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Quebec, Canada
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Comments on DJVO tracks

Other users have posted 238 comments on tracks by DJVO

Comments 101 - 125 of 238
DaMann 23rd Feb 2009 23:55 - 16 years ago

on Roswell original mix by DJVO
Has a nice robotic cinematic feel with those saws, pretty cool. Those "Halloween" pluck/pad sounds are pretty trippy.

Great track!

DJVO replied Unknown
well... you know this track is for the comp... waiting for your version ;)
ToxicVoltage 16th Feb 2009 19:48 - 16 years ago

on Synergy comp - Cold water by DJVO
This is a very nice track
Everything flows together, theres
nothing abrupt about this track
and thats what makes me like it

Well done (again)
TheGreatPimpC 3rd Feb 2009 03:09 - 16 years ago

on synergy comp- Catmikaze by DJVO
bro what is there to say your shit is strait pimpin...TEACH ME :P
SeamlessBeats 2nd Feb 2009 07:12 - 16 years ago

on Synergy comp - Cold water by DJVO
I really enjoy all of your tracks. I would love to use quite a few in some sets that I do. Keep up the great work. The feel for the track is very positive. God Bless.
Rorshach2021 1st Feb 2009 12:03 - 16 years ago

on Synergy comp - Cold water by DJVO
cool track. i like the way it flows effortlesly along. did you sidechain the synth cos it sounds wkd. real nice feeling to this one. that break is da bomb! excellent track
DJVO replied Unknown
well thank you hunta, yes i do have sidechained my synth string section, you have a pretty good ear ;)
dustyx 28th Jan 2009 08:03 - 16 years ago

on synergy comp- Stay sharp 2009 by DJVO
very good compositions.very good intro build up.need some female vocales,thats whats missing in this track.though very intense n nice bell sounding effects introduced during track.good luck kid.
Acrylic 24th Jan 2009 19:17 - 16 years ago

on synergy comp- Stay sharp 2009 by DJVO
Its really good... but the levels are wack on my end, it sounds like your Kick is too loud for the compresion, and therefore its trail is killing all the melodies, Which are great, if the mastering was a little better, this would be a huge hit... Great song, very talented songwriting. Respect.
DJVO replied Unknown
lol i just listened to it in my car and it sound that the bBd was too loud im i right :S... i think the problem is from my headphones.
DonnieVyros 21st Jan 2009 05:17 - 16 years ago

on Electric magic by DJVO
Podcasts and streaming radio the best for deriving creative inspiration? I thank for bringing me closer to Trance music and that's where the initial spark came from years back from listening to their Goa-Psy channel.

The melody on this is crisp, like the air on a cold night. The kind of night where the pressure is so low you can actually smell pure clean air. I like the transition ya threw in there near the end. Ever think of adding vocals to this? Thanks for sharing mate. Later on!
DonnieVyros 21st Jan 2009 05:06 - 16 years ago

on synergy comp- Catmikaze by DJVO
Salami & Grilled Onions for you, sir! Haha, sorry. The dbl post above got me to thinkin silly. And then of food, and then what'd it'd be like to be a waiter, hmm?

Anyways, I'm diggin the slowness of the lead keys on this and the classic usage of bass was a nice touch. What'd ya use for the leads mate (if it's cool to ask)? Coz they're soundin real nice. Like a mix between bells and string plucks. The pads are subdued and airy- the way good Trance is made.
As for name comparisons... Tiesto's cool, but this reminds me more of BT (irony not intended) on some of the stuff he's scored before. You've done an excellent job on this mate. Thanks for sharing & submitting to the comp. Good evenly stacked odds all around from what I've heard. Later on!

PS. How's the weather up there
tonight? It's droppin down into
the 20's here in Northern Fl.
DJVO replied Unknown
well 20 is pretty hot, cause last week we got, if i calculate the wind and alle the kit, around of -40 celsius, why not taking a snow bath :D
CrissNickssonn 20th Jan 2009 22:50 - 16 years ago

on synergy comp- Stay sharp 2009 by DJVO
Salkizar 19th Jan 2009 20:38 - 16 years ago

on synergy comp- Stay sharp 2009 by DJVO
But like travis said...sounds like to much compression to me.....take it back a little then it should rock!!
viralSHARK 19th Jan 2009 12:32 - 16 years ago

on synergy comp- Stay sharp 2009 by DJVO
I really enjoy this track! Very nice! Continue the good work!
farid009 19th Jan 2009 02:32 - 16 years ago

on synergy comp- Stay sharp 2009 by DJVO
very very good track , i like the tunes, the effects ,the melody
but the main sound had a clear distorted problem try to repeat the mastering :)
ToxicVoltage 19th Jan 2009 01:30 - 16 years ago

on synergy comp- Catmikaze by DJVO
^^Sorry I get mixed up
your skills seem to exceed
Tiesto's by a whole lot

I can tell you put time
into this

Im diggin this!

ToxicVoltage 19th Jan 2009 01:29 - 16 years ago

on synergy comp- Catmikaze by DJVO
^^Sorry I get mixed up
your skills seem to exceed
Tiesto's by a whole lot

I can tell you put time
into this

Im diggin this!

ToxicVoltage 19th Jan 2009 01:28 - 16 years ago

on synergy comp- Stay sharp 2009 by DJVO
This is something that
I would expect to hear
from someone like

Above and Beyond or something

Pro sound makes the world go round lol
RogueAi 18th Jan 2009 20:35 - 16 years ago

on synergy comp- Stay sharp 2009 by DJVO
Sounds nice but is sounds really distorted to me, like the levels are to high.
Sector7even 18th Jan 2009 19:47 - 16 years ago

on synergy comp- Stay sharp 2009 by DJVO
as eno quality buddy

great work
AudioRise 15th Jan 2009 23:22 - 16 years ago

on Where you are by DJVO
I love that the track is not another huge amount of saw synths. the voice makes it even dreamy.
even thought I love that kind of bassline, sometimes it gets too loud (who am I to talk about that...)
keep it up :)
EMaTiKz 15th Jan 2009 18:30 - 16 years ago

on Blue Star by DJVO
kind of weird man..not really my style but lemme guess you used fruity loops right?..You can make all sorts of weird shit with that program..its not bad..keep it up
gasman 13th Jan 2009 18:49 - 16 years ago

on Where you are by DJVO
lovin your tracks mate hav it..
bones2008 13th Jan 2009 17:49 - 16 years ago

on synergy comp- Catmikaze by DJVO
this would go down a storm in any party...good luk wiv tha comp.
EnamoredRapture 12th Jan 2009 09:10 - 16 years ago

on synergy comp- Catmikaze by DJVO
Wow! This track seriously gave me some chills! Love the vocals! Keep the bar high!
EnamoredRapture 10th Jan 2009 20:36 - 16 years ago

on Ghost in the sky by DJVO
the beat is great! im sure a lil polishin and it'll sound nicy nicy, but overall without the polish its still good! Keep it up!
lazyboy 10th Jan 2009 11:57 - 16 years ago

on synergy comp- Catmikaze by DJVO
Fantastic VO ;) really really enjoyed this
Comments 101 - 125 of 238