

Central Florida, United States
Joined : 8th Mar 2014 - 11 years ago
Comments on terrancet tracks

Other users have posted 41 comments on tracks by terrancet

Comments 26 - 41 of 41
VicaMOOR 24th Jul 2014 19:01 - 10 years ago

on Who Cares by terrancet
I like the overall concept... I find it interesting. But as far as execution, I feel like the flow and the lyrics could be better but your delivery is decent.

Again, I like the concept//hook. I find it "different".
terrancet replied 27th Jul 2014 - 10 years ago
Definitely, delivery and concept need to be better but i use this as a learning experience. i would not get any better if you didnt tell me the truth. Thanks. After laying the vocals i feel like I could have done a better job. But again music is a learning experience and we all need improvement. THANKS i like the feedback.
soundhound 23rd Jul 2014 16:11 - 10 years ago

on Who Cares by terrancet
One of them real tunes, one that cuts to the bone...
Let's just say you ain't alone, you my friend know how
the root has grown and where it is going...
You are on the right road, don't let Money Change you
once you get there...
Cause They Never Liked Us Anyway...

terrancet replied 23rd Jul 2014 - 10 years ago
Man... Man I dont even know how to reply to this comment. Man that really makes me feel good about what I am doing. JUST DO ME BECAUSE THEY NEVER LIKED US ANYWAY. That will always stay will me man. Thanks.
iSean 20th Jul 2014 04:47 - 10 years ago

on Who Cares by terrancet
This is definitely a dope track, tbh when the intro was playin I didn't think it would be that good but as the composition move onward shit got good. You managed to create an interesting track.

I also agree and disagree with Scott's opinion of how music should be. Music is art and a reflection of its master. If Picasso painted like Da Vinci or if Poe wrote like Shakespeare the world would be a boring place.

Nice work again bro.
terrancet replied 20th Jul 2014 - 10 years ago
Thanks. You probably said it better than I would have in a million years. Thanks man but he is right in a sense because i feel like this rap show the immaturity of my soul and allows the worse in me to be seen. But I guess that makes for better tracks. Hip Hop/Art is a subjective matter. I cant force everyone to love my tracks they way I do. Great feedback I made me think before I wrote back. But bad criticism is just as good as compliments. I love they way I have foster thought within a simple track. But my best is to come as I grow. BTW I loved your track RebelsRevenge I need more.
ScottB55 19th Jul 2014 00:00 - 10 years ago

on Who Cares by terrancet

I wanted to chime back in and commend you on your reply to my comment. After thinking about it, I wish I had kept my thought to myself. My original intent was to give you encouragement on your first post, but your track just upset me and I was too quick on the trigger with a comment. I was thinking you would have a few choice words for me, but instead, you offered a very mature reply to my misspoken words.

Music has been a positive force in my life since I was 10 years old. After graduating from the Univ. of W. Fla., I was offered a position in the Pensacola Symphony Orch. and an on-call studio musician at the Muscle Shoals Sound Studio. Through all my years, I never encountered any aspect where music was suppose to be offensive, so I guess you taught me something. Yes, times can get hard in life, but I would rather accentuate the positive and use music to escape the bad times, rather than dwell on them. I guess I'm one of those guys who want to hear another love song or songs about the good things in life!

Anyway, good luck in your endeavors, and I do hope to hear something from you that is a bit more positive.

terrancet replied 19th Jul 2014 - 10 years ago
Scott I was no where near angry. I felt like your comment will help me mold myself into the person i want to be one day. Again i love the truth even if it hurts sometimes. Pensacola is very close to me. I live in Central Florida. Good only feels good when bad comes around. I am not saying that i dwell in it, i am saying that reminding yourself of hard times will foster better productivity in the larger run. Hip Hop has helped me voice my words to others that i would be scared/ashamed to do in person. Thanks for the encouragement, i really do appreciate it.
StrikingDaggers 18th Jul 2014 17:07 - 10 years ago

on Who Cares by terrancet
Pretty dope track terrancet! That beat is sick with a tight melody. The drums are hitting hard. Not a big fan of the hook but the verses are ill. The mix sounds pretty good too. Nice work.
terrancet replied 18th Jul 2014 - 10 years ago
Everything vocal wise I think needs help. So I want to lay the vocals again. I thought the chorus was weak but after I laid it down i couldnt build another chorus to replace it. Thanks for the feedback.
ScottB55 18th Jul 2014 11:52 - 10 years ago

on Who Cares by terrancet
Dear Terrancet,

I don't usually click on the hip hop tracks, but I read your forum thread about how to get people to respond to your tracks, so I thought I'd check out your page and respond.

I know the 'N' word and the 'F' word is common in your style of music, but I was hoping I could hear something that would change my mind about hip hop. Unfortunately, It didn't! Let's be honest...Do you actually play an instrument? I'd like to hear anything you do that is not vulgar? In my world, music is suppose to be enjoyable. Why isn't it in your world? I realize, my reply is probably considered 'racist' but, hey, you asked for comments.

Sorry, but your track really turned me off.

I know...Who gives a fuck!

terrancet replied 18th Jul 2014 - 10 years ago
No, your comment is far from racism. I love the truthfulness. Hip Hop is meant to be offensive (my choice of words are not needed, i know). I dont want to feed you the history of Hip Hop but if you are surround with a world immerse in oppression, depression and poverty you would not find a positive way to really get out your feelings. And that is why I think Hip Hop is offensive.

And No i do not play an instrument.

But I have tracks I believe are not offensive but who would love hear another love song or another track talking about the best in their life. They get enough of that in Mainstream Hip Hop. But I hope one day you understand it that is more than being offensive.

Thanks for your input.
Billydragon1 18th Jul 2014 11:18 - 10 years ago

on Who Cares by terrancet
The instrumental beat is good.
Your challenge is to do a clean version!

And your message will still come across, and maybe redo the lyrics and offer some solutions to the problems - that will indeed be your challenge. Than we can all turn a negative into a positive.

Take care man. - B
terrancet replied 18th Jul 2014 - 10 years ago
haha clean version? that would be daunting. But yeah this track would never be on one of my projects because i feel like i am complaining more than rapping. But yeah i would definitely use that outlook when writing. it would add a different aspect to my writing than i would never have thought of without your comment. Thanks.

sidenote: I believe Hip Hop is a medium to tell a story. I think once I add my preferences it takes away from the story but there are ways to add in my thought with out taking away from storytelling. Again your feedback will help me thanks.
BEATZMODE 18th Jul 2014 08:57 - 10 years ago

on Who Cares by terrancet
this goes hard,the lyrics fit well with this style of instrumental,really raw style you got,im liking those kicks and snares how they hit really hard,keep it up bro
terrancet replied 18th Jul 2014 - 10 years ago
Thanks man. I like the feedback.
brillbilly 17th Jul 2014 19:52 - 10 years ago

on Who Cares by terrancet
I think you get your message across real well.!

Love the beats n strings,powerful lyrics that blend real good with the atmos of your track!!

As for who gives a fuck,well i do lol

Deep track man.

terrancet replied 17th Jul 2014 - 10 years ago
I have this philosophy that statements that we say do not mean anything actually mean something in our subconscious. So I like to flip our idioms or allow you see how the statements actually pay a part in our lifestyles and personalities. Thanks for the feedback.
benjizo 17th Jul 2014 19:21 - 10 years ago

on Who Cares by terrancet
Dope homie.Loving the subject matter too.Keep it coming.
terrancet replied 17th Jul 2014 - 10 years ago
Thanks man. I was really nervous about people accepting this one. This comments makes me feel good about the work i put forth.
EricMilligan 16th Jul 2014 19:55 - 10 years ago

on Who Cares by terrancet
Hey, terrance. Your response made me wonder if there was something special about how to mix and master hip hop tracks. I haven't really done a lot of research, but found the following blog post from a Mastering Studio in Toronto and the advice makes sense. Generally, he is talking about setting levels for different instruments in advance of mastering, but applying compression, perhaps some judicious EQing, and a limiter on the master output track will allow you to boost the final output level to a max of 0db which is fine for tracks to be uploaded to the web. Some day I'm going to try out one of these online mastering places to see if their finished product actually sounds better than what I can do.
terrancet replied 17th Jul 2014 - 10 years ago
Just when I mix i just feel like i should being doing more than I am and then i over think the process. But I will get better. I want to take online classes to help with the fear of mixing and mastering. So soon it will get better.
boycottProductions 16th Jul 2014 19:42 - 10 years ago

on Who Cares by terrancet
To be honest I don't think you should touch anything on the beat. It's prefect as it is. You should concentrate more on the vocals. Maybe adding a light reverb or delay or maybe both. Just experiment with it so it can sit on the beat better.

I've been doing this for years and I'm still trying to get it right lol. Seriously though, this is dope bro.

terrancet replied 16th Jul 2014 - 10 years ago
Yeah the vocal are where i think i need the most work. The choppiness comes from the gate on the vocals trying to diffuse the room reverb so i thought add the reverb would be overkill. thanks for the input.
EricMilligan 16th Jul 2014 18:37 - 10 years ago

on Who Cares by terrancet
Well, you asked for comments in the forum so, here's my reaction to this track.

First, you should know that I've never really been into rap. Comes from a different world and I didn't "get" it. Wasn't sure it was really music, frankly. Also, many of the topics and language were just stuff I couldn't relate to. I know that Quincy Jones likes rap, so I figured there was something I just didn't understand, but never made the effort to explore it.

Then, for some reason, I got intrigued by JayZ and read his unauthorized biography ("Empire State of Mind"). I began to get an appreciation for what good rap was really about. So now I'm reading his book, "Decoded" and reading his lyrics and the background for his songs and now I think I'm beginning to get it. I could never make this kind of music, but I think I can appreciate where it comes from.

Your track makes an impact. The lyrics have impact. I'm still very uncomfortable with some of the language, but I have to admit it has power. And, it sounds real, not put-on like some other raps I've heard.

I liked the complexity from the variations in the rhythm of the rhyming. I wasn't crazy about the backing instrumental track. The contrast between the words and the relatively "sweet" sound of the instruments was interesting, but I think you need to find more unique sounds.

Mix was OK, but I'm thinking that using some compression during mastering would give it more punch.

So, I'm really glad you asked the question in the forums, because I probably wouldn't have listened to your track otherwise and I would have missed something really good and would have missed out on expanding my horizons. Next time I won't need to see a post in the forums to check out a new track from you. :)
terrancet replied 16th Jul 2014 - 10 years ago
Welcome to the hip hop community.

Thanks I thought it sounded a bit bland. But the mix is simple just a compression on the master and equalization on a few tracks and distortion on few tracks but this is my first official mix so i am still practicing. So any help would be great. and i have not done any mastering. More because I am scared of it. Thanks again.
BeatMaker4real 16th Jul 2014 18:08 - 10 years ago

on Who Cares by terrancet
Really nice track bro,and the lyrics are real.It's nice to here a rap tune that's not talking about what they got. Good work.
terrancet replied 16th Jul 2014 - 10 years ago
I never understood why so called ballers rap. If you already have everthing you want why rap? It is just a slap in the face to the listener. I promise if you keep listening there will be none of that.
XyIlent 16th Jul 2014 18:00 - 10 years ago

on Who Cares by terrancet
I think this is the only rap/hiphop song ive ever liked on looperman, ive listened to a quite a few and ive just not really enjoyed them, this one is really good. Not only is the lyrics great!, but its got a awesome beat which is where alot of other looperman rap artists fail.

Good job man :D
terrancet replied 16th Jul 2014 - 10 years ago
Thnaks for the feedback. I will be always nervous about the acceptance part.
FreeRadical 16th Jul 2014 17:47 - 10 years ago

on Who Cares by terrancet
Well i'm hardly the main authority on hip hop round here but i'll have a go. I like the melody. The piano is haunting, the synth is nice and i like the way the way the word fuck hits at the same time as the clap. It gives it extra oomph. Vocally it's good and your voice is nice and cleanly recorded as well. It's also pretty epic at 5:36 but you managed to keep it interesting all the way through.
This was an enjoyable listen.
terrancet replied 16th Jul 2014 - 10 years ago
thanks for your feedback. I still need some room treatment but thanks because I have no clue how to mix.
Comments 26 - 41 of 41