Description : Dedicated to those willing to participate in popular rebellions, regardless of their size or outcome. With nothing to lose, rebellion is an empowering thing.
Special thanks to Salook. I didn't think completing the Music to have a Rebellion Project could really move towards completion without the sounds of bagpipes incorporated somewhere. Now I can check that requirement off my list! Special thanks to Nuada Macnechtan for doing the introduction vocals for me.
Live recording done on Ableton with the APC40. Lots of dancing with knobs.
Draft 1 - Still in development phases. I'm pretty happy with the sonic narrative that happens in the movements. Maybe a bit too traditional? Intro as past, drum ensemble as carnival uprising present sliding into the hybridity of a future that's always arriving.
Final Draft(?) - brought in vocal samples from Deepest India, and some chanting from public domain Morocco field recordings from the 1950's.
Vocals from the exiled Tuareg Poet Hawad's poem, "Anarchy's Delirious Trek."
Loops mostly from people who've deleted their accounts, so I don't know who to give credit to. Got a planetjazzbass one in here, and one from Dusthill, and one from Dj_Fred_Val. Thanks!
Thanks to Nuada for wonderful suggestions during my drafting process.
This dub track was uploaded by n0mad23. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (24)
If you have time take a listen and give n0mad23 some feedback.
Must have forgotten to check this out a couple of years ago when I listened to quite a few of your tracks.
This has a hell of a vibe. Big, swirling cavernous sounds that should be blasted out a soundsystem in a desert. Or really just anywhere outdoors. But maybe not a in a quiet flower garden whilst people meditate.
I guess the bagipes mesh with the deep metallic drums to make something that is a bit like some sort of futuristic (Scottish) clan warfare.
I wouldn't call it dub but I'm sort of struggling to give this a genre name. The best I can come up with is Cavernous Tribal.
"public domain Morocco field recordings from the 1950's"
Maybe I should get some of that sort of stuff as it would probably fit well in some of my music.
On Soundcloud, this and a couple other track I have up as "Ethnic-Dub" which actually makes a lot more sense. I'm actually surprised I haven't been charged with heresy by the Dub Purists yet. I did try to approach this one throughout its development using dub techniques and philosophy - though it's debatable that replacing the mandatory deep bass riddim with bass drums still qualifies. Twas a Beast and a Joy to create.
Took me right to the limits of my skills recording mixes in real time with my APC-40 and the laptop's keyboard MIDI mapped with Ableton Live.
It is big, isn't it? It still surprises me on those rare moments it gets played by me, as it was done on a dual core PC laptop running Windows XP. Digital audio run-time environments have gotten really sophisticated.
Very Nice - similar to some of my cuts but better. Good subtle changes and unique instrumentation. I guess if I were to quibble, and this is a matter of taste, there was not as much contrast and surprise between parts as I would have liked. Loved the drama at the intro and very effective use of contrasting but really complementary aural imagery.
In one of the earliest draft versions I did have a lot more contrast with quieter moments between the heavy rhythms, but after the bagpipes began entering the mix it all changed. I wanted it to carry the energy of a riot or rebellion - full on until the end. I've been playing around with remixes of other artists work lately, and you've got me thinking another version of this is probably in order. Thanks for that.
GOD Awesome intro.
Ok, this is WAY off topic about this track but the bagpipes remind me of something.
One time i longboarding in a neighborhood right next to mine, and a friends with me and we hear this ANNOYING ass screeching right?? So we keep skating and were following the sound. And all of a sudden like we pull around the corner and its getting louder and theres this dude just standing in his front yard with a quilt thing on and just blaring a bagpipe at like 9 at night.
ANYWAYS. This was cool and ambient as hell, has a jungle kind of feel. Tons of different vibes and feelings i get from this. Good one!
Damn...the Scot in me wants to bear arms 15 seconds into the track!lol...Man your dabbling heavily into rhythm necromancy,your going to invoke some entity one day...this really works,the undercurrent of those metallic kettle drums or whatever they are is me the visual impression of some druid festival (or orgy!)..I see your using an APC40 now,that must be cool and really improve the work flow environment,I've often thought about getting one but I went the Novation Nocturn route combined with my midi controller keyboard functions,yet the desire still lingers! hahaha....Bloody marvelous track,you are the conduit for world music undoubtedly (plus great input from Salook and Nuada)....tres cool! cheers Dave :)
It is a genetic thing, isn't it? I've been playing weekly with my daughter's elementary school Drum Club and have really been thinking a lot about sections and the need of the heartbeat throughout and had to use it here. The APC40 has its own limitations, but for doing "live" the live recording, it's wicked! What I really love about it, is it allows those improvisational moments to happen in real time, something I think can be lacking in traditional arranged production, you know? I grouped tracks in this specifically geared towards how I was playing volume sliders and effects knobs, and it makes the approach more like playing some sort of hardware sampler than just playing with a DAW. I do use it frequently in conjunction with my Axiom-25, if just to use it as another MIDI controller. I think you'd dig having this rig. Cheers.
I was at that party and you should have seen the chick I was there with. A great night of mead and psychedelics, mixed with the most wonderful debaucheries in preparation for the morning battle with the evil enemy. May his head find rest upon my spear.
Hi John,
Your review actually reminds me of the album done by Test Dept. in the late 80's titled, "Gododdin" with the Welsh group Brith Gof. Gododdin was a Celtic poem which basically was the same as 300. A small group of Celts partying all night before doing their suicide attack against invaders outnumbering them 20:1. Strange how certain sounds can stir genetic memories, aye? Thanks for both the review and favorite. Means a lot my friend!
wow Dub always sounds so hypnotising if you ask me..
and you also used world's most annoying instrument (the bagpipes)
But still you succeed into making something nice out of it!
I really like this man! Especially the drums! :)
Yeah, I think we can get bad impressions of instruments by exposure to the wrong kinds of music. I did another one a while back with the accordion because I knew it had to have something outside of Polka or Lawrence Welk. Sure enough... I'm really partial to the drum work here, and learned more about Dub approach in doing this one. Thanks for the review!
One more time, I'm surprise how you manage to integrate so many different influences (cultural) into one liquid dub track. This crecendo is abso-freaking-lutely giving me hallucinations.
Anyway, yeah, I can imagine this with an alaap style vocal from some qawal, and trust me this stuff would fly off the shelves and be copied and distributed so many times you'd hear it every thursday at this local festival I like to visit from time to time.
Gotta take a camera there sometime, show you guys what I'm talking about.
Such brilliant distribution across the frequencies. It's so rich, and yet not overwhelming. I'm glad I played this one tonight, gonna dream of the dhol and a phat bassline and an 808kick sample!
You're one of the few who'll probably appreciate that there's no actual bassline in this! It's actually a bass tabla run through CamelCruch's Arsequake setting. I wondered if this one would resonate for you, as some of the sounds are as valid in Pakistan as they are in Scotland. Makes me thing we've got more in common than differences as we're led to believe. Thanks for the listen and review my friend!
What I love about your music is the rhythm.
What I love 2nd is the dialogue..
BRILLIANT USE of the drone. Omg I am stealing that.
I love it. I have always thought about ... well ... everything we talk about, and I absolutely agree with the visceral quality of the bagpipes and Irish work in general.
I coincide with the other comments that applaud the old and new being thrust together like flint.
Particularly what I enjoy a lot about this is the whole-tone drop and the groove of the under area of the mix.
I also particularly love the drums. haha... I always love your drum work. I need to steal your secrets.
Biggest complaint, and I only offer this to you humbly .. is that you are always on the verge of alienating the listener... Which for me? I absolutely cherish about you as a creator.
But I could see how... it would be lost upon people.
They wouldn't be able to feel it.
And you know what. Fuckthem lol. They don't deserve it.
Well done.
I am absolutely excited that you and Salook are thinking of doing another round.
Downloaded. (from the e-mail)
Need to e-mail you.
My car got stolen and sold most of my possessions lol. Looong story.
PS, ... I don't want you to take this to heart, but ... I wanted to say to you, if you could somehow find a way to link your incredible way with centrifugal force and songwriting... I feel you could really blow some minds..
I do want to state for the record this is violent in all the right ways.
It reminds me of the best of hardcore and deathmetal from certain parallels.
I'm most curious about this one now in that people seem to either really like it or really dislike it. I'm actually guessing the latter is mostly the case, especially seeing who's listened and said nothing. I have had a couple of comments elsewhere about how "I've dropped the ball" with this one - lol. Personally think that working with Salook is about the best thing I could do about now - accessibility AND sonic weirdness - it doesn't get better than that!
Phenomenal! Great move in getting Nauda for the recitement...perfectly tasteful and gives the track a theatre feel...great use of the effects on the vox also....awesome mix Sean always admire how you speak about creative ideas and put them into action....listening to you speak about the whole idea and concept of this piece then hearing it come to form like this is mindblowing!
Saving my nerves for the post-edited version, scarily good.
Thanks so much for inadvertently sending this one down the appropriate path! Truly pipes are the secret ingredient in the TechnoShamanistic evocation of rEvolution. So much so, that I can't even imagine this one anymore without them. Probably musical and cultural heresy, but timely. Thanks again!
Man, you keep out doing yourself, and I didn't think it was possible, ha! This is great, the bagpipes and the drums along with the incredible percussion and Nuada's vocals really make a statement. The intro was great and things only got better from there.
Had to listen to this a few times to let it all soak in. Trying to seperate sounds, lots going on but it's a great piece. Where did you get the bagpipe sounds? Ableton? This is big sounding, really fills a room, way to go guys!
Sometimes I think I probably workshop my stuff too much here, but then I get guys like Nuada and Salook giving me email feedback and I know better! Bagpipe samples were a gift, and I've got two identical tracks - one straight and the other running through modulators and a gate. The stuff that sounds like strings is samples of just a canter run through a gate, and then manipulated heavily with effects and volume knobs on my APC40. Man, I love that MIDI controller! Glad you like this one!
the vocals are really nice. And its got a great fusion of Scottish bagpipes and middle eastern drums. Really nicely arranged, a pleasure to listen to, as always :)
Thanks Ste. It feels like I'm on a personal Fusion challenge to see if seemingly disparate traditions can come together and dance up something entirely new. Great fun. Glad it's got your approval.
Incorporating some 1950's Morocco field recordings into the next version to bring more human vocal presence into the mix. I could hear the poetry in my head after the first draft, and I'm really thankful that Nuada agreed to record and send me his reading. Even better, he actually read the intro 3 times with different presentation and so I was able to lift lines from each. This one is a beast, but certainly worth being dragged along behind as it races towards completion! Thanks again.
I could not hit the favorite button fast enough on this one. Great vox by Nuada...really compliments the rest of the track. This one has a traditional feel, but I think it needs to. I have Celtic roots as well, and this one feels almost tribal to me, and stirs something deep in my soul...
The best thing one can ask of music is for it to inspire emotion, and this one does that as good as any song I've heard in a long, long while.
My hat is off to all involved, but especially you, Sean. This one is a masterpiece. When you are satisfied with the final product, I would love a copy :)
The pipes are one of the most emotionally charged instruments I've ever encountered. I'm sure my family is really glad I've never picked them up, as they're even nastier to learn than the fiddle! At least for those surrounding the learner. It's getting closer all the time to completion, and you're on the top of the list for a copy. Thanks much Bear!
[This and previous reviews are to Draft 1 and pre-vocal additions]
Those bagpipes are awesome! I love the parts where the music degrades into rhythmic experimentation! With this song I think you could coax any hesitant group into rebellion! Like others have said, this is very psychedelic! Love the soundscape! You put so much feeling into your tracks, I'm very impressed! Faved for sure!
Been discussing TechnoShamanism with Salook a lot, and I'm coming to the conclusion that Psychedelic music ties directly into the tradition (as it's being invented - lol). Still got some ideas to try to incorporate into this, and get the impression from the reviews that I'm on the right path here! Thanks!
It's a strange sound and a real challenge to try to bring into a different vibe. It all started with the percussion, and making pipes work with the beat was a real challenge. Thanks for the encouragement!
Many elements, sounds busy and full, this is typical for you!
I have honestly say that you surprised me with Scottish melody,
I like that,great work n0mad track sounds very good!
wow this track really got my hairs standing to attention...being a scot i feel a certain afinity with the pipes as i grew up next door virtually to the local pipe band practice hut and always watched them and listened to them :). amazing mixture of beats and fx . Mindblowing stuff bud excellent
Cheers! I've been wondering lately if the pipes don't resonate for some of us on the genetic level. Though I'm 4 generations away from Scotland (thought have visited), the sound of well played pipes always either a) make my eyes well over, or b) creates and urge to find my cutlass and start whacking on some oppressors. A powerful sound indeed. Glad you enjoyed this one, and welcome to the site cousin.
Yeah what would a rebellion music project be without bagpipes, amazing how you have fused the past with the present here...the sonic movements and the way they make you dance is new....almost like following the piper up the hill twirling and spinning on the way up...very Psychedelic and makes you want to look upto the sky and embrace life....very powerful track man can't wait for you to finish this piece.
Too many buttons and knobs - lol. I'm really tempted to tease out more of the psychedelia with the next version, especially in the gated set of canters. Something about the sounds swirling around together that's really magical to me. Thanks so much for your assistance with this one - having you on the editorial staff is a profound joy. Let's start thinking collab again.
this reminds me of some of the tracks I heard whilst waiting for the levellers to take to the stage in their early years.. some nice ideas and the soundscape works really well with that scots warpipes sound..loving the idea behind this track...nice ...keep 'em coming brother
Hev Numberjack - don't think I've ever heard of the Levelers, but if they were piping this kind of stuff in before sets I think I would have really dug them. My family's of the Clan Calhoun so it's about time I brought the sounds of pipes to bear in the music! Glad you liked this one! Cheers.
I'm glad I caught this one when I did. This track definitely has it going on. I'm always hopeful for a rebellion of good against evil. With so much going on these days it would be nice to see more people living as free individual persons. It may never happen in our time, but one of these days people will wake up from their sleep and slumber and realize that they too have the power to rise above the tyranny of big government. This track in some way exemplifies that very notion of rebellion. The bagpipe sets very nicely with in this track and seems to trumpet to the masses that victory is obtainable. Your drum playing is impeccable and you've outdone yourself again with this one. I can't wait to hear the next draft. I think that having that poem recitation at the intro would work well. Keep it up Nomad!
I used to do political protests when I was in my 20's. After participating in some acts of civil disobedience I realized why those in control prefer protests. Preaching to the choir may feel good, but it changes nothing. Acts of rebellion in populist contexts are food for the soul, and leave one with the sense that it is possible to change things. I'm delighted you hear the optimism behind the pipes. That's an element I wasn't sure would work, but your review makes me think it's even more successful than I'd hoped. Power to the People, brother!
I should be able to achieve more separation between the sounds when I finish it up - this draft hasn't even gone through any EQ yet, so I'm optimistic about the final quality. It's a challenge to use so much sound and keep it from becoming muddy. Glad you enjoyed the listen. Thanks.
Very much a scottish type of sound about this one, with the bagpipes, nice beat, has a very relaxing sound about this piece, nice fx/synths, clarity and the arangement of the mix is great,this one could just as easy go under chillout, have to say a very very enjoyable listen, excellent work on this one matey...fav'd...Peace n Respect my friend...Estefano....PS First to review of your piece's :-)
I wondered who'd hear this version first - must admit it's a pleasure that it was you! For me, it's the sounds of bagpipes and sitars that jack instantly into my emotions. Very powerful sounds. It's quite a challenge working them into this context, but must admit I'm having a blast with it. Thanks for the encouragement my friend! Cheers.
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Description : A dub track with a bit of soul (I think)
This track is finished but i walays looking for any collab for a future track. Especially with vocalists. Contact me !
Description : Vocal Stem is available for download.
Place your verse in the middle and add any instruments you like to play. This is why I left so much space on the track.
Video and track stems are linked in my profile page. Click the avatar and grab hi-res files. :)
Have fun!
Description : Chilled out ambient transcendental dub. Grab yo drank and grab some shrub.
Sit back, relax and spark it up and sip the drips from out ya cup.
This has a hell of a vibe. Big, swirling cavernous sounds that should be blasted out a soundsystem in a desert. Or really just anywhere outdoors. But maybe not a in a quiet flower garden whilst people meditate.
I guess the bagipes mesh with the deep metallic drums to make something that is a bit like some sort of futuristic (Scottish) clan warfare.
I wouldn't call it dub but I'm sort of struggling to give this a genre name. The best I can come up with is Cavernous Tribal.
"public domain Morocco field recordings from the 1950's"
Maybe I should get some of that sort of stuff as it would probably fit well in some of my music.
Took me right to the limits of my skills recording mixes in real time with my APC-40 and the laptop's keyboard MIDI mapped with Ableton Live.
It is big, isn't it? It still surprises me on those rare moments it gets played by me, as it was done on a dual core PC laptop running Windows XP. Digital audio run-time environments have gotten really sophisticated.
Glad you appreciated the piece. Thanks.
Thank you!
Hat's off and respect___Orlando
Ok, this is WAY off topic about this track but the bagpipes remind me of something.
One time i longboarding in a neighborhood right next to mine, and a friends with me and we hear this ANNOYING ass screeching right?? So we keep skating and were following the sound. And all of a sudden like we pull around the corner and its getting louder and theres this dude just standing in his front yard with a quilt thing on and just blaring a bagpipe at like 9 at night.
ANYWAYS. This was cool and ambient as hell, has a jungle kind of feel. Tons of different vibes and feelings i get from this. Good one!
I like the track.
Your review actually reminds me of the album done by Test Dept. in the late 80's titled, "Gododdin" with the Welsh group Brith Gof. Gododdin was a Celtic poem which basically was the same as 300. A small group of Celts partying all night before doing their suicide attack against invaders outnumbering them 20:1. Strange how certain sounds can stir genetic memories, aye? Thanks for both the review and favorite. Means a lot my friend!
and you also used world's most annoying instrument (the bagpipes)
But still you succeed into making something nice out of it!
I really like this man! Especially the drums! :)
Respect to Nuada for the vocals as well!
Anyway, yeah, I can imagine this with an alaap style vocal from some qawal, and trust me this stuff would fly off the shelves and be copied and distributed so many times you'd hear it every thursday at this local festival I like to visit from time to time.
Gotta take a camera there sometime, show you guys what I'm talking about.
Such brilliant distribution across the frequencies. It's so rich, and yet not overwhelming. I'm glad I played this one tonight, gonna dream of the dhol and a phat bassline and an 808kick sample!
What I love 2nd is the dialogue..
BRILLIANT USE of the drone. Omg I am stealing that.
I love it. I have always thought about ... well ... everything we talk about, and I absolutely agree with the visceral quality of the bagpipes and Irish work in general.
I coincide with the other comments that applaud the old and new being thrust together like flint.
Particularly what I enjoy a lot about this is the whole-tone drop and the groove of the under area of the mix.
I also particularly love the drums. haha... I always love your drum work. I need to steal your secrets.
Biggest complaint, and I only offer this to you humbly .. is that you are always on the verge of alienating the listener... Which for me? I absolutely cherish about you as a creator.
But I could see how... it would be lost upon people.
They wouldn't be able to feel it.
And you know what. Fuckthem lol. They don't deserve it.
Well done.
I am absolutely excited that you and Salook are thinking of doing another round.
Downloaded. (from the e-mail)
Need to e-mail you.
My car got stolen and sold most of my possessions lol. Looong story.
PS, ... I don't want you to take this to heart, but ... I wanted to say to you, if you could somehow find a way to link your incredible way with centrifugal force and songwriting... I feel you could really blow some minds..
I do want to state for the record this is violent in all the right ways.
It reminds me of the best of hardcore and deathmetal from certain parallels.
Phenomenal! Great move in getting Nauda for the recitement...perfectly tasteful and gives the track a theatre feel...great use of the effects on the vox also....awesome mix Sean always admire how you speak about creative ideas and put them into action....listening to you speak about the whole idea and concept of this piece then hearing it come to form like this is mindblowing!
Saving my nerves for the post-edited version, scarily good.
Had to listen to this a few times to let it all soak in. Trying to seperate sounds, lots going on but it's a great piece. Where did you get the bagpipe sounds? Ableton? This is big sounding, really fills a room, way to go guys!
Great Job N0mad!
Ste :D
The best thing one can ask of music is for it to inspire emotion, and this one does that as good as any song I've heard in a long, long while.
My hat is off to all involved, but especially you, Sean. This one is a masterpiece. When you are satisfied with the final product, I would love a copy :)
Those bagpipes are awesome! I love the parts where the music degrades into rhythmic experimentation! With this song I think you could coax any hesitant group into rebellion! Like others have said, this is very psychedelic! Love the soundscape! You put so much feeling into your tracks, I'm very impressed! Faved for sure!
Keep it up, my friend.
I have honestly say that you surprised me with Scottish melody,
I like that,great work n0mad track sounds very good!
Much respect
Very much a scottish type of sound about this one, with the bagpipes, nice beat, has a very relaxing sound about this piece, nice fx/synths, clarity and the arangement of the mix is great,this one could just as easy go under chillout, have to say a very very enjoyable listen, excellent work on this one matey...fav'd...Peace n Respect my friend...Estefano....PS First to review of your piece's :-)