

Pro Entertainer over 50 yrs RETIRED
Cumberland Hill, United States
Joined : 29th Apr 2018 - 6 years ago
Comments on jive4005 acapellas

Other users have posted 22 comments on acapellas by jive4005

Comments (22)
thompon 16th Dec 2022 02:27 - 2 years ago

on Wee Hoose by jive4005

Thank you very much for your acapella audio sample!

Your sample appears in a track I made. Here is the URL to this track: ....

This track belongs to my album called "Worldwide" which is available here:

Thank you very much for your audio sample again!

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you want at : "originaldocchainsaw at"
(and who knows? maybe we could make a new track together?)

Thanks again!

thompon 16th Dec 2022 02:26 - 2 years ago

on O Hanukkah by jive4005

Thank you very much for your acapella audio sample!

Your sample appears in a track I made. Here is the URL to this track: ....

This track belongs to my album called "Worldwide" which is available here:

Thank you very much for your audio sample again!

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you want at : "originaldocchainsaw at"
(and who knows? maybe we could make a new track together?)

Thanks again!

Strattoncaster 11th Dec 2022 10:55 - 2 years ago

on Joy to the World by jive4005
I used this acapella in my goofy Christmas track:
Check it out!
jive4005 replied 11th Dec 2022 - 2 years ago
luv it
hector1 24th Apr 2022 21:47 - 2 years ago

on Little Star by jive4005
J slick keep making these i love them this is one with your vocals
Azrudaz 12th Dec 2021 08:39 - 3 years ago

on Joy to the World by jive4005
ozzxy 6th Dec 2021 00:22 - 3 years ago

on I Aint Got You by jive4005
You really killed this vocals this sounds really amazing!!!
jaemm 15th Feb 2021 18:08 - 4 years ago

on Chim Chim Cheeree by jive4005
This is beautiful. I might attempt to use it. We performed Mary Poppins two years ago before I left the theatre business. I was in charge of sound production at a local theatre and it was wonderful. Thank you for this amazing acapella.
jive4005 replied 15th Feb 2021 - 4 years ago
Glad you enjoyed it.
CINCOCENT 9th Feb 2021 07:30 - 4 years ago

on Wee Hoose by jive4005
Cool i like it
jive4005 replied 9th Feb 2021 - 4 years ago
Thanks, CCC
Energyraphi 31st Dec 2020 08:20 - 4 years ago

on I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day by jive4005
Thanks for this acapella!!!
I made a Christmas jazz track)
Merry Christmas!!!
jive4005 replied 31st Dec 2020 - 4 years ago
and happy New Year to you and yours
Lonelynite 30th Dec 2020 22:18 - 4 years ago

on Chim Chim Cheeree by jive4005
Ayeee now I can remake that G Eazy song!
jive4005 replied 30th Dec 2020 - 4 years ago
do it LN
EricMilligan 13th Dec 2020 05:16 - 4 years ago

on At My Front Door by jive4005
Well, you are introducing me to all sorts of songs that I've never heard before! Very nice. Recording quality on this acapella seemed better to me. I'm doing to download it and see if I can work on it a bit.

jive4005 replied 13th Dec 2020 - 4 years ago
Thanks, Bro. Have fun... and does your wanted posted offer any $$$ rewards?
EricMilligan 13th Dec 2020 05:04 - 4 years ago

on Little Star by jive4005
This was just great! I was smiling all the way through!

I actually remember the original version of this song. I know that Dion re-did it in 1961, but I've just listened to the Elegants' 1958 version and his version and I definitely recognize the original. Somewhat surprising because I was only 11 years old when it was released and lived half-way up the British Columbia coast toward Alaska in a town where there was no radio or tv. But, there were records so somebody (definitely not my parents) must have had it.

This could be fund to work with! Thanks!

jive4005 replied 13th Dec 2020 - 4 years ago
I fronted Oldies bands for a couple of decades. This kind of thing was our bread and butter. Glad you had those records.
EricMilligan 13th Dec 2020 04:48 - 4 years ago

on If I Could Live My Life Over Again by jive4005
Just wanted to say that I am enjoying your acapellas. Thanks for posting them here on Looperman. Obviously, they are pretty unique. Not the standard fare for this place, but very, very nice. Great harmonies. Your vocals are excellent.

I do think the quality of the recordings leaves a lot to be desired. Seems to be distortion in the ones I've heard so far, which is unfortunate. The waveform display doesn't look like they are clipping at max, so I'm not sure why I'm hearing the distortion.

Not sure what I might be able to do with the acapellas that you have posted (thanks for allowing downloads by the way), but I'm making a note of your profile page so that I can find them again in case the muse strikes me. Looperman doesn't have a feature that allows us to "follow" other members, so this is how I'll keep track of stuff that you post. :)

jive4005 replied 13th Dec 2020 - 4 years ago
Thanks for the kind words, Eric. Yeah, my recording software leaves much to be desired but I'm really a LIVE performer rather than a recording one. Doing most of it for my own fun. So glad you like the harmonies. That has always been my gift. 50+ yrs entertaining. Again, thanks.
FullCapicityMuzic 8th Dec 2020 18:03 - 4 years ago

on Great is Thy Faithfulness by jive4005
One of my faaaaaaaavorite hymns! :-)
Sounds good.
jive4005 replied 8th Dec 2020 - 4 years ago
Thanks again, Pat.
saifk1001 7th Dec 2020 14:08 - 4 years ago

on Joy to the World by jive4005
Dear Mr. jive4005

Hi, I hope you are doing will

My name is Saif I will be the median between you and Vidpic team their Instagram is @10vidpic.

the job type is to produce for them Acapellas sound used in intros and outros and feelings moment in their videos.

if you agreed for this kind of job check this link please ( ) listen to
a sample of Acapella sound that they want, starts at 49 sec.

Send me samples of completed Acapells as mentioned previously above, if Vidpic agreed on them you will then create for them a list of Acapella. as the job is completed I will send money through Western Union and please provide your email if you can do this job.

How the installment payments work:

if the list includes 9 acapella the payment will be in three installments.

Respectfully yours,
saifk1001 7th Dec 2020 13:28 - 4 years ago

on Great is Thy Faithfulness by jive4005
Dear Mr. jive4005

Hi, I hope you are doing will

My name is Saif I will be the median between you and Vidpic team their Instagram is @10vidpic.

the job type is to produce for them Acapellas sound used in intros and outros and feelings moment in their videos.

if you agreed for this kind of job check this link please ( ) listen to
a sample of Acapella sound that they want, starts at 49 sec.

Send me samples of completed Acapells as mentioned previously above, if Vidpic agreed on them you will then create for them a list of Acapella. as the job is completed I will send you money through Western Union.

How the installment payments work:

if the list includes 9 acapella the payment will be in three installments.

Respectfully yours,
FullCapicityMuzic 7th Dec 2020 00:09 - 4 years ago

on Joy to the World by jive4005
This makes me feel all Christmasy and everything.
Love the modulation. :-)
jive4005 replied 7th Dec 2020 - 4 years ago
Thanks... and HO HO HO to you and yours.
WANTWON 26th Nov 2020 14:06 - 4 years ago

on If I Could Live My Life Over Again by jive4005
What is the song key?
jive4005 replied 26th Nov 2020 - 4 years ago
F... I think
polgratz 24th Nov 2020 10:22 - 4 years ago

on I Aint Got You by jive4005
hi man, its a great acapella thx but i think you bpm is wrong. it should be 161bpm.
and i could not fit it to any rhtym. can u send or upload with any rhytm?
jive4005 replied 24th Nov 2020 - 4 years ago
yeah, I never know what the bpm are so usually guess. Don't know exactly how to give you what you ask for. I'm an old dog and all this fancy techy stuff is beyond me. Sorry.
DjAtomFIN 22nd Nov 2020 14:59 - 4 years ago

on Little Star by jive4005
oh, then I will not make the produced version because I got like little scammed.
DjAtomFIN 22nd Nov 2020 00:43 - 4 years ago

on Little Star by jive4005
produced version*
DjAtomFIN 22nd Nov 2020 00:42 - 4 years ago

on Little Star by jive4005
Free to use?
Can I send my procuder on email or somewhere?
jive4005 replied 22nd Nov 2020 - 4 years ago
I do not own this song... I just made this arrangement for fun.
Comments (22)