

Rhythm is a dancer and God is a DJ
Nijmegen, Netherlands
Joined : 11th Mar 2016 - 9 years ago
Last Online : 20th Jun 2024 - 8 months ago
Comments on Wobbin tracks

Other users have posted 62 comments on tracks by Wobbin

Comments 51 - 62 of 62
jimmycat117 30th Aug 2016 19:32 - 8 years ago

on Wobbin - Therapy - Unofficial preview by Wobbin
cool bro
Wobbin replied 30th Aug 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks :D
Amixx 27th Aug 2016 23:56 - 8 years ago

on Wobbin - Therapy - Unofficial preview by Wobbin
nicely done ...
Wobbin replied 28th Aug 2016 - 8 years ago
Thank you sir!
Rhodesy 26th Aug 2016 16:45 - 8 years ago

on Wobbin - Therapy - Unofficial preview by Wobbin
Wonderful energy on this demo Amaranthion!House is not my genre when it comes to music making but i love a good four to the flour banger,and this delivers.The rhythm's used are tried and tested but your choice of sounds drives the track forwards. Nice work.
Wobbin replied 26th Aug 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks for stopping by and dropping a like Rhodesy!
Very much appreciated. :)

Enjoy your weekend
DoctorPyro 26th Aug 2016 02:50 - 8 years ago

on Wobbin - Therapy - Unofficial preview by Wobbin
Dudeeee! Love the melodic touch to this... I can see it being an electro house track. Maybe I can remix it when its done? Great fucking job for a first track my dude.
Wobbin replied 26th Aug 2016 - 8 years ago
Spank you, spank you! (thank you in my way of saying it)

I might considder that indeed. But first finishing this badboy up. ^^
BradoSanz 26th Aug 2016 01:41 - 8 years ago

on Wobbin - Therapy - Unofficial preview by Wobbin
Impressive! Do you plan on adding any vocals to this? It's quite good, and a solid singer could take it up from great to even greater! Whether you decide to or not, it's a solid song and very, very impressive. Cheers,

Wobbin replied 26th Aug 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks a lot! It does encourage me.

*gniffles* Does my own voice, run through FL's vocodex counts? lol..

That does sound kind of cliche but with the proper use will work out as a nice extra touch. I've already done those part actually.

I just started producing for fun and love for music so i'll keep it at solo producing for now. Adding good vocals is again a whole other lvl for me.
Wobbin replied 25th Aug 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks for replying and the compliment! Currently I already have a colab starting soon and besides that I need to fully focus on myself now.

I've listend and gave a lil feedback to your track. :)
milesatdenver 25th Aug 2016 22:09 - 8 years ago

on Wobbin - Therapy - Unofficial preview by Wobbin
hey i really like the buildup on this one, i make house too and if you wanted to collaborate id be down. if you want to check out my latest track and let me know if you are interested
Dennel 25th Aug 2016 21:54 - 8 years ago

on Wobbin - Therapy - Unofficial preview by Wobbin
Hey Amaranthion very nice track, the mixing is superb and it's a great all around production. I like that keykeyboard texture
after the first break. Congrats on great track

All The Best

Wobbin replied 25th Aug 2016 - 8 years ago

Take care
BradoSanz 25th Aug 2016 20:06 - 8 years ago

on Wobbin - Therapy - Unofficial preview by Wobbin
What are you using for software? The beat is catchy and I'm going to assume you're using automated appregiators - impressive mixing of them for your first track. The song itself is a little hard-pressed in the limiter though I can't say this is a bad thing for this genre. You have a bright future ahead of you if this is your first-ever track. Kudos to you!

Wobbin replied 25th Aug 2016 - 8 years ago
Thank you for your reply and kind words!! No automatic appregiators here. Only things i've used 'ready to go' in the entire track is 3 different drum loops, adjusted with extra claps/hihat/kick etc. So I could focus on all the rest which is more important to me then creating my own drum lines at this moment.

I've been working on the track (and so on this part has again changed for the better) day after day and it should be finished towards Monday. Then gets a hand at mixing and mastering from a professional who looks how I attempted those 2 proccesses and makes it all smoothened out. Then it will be uploaded again.

Just to give an idea, this short piece took me well over 70 hours since its not just producing i'm learning but understanding the software takes up a lot of time. The creation of this was easier then how to create the sound/effect etc of my imagination actually inside the software.

I use FL 10.0 or 10.2 or something.
EricMilligan 25th Aug 2016 02:57 - 8 years ago

on Wobbin - Therapy - Unofficial preview by Wobbin
I like it, Amaranthion! You've got a good track in the making here. I'm very impressed that it is your first track ever. Nothing I did sounded even close to this when I started out. Still doesn't. :)

I don't know that Phr34kness meant when he said you should go for a progressive baseline on your first breakdown. If you understood that, please let me know in another comment. And Phr34kness, if you read this it would be great to have an explanation and perhaps you could point me to an example so I can hear what a progressive baseline is. Learn something new every day. :)
Wobbin replied 25th Aug 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks! Highly appreciated. :D Working hard to get this exactly as I want it to be before getting it out. Patience is key haha.

I've made some changes in the sounds you hear above. Shall be continued^^
Phr34kness 22nd Aug 2016 22:04 - 8 years ago

on Wobbin - Therapy - Unofficial preview by Wobbin
So, your transitions are great. I've noticed how the sounds you're using go along pretty well, and I like your first bassdrop / breakdown; sounds pretty clean cut.

I'm more than interested in working with you.

PS: Go for a progressive bassline on your first breakdown. I think it'll sound better.

Best regards,
Wobbin replied 22nd Aug 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks! I'm really hyped about it so far, knowing its litterly my first track ever. Thank you for the bassline tip, I might change it indeed. Depends on how the 2nd drop into the mostly more raw/harder main chorus is comming together. For now, its maybe more a Trancy/progressive kind of track but lets see when its done. I don't like to limit myself in thinking it has to be X genre. As agreed on your forum reply, I (so we) produce as I feel it fits best :)
Phr34kness 22nd Aug 2016 22:01 - 8 years ago

on Wobbin - Therapy - Unofficial preview by Wobbin
When do we start!
Comments 51 - 62 of 62