depth. Amazing.
n0mad23 replied Unknown
No idea - pretty much default settings at this stage with characteristic tweaking of everything - lol. It's a funny track and to my ears now seems very, very dated. Weird how quickly that can happen.
DonnieVyros 16th Sep 2010 02:13 - 14 years ago
Play 2 now...

Is that a drone yer playing, or are you just excited to be here?
Interesting thing that, have you ever messed with a Didgeridoo? They're pretty fun, but getting the mouth to putter right is pure silliness (my mama taught me that it wasn't kosher to make farty noises like that). Oddly enough, I was was thinkin about this earlier because a song came on the radio with one when I was comin back from school.
Very tight drum work going on here and the percs kinda remind me of some of Robert Miles stuff. The only things I'm thinkin that would make this sound cooler is if ya had some Sitar action (and possibly even some kind of flute). Would def add to that world flavor of this. Anyways, cool tune mate. Lates!
n0mad23 replied Unknown
I actually picked up the didgeridoo in `92 and 6 weeks later I was on stage performing in Seattle for the upcoming Subpop artists. This one feels like ancient history now, but you're right - if I was to go back to it I'd certainly weave in more of the South Asian sounds. Cheers!
ChaseManhattan 17th Apr 2010 06:21 - 14 years ago
you are simply put a genius. after hearing this track all i have to say is keep them coming, and never stop. the bassline is sickkkkkk
n0mad23 replied Unknown
Thank you. I do try to stretch out and raise the personal bar with each track. But really I'm lucky that I'm so often frequented by the Muse! Cheers.
profplum 23rd Mar 2010 13:40 - 14 years ago
great musical piece very well put together excellent use of the different instruments.
n0mad23 replied Unknown
Thanks. Tried to sample some of my fave ethnic sounds for this and keep it from sounding contrived. Cheers.
BigPete 7th Mar 2010 22:53 - 15 years ago
Hi Sean never reviewed this so its my turn, great production you had the sub working real good, really felt like this was happening in the room, classic n0mad, amazing percussions you are a master at that for sure, just so full of texture its like nirvana for the senses, peace.
n0mad23 replied Unknown
Hi Pierre. The subs actually took a lot of work to get right in this one, and I learned a lot about using graphic analyzers in the process. Yes, the textures are good here, and reflect the "ride" around the world through instrument choices. I'm really glad you like this one. Thanks much for the review and fave! Cheers.
siensystem 28th Feb 2010 14:39 - 15 years ago
Definitely a very texture-full track n0mad. Has such a rich set of instrumentation and it's flow is really interesting. Very nice use of all the instruments to full advantage! Great work.
n0mad23 replied Unknown
Hey siensystem! Glad you enjoyed the play. Thanks for listening and leaving a review. Cheers.
Mosaic 8th Feb 2010 12:07 - 15 years ago

man this is a very interesting track, also very entertaining, love all the layers, love the didgeridoo, being a Aussie, like to hear it used in piece's and you use it very well, very talented guy mate, very tribal feel about this track, really like the bongo calypso style beat, great track my friend, can not fault one little bit, brilliant work...Peace n0mad...Estefano...
n0mad23 replied Unknown
Estefano my Man,

The didgeridoo is an amazing instrument for so many reasons. I'm fairly sure (info from the instrument) that this is the very first instrument played after clacker-sticks that our ancestors played. Strange that only the Australian aborigines didn't forget. On a physical level, according to acupuncture/acupressure the nerve ending around our lips jack into our whole nervous system - so playing the instrument can do really interesting physical things to the performer. And with the vibration moving through your jaw an into your spine it's an easy means of experiencing altered states of consciousness.

So the didgeridoo as the "ground" of "Totems from the Diaspora" has a very symbolic value as well. Behind the collection of instruments from around the world comes the drone - primal sounds from The Dreamtime.

Thanks for the review and fave!
theassociation 2nd Feb 2010 22:21 - 15 years ago
awesome track, i listened to a few but am at work on orrible speakers, so ill listen on the home stuff soon, having said that this just flowed with great rythym and wonderful sounds and sounded good on these cheap speakers
looking forward to the rest
n0mad23 replied Unknown
Eric - as a former member of the band The Hybrid Association, let me first say how much I like your name! And an association of one is the best way to avoid the inevitable schism stage that most groups seem to fall into. Smart move. I'm glad you chose this one to review, as I always wonder what Australians must think hearing an Aboriginal instrument driving the track. It's my best attempt at redeeming World Music (in a generic sense) while simultaneously bringing as much world instrumentation into the mix as possible. My favorite moment in this one still is when everything drops away except some reggae drums and the Egyptian fiddles enter the mix. The panning there still blows my mind - and I'm responsible! I love having those happy surprises.

Sure am enjoying hearing your work! Welcome to the site, and expect more listens from me! Cheers.
DeadPixel 11th Jan 2010 23:57 - 15 years ago
whoa...this is amazing...I love tribal sounding music I sometimes incorporate it into my own...but take it to another level. Bravo.
n0mad23 replied Unknown
This was a challenge. I think there were 3 posted drafts before coming to this final version, and it's the title track to my album released through Mega Monster Music. My attempt to do a World Music track outside the genre - and I think your "tribal sounding" is how. Bootstrapped into the current moment with every electronic manipulation possible. House/Trance/Rave music really is a replication of ecstatic traditions of long ago. And to think, I not only resisted loops, I once sneered at them! Sure glad I got over that one. Cheers.
FallingFrogs 10th Jan 2010 23:29 - 15 years ago
Whoa. Dense, many-layered, and yet light as sun sparkling on the ocean - with new percussive melodies moving in and out all the time like a breeze in a field of wheat. OK, mixing metaphors there but that's what it's like to me, an effervescent dance of intertwining melodies. I listened to it on speakers first and then on headphones. Not downloadable? Darn it!
n0mad23 replied Unknown
I love your name! I'm swinging to your tracks after this response to check out your work. I really wanted this one to shake up the "World Music" cliche while still keeping it World. I'm glad you hear the movement here, as I really was trying to move continent to continent with the sampling and it took many experimental drafts before arriving at this version. Mega Monster Music has the distribution rights to this one, so I'm afraid it's only available currently for sale. Thanks for the major compliment here!
CalifKen 6th Dec 2009 07:21 - 15 years ago
and like other good, questionably toxic things - last time, i almost puked and sha7 myself. and now?, i'm addicted.

i might just come by once a day and click the play .... keep chasing that freaky feeling. though it will never be as freaky.

ah man. remix it Sean. come on. come on man. i give you 5 dollars. can i borrow your vcr?
n0mad23 replied Unknown
I used to play with a band called Spirit House. We often opened with a piece called "Wu Wei" and started with a ney (Turkish end blown flute) and a didgeridoo. I made a didgeridoo out of giant timber bamboo from South China that was in the same key as the eucalyptus one the other player had.

We did a rave and were the 3AM break set. We were totally acoustic, weren't even amplified - sat on a Persian carpet on the cement dance floor of this underground event. You could put your fists together and have them both fit into that bamboo didg, it was that big around. The sound was equally as big.

And this was underground. I doubt any of the 300 + people there were over 25 years old. There was so much E floating about that it was impossible to fend off the contact highs. When we began to play, a line maybe 30 people wide stretched out in front of us about 3 feet away. Behind them, the mass of people crowded in so they could see us.

After 3 or 4 minutes of the ney/didgerido duet I came in with mine. The sound rolled out across the concrete and the audience all took a huge step backward. We nearly dropped our instruments.

That's what sound can do.
CalifKen 6th Dec 2009 07:14 - 15 years ago
HOLY SH. It is still just as freaky. dude it's not a how did you say it a "toxic" thing at all. it's like a HOLY SH i can't believe a sound just put 100 tentacles through my skin and tickled my vital organs from the inside, and wrapped my mind up in several parts, started juggling them, and as soon as I realized i was watching my dismantled physical self being juggled and messed with so physically and thoroughly in a matter of seconds - well last time i had to run away it was just too much. this time, i came prepared. fkn exotic creepy proof armour. dude you need to round up all the folks that would need to be a part of making this commercially presentable, cuz dude this NEEDS TO BE AT THE CLIMAX OF THE freakiest part of the freakiest fkn movie you have ever seen. like this is when the half dimensional witch doctor possessed by god threads the needle to stitch the eye of the baby that represents the absolute light or the total dark that will become of the rest of all eternity.

i think it will just ... people wont forget it let's put it that way.

sh...... got a video camera?
n0mad23 replied Unknown
Ah. Trying to talk about the nonverbal stuff. Cool. This is my real excitement - the digital environment is finally capable of recreating sound that can achieve the same psycho-acoustic phenomena that I thought was only possible in Real Time/Space. On the other hand, talking about it is about as elusive as ever. Your imagined cinematic scenario does get the point across.
Sector7even 3rd Dec 2009 23:00 - 15 years ago
fantastic fusion my a dream in the jungle, found myself floating.
very nice track.iv checked more of your tracks and enjoy your style.
hats off 2 u sir
n0mad23 replied Unknown
Thank you, friend! I listened to and reviewed one of yours before replying here - certainly going back for more as you're doing genres of interest and outside my own scope. I figured it had to be Fusion as there are sounds/traditions from each continent. Thanks for the encouragement. Cheers!
CalifKen 1st Dec 2009 17:43 - 15 years ago
Jzzzzzzus. that sounded FAAARRREEAKY. k i'm here to hear how you tease of things to come. wow it is amazing how music sounds different from day to day. this is totally freakin me out right now man. i have no idea what's going on.

i'm going to click add review and just sink back into my chair here and let the fog cover me. g'bye.
n0mad23 replied Unknown
It's a strange composition - what may sound beautiful one day, may in turn sound rather toxic on another. Such is Nature reflected in Art.

But you see what I mean about introductions? This is an odd one, as it wanders initially, but still forecasts some of what's to come. The other point to pay attention to (I think anyway) is something the didgeridoo does fairly early in the song - a sort of rising howl - this is repeated when the song closes. This and the intro are things I've taken from writing and applied to this piece. I still have reservations, but think that it works.
alividlife 21st Nov 2009 07:28 - 15 years ago
hasn't this evolved ehh?

I can't say much more really... Or about myself...
I hope all is well Sean!
I threw my phone into a gutter, and I shed my skin hearing this..
This has seriously evolved...
I can't believe it compared to the original..

You walk a fine line, and you do it in complete style.
Keep it up!
And I hope all negative vibes find their place!
It's in the emptiness that there is complete and pure pain or am I off?
SOrry for the cryptic review..
totems from diaspora indeed!
n0mad23 replied Unknown
And the voice cried, "Know thyself!" before the skin sluffed and shed...and that too was added to the Totem. Actually Abe, a cryptic review from you is like a breath of perfumed air, (apple orchard in springtime bloom) and I'm honored you had a listen to this one. You're right - it has evolved significantly from its first attempt, and one I'm really happy with. Stale World Music bootstrapped dynamically into Something Else entirely. My favorite moment is towards the end, when the Egyptian fiddles slide in and the drums pan insanely before the pygmy refrain returns. To me, that's what this song's all about - we are all without exception children of the diaspora. Thanks for this review, Abe. It means more than you know.
Scriptique 14th Nov 2009 05:21 - 15 years ago
Oh man that's insane. I love how you added a didgeridoo to this. I just read your previous comment to Anomaly, do you play didgeridoo? If you do then you're one helluva musician: that instrument requires a strong pair of lungs and good breathing technique.
n0mad23 replied Unknown
My 11 year old is writing a story about pirates circa 1700 and she asked me tonight about magical traditions which might allow instantaneous travel. Naturally I immediately went to the Sufi masters and the legends of them neither being bound by time or space. I've been fascinated by this tradition more because of the music - how musicians with the right tones can create visions in the minds' of their audience. For mystical understanding, look no further than what the didgeridoo can teach! The first instrument I began performing on was the didgeridoo in Seattle around 1993. It's marvelous as a percussive instrument and guaranteed to make toddlers dance spontaneously. Even more interesting is what happens to the player after circular breathing and playing drones in the course of 45 minutes or so! Hopefully with these tones and instruments I can "transport" my listeners on voyages that are both significant and enjoyable. Thanks for the listen and wonderful review!
CalifKen 11th Nov 2009 07:03 - 15 years ago
Beautiful. I must say if I could like Sylar from heroes just take someones power or musical essence for my own, it would be yours my friend. You're one of the few people I've come across that effectively jumps the gaps between the human sensory inputs as well as between usual concepts and magical ones. I have long been a fan of yours, and I know for sure if you weren't on this site, I would not feel as comfortable as I do being off in the periphary, cuz I've got a friend out there on the ledge. Cheers man!! Great song too. I mean really just look at all the words I wrote while it played. The music enhanced the thought transfer, and would probably enhance a lot of other things too. :D Cheers!
n0mad23 replied Unknown
Brought a smile to my lips with this review, Ken! It's why I always try to jam with musicians that are better than I am - it's easier to draw from their talent and creativity and leap higher than ever before. Yes, this is the place to explore the boundaries and try new things, isn't it? I'm so glad I can inspire you, and that the inspiration runs both ways! Cheers - Sean.
Optym 11th Nov 2009 02:08 - 15 years ago
While listening to this, I closed my eyes and truly felt I was somewhere else in the world. A place full of wonder and mystery, numbing all the senses but still able to absorb all that is around me. Wow, thanks man :) Can you stamp my passport?
n0mad23 replied Unknown
Passport stamped and visas in order. I like your description about "numbing all the senses but still able to absorb all that is around me." To me, this is a Mystery that Music can directly touch. It's amazing that amidst complexity our senses keep from being totally overwhelmed. I'm really pleased it had this effect on you. Thanks!
Salook 10th Nov 2009 01:00 - 15 years ago
Very enjoyable track, top notch production, very pro, feel the dub influence riding on an astral belt, like the late bass and synth all effective, worthy of a download if the option was there.
n0mad23 replied Unknown
Thanks for the listen and review Salook! This was the last track I made for the album of the same name, and I actually made over a dozen different drafts of it before I found what worked for me. I love Ethnic music, but I find a lot of World Music tracks are rather - mediocre? I really wanted to avoid that pitfall with this one, and think I did. Sound like you're in agreement, which certainly makes me feel good about this one. Thanks!
theHumps 7th Nov 2009 09:32 - 15 years ago
Very, very cool and interesting song. Like all the ddifferent sounds on this one. Haven't hearm much didgeredoo on this site. I've been waiting a month for my friend who plays the didgeredoo to lay down some tracks for me on a song that is finished.

Keep coming up with these great tunes man!

n0mad23 replied Unknown
It was the didgeridoo that got me up on a stage and performing in `92. I couldn't imagine making a track about "World Music" and the connections between all traditions without bringing the didgeridoo into it. Still, my favorite moment in this track is when everything drops and the Egyptian fiddles float in. Thanks for the review and encouraging words!
lkproductions09 9th Oct 2009 19:32 - 15 years ago
crazy i love the sort of almost dijerdoo type growl its so affective this sought of sounds like a aberiginal song from space i love the drums aswell so catchy great track all round

lk productions 09
n0mad23 replied Unknown
Hey lkproduction09! First, thanks for the fav here - it's an ultimate compliment! I love your "aboriginal song from space" comment, which really is what I'm trying to do - primitivism meets the space age. Thanks for the listen and review here, and thanks for alerting me to your presence. Now I have someone else's tracks I'm looking forward to checking out! Cheers!
jfw 9th Oct 2009 17:02 - 15 years ago
Great mixture of elements. I love percussion and this has a whole "batterie" of drums powering it- marvellous.
n0mad23 replied Unknown
Thanks jfw - it's my attempt to subvert the World Music genre while simultaneously replicating it. I tried to get representative sounds from every continent without falling into something rather stale. Personally, my favorite moment here is when all but the Reggae drums drop out and Egyptian fiddles fade in. Glad you dug it!
victormusic01x 5th Sep 2009 23:54 - 15 years ago
man, that intro alone is worth the price of admission man...remember the byrne/eno we spoke about the other day, the intro sound coming back later on down the line reminds me of the way eno kept bringing this televangelist in and out of that crazy track on "my life in the bush of ghosts" definitely have come up with your own sound, a serious accomplishment my man...this is vying for first postion for me bro..."i'll be back..again!"

excellent work!!!

your east coast bredren...


n0mad23 replied Unknown
Yah know Eno's probably good to invoke here. You know I'm the obsolete tech guy, so I know my way around a bit. Ableton Live 7 LE is seriously crippled (but ultimately useful) you just have to think about things. What I finally figured out and then did this was to create the foundation of the song and export it, reimport it and add the necessary bit then. I love the MIDI mapping and triggering things live! Eno in the early days would dig my approach (imho). neoPrimitivism? Urban Tribal music? It's probably healthy than acting out my fantasy of shooting attack helicopters with my slingshot. Thanks for the fav!
C69 27th Aug 2009 17:23 - 15 years ago
Besides Jungulation Vicar this will be a key track for you. It might be the defining track so employ all your wonderous talent and make it extra very super special!! Maybe more melody here and there, what about a bridge section where you change the beat radically for a few bars? Use all the tricks. You can do it, blow us all away....C69
n0mad23 replied Unknown
So much potential - no pressure, you say? I'm currently using this one as a reward, and get to play with it after completing more pressing things. The next version will be markedly different, to be sure, but recognizable as well. I really don't want it to become some sort of stereotypical World Music track - buy my current/style aesthetic probably indicates this won't be an issue. Yeah, time to go play with it some more! Cheers.
Spivkurl 23rd Aug 2009 18:48 - 15 years ago
Lovely tribal sound on this track! You've really built a nice groove with all this diversity of instrumentation! A very uplifting and peaceful track. Great work!
n0mad23 replied Unknown
Thanks SpivKurl. Now, like with oils, I'm going back and going for another draft and approach.
Planetjazzbass 23rd Aug 2009 12:01 - 15 years ago
Ahhh..the Diaspora..well this track does have little tributaries shooting off everywhere..though I'm not sure about their religious predilection.......I think with compositions like this(multi timbrel percussive adventures) you have to be careful about changing horses in mid stream...specifically with this track I hear the didgeridoo as the target phrase and the eastern horn/flute as the chorus's very easy to stand back and orchestrate from a distance(lol)..I'd like to hear a bit more space between the instruments..calls and responses..that sort of feel..sounds coming and going...It's great anyway...just my spin on it..cheers Dave
n0mad23 replied Unknown
The call/response thing is crucial - you've called it well. I think you're right about "space," too which I hadn't really considered. Spot on. Someone invoked "maximalism" on one of my other tracks and I think it's an unexamined direction I've been heading. This one needs space and a melodic call and response frame. My next attempt(s). Thanks mate!
CHANT 20th Aug 2009 07:04 - 15 years ago
I like this track , it has a great blend of modern & tribal elements , to me sounds really well played & recorded & mixed ,
great title too , nice work :-)
n0mad23 replied Unknown
Sigh. It needs SO much work still. I'm glad you hear the blend, as it's certainly what I'm trying to do with this one.
Kmo 20th Aug 2009 03:25 - 15 years ago
yo.yeah.this is very very is true u have really been in "Bamenda" the "B town"
n0mad23 replied Unknown
Everywhere BUT the Northwest Provence - but our nightwatch (a master drum maker) was from Bamenda (Platuce). He was part of the talking drum society, so our news was usually at least 3 days ahead of the "official story." He tried to teach me the Younde variant, but it didn't stick. My favorite professor in college, (Bongasu Tanla Kishani) was from there, and the director of Africatamtam in Phoenix, Arizona was from Balikumba. I've been as far north as Lake Tchad and to the ocean (Kiribi). My track "When Hippos sing with Frogs" was inspired by being chased by a herd on the Benue River! The chase ended with being attacked by a swarm of tse-tse flies! But the best part of being in Cameroun as a kid was THE MUSIC. Glad you like this track - it is really rough still, but I think by the time I'm done it'll be one of my best yet. Merci, mon ami.

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5th Jan 2015 09:47 - 10 years ago
Tags :
Description : Hello People, hows it goin? Well here I am with my new cover and yes, you read it right... its 'THING CALLED LOVE' by one of my favourite EDM artists Above & Beyond. Its a fusion of Lounge, Ambient & Indian Ethnic elements and some experimental sounds too. I just hope you like my rendition.

And yes, There is a thing called Share that we all forget, So if you genuinely like my cover, Please share!
Cheers! :D
13th Jan 2022 09:57 - 3 years ago
Description : Updated 9/23/24. This is a progressive fusion flavored jazz number. I called on fellow Looperman DISCIPLINE to season this composition with that FIRE GUITAR, and he did! Let me know your thoughts on this one. Enjoy.

19th Sep 2023 01:45 - 1 year ago
Description : hi guys this is my biggest production so far all the music and beats were written by me and all played by me on my midi keyboard
self-biographical its raw its powerful, its positive, this is dimestop all dressed up in his Sunday best, a subject i know all about, its real life its genuine a cause i support and promote the lyric sheet is available
listen with a headset close your eyes look at it as a private consultation from me, shed a tear if you have to it starts with you
16th Jan 2014 13:12 - 11 years ago
Tags :
Description : Indo - West Jugalbandi.
A fusion of "Indian Sitar and Tabla Samples" and some "Western Beats"....
Just sort of a demo project i did for trying out new things....
Not lots of sounds... Has Indian music in the starting and the beats follow up....
Do give it a try.
And do comment/like/share.
6th Feb 2014 20:23 - 11 years ago
Tags :
Description : This track contains only free loops downloaded from and, furthermore several loops from looperman artists - listed below.
Hope you will enjoy it.

Applied loops:

Danke : 0671112-0057227 (i think so), 0671112-0064444 (touch of the wind),
Sakura : 0036530-0000930 (drawn),
Tumbleweed : 0498019-0068258 (babylon 8 pad),
Apokapbeatz : 0287197-0020417 (harp sample 1) ,
Planetjazzbass : 0111346-0029497 (voices 2), 0111346-0029496 (voices 1),
Waper : 0334474-0048653 (strings 2),
Deejayroo : 0318145-0043939 (classical ending),
Megapaul : 0448131-0065840 (the waterpope 140BPM E),
Thehumps : (Sad D minor 1 Verse - 150 bpm) - download from stayonbeat. :S
21st Feb 2023 14:33 - 2 years ago
Description : Now on youtube:, soon out on my upcoming album "Step by Step"!
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25th Oct 2014 17:59 - 10 years ago
Description : This track is built around the repetitive lead guitar line which I have previously incorporated as an intro for the rocker track "Sweetheart Runner" by LM user TinyFinger whom I have helped in arranging, mixing and producing his song. This extended session was a good oportunity to test some new equipment....Thanks to Tiny for not being mad about it...:)^^
27th Jan 2025 16:54 - 1 month ago
Description : It is an elegy, in a modern world. There is fuss and there are sentiments. All together create a scenery where life takes place.
I really hope you like it.
24th Sep 2017 15:05 - 7 years ago
Tags :
Description : I had to go in on this track. This is a future bass, electrofusion song. I posted the full version here full the Looperfam because you guys give me sooooo much support. I can never thank you all enough.
4th Aug 2013 17:47 - 11 years ago
Tags :
Description : Psychedelic blues hip hop with lead banjo and acoustic resonator slide guitar. Acoustic drum kits, fat basslines, soaring filtered strings, some strong Eastern elements (from guitar and strings), some dub and funk from the bass and drums and a bit of rocking electric guitar. Very unusual piece of music and a trip like no other I've heard. Some of it is like a dark, deep Southern delta blues track over a hip hop and dub backing. All played and programmed by me, no loops used.
9th Jan 2021 22:26 - 4 years ago
Description : Jynxz: arrangement, drum programming, keys, synths, fx
Micky: fx, guitars

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26th Jun 2021 21:50 - 3 years ago
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Voices: Spearcarrier & Micky
Music: Micky
Genre: We don't know yet. Suggestions welcome. LOL
27th May 2020 11:12 - 4 years ago
Description : This one features my friend JYNXZ. He contributed his wonderful synth magic. Danke sehr!
1st May 2021 19:06 - 3 years ago
Description : Thanks for the loops. Voice, lyrics and composition: mine.
13th Nov 2015 06:14 - 9 years ago
Tags :
Description : Real acoustic, electric and bass guitars played by me. Drums are loops and programmed MIDI. Played piano and synths. Lots of layers and delay. A gated moog, organ, my recorded finger-snaps and a reversed bass guitar effect that sounds like throat-singing. Three movements, divided by moments of calm. Thoughts and feedback are welcome.