Description : Nice tune loads echo reverb and stuff if you love dub you will lov this tune
This dub track was uploaded by JONEVZ. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (4)
If you have time take a listen and give JONEVZ some feedback.
Blessed love, jon! Always in-to-the moove?!! I'm on a new song (instrum.-riddim + vocallines) for John -Jahknow- Olsen. it 'll be called "A prayer fe John"...Have a Ligtfull time, up-deh on your Island, seen?!
MMuah! This is what I call DUB-Sound! Nuff Respect Breddren! If you wish, I can dwnl. it and add a (Human-played)Heavy-Bassline...Tell-I, if so!
Here's a Link to 1 of the speeches I recorded 4 the Track
ITEGRATOR if you can add anything to this track please feel free to do so, i only put this tunes on to get some come back and advice .rastafari in dub we trust .many thanks for your kind comments.
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Description : A dub track with a bit of soul (I think)
This track is finished but i walays looking for any collab for a future track. Especially with vocalists. Contact me !
Description : Vocal Stem is available for download.
Place your verse in the middle and add any instruments you like to play. This is why I left so much space on the track.
Video and track stems are linked in my profile page. Click the avatar and grab hi-res files. :)
Have fun!
Description : Another song that stuck in my brain. This is my take on the song, In The End, by Linkin Park.
With other words, it´s just a cover, made by me.
Description : Chilled out ambient transcendental dub. Grab yo drank and grab some shrub.
Sit back, relax and spark it up and sip the drips from out ya cup.
While di dragon step though babylon
...did I send you the voiced track??
Another for the downloads thanks man.
Here's a Link to 1 of the speeches I recorded 4 the Track