"How many wounds that time has stopped years ago.
And some flowers as white as solitude.
Few strokes of lost love in your heart,
between singing love poems.
While lights from your balcony.
Fires burning to the wind in your interior.
Kisses, longing destinations, not knowing where to go.
Firm step on the road, though it's hard to walk.
It costs so much walking. It costs so much ... follow up.
Bouquets of flowers faded over time.
Beads made to the wind in your heart.
Singing verses your heart. Screaming at the time that happened.
Traces of life in yours, have left a sign.
Rain waters the seeds planted in your truth.
So many dreams of love felt in your heart.
Dormant verses written on indifference. "
This pop track was uploaded by Vicen. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (8)
If you have time take a listen and give Vicen some feedback.
As I always say lately, I've been improving thanks to the family of Looperman, have helped me, and listening to your songs, I also forced to be improving gradually. It is a favor, will cost me to return.
Thanks brother.
This is what music is about! I really like the song. The production value is very very high in this. Like the panning of the different elements that makes the track "fuller". Good job!
Thank you very much. I'm glad you liked it. These are small steps being made to make music. With each new song I learn a little more. I appreciate that you have noticed.
Vicen, I think I have to concur with the others. This is a great listen. It is mixed well, and I love the guitar work in it. Just a really nice way to start my day :)
Thanks. I'm glad you liked it. The truth is that it is a song that gave many problems until it sounded like I wanted, so I am very grateful for the comments.
Mis sinceras felicitaciones para mi gran amigo por esta gran produccion cada ves estas mas profecional me ha encantado la linea del bajo bueno en si toda la pista y lo que mas admiro es el gran don que Dios te ha dado con tu vos siempre he sido fan de tu vos y disculpame si te digo que casi te confundo con joaquin Sabina yo aun no he podido superar en las que estoy trabajando bueno tal ves nunca voy igualarme con tu vos pero se que siempre cuento contigo en futuras colaboraciones esta es una mas de mis favoritas para escucharla en el auto
Gracias amigo. Esta es la demostración de que poquito a poco se puede mejorar en cualquier cosa. Estoy haciendo las cosas mejor, más trabajadas. Bueno, ahora que lo has dicho, hay trozos que me recuerdan a Sabina. Yo cada canción la interpreto de una manera distinta. No sàhacer otra cosa.
Tú ya sabes que aquàme tienes. Siempre te puedo echar una mano, pero yo creo, que con el tiempo, podremos cantar a duo.
Thank you very much. I think I'm improving a little each day. Every time the job Canion and voice (which costs me a lot). I really appreciate your compliments, because thanks to these reviews, I'm still making music and trying to make it better. We hear in the loop.
V - all the beads form a perfect flower - the one in your heart you carry in your hand.
A track that restores confidence - the cost of walking is worth the price. Big heart and a sound to match it.
Looking for more of the Innatatú project
Thanks my friend, you really glad my heart. Because the lyrics are born to be heard. And you not only understand them but that you appreciate them.
I'm in a rush when writing, and I have made about 8 songs of this project. I do not know if all will end well (I'm on the finishing touches), but soon there will be another ...
This has a nice, positive, happy feel to it. The music is well mixed and you used a nice variety of instruments. Well done my friend, this is such a wonderful track!!
Thanks buddy. You don't know how I'm glad you enjoyed it. I've had a few problems with this song, but in the end I managed that. I'm learning a little every day. Honored for your fav.
Description : Spacey and Dancey and Synthwavey and Dreamy
Please leave your opinion if you have one
This is the rough draft. To hear the final version, you can find the official release on streaming services and bandcamp.
Be sure to check out Jenna Evans
Username: JennaEvans
Profile#: 2108940
Description : UPDATED 01/03/2023 better volume level
hi guys this is my comeback song, never let them haters beat you.
as you know ive not been around much having gained a successful job and giving that all my attention. ive some catching up to do
this is to CreativeStudios great track The Ride, see what ive done :)). its 5 mins plus. thanks for letting me loose on it Jan.
Description : messed around on my piano, came up with a good idea, and put it in fl studio. I think it turned out pretty great. It would be awsome to get some vocals to this. if you do, feel free to change up the title or whatever. tempo is at 105 if ya need to know. review it and enjoy.
Description : Prod. by Louie Jun and Marbs Music. Diamond Star is the singer. It's on YouTube and SoundCloud. Check out my social media @diamondstarsy.
Description : My original vocal composition with an array of fantastic looperman samples.
Production and Mix - 2nick8
Lyrics and Vocals - 2nick8
Music from Looperman Samples
willaman-xxxtentacion-drama-drums #2
Description : This one has been sitting on my computer for a bit now but didn't really like it. My friends say it can use some vocals and I think that is what this one needs. If there is anyone who wants to put some vocals on this, send me an email at .magic41151@yahoo.com. or post below. Thanks for tuning in and have a great day!
Description : Based on excellent track by BradoSanz (nothing compares instrumental). I've added an intro, many sliced up vocals, audio effects, and some electric guitar. Includes loops: Holly's Within your soul, and 40A's Unstoppable.
Hope you are all staying safe! I don't know about all of you guys but I was feeling really creative during this pandemic. I'm really proud of it because It reflects a lot of my life and it's an all-round feel-good hopeful ep can't wait to share it. It's out 6.19.20 you can get a sign up for a reminder on my website or just comment below and I'll send it to you when it's out! :) THANKS EVERYONE SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT FOR THE PASS 4 years!!! #LoopermanFam
Thanks brother.
Bravo my friend, a wonderful effort. Well done.
Tú ya sabes que aquàme tienes. Siempre te puedo echar una mano, pero yo creo, que con el tiempo, podremos cantar a duo.
A track that restores confidence - the cost of walking is worth the price. Big heart and a sound to match it.
Looking for more of the Innatatú project
I'm in a rush when writing, and I have made about 8 songs of this project. I do not know if all will end well (I'm on the finishing touches), but soon there will be another ...
the guitar, vocals, everything...