Yo, nice instrumental you created here. I like the progression, been a fav of mine for a while, you used it effectively. Drums filled with nice section ideas. Good use of reversity, has a good blend cause the amount of time is good length. Dig this production. Would've been awesome to have some high bell melody come over the top ever 8th or 16th bar for instrumental wise. However its not necessary because the vocals fill the rest in at good amounts if it were present. In the beginning I can imagine some spoken word along with the bell like synth. Smoothly dramatic! Keep up the interesting works, Peace.
Hey thank you for checking out the track. I appreciate your in-depth thoughts on the beat. It is welcomed considering I can tell that you know your stuff. I considered adding something similar to what you mention in regards to the bell melody but I did not want to over do it with this track. I have been trying to master production with a simplistic view so sometimes a little is just enough.
I look forward to getting more thoughts from you in the future.
on Releative Ease by fredscott77
on Releative Ease by fredscott77
on Releative Ease by fredscott77
on Releative Ease by fredscott77
on Releative Ease by fredscott77
on Releative Ease by fredscott77
I look forward to getting more thoughts from you in the future.
on Its High by fredscott77
on Its High by fredscott77