Description : unfinished song, the vocals were recorded in one take so there not to amazing
Would like to collaborate with someone, make it into a trance/ techno track or something?
any suggestions drop me a msge
This pop track was uploaded by shibbyco. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (12)
If you have time take a listen and give shibbyco some feedback.
I love your voice, its outspoken, strong and has a unique form from most in the pop music industry. I believe you sound better in this genre without the auto-tune,i believe your voice sways and compliments the piano piece.It sounds so much better natural when your reaching your high notes versus the auto-tune effect. What captivates most listeners is the strong firm high notes and makes them believe they could never sound like that. If you have your audience believing its impossible to sing as good as you then you learned what many amateur singers have struggled with, (Captivation, inspiration and most important motivation) its the climax point in every song, the part where the singer finally shows there talent, there gift,whats separates the shower singers from the God gifted. When auto-tune effects are being used in this "Climax Point" it takes away a little part of the emotion and shock to the audience in this genre, the kind of shock and emotion that puts feeling in your chest and some to even cry in awe and for you and anyone else who is reading this I am not criticizing your music, i am only trying to push someone with a god gifted talent in the right direction. I'm sure you don't want to post your music on here the rest of your life, you want to be heard, to be on stage doing something I'm sure you love with a passion right? undoubtedly you have talent in this genre and would be great in a pop/dance beat I'm sure. I say leave about 16 bars open for a collab in a sense, Not everyone of your tracks need a collab but because you can sing it might take you to a higher limit, explore your options a little bit. My name is Colton and I plan on changing the game of music, I will be the best music Producer Out in the industry. I would love to make a collab with you sometime and if it turns out how I think it will, i will have it pressed to play on my local radio stations until it travels farther. Think it over and get back to me on it. Keep doing your thing Shibbyco. Rates: 10/10
I think you're great. I'd like to hear less vocal fluff and more of your natural voice because you have an amazing voice and a great talent at writing lyrics and melodies. awesome!
you wanna get at me hit me up at
Thought had reviewed this one but has not come up, so dont know what the go is?? very nice intro. loving pieces that have piano through them, your vocals are very powerful here, again will say you have very good vocals, arrangement and clarity very nice, nice synth, only thing it is a little short, wished it was at least another 1 min to 2 min's longer, gather by other reviews that have shortened this one, as did not hear the percussion spoken about, adding to fav...Peace and respect dude...Estefano...
hey ! this is good. you have a good energy in your vocals. i prefer your vocals in this track, because the auto-tune effect is more subtle than in your other song (dont want 2).
your vocals are amazing, lots of power, and it really brings the meaning forward. i know you wanna go for a trance type thing, i could maybe whip something up if i could get the vocals and piano separate... i do techno/dance when im not working on anything important or just want something fun to do. i make my own beats and melodies. so if you want i would love to help with this project, again great job.
This is excellent mate!
The only thing i didnt think was needed was that percussion at the end.
Or, jus change the sounds of it. A nice realistic sounding kick drum would be nice.
But none-the-less, i'm liking it!
bro, this is some hot ish, check this i can put down a verse or two on this track just to compliment the track because its so real and sincere and well i can relate to the topic...going through those times know what i mean.well check out my flow and lyrics and let me know if you are down, i promise if i get on this track it will not be a dissapointmant...
The style of this track is not really my cup of tea...but i thought i should review it as i listened to it all and thought it was a nicely laid out song...the arrangements are nice and the vocals are great...there are a great deal of vocal songs uploaded here that are really awful...this stands out for me, and definately one of the best vocals i have heard in ages...
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Please leave your opinion if you have one
This is the rough draft. To hear the final version, you can find the official release on streaming services and bandcamp.
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hi guys this is my comeback song, never let them haters beat you.
as you know ive not been around much having gained a successful job and giving that all my attention. ive some catching up to do
this is to CreativeStudios great track The Ride, see what ive done :)). its 5 mins plus. thanks for letting me loose on it Jan.
Description : messed around on my piano, came up with a good idea, and put it in fl studio. I think it turned out pretty great. It would be awsome to get some vocals to this. if you do, feel free to change up the title or whatever. tempo is at 105 if ya need to know. review it and enjoy.
Description : Prod. by Louie Jun and Marbs Music. Diamond Star is the singer. It's on YouTube and SoundCloud. Check out my social media @diamondstarsy.
Description : My original vocal composition with an array of fantastic looperman samples.
Production and Mix - 2nick8
Lyrics and Vocals - 2nick8
Music from Looperman Samples
willaman-xxxtentacion-drama-drums #2
Description : This one has been sitting on my computer for a bit now but didn't really like it. My friends say it can use some vocals and I think that is what this one needs. If there is anyone who wants to put some vocals on this, send me an email at or post below. Thanks for tuning in and have a great day!
Description : Based on excellent track by BradoSanz (nothing compares instrumental). I've added an intro, many sliced up vocals, audio effects, and some electric guitar. Includes loops: Holly's Within your soul, and 40A's Unstoppable.
Hope you are all staying safe! I don't know about all of you guys but I was feeling really creative during this pandemic. I'm really proud of it because It reflects a lot of my life and it's an all-round feel-good hopeful ep can't wait to share it. It's out 6.19.20 you can get a sign up for a reminder on my website or just comment below and I'll send it to you when it's out! :) THANKS EVERYONE SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT FOR THE PASS 4 years!!! #LoopermanFam
you wanna get at me hit me up at
Thought had reviewed this one but has not come up, so dont know what the go is?? very nice intro. loving pieces that have piano through them, your vocals are very powerful here, again will say you have very good vocals, arrangement and clarity very nice, nice synth, only thing it is a little short, wished it was at least another 1 min to 2 min's longer, gather by other reviews that have shortened this one, as did not hear the percussion spoken about, adding to fav...Peace and respect dude...Estefano...
The only thing i didnt think was needed was that percussion at the end.
Or, jus change the sounds of it. A nice realistic sounding kick drum would be nice.
But none-the-less, i'm liking it!