Description : ////Update 06/03/2010////
Updated the track with what I believe is now the final version. I added a new section of percs to give the track a bit more "groove" and fixed several panning issues with the open highs: previously set to right, corrected so there was better balance on both left and right channels. I also corrected a few kick-drum sections. The most significant change is with additional voices after the break (3m50s). That part always seemed a bit empty; it has now been expanded a bit more. I also made very small changes at the outro: just a few kick fills, reverse-crashes and additional hats. I used vbr encoding to get the most out of size vs quality. somethings do feel better when compared to the standard. A 320 version can be provided if requested.
////Update 05/23/2010/////
Updated the track with many changes. removed some hats from the start and replaced with others. Went back to the mixing and adjusted many instruments. Adjusted delays for the main leads: they feel much better with respects to stereo placement. Adjusted panning of hats. Applied better EQ to basslines, leads, kick, claps, hats and strings: some come through the mix much better. Stereo-enhanced some instruments. Improved reverbs. Changed the way some synths come in: removed some filtration. And fixed a few things. This version definitely feels much better and is likely final: things do feel much clearer and tighter. Please let me know how it sounds on your end. NOTE: the track is rendered at 128k to conserver space, but please let me know if you'd like a 320K version. I will gladly send it your way. 320 definitely sounds allot better than 128.
////Update 05/11/2010////
Updated the track added sfx. Changed a few snare sections and crashes. Modified the drums so they had a bit of groove. I also rendered the file at the highest quality possible before converting to mp3. The last version was a simply 16-bit render and had a few anomalies. I am much happier with this version.
////Update 05/04/2010////
Thanks to Salkizar for mentioning adjusting the drums. I took a look at them and have boosted them up a bit. I also added some things, removed others, so far is near complete.
Didn't realize it was set to members only.
Request: I have heard this several times but I am not too happy with the levels. Please let me know how it sounds on your end.
I adjusted a few parts and also adjusted some levels. Feels a bit better.
I finally have a final version of this new trance track.
Trance is definitely a genre I love and can never seem to disconnect myself from. So it feels really good to finally have made a trancer. It's been nearly 2 months!
Here I wanted to use some of the ideas from 5 Centimeters and some idm stuff I have done in the past. I am mainly trying to get more idm-ish/glitch style elements into trance and I hopefully accomplished the task.
I typically spen
This trance track was uploaded by siensystem. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (18)
If you have time take a listen and give siensystem some feedback.
Mate this is a very club ready trance piece, so love the bassline, excellent, working well with the beat and kick moving the track along very well, excellent synths and pads, dont think I heard the other version, all I can say this is great, clarity and the arrangement is spot on, as you know I do trance, this is brilliant, massive fav mate, can not fault in any shape or form...Peace n Respect...Estefano...
Really nice track, i like the pace of it. Although the alarm clock noise somewhere around 3:30-4:00 sounds exactly like my alarm which always gives me a weird feeling. Outstanding.
I'm not a trance expert,but this is excellent track and excellent mastering!
I do not want to talk this is good, That is good ... etc!
Because it's all been worked GREAT, I download and thank you for sharing this track!
Man, you've really fined tuned and polished this one haven't you? My earlier review still stands, however you've pushed this on into a place where I am compelled to favorite it.
I think your understanding (conscious or otherwise) of textures and timbre is what really sets this over the top. It's the Ambient sensibility applied to Trance music that really sets this apart.
Thanks DeejayDo! I'm humbled by your "you are a pro" comment. I'm always very insecure with my own music that I never really give myself enough credit for a job-well-done. Thanks for the re-assurance and support. Thanks mate!
Thanks SP! Much appreciate it. This version definitely feels allot more complete. I'm still thinking of adding a few more things toward the end, but those are just some ideas on paper. I still kinda feel the snare fills need to be adjusted in some places, but thats the problem with music (which I'm sure you can relate), sometimes when you think it's complete then more ideas come along, lol. Well, again, your comment/review is welcomed and appreciated. Thanks.
hey mate! Salkizar here again!! Lovin that bouncy groove on the drums now....skippy little hats give it another dimension..Dont think i noticed them before..are they new? Anyways...this trakc now has a real club bounce on it and would be great on the dancefloor!!Really well done for a job well done!!
Thanks again Salkizar!! Glad you noticed the hats, I wasn't too sure about it after making the changes but since you mentioned they sound good, I'm definitely leaving that in. I just (today) updated it with many, many changes and feel it is now final. Appreciate the help in listening closely and providing the feedback. Thanks!
Hey Sien.....Trancelvanian big time..this track has excellent breakouts and this music would have been near impossible before sequencing and drum machines..drummers would have coronaries trying to keep up!...not to mention poor bass players wearing their fingers down to the that velvety synth in the later half...a very cool to the levels their fine but I don't envy your mixing task here... Trance is probably one of the most difficult styles to get perfectly right,there are so many layers and frequency crossovers.... a lot of tweaking that's for sure!..super work..cheers Dave :)
Thanks planet and I completely agree. I can't imagine myself playing any of the instruments in this track, except maybe the clap lol. I greatly appreciate your visit and your kind words.
love this trac man. i like dance,trance, techno in general...even make some, but this is good, whatever work it needs i couldnt tell...unless ur talking about stuff ur gonna add...anyways good job. respect. ROME.
Hey Sien, like the improvements, sounds awesome in the headphones. I like all the changes in it, not just a straight beat through the whole song. Quite an epic song, really well put together, especially the overall dynamics and quality of the recording,great job!
Thanks for the re-assurance theHumps. I am still a bit eerie about the levels and some of the things going on in the track, but I guess it must be that I've heard this track over 200 times. Greatly appreciate the kind words. Appreciate it.
Yeah man! Much better now..that kikk is comin thru nice and clear without bein overpowering!
This has a lot goin on but you have made sure nothing gets lost and everything has its place which is hard to do sometimes when you have a lot goin on...As nomad says there are elements of early 90s uk rave/techno/acid but it still remains original and very very catchy little melodies goin on in wide stereo...My only criticism is the kick gets a little lost at times...cause you have some good fills and things goin on...I would bring the kick up a little in the mix to keep the "bounce" so to speak! But hey man..dunno how long u been producin but this is quality!!!!
Thanks Salkizar! I will definitely look at the kick. I think I will boost the kick up just a tad to bring it a bit more. Thanks for that observation to make my track sound better. I still feel that I need to work on the EQ a bit more and also the mastering. I am listening again each day with fresh ears and always hear something to correct. Crazy huh? hehe. Thanks again Salkizar!
Thanks KoolKyle, the more I listen, the more I realize I need to work on it a bit more. Buy I am so glad that you like it. I am very doubtful most times if my music sounds good or not so it really means allot to hear your ears were happy. Thanks my friend.
Sometimes taking time away from things is exactly what the creative process needs. Listening to this one from you makes me even more convinced of this.
I really love that this is "siensystem Trance" and not compelled by formulaic genre expectations. It makes it really interesting, and authentically vital. A piece of music that was compelled to be created makes for very compelling music. Kudos.
To my ears, this is infused with the vibe and sensibilities of the first wave of Acid House and Rave music that came out of the UK. There's a certain underground sensibility driving this that transcends the current genre. Very smart to make it more for listening than clubbing.
The arrangement and production here is top-notch. Absolutely brilliant work and worthy of the praise it's going to continue getting.
I'm so glad your back, and making music siensystem!
Hey n0mad! Thanks for coming by. I greatly appreciate it! Thanks for the great comments. I have really tried to take trance to the next level (which maybe not). I mean, I know it still has a "trance"-(as defined by known genre) form, but one thing I do allot is sfx and add a more progressive feeling with a bit of experimentation (especially the melody at 4m45s). I've always wanted to add a bit of glitch to trance and this was the perfect opportunity. Anyway, thanks so much for your kind words.
I wasn't really digging this track until about three minutes into it when the melodic elements started, and then I really got into it. I suppose that's the relationship I have with a lot of trance though, it takes awhile for the main melodic parts to kick in unless it's a radio edit or something.
I couldn't tell you anything to improve it, the production is top notch and the track is well thought out. I like how all the drums cut through the mix well, and you still don't lose the bass or any of the synths. Nice work!
Description : Big thanks to Justze3 who released the four loops to his drake ovo style piece because he didn't plan to finish it, challenge accepted. I would also like to thank LankFrampard for the extra drum loop and av3 for the sample "trapped" which gave a lot of extra feel to the song.
Description : this song is the last i created. I wanted to remix the famous "the chase" from the movie "midnight express, i love the original sound! i don't know if the result is enough good but i'm proud to say that all has been composed by myself: the instrumental parts, the arrangements, melody, recording and mixing. I hope you'll enjoy it! don't hesitate to let a comment after listening :)
Description : Progressive song that I made a few weeks ago. Tried to make an uplifting sommer song. I know it is nothing original but like the flow in it.
Description : Used loops from MHYST trance sequence 8,2 and Goa. Dune 2 Vst. also thanks to Fibonacci 1.1618
ref looperman-l-0203623-0112992-mhyst-trance-sequence-8
MHYT has a series look him up under trance sequence
Description : A relaxed Trance-Trible-Electro-Wave track. Feel the power of the alien tribe connection. Dance your dream or dream your dance. Just be part of the connection.
This is what you get when i try to make a Free Radical song.
In the end, it does not sound like something I've ever heard from him.
But it was, after all, a try.
Thus, it is not completely different, ´cause i have not sung this time.
And it is electronic music but .....
However, I like the resulting song. Hope you too. Only 1 sample was used here - Anubis-Anubis-Loop all the synth´s are played by me and i added some drumsounds with powerdrums2 played by myself Comments are sure welcome.
Description : A drum and bass, electronic something or other inspired track. The main Melodies taken from short loops I cut from some sessions my bro &e's recordings he had made at my location. I had been meaning to use his sounds for a minute and he said it would be cool. Finally did.
#Drum and Bass
Description : Another attempt in my continuing efforts to learn how make a trance track. Is intended to have a vocal doing the melody. Would try to find a singer but need to work out lyrics first. For this track I tried to make the melody not too repetitive. I limited it to four bars max of the same melodic phrase.
Description : I made this track the day after I was trapped in the lower dimension and could not wake up. The only way I escaped was to send unconditional love to a huge group of dark beings going to attack me.
Description : Would you be at all surprised if I told you this was a Trance edit of And Then She Left Me Again? Didn't do a whole lot to it. Just changed the bpm to 138, swapped out the drums and slightly changed the drop. That's all I've had time to do since I uploaded the house/techno version. Originally this was going to be DnB edit but I got tired of trying to find the perfect kick and percs
Description : It is time to max up your volume and make this party a real one with Infinium.This tune is made to be looped infinite timefor some epic hours in a party. this is why there are no proper intro or outro in this one.Also this tune is progressive maybe for some "rave". Anyway please enjoy the last track I made for this years (2014).Sorry i would describe more this track but I have a party right now !! :D
Mate this is a very club ready trance piece, so love the bassline, excellent, working well with the beat and kick moving the track along very well, excellent synths and pads, dont think I heard the other version, all I can say this is great, clarity and the arrangement is spot on, as you know I do trance, this is brilliant, massive fav mate, can not fault in any shape or form...Peace n Respect...Estefano...
I do not want to talk this is good, That is good ... etc!
Because it's all been worked GREAT, I download and thank you for sharing this track!
keep doing great work!
I think your understanding (conscious or otherwise) of textures and timbre is what really sets this over the top. It's the Ambient sensibility applied to Trance music that really sets this apart.
keep up the good work :)
i never listened to the older versions...but at the end its great...cheers...JW...
I added this one to my faviroutes, cos I think you've done a really good job.
great job
I Love the progression of your melody mate , gr8 Psy Build up as well ^.^ !
And btw your bassline reminds me of Popof - PodCast :) , which is Hard Tech so nice touches , gr8 job !
Cheers !
This has a lot goin on but you have made sure nothing gets lost and everything has its place which is hard to do sometimes when you have a lot goin on...As nomad says there are elements of early 90s uk rave/techno/acid but it still remains original and very very catchy little melodies goin on in wide stereo...My only criticism is the kick gets a little lost at times...cause you have some good fills and things goin on...I would bring the kick up a little in the mix to keep the "bounce" so to speak! But hey man..dunno how long u been producin but this is quality!!!!
I really love that this is "siensystem Trance" and not compelled by formulaic genre expectations. It makes it really interesting, and authentically vital. A piece of music that was compelled to be created makes for very compelling music. Kudos.
To my ears, this is infused with the vibe and sensibilities of the first wave of Acid House and Rave music that came out of the UK. There's a certain underground sensibility driving this that transcends the current genre. Very smart to make it more for listening than clubbing.
The arrangement and production here is top-notch. Absolutely brilliant work and worthy of the praise it's going to continue getting.
I'm so glad your back, and making music siensystem!
I couldn't tell you anything to improve it, the production is top notch and the track is well thought out. I like how all the drums cut through the mix well, and you still don't lose the bass or any of the synths. Nice work!