Description : I was aiming for a Vivaldi-esque composition, which I hope I have achieved. Hope you enjoy!
This song was written based on my favourite nursery rhyme: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (Not Baa Baa Black Sheep, nor the Alphabet song!).
I played around in the piano for about 5 days on this left-over-right hand piece that had its structure on the nursery rhyme's chords. That's why the piano is mainly the harmony while the strings and trumpets provide the melody.
This classical track was uploaded by Scriptique. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (21)
If you have time take a listen and give Scriptique some feedback.
BEAUTIFUL!! This is a most wondrous display of sheer talent. I thoroughly enjoyed it from beginning to end. In fact, I played it a couple of times just to be sure I hadn't missed anything. It's soul stirring. I loved it!!
Nice composition sounds are evidentially synthesized but they blend very nicely. Very short though, but none the less beautiful work.
God Bless
its to nice... i like that wow.. incredible :p.. its really relax and he have to much emotion :p This song remind me a little song to make Sleeping kids.. its nice :p good work
Some of us just play around. But a few have real talent. That is absolutely beautiful. It reminds me of a story I heard. A mother took her 5 year old son to a piano recital. Just before the pianist was to come out the mother looked around and couldn't find her son. Looking frantically she glanced at the stage and saw her son at the piano playing Twinkle twinkle little star. The pianist walked out. Instead of having the child removed he sat down and started playing with him. It was the most spectacular song of the evening. When we give our best the Lord joins with us and makes a beutiful peice. This song reminded me of that story and how it kept me from giving up playng music. Thank you for a beutiful piece.
I'm so glad someone is doing classical music on this site. It's a genre that people tend to overlook. It's one of the best types of music out there to envoke feeling in my opinion. Well done. Pep
Absolutely beautiful. I feel great sadness at points but there is hope and the hope bursts forth with great power and determination despite the odds against. I love Vivaldi's work. I love this piece.
Vanessa Carlton's a great pianist. Although I hope I don't sound too similar to her, I think it's an honour for this piece to be compared to her works.
*cough*Tori Amos kicks everyone's ass though*cough*
We all have to take the hat off to you for this wonderful classical track. Absolutely wonderful. And... of course welcome to looperman. I am looking foreward to hear more of you. Greetings from Berlin...Peace
I think most people would be familiar with the nursery rhyme...what you have done with it is very unique and grand..The classical genre hardly gets a look in here at Looperman which is a great shame...hopefully with your arrival new life and renewed interest will begin in this area.....13.4/10.......cheers planet
Description : Short piano piece composed by me. I made this in about 30 mins using Nexus2. I hope you'll enjoy it and tell me what you think :) You can use it in your Youtube videos, but please paste link here so I can see it too. :)
Description : Hi, I just had to try and do my own type of music tribute to the sad and unfortunate events in Manchester the other night
I start the song off with a type of music box to represent like a young child and then i go into a violin strings to try and set the sadness and then after a while i used some soft drum and clicks to represent time ticking and then with just the piano and then in the middle of the track it picks up pace a bit and i decided on this because to represent the strength of the people that will stand strong and i once again also put the music box in with this and my reason was to be strong for the rest of the children and then i finsh up with the piano again and the ending on the drum to remember the lives sadly lost and a type of silence if it were
i really feel so sadened by this event and it trully has me in bits
may we all come together and forever be strong and stand up to these horrible people who think they can destroy us and our children and families and loved ones
Description : my brother gave me a new piano on kontact...i was blown away by the sound...could hear the pedals the wood etc....this was first thing i played last brother dave said its good n my dad came up with title...i still like it
Description : This is my first try at doing a waltz after hearing Andre Rieu
My tunes are not mixed mastered becuase they always stayed on my hard drive.
Free to use for whatever purpose so have fun.
Description : Recorded this a while ago.. Raw, lovely.. I'm an electric guitarist so this is unfamiliar territory for me... I always wanted to master classical acoustic and I will one day. Video here *Edit* Despite this being painfully obvious, this is not my composition, it's an effort to learn classical guitar and note the progression for future nostalgia.. This site is making me think I should give the anti-vaxxers some credence. Ffs.
Description : A short sonata like form composed with a 1967 Steinway Grand and the BBC Symphonic Orchestra plugins. More originals can be found on my soundcloud - listed on my profile.
Description : I'm an English teacher for Spanish speakers and I actually used this in the classroom while the students were doing a 5 or 6 minute writing preparing for a conversation activity.
God Bless
Anyways, love the piano work :)
As pep said, classical is very under rated, check out my track "emotion" it may not be classical but its close enough (violin riffs by me)
Keep up the good work.
-Ria Rosa
Thanks =)
-Ria Rosa
Keep up the good work :P
-Ria Rosa
keep it up.
why does this reminds me of a girl before I see ur profile hehe nice track nice melodic... *me slowly fells aslee saödlA,.a,
Thanks for your kind words, although I hope you didn't fall asleep because you found it boring hehehe
All the Best
*cough*Tori Amos kicks everyone's ass though*cough*
Thanks for the review!
a great composition
and now in my favs.
Thanks for this wonderful classical masterpiece!
Mr.Robot :)
Glad you like this track
This piece is nothing, really, but thanks for rating this 13.4/10 =)