Lovely dance track. Sounds like a lot of time spent in the mix and loop selection. I would really like to hear the finished hour set as well. Till then, keep hammering them out!
Hellacious mix! Nice work! The samples compliment each other very well. I think Im blowin up! AGHHH! Very professional track. I think im gonna have to look into your other tunes. What sample pack was it that you used? Its got me curious now. A+++
man, i am glad i found this one, call it Electrocondactor in FL, i liked it too and i made another one called Vinvao, which i uploaded here. u also killed it here, ur voice is very rocky, and reminded me of ODB. nice work, respect.
Aaaah...basslines fave!!!! Love it man! Plus great work with the vocal dude! Very very good trance feel to this track...Yeah..I agree with Hunta, a sidechain on this would really make it cook,,,try it and see wot u think...But other than that, well done man...great song!!!
wow. sweet tune! that bassline is wkd. a real serious trance sound. the only thing i would say is maybe have a look at your levels a little cos it gets a little distorted. have u ever tried using a sidechain, it would make it even better. thats just my opinion tho and i am no expert. really excellent effort!
this is great, it sounds really like its taken from the Goliath 8 or 8th album, or older, very energic and cool sounded track, a bit progressive maybe, but i like it. keep it up!
on Where you are by DJVO
on Take control by DJVO
I dont even know how to make house tracks
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on Take control by DJVO
on Vipex (LPM version) by DJVO
on Vipex (LPM version) by DJVO
on Vipex (LPM version) by DJVO
on Take control by DJVO
on Take control by DJVO
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on I was talking to an angel from beyond by DJVO
on Fall Down by DJVO
on Where you are by DJVO
on Blue Star by DJVO
on Where you are by DJVO
on Where you are by DJVO
Great track!
_= space
on Where you are by DJVO
on Fall Down by DJVO
on Blue Star by DJVO
on Je Dort by DJVO
Good track thanks.....Randy
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