Add one more sample of the first melody pitched down to the new melodic elemet at 1:34 It might make the trasition smoother.Otherwise great track good eqing
yea the beginnning is a bit long but i've heard longer
is everthing yours? or are those beats a loop? cause that's some sick beat right ther :P
very trancey like, but got a nice feeling to it mate
keep it up, only good can come out of this :)
Dj Synergex
pretty damn sick! have you ever heard of GEIN or Evol Intent? you should google these guys or you can find them on myspace. your gonna love em! get back to me once you search for them!
Love Jazz, Love D'N'B, So love this track, I tried a jazz D'n'b Once, didnt work so i turned it to loops and gave it to the community, Oh well... good job here...
on Pills Of The Sun by RagedNb
on Pills Of The Sun by RagedNb
is everthing yours? or are those beats a loop? cause that's some sick beat right ther :P
very trancey like, but got a nice feeling to it mate
keep it up, only good can come out of this :)
Dj Synergex
on International KAOS by RagedNb
on Pills Of The Sun by RagedNb
keep this kind of rawness coming my friend
on Jazz Trip ex1.1 by RagedNb
I liked it alot added to favs!
on International KAOS by RagedNb
on Pills Of The Sun by RagedNb
on International KAOS by RagedNb
on International KAOS by RagedNb
on International KAOS by RagedNb
on Pills Of The Sun by RagedNb
PHAT track mang, skets a download
on Jazz Trip ex1.1 by RagedNb
on Jazz Trip ex1.1 by RagedNb