Description : My latest attempt at a trance style track. I'm not sure if I nailed it, but it's kind of fun to hear anyway. It's got some cool melodies and some unusual automation. Let me know how I can make it better. From the Spivkurl album "Strong Like Squirrel."
This trance track was uploaded by Spivkurl. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (88)
If you have time take a listen and give Spivkurl some feedback.
Thanks so much my friend! I'm glad you could get into this one! Yeah it's got a little happy hardcore in there, but I like it that way! I appreciate your review!
SPIV this one has that sweet tricky synth melody line that you can hum to for the next hundred years,you nailed it one this one.that melody line got me. i have to get it out of my head be fore i try to write somthing. good House.PEACE. THE MACK MAN OUT.
Thanks so much for you kind review! I'm really glad you liked the melodies! Hope it didn't get stuck in your head for too long! I appreciate your comments!
There is something about the great majority of your tracks that makes me smile. There's an inherent happiness in them that is infectiously appealy. Same for this piece.
Hey thank you so much! It means a lot to me that I could make you smile with this piece! For some reason I thought you had already heard it, but I guess not. Thanks so much for the review and the fave!
Simply put, a very pleasing song. It lifts your spirits from that cute little squeaky lead to the nice soft pads. I like how those pads evolve. I was a little thrown off when the pads just quit during the breakdown. I still think its a truly wonderful creation with attitude. It's nice to see the response that you got. Good job!
hello spivkurl just wanted to say happy happy new year and also i put a 2012 track show casing my new music style AMBIENT BREAKCORE its bascailly beatiful and dreadfull sounds mix together in a chaoatic and organize way if u undersatand that LOL.
omg i made it to the bottom of the forum lol, great track, i really liked the bass to it, the melody is kinda cute like a romantic teenage rave thing, or like a best friend song. i love how your tracks always provoke stories in my head like i lived that moment in some kind of way. awesome track, i loved it ^^
I'm glad that I could provoke a story in your head with this track, that's a really nice compliment! I'm really surprised at the response to this track! Thanks for saying you liked the bass and melodies! I really appreciate your review and fave!
Pretty cool . I think you should add some buildups ( like building with snare, open hihats , tambs or anything :P ) to keep the track running so it would give the track more energy . Good work with the track man
Thanks so much for your opinion! I'm glad you could get into this even without the buildups... I'm not very good at those. I'll try to practice them for future tracks. Thanks for listening my friend!
Awesome song! I really love the high pitched bending melody, very unique and happy! The beat is solid and groovy, but I would listen to StreetsofNeon and work a little but more on it! The intro could use some more work, maybe add a buildup then dropoff and then come in with the melody. Also the bass drum is kind of lacking lower frequencies and the slight natural reverb that makes trance songs so entrancing. Great song as it is, and with a little more polishing I think could really be a hit. Oh and thanks for reviewing my track!
Thanks so much for taking the time to listen and comment! I appreciate your honest feedback! Maybe I'll go back and work on this some more when I get time! Thanks friend!
I think I can help. A pad is just a type of synth. A pad usually has a slower attack. A pad is often played in chords to build the progression of a song. They often have sweeping effects on them like filters or flangers. I hope this helps a little bit!
I'm digging the style man. Very happy sounding. I've used this bass sound before, can't remember the name but I think it's in Sytrus. It's nice and fat but when you make it hit those super low notes it sounds a bit muddy. I'd try moving a couple notes up an octave to see how they sound.
The pad is nice and soft. You could try and side chain it to the kick so you could raise the volume of it without hurting the punch of your kick. If you used Sytrus for the lead, you could add some Sub level to beef up the sound a bit.
I like the automation you used on the filters. You could use still use more and I don't think it would be so distracting because of the repetitiveness of the track. Good stuff, man! Thanks for the feedback on my track.
I'm glad you found this to be happy sounding! Thanks so much for all the suggestions! I don't think I'll be changing this song, since it's gotten such a good response, but I'll take your suggestions to heart on future works! I really appreciate you taking the time to listen and review!
I love the lead on this one. It makes me smile as well. I am starting out my day with a great cup of Kona coffee and this wonderful track. You keep raising the standards for electronica (all genres). Really well done. I had to fav and download this one. It goes on the Bear's IPod :) Thanks for allowing me to download this one. Outstanding work. Bear
Hey Bear, glad I could make you smile with my lead! I take pride in making music that goes well with a morning cup of coffee, hope I didn't dissappoint. Glad you found this to be ipod worthy! Thanks so much for the listen and review!
wow It was a long way scrolling down to the 'post your review of this track' window :D
70 reviews for this track! you really are a Looperman Legend!
And for good reason man!
That lead will be in my head for days!
the percussions work REALLY well and the pads just give that little extra which makes this so amazing!
I also like the idea that I can almost recognize and name all the synths and samples you used because they're standard FL...
I stopped using those a long time ago and that you can make such a pretty track with it proves that you're a true artist!
Yeah, I can't believe the response this one has gotten, it makes me happy! I'm glad you like the lead on this one, as I think it turned out pretty good! I'm glad you like this, even though the sounds are pretty standard. Thanks so much for returning the favour of a review, and for faving this track! Appreciated!
SpivKurl you are truly talented! Im not a huge fan of trance but this track is really catchy and different and sounds like it should be on cd shelves. I never realised how talented a lot of people are on here and youre one of them :-)
You're very nice to say that I'm talented, as I still consider myself a beginner at trance. Thanks for saying it could be on CD shelves, you're too kind! Yeah Looperman is full of talented people, I love this place! Thanks so much for the kind review!
I think someone else mentioned that this sounds like Bonkers, and I'd have to agree. Happy trance it is! Glad you like the lead! Thanks so much for taking the time to listen and review!
Hey, thanks for coming to check out my work! I'm glad you like how this one turned out! Those percussions were fun to create! Thanks so much for your kind words!
Wow Spiv, What a skilled man you are. I don't even like trance at all. So coming from me. THIS SONG IS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD! I will fav this. It would be the only trance song I like at the moment.
Oh, and check out my first weird song called "Old World Order"
Hey friend, you are too kind! Until the response to this song, I didn't think I was very good at trance! But to be the only trance song you like... wow I'm honored! Thanks so much for taking the time to listen and review! Off to check out your track now!
holy smokes - i am intrigued by this genre - i will take a lesson from you right here on this one in every way! Its just great work - congrats on the enormous feedback/reviews - i think that right there says a lot for your awesome work!
I'm glad you found this to be a good example of trance, because I'm no expert...haha! Yeah I'm in shock at how many people have reviewed this track, makes me feel a little better about my rescent work. Thanks so much for taking the time to listen and review!
Hey thanks so much! You make me smile with your kind words! I'm pretty proud of this track, especially seeing how many reviews it's gotten! I'm not familiar with much of ATB's stuff, maybe I should check it out. I appreciate you taking the time to review!
Mighty good stuff, and I reckon you've got a real touch for trance, without the over the top style that goes with it these days. The filtering out of the bass is just awesome.
Hey, I'm so glad you liked it! I'm definitely no expert at trance, though I think this is my best try so far. Atleast if the number of reviews is any indicator. Yeah, that bass turned out good, I'm glad you agree! Thanks for reviewing friend!
Even if I'm not such a big fun of trance, I should say this track I really like. It is like an innocent game, but for adults. The break in the middle part improve the groove after. Nice job!!
I'm glad you could enjoy this even with not being a fan of trance! An innocent game, but for adults...that's a very interesting idea! Thanks so much for listening and reviewing!
What can I say that hasn't been already said? This is really fun to listen to. It sounds like the Cleavers riding along at 60 in a convertible. Like music over a time delay scene of Julia Child working in a big kitchen with food being prepared and pots steaming lazily in the background. It woke me up. Vic
Yeah this one has too many reviews already, haha! Glad this track made for a pleasant wake up! Your take on this song is quite funny, but I can see what you mean. Thanks so much for taking the time to listen and review!
hey bro, I think you hit the review jackpot with this one! that bass is my favorite part of the track, and second the transitions, breaks and, I just got to the breakdown end part..with the bass sound changing and morphing almost, killer, thanks for always checking out my tracks and reviewing, you are someone who was supported me from the beginning here, !!...
Yeah, I can't figure out why this one has so many reviews, it's crazy! Glad you like the bass on this one, I think it turned out really good! As for the transitions, breaks, and fills they just kind of fell into place, so I'm glad they work for you! Thanks so much for taking the time to listen and review! Off to see if you have some new stuff! BTW thanks for the fave!
This is so cool,as all your music is!
The only thing I would maybe change is the lead synth to something with a slightly lower timbre,but otherwise,you've nailed it,and it's a really catchy tune.I love your work,I really do!!
Thank you so much! You reviews make me smile! Yeah that lead synth is a little squeaky for this mix isn't it, I hadn't thought of that. Glad you found it to be catchy! I really appreciate you taking the time to listen and review!
Hi :), just been dabbling in trance a bit myself. I really enjoy the atmosphere in here, it's lovely. Also I like how it's broken down in terms of dynamics. As for improvements I'd suggest extending some notes a bit more -that towards the middle and ending. The bass punches at the start sound a bit off tone, contrary to the coming down part in the very end-that's splendid, it could make a nice intro too, if in reverse and with a few minor alterations, perhaps those notes as accents. Maybe it's a worthy idea to not start with the drums immediately, that could also help the bass to sound more in tune, but, I love how it flows during the track, so it would have to come back to it's original tone during the intro, cause it sounds great. It's a very peaceful and energetic track, filled with prettiness. Thanks for sharing and looking forward to, who knows, more trance. Intriguing upload.
Hey, thank you for your thorough review! I'm glad you could enjoy the track even with it's faults, I'm no expert in trance! I don't think I'll be going back to this one to redo anything, but I'll keep your suggestions in mind for future tracks! Thanks for your support!
This track really cheered me up. I agree with the reviewer who said it reminds him of something off the bonkers albums. If you search "Bonkers 3 - Happy Days" on youtube that's the track it reminds me of. Good work btw!
I'm glad I could cheer you up friend! I looked up Bonkers, and I can definitely hear the connection. Thanks for giving me the heads up on that! Glad you liked it! Thanks for the review!
Hey Spivkurl....sorry I didnt get to this earlier, but the bassline in this is soooodeep then the lead synth comes in and infectious!
Excellent work here, added to faves.
Hey man, thanks for the review! No need to be sorry about the timing! Infectious is good, that's what I like to hear! I really appreciate the fave and your kind words!
This is definetly the kinda song I could see mtself listening to while chillin' with the friends. I absolutly love the main high-pitched synth, it's totaly the clincher for the song, takes it all the way to the top! I also find the outro interesting since it's almost like a fake-out: You think it's gunna fade out, but then the bass line comes in and puts that little red cherry on top. Love it!
Glad you can see yourself chillin to this song, that's what a good trancer should do I think. Yeah that high pitched synth turned out real nice, I'm glad you agree! The bass line comes back and puts a cherry on top, I like that! Thanks so much for returning the favour of a review, it's much appreciated!
Wow this is really interesting. The Melodies all play well with eachother, mesh nicely. Very fun to listen to. I would have dug a breakdown, like a hardcore one. Just speed up the percussions, and that little high pitched synth? switch it to a louder saw type, keep the melody, Boom
I just wanted to hear that so bad not sure why haha.
The rhythm is indeed very unusual, but works out really well.
Still! great track, I really enjoyed listening to it.
By the way, apologies on your failed attempt at quitting the smoke..hopefully you can pull through eventually.
Best Wishes
I'm glad you could find this one interesting, I think it turned out pretty good. The breakdown is a good idea, I just don't think I'll be going back to work on this one again. I'm glad you liked the rhythms on this one! Thanks for the review friend!
I'm trying to quit again today... we'll see how it goes. Thanks for the support!
This is so with your flavor all through it. And I love your flavor man. Probably heard you for the first time about a year ago, and your vibe just about feels like a brand. Really cool, unique and fresh. Great work bro.
It's got that dance-pop vibe that instantly made me think "this is what Men without Hats would sound like if they started a couple decades later than they did."
Very infectious rhythm, and equally viral melodic ditty, which contrasts brilliantly with that bassline. Definitely a fine addition to my growing collection of favorites from you! Thanks for that!
yeah...its a happy trance tune...really good using of sounds...well arranged and mixed...its not my fav trance style...but this is a great tune man...i like it :)
I'm glad you liked it even though it's not your favourite trance style. I think it turned out pretty well, especially the arranging and mixing. Thanks for the review my friend!
lol this track just makes me feel happy. i like how you took the genre and made it your own. i think if i was feeling down, i could throw this tune on and all my problems would just disappear. really great melody and bass lines.
Glad I could make you feel happy with this one! Thanks for saying I made the genre my own, I can't seem to help it... haha. I hope you can use this song to make your problems disappear, that would be great! Thanks so much for the review!
I see your still doing your thing and it's sounding better than ever. Awesome track man. Love the bass and the melodies...this track will probably be stuck in my head for hours to come!
Yep, still doing my thing! I'd have newer songs up if my CD burner would work...oh well. Glad you could get into the bass and melodies, I think they turned out nice. Hope it's not still stuck in your head, haha! Take care friend, thanks for the review!
I just had to come and check out your page.. love the high polysynth style vibe you bring forth here. and very good progressions throughout. the bass is rattling my sub as i speak.. great job as expected with your unique creativity thrown in of corse. Top marks from me.
I'm really glad you stopped by! Yeah those polysynths are fun to play with! Glad you liked the progressions! That's funny, I never thought of this track as a sub rattler! Thanks very much for your kind remarks!
Yeh i like it, its quite Cute,;) its the little portamento riff that draws u in,,, hahah its Trance of course, but just very Gentle Trance/chill, nice tho & really quite a happy little Vibe. So big up to Ya,,,Bruv.........Tomahawk........
Hey thanks man, I'm really glad you could get into this track! Yeah it's definitely gentle and chill. I'm glad you found it to be a happy vibe! Thanks so much for the review!
whats up spiv wow you got better from last stuff i heard of yours nice job. you did a good job on the strings you kept them at a safe level. nice fuzzy sounding effect i love this track.
Hey WhiteSands, good to hear from you! I'm glad you think I've gotten better over time. I'm pretty proud of this track, and my other recent productions. Glad you liked the strings and fuzzy effect! Thanks much for returning the favour of a review!
It's sweet dear.. Like the VERY happy synth dancing and playing on it's own totally unaffected of the bassline trying lazy to follow.. Only meant in a nice way.. The contrast between those two makes it funny and nice and makes You think of, people can be exactly like that.. *giggle*
The drumloop in the beggining was great, the growly bass was great, and I liked the high noize, not too sure if this is trance, but I'm not too sure what it would go under so I can't say anything there really. I also really liked the way that the release with the high noize was different on one note, and the pads were great!
Hey, thanks glad you liked it! Yeah my trance never really lives up to the genre trance, atleast not to purists...I just didn't know where to put it. Thanks for returning the favour of a review! Take care friend!
I'm glad you found this one to be fun! You may be right about the genre choice, but I think I'll leave it, as trance was what I was going for. Thanks much for your review!
Hey thank you so much! Glad that I could make you smile with this one! Thanks for listening outside your comfort zone! I really appreciate your kind review!
Hey, thank you much! I think the bass and drums turned out nice too. A good vocal would be nice, I just can't get my head around vocal trance though. Thank you for listening and reviewing!
Hey Man dl=_=lb wow, totally not what I expected from your previous work! Great melody and I love your subtle FX tweaking! I think a second synth melody would add just that little extra something something, ya know?
Glad you could be pleasantly surprised by this one! I agree that this could use a little something else, but I don't think I'll be going back to change anything. I think it turned out pretty good this way. Thanks so much for your review!
Great song! I like the super happy synth lead. You did a great job on the mix as well. If I was to do anything to it, I would just add a few more layers in some parts, but that is just a matter of preference. This track has all the makings of a good trance track, slow filter work, driving beat, and a bouncy lead that ties it all together. Awesome work!
Hey thank you very much for the review! I like the happy leads on this one too. I can see why you say it could use some more layers, but I don't think I have the inspiration to go back to this one. I'm glad you think it's a good trance track though. Thanks for listening my friend!
Hey mate, very good job!!!!
Trance is not my kind of music, but this track takes me.
This is not the mainstream 5h17 like TRANCE from this times and from europe.
Hey, friend, thank you very much for commenting! I'm glad you could enjoy this, even though trance isn't your cup of tea. This definitely isn't the normal style of trance, I pride myself on doing things a little differently. I really appreciate your kind words!
Spivkurl, much appreciate the comments. My apologies I have not come by often enough to listen to your work.
Anyway, being that Trance is the genre that I tend to like the most out of pretty much everything I make, I just had to listen to one of yours. The melody on this is very nice. I love those bending synths, they seem to always have a nice "smile" in their sound that makes for a great listen.
There is definitely a nice progression on this that really makes the track enjoyable and cool to listen to.
Hey thank you so much for hitting me back with a review! So glad you liked this one, it means a lot coming from someone as talented as you! I thought the melodies and progressions on this one were pretty enjoyable too. I really appreciate your kind words!
I love the chord progression & the melodies. personally though, I would ahve preferred cleaner sounding bass (less filtered) to go along with the bouncy synth but of course, thats just me & as it is, the tune is great trance.
Thank you very much for reviewing this track! I can see what you mean about the bass being too filtered...I guess I just get into that sound... haha. I'm really happy you could get into it anyway! I really appreciate you listening and leaving your comments!
hey even though i dont like trance i decided to review ur song because u always get a chance a stop by on my page.anyway this try is cool man i like all the effects and pad sound real dance like.
Hey friend, thanks for returning the favour on the reviews! I'm glad you could get into this even though you don't like trance. I'm not even a big trance fan, but I can't help but make some every now and again. I appreciate the listen and the comments!
All hands in the air and lets go!! Hey man you definitely nailed it! ;) Really like the beautiful melodies in here! A very driving track that really gets you to think while listening! :)
Really nice work as always man! Pure dance anthem!
Keep it up!
another good one here - I always love your stuff - love the motifs - little mini melodies so to speak and of course the mixture of textures and sounds - some fading in with long attack times and some short and tight - nice work - enjoyable and makes me feel like Im in the future!!
Hey friend! Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm pretty happy with how this one turned out too. Makes you feel like you're in the future, eh? That's pretty cool to hear. Glad you liked it man! I appreciate your reviews!
Certainly different from 'Runner in the Dark' when concerning the genre, i aint to hot on trance but i would give this the right away, some nice uplifting elements, yeah positive music.cheers.
Yes, this is definitely different from my previous trance tracks. Glad you could enjoy it any way! Thanks very much for the listen and the review! Your words are very helpful!
Hey, thanks for stopping by to listen! I agree this could be filed under chill out too. I always think of chill out as lower tempo though, which is why I chose trance. Glad you enjoyed it though! I appreciate the review!
This is a creative track. It was a fun listen. I have been listening to alot of electro-pop music lately, so this was a nice audio-venture for me. I don't know if I would classify it as Trance, but it is fun. It reminds me of the soundtrack for the short animation, "I Like Pandas", only with more of a dance flare. If you haven't seen, "I Like Pandas", you can check it out on youtube. It's a cute animation.
Thanks so much for your interesting review! My trance tracks never turn out to fit comfortably in the trance genre, probably cuz I don't go into trances much I checked out "I like pandas" funny stuff. I like the one where they're playing with the lolipops and sticking them to eachother. Glad you liked the track though. I appreciate the listen and review!
I love it...
Very old-school house...
I love it.
Shieet man, this track won't go LOUD ENOUGH! lol
I love your style man.
You always know how to create these amazing landscapes of sound that are so ambiguous.
It's fukking awesome.
How you been man?
Hey friend, good to hear from you! Old school house eh? My trance tracks always seem to border on the side of house...I guess there's nothing wrong with that though! Your kind words are really appreciated, and they help raise my opinion of my recent work. Thanks so much!
You asked how I've been... I'm doing okay. Just been getting some work and painting done on an apartment so I can get it rented out. Need that rent money or I'll be broke real soon...LOL! Thanks for asking! Hope all is well for you too!
gotta start by saying I'm not a big fan of trance far too happy for my tastes... for me the whole track seems a bit sparse maybe it needs some kinda heavier pad underneath it... because what you've got there at the moment doesn't seem to be covering.. the over all production is nice but needs a little tweaking here and there which I suspect you know that already being as good as you are my friend.. keep 'em coming brother
I see what you mean, definitely. The track being sparse was for the most part intentional. I will take your comments under advisement if I go back and rework this track. I appreciate the honest feedback!
nice melodies man
beat seems a little weak (comparing it to major artists - the only way to get a good feel as to where you're at) maybe compress it, I really don't know how to make a good trace beat so maybe listening to me isn't such a good idea lol
sounds good though - almost reminded me of Barbie Girl - way back in the day lol
Keep it up
Haha, Barbie Girl! I remember that track! Funny that this reminds you of that! I can see what you mean about the beat, I'm still learning how to make a hot trance beat. Thanks for the helpful and entertaining review, it's much appreciated!
Quite a bouncy track with a funny melody running throughout. Very Europoean in style with some catchy hooks. Nice progression when the pads kick in. ;) --Davey--
Hey, thank you for returning the favour of a review! European style eh? That's cool! I'm glad you liked the pads too, I think that's one of the strong points of this track. Thanks very much for your comments!
Awesome, I'm so glad you liked this one! I was unsure whether this one was good or not, but you've helped me feel better about it. I get into your tracks as well! Thanks very much for the review!
Hey Spivkurl....i think you nailed this one the contrast between that awesome sounding bass and that oh so catchy high synth make this a winner
well done
Man you nailed it all okies,very happy toe tapping track, really love the synths, nice driving bass and beat, man you are talented, such a great track, in a style you dont do much of, well friend, you should do more if this is to go by, looks like I will have to lift my game once again now lol, what a brilliant track Spiv, had me smiling while doing review, top work matey...Peace my friend...Estefano...Hey mate hope all is going okies with you and yours...Fav'd...
You're too kind! Of all my new tracks, it's this one I wasn't too sure about, but your comments make me feel a little better about it! I'll definitely be doing some more trancey stuff in the near future, since it's fun to make... though I still don't think it's what I'm best at. I really appreciate your kind words and the fave! All is well over here, and I hope you are well too!
It's nice to have created some new things, it's been slow going, but I think it's turning out good. Glad I could make you smile with my synths... :) Your kind words are much appreciated!
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Description : Used loops from MHYST trance sequence 8,2 and Goa. Dune 2 Vst. also thanks to Fibonacci 1.1618
ref looperman-l-0203623-0112992-mhyst-trance-sequence-8
MHYT has a series look him up under trance sequence
Description : A relaxed Trance-Trible-Electro-Wave track. Feel the power of the alien tribe connection. Dance your dream or dream your dance. Just be part of the connection.
This is what you get when i try to make a Free Radical song.
In the end, it does not sound like something I've ever heard from him.
But it was, after all, a try.
Thus, it is not completely different, ´cause i have not sung this time.
And it is electronic music but .....
However, I like the resulting song. Hope you too. Only 1 sample was used here - Anubis-Anubis-Loop all the synth´s are played by me and i added some drumsounds with powerdrums2 played by myself Comments are sure welcome.
Description : A drum and bass, electronic something or other inspired track. The main Melodies taken from short loops I cut from some sessions my bro &e's recordings he had made at my location. I had been meaning to use his sounds for a minute and he said it would be cool. Finally did.
#Drum and Bass
Description : Another attempt in my continuing efforts to learn how make a trance track. Is intended to have a vocal doing the melody. Would try to find a singer but need to work out lyrics first. For this track I tried to make the melody not too repetitive. I limited it to four bars max of the same melodic phrase.
Description : I made this track the day after I was trapped in the lower dimension and could not wake up. The only way I escaped was to send unconditional love to a huge group of dark beings going to attack me.
Description : Would you be at all surprised if I told you this was a Trance edit of And Then She Left Me Again? Didn't do a whole lot to it. Just changed the bpm to 138, swapped out the drums and slightly changed the drop. That's all I've had time to do since I uploaded the house/techno version. Originally this was going to be DnB edit but I got tired of trying to find the perfect kick and percs
Description : It is time to max up your volume and make this party a real one with Infinium.This tune is made to be looped infinite timefor some epic hours in a party. this is why there are no proper intro or outro in this one.Also this tune is progressive maybe for some "rave". Anyway please enjoy the last track I made for this years (2014).Sorry i would describe more this track but I have a party right now !! :D
sounds kinda like happy hardcore tho lol!
if u think im insane now wait until u check this one out LOL
i like the melody
cheers spiv´l
when making my music i used a ton of synth vst's but im dont know what makes a pad different and when using one they sound the same to me.
im pretty sure ur more knowledable in music than i am so i hope u can give me a answer for ur experience
peace screenplay
The pad is nice and soft. You could try and side chain it to the kick so you could raise the volume of it without hurting the punch of your kick. If you used Sytrus for the lead, you could add some Sub level to beef up the sound a bit.
I like the automation you used on the filters. You could use still use more and I don't think it would be so distracting because of the repetitiveness of the track. Good stuff, man! Thanks for the feedback on my track.
70 reviews for this track! you really are a Looperman Legend!
And for good reason man!
That lead will be in my head for days!
the percussions work REALLY well and the pads just give that little extra which makes this so amazing!
I also like the idea that I can almost recognize and name all the synths and samples you used because they're standard FL...
I stopped using those a long time ago and that you can make such a pretty track with it proves that you're a true artist!
Respect man! *fav*
Nice job.
Oh, and check out my first weird song called "Old World Order"
Its super weird.
Nap~ :)
That SYNTH just dances around
that BASS!!!
i LUV that PAD also!!
just an AMAZING COMBINATION of sounds!
it reminds me of one of ATB's
older tracks!
Much Respect from LA
The only thing I would maybe change is the lead synth to something with a slightly lower timbre,but otherwise,you've nailed it,and it's a really catchy tune.I love your work,I really do!!
peace screenplay
peace and scrrenplays forever
Excellent work here, added to faves.
I just wanted to hear that so bad not sure why haha.
The rhythm is indeed very unusual, but works out really well.
Still! great track, I really enjoyed listening to it.
By the way, apologies on your failed attempt at quitting the smoke..hopefully you can pull through eventually.
Best Wishes
I'm trying to quit again today... we'll see how it goes. Thanks for the support!
and actually wicked bassline nice mixed man !!
Very infectious rhythm, and equally viral melodic ditty, which contrasts brilliantly with that bassline. Definitely a fine addition to my growing collection of favorites from you! Thanks for that!
Hugs Stina..
Ste :)
I think that a good vocal is what this song is waiting for...
ciao, K
Trance is not my kind of music, but this track takes me.
This is not the mainstream 5h17 like TRANCE from this times and from europe.
Anyway, being that Trance is the genre that I tend to like the most out of pretty much everything I make, I just had to listen to one of yours. The melody on this is very nice. I love those bending synths, they seem to always have a nice "smile" in their sound that makes for a great listen.
There is definitely a nice progression on this that really makes the track enjoyable and cool to listen to.
Great work, keep it up always!
great kick, sound and tone
Really nice work as always man! Pure dance anthem!
Keep it up!
Certainly different from 'Runner in the Dark' when concerning the genre, i aint to hot on trance but i would give this the right away, some nice uplifting elements, yeah positive music.cheers.
Cheers Mate....
Werll done i really enjoyed listening to this had me smiling from ear to ear bro nice work
I love it...
Very old-school house...
I love it.
Shieet man, this track won't go LOUD ENOUGH! lol
I love your style man.
You always know how to create these amazing landscapes of sound that are so ambiguous.
It's fukking awesome.
How you been man?
You asked how I've been... I'm doing okay. Just been getting some work and painting done on an apartment so I can get it rented out. Need that rent money or I'll be broke real soon...LOL! Thanks for asking! Hope all is well for you too!
beat seems a little weak (comparing it to major artists - the only way to get a good feel as to where you're at) maybe compress it, I really don't know how to make a good trace beat so maybe listening to me isn't such a good idea lol
sounds good though - almost reminded me of Barbie Girl - way back in the day lol
Keep it up
The lead is very cute :)
Very good work man :)
well done
Man you nailed it all okies,very happy toe tapping track, really love the synths, nice driving bass and beat, man you are talented, such a great track, in a style you dont do much of, well friend, you should do more if this is to go by, looks like I will have to lift my game once again now lol, what a brilliant track Spiv, had me smiling while doing review, top work matey...Peace my friend...Estefano...Hey mate hope all is going okies with you and yours...Fav'd...