Sir. I'd like to do work with you if you dig what I did. You have a great voice and clearly from the content you have a lived life. Your lyrics say something. I had just made this sample loop and I test them to see how well they are with a random acapella. I really liked how it came out and listened to it several times.
on Life is Good by braindedmusic
on Just Yesterday by braindedmusic
hope you like it
on Checking Myself Reflection - part 2 by braindedmusic
Some other guys acapella in it aswell
on Just Yesterday by braindedmusic
I made a remix of this acapella. It's almost done, I'm waiting for your feedback!
on Life is Good by braindedmusic
on Checking Myself Reflection - part 2 by braindedmusic
I ' d like to hear your inpression about it.
on Life is Good by braindedmusic
on Life is Good by braindedmusic
Thx 4 the sharing !
And now , my little remix of your song >>
Enjoy !
on You and Your Letters by braindedmusic
Check it out....
on AM Contemplation by braindedmusic
on Life is Good by braindedmusic
on Ups and Downs by braindedmusic
on Checking Myself Reflection - part 2 by braindedmusic
on Ups and Downs by braindedmusic
on Redefinedefinition by braindedmusic
I have used yours and The Cause's acapellas for a test on a track I have been producing. It is not being used for any gain.
Please check it out:
on That Something by braindedmusic
on That Something - 2nd part by braindedmusic
on Checking Myself Reflection - part 2 by braindedmusic
Here's my stuff :
Hope you'll like it ! ;)
greeting from France !
on Redefinedefinition by braindedmusic
on Not Just Another - part 2 by braindedmusic
on Redefinedefinition by braindedmusic
on Huhuh by braindedmusic
on Amy Jo Green - prt 2 by braindedmusic
DJ Music
Thanks for sharing.
on Not Just Another - part 2 by braindedmusic
on Checking Myself Reflection - part 2 by braindedmusic
Americans rap is cool.
i want to use your rap and edit your voice.(Vocal choping)