24th Sep 2010 20:13 - 14 years ago
Tags :
Description : Ok so the story goes.. I made this track with the vocals by farisha music, but bloody deleted the file before i got time to finish it.. (annoying).. So I thought id upload it here to see if anyone has the time to finish her off the best they can.. Take a listen and if you like, feel free to do as you wish with her. But if not, feel free to have a listen, it aint too bad, any comments welcome.. i cant really act upon any crit as i have no file to work with. but its there if you want to have a pop at making it better.. So feast your ears on some nearly finished 4x4, Peace.

Comments (9)

If you have time take a listen and give ChrissG some feedback.

Deanoo 14th Apr 2011 03:10 - 13 years ago
heyy man, nice track u got going there, whos the acapella by if you dont mind me asking?
goldenlion 14th Jan 2011 15:34 - 14 years ago
i dig the track.i think it hyper powerful,i just woke up, now i feel like dancing. thankz wish i could do more wit track,but not my style of music......but if you did this i know you got more monsters coming....see you around the looperverse
epinetherine 23rd Nov 2010 22:55 - 14 years ago
that beats sik really funky bit like krissi b sound
ChrissG replied Unknown
thanks for the review man glad you liked..wish i could finish it off thought shame i lost the file.. will check out yours when your done much respect peace
epinetherine 23rd Nov 2010 22:54 - 14 years ago
im liking this im doing my own 4x4 of this . making it dirty tho more angry sound ile let u no wen .
DonnieVyros 20th Nov 2010 22:39 - 14 years ago
Play 2 now...

I feel your pain mate, in relation to the "delete before saving" thing. I've only experienced it really bad like twice (where I lost over half of the song & all of the new work). That's why these days I try to save about every 5 to 10 minutes or so. Dunno when/if the computer or program's gonna wanna crap out n crash on ya (also, having an external HD for backing up is also a good idea). Another trick I do to avoid losing work is to create the loops I use in one program and arrange them in another program (that way, if the working file is messed up or lost I still have the Wavs to rebuild the track). The last tip I got might seem goofy, but it can be a life saver (or a really great learning/teaching tool later). When I'm getting super complex with my mixes I'll open WordPad and create a text document where I can take notes on what I've done where (ie, percs loop 2- effects used; Delay, mod 2, level 4, rate 1, clean... or channel 9- Vol -4.5, pan 25% left, FX1 Chorus, FX2 none).
Sorry for the nerdy geek-squad babble there. Lets talk about the track now...
I recognize that synth key sequence from somewhere (just can't put my finger on it at the mo'... FL Studios or Logic Pro, maybe?). 'Tis cool, I can see why ya used 'em (though in a way they serve to fool people into thinking the track is gonna go 1 way when it goes in another). I like the way it progresses into those long pronounced strings once the vocals kick in. And the wobbly bass on this is a pretty nice touch. As were the effects and choppin ya threw onto the vocals to sorta match 'em. The drums're cool too (kinda remind me of one of the tracks on the Tetrisphere sndtrk for some reason). Downside is that I wish there was a bit more on the low-end with 'em (to make it a 'thumpa', ya know). Beyond that this is a pretty solid composition mate. Lates!
ChrissG replied Unknown
wow what a great review... I hear you man. you present me with some good lil tips and tricks there.. It's not the first time it's happened to me either lol.. i may go for the external harddrive option.. I think it would be a good pur chase.. With regard to the synth key sequence i used a preset sequenced synth from reason, so if any one has reason they are gonna used that bad boy at one time or another.. thanks for the detailed review.. always appreciated.. I may take the track on a whole and pop it in reason to sort the low end out like you suggested.. see what i can come up with.. thanks again for the review there dude really means a lot

Alen9R 11th Nov 2010 22:53 - 14 years ago
Hey ChrissG!

""Delete File"" before finish it..HAHA..this happened to me so many times...LOL...I know how it can be annoying!!

I do not know much about the Garage genre or UKG,
but I am familiar with UKG 4-4 rhythm, and you did very well, good,good beat!You are very well used Farish pella,all in all you made a great job!


ChrissG replied Unknown
hey there man thanks a lot for dropping by.. it is such a pain when you delete a track half way through.. makes my blood boil lol.. thankls for the kind words there though man muchh appreciated.. peace
MRJPRODUCTIONS 27th Oct 2010 18:44 - 14 years ago
yo nice work mate sikkkk tunnnneee
ChrissG replied Unknown
thanks for the review there buddy
Phyruis 26th Sep 2010 12:40 - 14 years ago
so nice to hear that 4x4 sound's raises it head every now and then... always big on the underground though.. the bass kicks brother I love it... nice work... keep 'em coming brother
ChrissG replied Unknown
hey man i always try and blast out a 4x4 tune ever so often keep things interested,, glad you can dig this one bro thanks a lot
Beyond 24th Sep 2010 21:30 - 14 years ago
sick! keep doin ur thang homie this is like a lady gaga join lol
ChrissG replied Unknown
cheers for the review buddy

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Thank you!

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24th Oct 2017 13:43 - 7 years ago
Tags :
Description : Test in style, enjoy.
20th Oct 2018 12:28 - 6 years ago
Tags :
Description : found a acapella on here check him out (Cristinapol)
its a old school ukg tell me how it is pls
21st Feb 2015 12:00 - 10 years ago
Tags :
Description : Im new here and just thought i would get some feedback on this. Ive been working on this for a while and have finally got a sound im happy with.Everything is raw except the midi pimp leads at the end. Dont mind the drums, some parts are way out of wack. But i tracked them just to get the idea down. Im going to re-track them in a couple of days. Any criticism is appreciated!
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Tags :
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