the bass on this is CRAZY! I've recently been signed by an independant record label and was looking for undercover producers and came across you. I did a project with another looperman user's beat, was only allowed to release a snippet due to the label.
Thanks man! That's sick dude, I appreciate you taking the time to listen to the beat. If you wanna collab dude just let you know and I can send you some details and potentially other songs?
for some odd reason your track isn't loading out of everyone elses. try uploading it again, or maybe its just me. ill try re playing it later or i'm probably right. peaaace : )
Hybrid + Moby, how can I not listen to your track! And I'm not disappointed at all! I'd make the intro shorter too, personnaly, and bring those string and pad a bit sooner. I mean, make the events coming a bit faster, and make them last longer.
Anyway, just my opinion! Great track, thanks!
really dig this.
great synth work. it is very mood enducing, so i agree it would be right at home in the cinematic category, as well. its ripe for a vocalist as well, tho...solid piece.
nice work!
really nice juxtoposition of hard and soft elements on this track. love the keys melody with the pads. very relaxing. and youre right...the strings rising out of the ether was an unexcpected treat. i would only suggest having them come in just a tad sooner to uphold the cohesiveness of the track. heck you could even bring the keys back fo rthe last 4 bars to bring the whote track round full circle. either way..its a delightful piece.
great work!
sublime piano work.
love the pluck work and sitar(?) accent. that C-F hammer chord gives so much emotion to this piece. solid production value, as well.
that pensive C# break is wicked. i think it can come in before the 4min mark, just to break the piece up a bit more. either way, excellent composition on this piece. i look forward to hearing more of your work.
good job!
I like the buildup of this song. It's nice and slow, which I always enjoy since i am a big lover of prog rock. Sme people may not have the patience for it though, but good job :)
Good job. I like the feel of it. It gives you that sacrafice sense that would fit for the backdrop of a war documentry. The only thing I found that didn;t seen to fit at first wer that the drum beat sounded a little "hip hop" for this piece but as it went on it seemed like a small oversight.
As for constructive critique, the only things i could say is, the main riff could maybe use a little more slow movement either via a slow filter or a slow flange and maybe even a second or third string/ leed section playing the same thing higher and lower just to add to the build up.
Part from that as i said its great, iv listened to it all the way through twice now already while writting this, lol :)
Well done. I would not change anything. I've had relatives that were in both wars ( Victoria Rifles, RCN, RCAF, RAF ). If they were alive, they would be pleased that they were honored by the present generation with such a moving piece.
on Out Of Control by conor8
on Shot Instrumental by conor8
on Shot Instrumental by conor8
but have a listen:
I would definately consider having this on my launching EP
on Shot Instrumental by conor8
A rapper with a good flow can def take this to another level. I listened to it twice while doing stuff on the computer and got lost...that's good lol.
Thanks I really appreciate the comment :)
on I Just Wanna Be That by conor8
on Its Going Great by conor8
on Shadows by conor8
on Its Going Great by conor8
on From Both Sides by conor8
Anyway, just my opinion! Great track, thanks!
on Its Going Great by conor8
great synth work. it is very mood enducing, so i agree it would be right at home in the cinematic category, as well. its ripe for a vocalist as well, tho...solid piece.
nice work!
on From Both Sides by conor8
great work!
on You Hurt Me by conor8
the sitar is tight men...and the arme typa drums are tight too bro.
god bless
on You Hurt Me by conor8
on You Hurt Me by conor8
love the pluck work and sitar(?) accent. that C-F hammer chord gives so much emotion to this piece. solid production value, as well.
that pensive C# break is wicked. i think it can come in before the 4min mark, just to break the piece up a bit more. either way, excellent composition on this piece. i look forward to hearing more of your work.
good job!
on You Hurt Me by conor8
on Bringing The Thunder by conor8
on Tribute To The Soldiers by conor8
Good job.
on I Caught You by conor8
on Right On by conor8
Keys and melody are great. The Tracks a winner.
As for constructive critique, the only things i could say is, the main riff could maybe use a little more slow movement either via a slow filter or a slow flange and maybe even a second or third string/ leed section playing the same thing higher and lower just to add to the build up.
Part from that as i said its great, iv listened to it all the way through twice now already while writting this, lol :)
on Right On by conor8
on Right On by conor8
on Tribute To The Soldiers by conor8
on Tribute To The Soldiers by conor8
idk why haha
But the flow is very similar. It has the same type of ear
grabbing ability
I agree with raporia. you should be proud of yourself for
such a rendition. im a bit jealous haha
Im glad i took a listen
on Out Of Control by conor8
on Tribute To The Soldiers by conor8