your voice does'nt sound that bad tho the timing and quality of recording is off... i think with a bit of guidence and training in how to project yourself and a sound engineer to bring out the best of your voice and delivery, you could improve greatly, you've got some good ideas there and with maturity you will evolve, jus keep practicing and try to find a mentor
aw thanks so much, i was going for an anime type of sound. like an opening or closing for some anime. thats great that u noticed!! thanks so much!
I can tell that you attempted very much so with the composition of this song.
The message is a bit distorted through the many things that are happening every second
A suggestion would be to have a steady flow with the music and make the transitions a bit more fluent.
And also, when using loops, make sure that they don't sound to choppy, or end abruptly, they end up ruining the essence of transitions.
Lastly, I feel that you were trying to find many loops to go with what you are trying to convey to the listeners, In my opinion you should do the opposite. I would recommend Creating a solid instrumental track, then shape your lyric timing over them. That way it wont be so difficult for you to try and savage loops to fit the tempo/style of your voice.
On a lighter note, I can honestly see the amount of time and effort that you put into this track, but like anything, there is always room for improvement.
If you need any help with how to do the things listed, just email me at:
hey! thanks so much for the advice, i don't know the first thing about making music so i definitely want some help. Thanks again!!!
lots of love,
haha thanks for spending your time listening to my horribly sung tracks. I probably should take the really badly done ones off the site, but im to lazy to do that! haha
Lots of Love,
However at what price?.....I wouldn't want to be like Paris Hilton for example....Ok back to the song..first off it's very interesting..there are some things that maybe need to be addressed..some things work and some things don't (In my opinion)...the tempo of the song has a problem in two your freestyling with your lyrics(which is cool) but when a new sample is introduced your jumping to sync with it,which makes for a stuttered delivery..two..some of the samples chop and change without allowing any reflection of what has come before...I really like the more classical piano part as it suits your way to go would maybe get your lyrics down first to a click track or something then add the music's all a juggling act I know but it will help with the final arrangement...mind you in music anything goes and the creative aspect and decisions are for the artist alone...I can imagine that your music in this style would closely parallel Bjork maybe......just my two cents,anyway it's clear your musical expression is going places...that's super cool! don't ever stop..........cheers planet :)
wow, everyone on this site seems so professional, i don't fit in here at all. But everyone has been so nice to me =)
and your definitely one of those. I don't like the reviews that are just like..good song. i like the constructive ones. i need help i know, and you people on here are my only hope. So thanks so much for taking time to listen to my sucky songs. Your definitely a great person =)
Lots Of Love,
Lyrics kind of remind me of that one Linkin Park song (if they are, my bad. I'm not the biggest LP fan).
The music fits with the style of the vocals, but the recording quality really sets it back. And I think you need to work on your tone a bit more. For the most part, it was good, but some parts were too flat, or too sharp.
Work out these few rough spots and I think you've got a good tune.
I thought the vocals were a little out of time....I dont know whether that was the intention, but it came across as they were being rushed? The track itself was quite good with nice beats and fx.
With a bit of polish this would be great
on DeAtH NoTe!!!!!! by Orihime
on Never Give Up by Orihime
I really don't know what else to say about this? Indescribable
on Never Give Up by Orihime
on Never Give Up by Orihime
on Candles by Orihime
on Atheist by Orihime
on Atheist by Orihime
The message is a bit distorted through the many things that are happening every second
A suggestion would be to have a steady flow with the music and make the transitions a bit more fluent.
And also, when using loops, make sure that they don't sound to choppy, or end abruptly, they end up ruining the essence of transitions.
Lastly, I feel that you were trying to find many loops to go with what you are trying to convey to the listeners, In my opinion you should do the opposite. I would recommend Creating a solid instrumental track, then shape your lyric timing over them. That way it wont be so difficult for you to try and savage loops to fit the tempo/style of your voice.
On a lighter note, I can honestly see the amount of time and effort that you put into this track, but like anything, there is always room for improvement.
If you need any help with how to do the things listed, just email me at:
lots of love,
on ScHoOl GiRlS lOvE sChOoL!!!! by Orihime
Lots of Love,
on I Wanna Be Famous by Orihime
and your definitely one of those. I don't like the reviews that are just like..good song. i like the constructive ones. i need help i know, and you people on here are my only hope. So thanks so much for taking time to listen to my sucky songs. Your definitely a great person =)
Lots Of Love,
on Never Give Up by Orihime
kinda like kate bush on some really good acid.
nice work, keep it comin'
on DeAtH NoTe!!!!!! by Orihime
The music fits with the style of the vocals, but the recording quality really sets it back. And I think you need to work on your tone a bit more. For the most part, it was good, but some parts were too flat, or too sharp.
Work out these few rough spots and I think you've got a good tune.
on Missed Out by Orihime
Good voice and instrum melody lines. Just smooth out the mix and add percussion. The percussion will help the whole song come together.
on DeAtH NoTe!!!!!! by Orihime
on ScHoOl GiRlS lOvE sChOoL!!!! by Orihime
With a bit of polish this would be great