Ok so first impression is don't add more because it's perfectly minimal and complete. If anything, smooth out the synths that come in to make it even smoother and so it will glide even easier across the room, and you've got an excellent chill out track!! Like yeh, it's a great track! I think it's almost too clarified if anything. Yeh that's a first - your mastering is too good. Could you muddle it up a bit? But that's what I have to say. That and nice nice work. It's a good one.
This was pretty good. Breezy vocals by Laurie Webb overlaid on top of a truly infectious rhythm. I've heard another mix of this same acapella track done by Blake Reary and I think I prefer this one. Great job!
great production and arrangement....I agree with others that the vocals fit perfectly....just curious did you make the track for the vocals or pick the vocals after making the track?
Well done
One of the hardest things to get in production is how to make a vocal shine and your music really does make the vocal shine and it all works really really well together.
The track changes enough to make sure it doesnt get stail at any point at all and your chord structure is bang on the money.
it doesnt sound like the acapella and the music were produced at seperate times. Sounds like she was right there with u when u produced the track.
and i disagree with brandonjames, i reckon that background break sound gives sumstance and the break would probbaly sound a little hollow without it.
I thought it was very well produced, I do have one thing to point out . in the break at the end there is a breaky groove playing and it sounds great, but in the backround i here another break sound that dosent fit well, maybe its just my ears playing tricks on me cause ive had my headphones on all day. but I think the track is great and yuou lined those lyrics up right on the mark1
Thank you very much for the constructive critisism. I know the beat you are talking about. You have a good ear. I thuoght the addition made it a little 'snappier' but I will definitely keep your suggestion in mind. Thank you again and I look forward to listening to your tracks.
Wow nice! How have I missed your stuff? Very professional. Well put together. Very nice integration of vocals. Good mixing job. This is a classic Dance track. Sounds like 70's or 80's. I'm thinking Cathy Dennis "Touch Me" or "Just another Dream". Very well done! I'll check out some of your other stuff and put you on my "rotation". (Good Grief, that sounds very radio doesn't it...lol).
cmon, it doesnt sound that dated! Sounds like the stuff I heard in the club last weekend. I never heard anything in the 70's that sounded like this...and i was alive then.
This is a very well produced track, and definitely danceable. I like how you've mixed the vocals, it's got that sizzle that I like to hear. Cool choice of synths too. Nice work!
on Many Lives- Many Masters by Vizronics
on Dance with Me by Vizronics
on Many Lives- Many Masters by Vizronics
on Many Lives- Many Masters by Vizronics
on Dance with Me by Vizronics
Please keepthe originality wish that it was up 2 download but i completely understnd
on Dance with Me by Vizronics
Very nice one! Bassline, Vocals (cool FX) and Melody are really great.
cheers Frank :)
on Dance with Me by Vizronics
Keep on good work!
on Dance with Me by Vizronics
Well done
on Dance with Me by Vizronics
This is really awesome and i love to hear ur track time by time.
on Dance with Me by Vizronics
on Dance with Me by Vizronics
One of the hardest things to get in production is how to make a vocal shine and your music really does make the vocal shine and it all works really really well together.
The track changes enough to make sure it doesnt get stail at any point at all and your chord structure is bang on the money.
Really nice track.....
on Dance with Me by Vizronics
and i disagree with brandonjames, i reckon that background break sound gives sumstance and the break would probbaly sound a little hollow without it.
on Dance with Me by Vizronics
great works!
on Dance with Me by Vizronics
on Dance with Me by Vizronics
on Dance with Me by Vizronics
on Dance with Me by Vizronics
on Dance with Me by Vizronics
on Dance with Me by Vizronics