2nd Jan 2011 11:30 - 14 years ago
Tags :
Description : This is the final mix and arrangement following the comments posted below. Mixed through a pair of Yamaha HS50M studio flat response speakers and mastered in Logic. This track is from our forth coming album "Festival" which we will be selling and showcasing at this years Edinburgh Fringe Festival. I have just recently converted to using Mac and Logic Pro which I have to say are awesome! I have used the drum loops from Logic but added filters and compression to create beef and interesting lead in sections. All the other instruments I have played in layer by layer, the first sax solo is me on tenor, the second Alexander ( my son ) on alto. I am mainly interested in your opinions on the mix as this is the first attempt, please don't hold anything back as this album when complete will be getting pressed into CD with cover work by our very own resident artist Planet.
It's important I get this right, so I'm asking for your help in the finished product being mind blowing.
Cheers, Slap...

Comments (27)

If you have time take a listen and give SLAPJOHNSON some feedback.

mackit 29th Apr 2011 11:27 - 13 years ago
Slap you and your sons tone is off the chain.
you play from the soul.sax solo work here is stupid good.this is nothing less than a PRO PRODUCTION.great sound and execution. by the way im hooked on your sax sample are truely a gifted musician.PEACE. THE MACK MAN OUT.
CiRcUz 13th Mar 2011 22:39 - 14 years ago
sounds like sumtin dat wuld fit a video game- crime
Jolita 2nd Mar 2011 06:24 - 14 years ago
Awesome track, I can hear this track in a movie
Mosaic 28th Feb 2011 02:40 - 14 years ago
Hi Slap

Man this is one massive piece, so full of energy, brilliant arrangemnt/panning in this piece,very catchy funky piece, dont really know what else to say here that others have not said, totally mind blowing work...massive massive fav man...Peace n Respect dude...Estefano...
SLAPJOHNSON replied Unknown
Hi Estefano, I'm glad your enjoying the songs girth ( is a right chod ). I'm hoping the other songs turn out as good as this one...

Cheers, Slap...
NeonStrawberry 25th Feb 2011 23:14 - 14 years ago
damn, this track is great. The melody is splendid, dynamic and mix are all in place and well if you ask me. Totally loving it. This makes me wanna come to Edinburgh. amazing production, imo this is how real music should sound like. No tips from me on this, the vibe is outstanding-it almost sketches a picture in front of you while listening. A rather interesting setup as well. This is a very appealing piece of music all in all-has a bit of everything you need in there, a bit of Henry hall, bit of Apollo 440, nice sax lines and I could probably come up with more -real splendid.
SLAPJOHNSON replied Unknown
I'm glad your liking it. This one track is on it's eighth remix to get it to this stage so far. I have listened carefully to what has been said and changed bits and rerecorded guitars etc..
I think it's about there now. So I'm going to let it breath and see what else is said. I am happy you are enjoying where it has evolved to.

Cheers, Slap...
goosemeyer 25th Feb 2011 01:04 - 14 years ago
what?? don't mind me, I'm in here taking notes!

loved the Phased drums, they totally caught me off guard. It never once felt off groove, never gets monotonous, and like AllenV said, the the use of panning in the creation of a large sonic space was visceral. I wasn't Just listening, I was engaged.
Paulkeus 22nd Feb 2011 17:28 - 14 years ago
It is getting better and better! The saxwork is mindblowing both of you and your son's and I have worked with many saxplayers!
If you ever need a remix of one of your tracks just let me know.

Lets make a deal! You play me some sax parts in the songs that I send you and I will make you some remixes, we all benefit! And it's fun!

SLAPJOHNSON replied Unknown
Hi Paul, I would love you to do a remix of this track!! What's the next step?

Cheers, Slap...
theHumps 18th Feb 2011 11:56 - 14 years ago
Mix is great Slap, the panning of the instruments really opens it all up, kudos for that. It's something that I'm working on to make my tracks sound better as well. The musicianship is top notch, we all have come to expect that from you guys so that is no surprise. I wish you the best of luck on the album, this is a good indication it will be a hit!

SLAPJOHNSON replied Unknown
Hi Wayne, I'm pleased you like the mix as it's one of those things you could just keep fiddling with and loose the plot completely. I have 12 other songs in various stages of production, so new ones should becoming soon.
Thanks for dropping by.

Cheers, Slap...
Kgomotso 18th Feb 2011 09:53 - 14 years ago
Hi, Slap.each time I see your name I know that is going to good and after listening and do not want to stop. Thank you Lord to give us such a talented Johnson. God bless you
SLAPJOHNSON replied Unknown
Hi Kgomotso, kind words indeed and I thank you for them.
I'm pleased you like the track, they will be 12 more coming soon. Also thank you for the reviews on some of my loops.

Cheers, Slap...
Paulkeus 14th Feb 2011 12:08 - 14 years ago
Hey Slap!

I love this track great saxwork! Commends,.... I miss a strong powerful bassguitar it misses the right feel, hope I dont offend you by saying that, but the bass is really important in this kind of music. Also I would love to hear a wah guitar, I can record one for you of you like, that will sure make it funkier.
SLAPJOHNSON replied Unknown
Hi Paul, I know what your saying about the bass and the wah guitar, I will most probably add both myself time permitting. I value your opinion as I greatly admire your playing and production skills, so I'm pleased you came straight out with your verdict.. Funky wah guitar now added Paul, thanks for the suggestion...

Cheers, Slap...
JohnBoutilier 10th Feb 2011 10:07 - 14 years ago
Hey Slap, it's been a while.

Anyways, this track is hot. From note one to note last. Love the whole thing, but those solos smoke.


SLAPJOHNSON replied Unknown
Hi John, I'm glad you think it's smoking... It has been a while since we crossed paths, but the main thing is we are still here cracking on..

Cheers, Slap...
Mrbillionx 6th Feb 2011 06:30 - 14 years ago
I can't stop playing this here..

all I can say is wow.

Don't know what you will come up with next.
SLAPJOHNSON replied Unknown
Hi MrB, I bet you've stopped playing it now! Lol...

Thanks for dropping by.

Cheers, Slap...
JWilson 1st Feb 2011 20:12 - 14 years ago
Wow, a beautiful connection between many instruments. Like the modern jazz sound. The rhythm is great. Talent runs in the family I see.
SLAPJOHNSON replied Unknown
Hi J, I'm glad you like the track. I've adjusted a few things since the earlier reviews and it seems to have improved the whole arrangement.

Cheers, Slap...
AllenV 20th Jan 2011 20:00 - 14 years ago
Hey Slap!
Yes my friend you have layered in everything nicely.
I always blame my background and ears for hearing rock flavors in a track and this appeals to that and the genres you mentioned.
I have to give special credit to Alexander,I did love the video you posted of him and Jean Toussaint,great stuff for your son and anyone to be a part of and he proved himself A fine performer.

You have a great sense of the importance of a great stereo mix,I think it's been overlooked at times but it makes so,so much of a difference when you get those layers spread out and blended in the way you have here...I think it can make or break a production and you made it happen,though I'm not surprised,you are a true pro and I know you have a firm grasp on how the song should sound!

Well done Steve,
I hope to work with you again in this new year.My reviews say that sax and guitar work pretty good together :)

SLAPJOHNSON replied Unknown
Hi Allen, thanks for dropping by and lending me your trained ears. I'm just about to post a complete remix of this track due to the comments left so far. I have digested what's been said ( and why ) and also changed the arrangement slightly too. I'm glad your enjoying my mixing attempts, I always feel as though mine are lacking a certain sparkle which I hear in other productions posted on the Loop.
I will return the favour and review some of your superior productions shortly.

Cheers, Slap...
HaruTune 19th Jan 2011 15:29 - 14 years ago
Great track.

EVRiM 17th Jan 2011 21:15 - 14 years ago
My goodness, Slap, it angers me so that someone with such talent like yours is struggling with a 0. I totally understand about the struggle myself, believe me! You can download Izotope for free I think for two weeks.

Hang in there, brother! And keep on keepin at it. ;)
VickyDan 11th Jan 2011 14:18 - 14 years ago
Nothing to say, just listen, and meditate on excellence here ....

Planetjazzbass 8th Jan 2011 03:25 - 14 years ago
Hey Men....Whoa! totally riffed out,this is crazy cool....hell the bass line is wicked!...tres chic,it's about time some television network picked up one of your tunes for a cop serial or something..then you'd start getting the proper kudos your music deserves,and you'd be getting paid by the second as well! lol...ok as far as the sound,I know this is a rough the bass levels,not keen on the very high cymbal frequency,prefer the sheen taken off that a tad,and like one reviewer has already pointed out..adding something like a huge bass drum hit on the drum accents might add a bit more oomph...but these are purely arbitrary observations,I'm sure that when the song list for this album nears completion you'll have hit on the mastering template your looking for and the continuity will be guys do and always will....Rock! cheers Dave =7)
SLAPJOHNSON replied Unknown
Hi Dave, thanks for the honesty! Mastering and getting the mix right are the things that some bypass for the sake of just getting the track finished and then fishing for complimentary reviews and praise. Those days are gone for me and have been for a good while, I'm wanting to get things right so the finished product can stand alongside the best and most expensive cds and not sound inferior. I will look into the hi end cymbal issue and the punchy bass drum comment. I will keep you posted!
Cheers, Slap...
EVRiM 6th Jan 2011 03:21 - 14 years ago
What a tremendous sax solo, Slap. Love it! Also, what are those... trumpets? Nice.

One thing I've been tying on logic is to "mini-master" my main elements of a song. Ie, vox, guitar melody, maybe in your case the sax. I do that using either the Apple plug-ins or the the Ozone Izotpe plug-ins, which have great pre-sets for the price which is less than 300 for a big bundle.

Hope that helps and hope you're doin' well.

SLAPJOHNSON replied Unknown
Hi Evrim, I'm pleased you like the first draft of this song, the trumpets are in fact saxophones multi tracked to get that full sound. Thanks for the mastering software tips, I will pursue looking for a compatible one for my budget ( zero ) lol...
Cheers, Slap...
DJSchmeeJ 3rd Jan 2011 15:50 - 14 years ago
Finally some real instruments!! I gotta say I love this....seems more rock/jazzish than funk...but I guess thats kinda what funk is. I love the name and the fact that your son follows hot pursuit! I liked what I heard, Slap... but I'm going to have to listen again when I get home through some Headphones to really give ya a good critique. But I gotta say I don't think I'll have anything for you other than get into the lead sax a little sooner. But I have a short attention span and I think the "Sax line" sets up the melody and the jam part perfectly! Maybe a shared lead...still chasing you but in a call back thing like he's right on your heels... (cause ya know he really is right there with ya Slap!)... but together.
SLAPJOHNSON replied Unknown
Hi DJS, thanks for lending this one your ears. I have already noted the constructive comments people have kindly left, and I'm on with the remixed version. I am going to leave the arrangement as it is though as this is an album track and this allows some tracks to be long and drawn out.

Cheers, Slap...
Phyruis 3rd Jan 2011 12:07 - 14 years ago
some nice work... reminded me abit of some of junior walkers stuff ya know?

with a more modern twist to it kinda junior meets 80's duran duran with a little bit of funk from curtis in there as well...

it's very hard for me as an electronic artist to critic something like this because I'm always looking for something electronic I suppose!!..

I enjoyed the listen but for me you do need some kinda extra element in there as well as the blistering sax solos...maybe some bass runs like bootsy colins did in superbad or even a short drum solo just to elevate it upwards kinda like the thing James browns band did in his 70's heyday...ya know what I mean? anyway I enjoyed the listen thanks for sharing brother... keep 'em coming
Vicen 3rd Jan 2011 07:19 - 14 years ago
The track is great and the sound is incredible. I tried the volume loud as possible and with different EQ ... perfect sound, does not lose one iota of clarity and strength. I wish I could play that well ...
SLAPJOHNSON replied Unknown
Thanks for your positivity, it gives me more determination.

Cheers, Slap...
ChrisMac456 2nd Jan 2011 21:46 - 14 years ago
I love the atmosphere in the beginning birds chirping, the police siren; then those drums kick in and you're hard on the sax man. This is an amazingly great track, love the little hook and once again the sax is fantastic.

I'm glad that I checked this out, great production, kept me grooving throughout and everything, you're very talented on that sax man. I'll definitely have to check out you're album when it's finished.

Chris Mac
SLAPJOHNSON replied Unknown
Hi Cm, I'm pleased your digging the arrangement and playing on this track. I will drop by and listen to some of your tracks and review accordingly.

Cheers, Slap...
Peres 2nd Jan 2011 19:58 - 14 years ago
This is great,love it.Oh the sax!!!!!!!!!!! It's all good for me!
SLAPJOHNSON replied Unknown
Hi Peres, I appreciate your praise! I have already adjusted the EQ on the pads which was Bear's criticism and I'm currently trying to boost the drums up slightly to get more drive.
I will notify in the thread when these adjustments have been made.

Cheers, Slap...
ShortBusMusic 2nd Jan 2011 17:15 - 14 years ago
Steve, it has been way too long. You and Alexander are in rare form on this one. I absolutely love it.

I will be honest the first minute of the song pales in comparison to the rest of the track. I'm not so sure you shouldn't bump the volume of the pads just a bit. I know you wanted a build, but the pads seem almost too far back in the mix. Also seems just a tad thin on the bottom end but that just might be my speakers.....

But that is just nit picking on my part my friend. This one is radio ready as it sets. Not sure I agree with my friend Glocke on this one being predictable, haha. Nothing you do is predictable my friend (he needs to check out your video of you playing sax in the bathroom, hehe).

I hope you and the family had a wonderful holidays. We had a great time here for our first Christmas in the desert. Big change from the Oregon Coast. I'm still hanging tough (I think my insurance company would prefer I didn't, hahaha).

Anyway Steve, my best to all and tell Alexander he did a great job as usual on this one. Here's to 2011 being one of your best years ever.

SLAPJOHNSON replied Unknown
Hi Barry, great to hear from you mate! I'm so pleased you have had a wonderful holiday with your family. I suppose the pad intro is me in a way trying to create a peaceful scene before it's gets shattered by this crazy car chase which was going on in my head as the song developed. I will look into doing several different mixes before I reach the final decision. After listening back again I'm feeling the drums need a bit more level in places also. Your thoughts are always welcome as is your friendship...

Cheers, Slap...
SweeneyMusic 2nd Jan 2011 16:05 - 14 years ago
Im sitting here listening to this with my laptop speakers and it still sounds good! And this sax! I love the sound of them and it is just perfect in this song. You really did a good job here. And it sounds like you put down a whole lot of work into this. Im thankful for the upload! Im gonna press play one more time just because.

SLAPJOHNSON replied Unknown
Hi Stalju, thanks for dropping by and taking the time to give this one your ears. I have spent a bit of time on this ( as I do all of my songs ), but the song dictates what's needed. Sometimes a guitar only will do, so as I continue on this album they will be more spacious tunes also ( sometimes these take more time as the instruments are more exposed and open). I dig your work by the way!
Cheers, Slap...
Glocke 2nd Jan 2011 13:04 - 14 years ago
oh yeah. :) sounds professional, also awesome sax solos! :)

So, but the problem it isn't a mind blowing song right now in my opinion.
the intro is nice, solid, but also a bit annoying. i waited for the bam in my face you know, the start when i say "boooah what the f******ck? greeeeat.". maybe a little drum solo would be good for catching attention. also when i listen with some different audio applications, it sounds better with a bass boost and not so shape bass, for getting the pressure.
then the sax part is cool, maybe a small fill from another instrument would be very interesting.
the break fits perfectly, maybe a bit sharper guitar (more presence) would give a more exactly tone picture. then cool solo, great mixed, this is perfect.
another hardcore solo, fine.
but it's like a story one after another. a contrast in the second part with a changed rhythm for example, would make it mindbolwing i think. rhight know it's nice but predictable. good for ambient stuff and so on, but not good for "what the f*****ck!!" :D

but in the end i'm just a nerd with a hobby, you're the pro, but i hope it helps a bit.

greetings glocke
SLAPJOHNSON replied Unknown
Hi Glocke, firstly thanks for taking the time to drop by and listen. Your review is just the kind of honesty and opinion I need to create an album full of great songs. This is the first draft of this song, and I have until April to get all of the tracks right before the album gets pressed. I will digest your comments and act accordingly.
Cheers, Slap...

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Tags :
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Description : 3rd track of my future vocaloid album, Acerbus 2.Many thanks to Venuslove for the vocals, MrFunktastic for the Funk bass, Strings (left and right), and the robotic sound mainly at the beginning of the song. and Atlasblue for the Snares (sorry atlasblue that I couldn't include you in the title, only 50 characters allowed, thus I ran out of space)
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Thanks to everyone who contributed in explaining what I did wrong in the engineering, mixing and mastering, especially Ben (bringerofDOOM). Looperman is truly an awesome community and thank you all. Did I say you guys are awesome?
Now also with a clip on !