Description : Beat I Made With One Of My Singers Not Too Long Ago.
This garage track was uploaded by Warpa. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (2)
If you have time take a listen and give Warpa some feedback.
Description : Uk Garage track. I thought I didnt like much UK Garage until I became hooked on 'People Just Do Nothing' here in the UK on one of the BBC channels. Saw a track list and realised I had or liked most of the tracks, so here is my tribute to UK Garage.
Description : This is my spin on a track based on the vocal line Beautiful Disaster by Miscliqued. I liked how well performed and recorded it was, a premiere delve into the genre of two/step garage. I used the vocal line available, it's less than a minute. It was good to get a feel in this style which I hope to endeavour in my never ending quest up the spiralling path into the cavern of which is the mighty river of the mountain quest into the world of music productions.
Description : Ancient Ideas from 8 years ago. Four ideas in the works. Just let me know what you think. Feelings, sensations, Ideas. Good, Bad, Sucks. Don't tell me your masterful story of increase this and use this and this will sound much better because I don't care. Just let me know...
Description : If you’ve ever played in a “Garage Band” you know how it feels to play anything with your buddies.
Well I haven’t played face to face with these guys since 1976! “Big Ant” Chicago Il. (Bass) doesn’t do technology (still has a flip phone) sent a Bass track to MarkT Plano Tx. (Drummer), that he recorded using his phone Ikr.
This is the most fun I’ve had making a track in a while.
So if you’ve ever played in a garage band you’ll know where I’m coming from
Description : Im new here and just thought i would get some feedback on this. Ive been working on this for a while and have finally got a sound im happy with.Everything is raw except the midi pimp leads at the end. Dont mind the drums, some parts are way out of wack. But i tracked them just to get the idea down. Im going to re-track them in a couple of days. Any criticism is appreciated!
Description : Ok, this is my song for the "Loop Challange" started by FreeRadikal Maybe you cant hear the 3 loops i had to use (in any way) BUT i realy only used this 3 loops and a drumline, my voice and just a 4th loop (the chello or string one). All in all it was a real fun to work with - not chosen- loops and the result is something i realy didnd done the last 20 years. A kind of a punksong .... it´s a genremix i believe something punky, powerfull and strange with a touch of the 80´s and with electrostuff and guitars ... --- jetzt geht es los - means something like - Here we go -and- Now it beginns - have fun