

zierikzee, The Netherlands
Joined : 25th Apr 2017 - 7 years ago
Comments on dumarecht tracks

Other users have posted 32 comments on tracks by dumarecht

Comments 1 - 25 of 32
WDF2017 18th Mar 2018 05:52 - 7 years ago

on 16 again by dumarecht
Reminds me of Sisters of Mercy. Nice.
WDF2017 18th Mar 2018 05:13 - 7 years ago

on 16 again by dumarecht
Reminds me of Sisters of Mercy. Nice.
Indieground 15th Oct 2017 17:28 - 7 years ago

on een repetieve herhaling van nog een keer by dumarecht
Dutch language don't bother me
I'm pretty addict to "Bonaparte" if you know him (??)
I like your track the drum can may improve
but it can works this way too.
A remix can also a possibility
Contact me !
ThatGirlKVR 25th Sep 2017 08:22 - 7 years ago

on world set by dumarecht
Please oh please tell me you have the instrumental for this as a separate file. I would love so very much to write some lyrics for this. It is perfect smoke filled room material. Jessica Rabbit sexy stuff, man.
dumarecht replied 3rd Oct 2017 - 7 years ago
Actually im not sure but i might still have it... i check and if it's there i give you a pm (currently on a different computer)tanx!
Neomorpheus 20th Sep 2017 01:03 - 7 years ago

on ff op de rem by dumarecht
Hey bro, this a pretty dope track. I really like your structure and the hard panning is a nice retro touch. This reminds me of some of the new wave bands of the 80's. The vocals are really good, at least in terms of the singers vocal talents. Even though I don't understand Dutch I can appreciate the skills ! Its definitely unique and very cool. Great job.
dumarecht replied 21st Sep 2017 - 7 years ago
Retro, i like that but its probally my lack of production/mixing knowledge : ) but as an old skool demo i can live with it. Would like to put in a little more of the stuff you are doing but metal is difficult too me (practice, i know) cheers man
Spivkurl 15th Sep 2017 14:21 - 7 years ago

on KAPPER HAKKER mix 2 by dumarecht
This is pretty freakin cool! Obviously one of those songs which is meant to make the listener turn up the volume, and I respect that. So many songs make me want to turn it down right away.

Great old school tone on the guitars, and the vocals are well recorded. I know that it is Dutch and all, but still it reminds me of some of the eastern European stuff which I used to listen to every time I was rollin... like Zdob Si Zdub and older O-Zone. We used to get all high and dream of moving to Romania to be farmers or gypsies.

Musically, this is wicked, and I can only take your word on the lyrical theme. I love it! Majorly faved! Thanks for the download!
dumarecht replied 15th Sep 2017 - 7 years ago
Tanx man, greatly appreciated. yeah loud volume is Always better : ) The guitar is shaped by guitar rig 5 which i got for free with an interface so that's cool (freebies)

Eastern Europe has some really beautifull music. The furthest i went is Poland while sailing.

I was a farmer! Worked at a organic orchard growing apples and pears.

Cheers man
MrSpookd 6th Sep 2017 11:26 - 7 years ago

on KAPPER HAKKER mix 2 by dumarecht
Lekkere sound, en mooie lyrics, haha. Nederlands werkt altijd goed in Rock. Gitaartjes kunnen wel wat harder :) maar verder lekkere track!
dumarecht replied 15th Sep 2017 - 7 years ago
Tanx, en inderdaad de gitaar mag harder; heb nieuwe mix, straks uploaden
Danke 30th Aug 2017 21:13 - 7 years ago

on KAPPER HAKKER mix 2 by dumarecht
brilliant theme again...I'm a bit dissatisfied about the volume of the guitar(s) but who cares about me?
great description though...:-)

handshake, Danke
dumarecht replied 5th Sep 2017 - 7 years ago
Well, i do. : ) But yeah i got back on the mix and changed the volumes and it seems a little more balanced with both the guitar and bass a little louder so im happy you mentioned it. Still have to change it on here though.

Tanx for the feedback, grealy appreciated

Cheers Danke
Ben1972 27th Jul 2017 21:19 - 7 years ago

on 16 again by dumarecht
Have you ever thought about singing in a DM cover band ? - great voice!
Spivkurl 20th Jul 2017 21:08 - 7 years ago

on world set by dumarecht
There are very few users here who re-order their track to reflect the newest song first, and you are obviously one of them! I applaud that! Effort is the new front line.

I can't deny that I am aflutter when I receive a comment from people in the Netherlands or Germany, and yours was one of those moments. Your song, which I've heard as barter, is an extremely deep and cool experience!

I've been watching the entire series of "The Rockford Files" recently, and this puts me in mind of it, both in the interesting seventies vibe way, and in the private eye aspect. It is questionable and unknown, but it is in your face!

I dig it big time, and I hope that you know it. I realize that you are out there, fighting the fight. And you are winning.

Love it completely, and it's a big fave! Listened a few times!
dumarecht replied 21st Jul 2017 - 7 years ago
Yeah i agree its really cool to have such an easy access to people all over the world and some interaction with those who share music creation in all its different forms. And indeed i like the last track to be on top : )

Silverman gets an 70s vibe as well which is funny im from 1980 (and still fifteen) i geuss loose playing and mixing genres was more commen then. In general i just go with an idea and finish a tune in a couple of hrs without spending too much time thinking about it, its a nice way passing time.

Glad you dig the tune and thanx for listening: let us both fight the good fight

Cheers man
silverman 15th Jul 2017 01:52 - 7 years ago

on world set by dumarecht
Who at 1.14 I heard Willy The Pimp and the Captain and Frank too. Bit of Edgar Broughton Band as well. (British Band)
I have long hair again and it's 1974.
Great stuff.
I can hear a lot of influences in this that were on my record deck at one time or another.
dumarecht replied 16th Jul 2017 - 7 years ago
Guess you have quite the collection on that deck; personally i switched to sd cards... the whole of 1974 on a thumbnail sized piece of plastic : ) Long hair was nice although mine was in the 90's, tanx for stopping by man.
Nodog 11th Jul 2017 10:02 - 7 years ago

on 16 again by dumarecht
Hi super retro vibe which at the time i was not into but after hearing this I am very impressed you have a really cool sounding voice perfect for this song Bravo i'm looking forward to hearing more from you faved best regards Robbie
dumarecht replied 11th Jul 2017 - 7 years ago
It's old school indeed. Tanx man
NateJMusic 10th Jul 2017 19:59 - 7 years ago

on 16 again by dumarecht
Sounds good to me. Keep it up!!
VicaMOOR 8th Jul 2017 23:40 - 7 years ago

on slappy by dumarecht
Hey, dumarecht
I had to look up the Clash to see who you were reffering to and yes this almost sounds like something they would compose. Lol. Nice. I wasn't expecting that. It's a little hard to understand what you're saying... but I guess that's the point isn't it? Nice instrumentation, btw, I think it's well executed. Nice job!

dap, VicaMOOR
dumarecht replied 10th Jul 2017 - 7 years ago
I just cant sing any better than this : ) i try to articulate better but hey it's a hobby. Tanx for the feedback
Orlando51 2nd Jul 2017 00:57 - 7 years ago

on 16 again by dumarecht
Back to the 80's....very pleasant surprise ! More than solid work !

Danke 1st Jul 2017 16:26 - 7 years ago

on 16 again by dumarecht
What an epic voice you got...sensational groovy, great harmonies, cool guitar sound...what else should we need?
Super song, handshake, Danke ki

dumarecht replied 1st Jul 2017 - 7 years ago
My voice is my biggest concern actually so tanx man!
imakebeatsLF 1st Jul 2017 12:45 - 7 years ago

on 16 again by dumarecht
this is retro as shit man haha

reminds me of early 90s britpop, nice to hear something like this on here

brings to mind the cure, depeche mode

nice track


dumarecht replied 1st Jul 2017 - 7 years ago
It is a little corny like that : ) tanx man
StaticNomad 30th Jun 2017 19:20 - 7 years ago

on 16 again by dumarecht

This does indeed have a very 80s sound. Particularly the vocals and that synth that enters on 0:02.

Guitar parts are nice and grooving and have a good tone. Bass meshes perfectly such that I can't really hear the bass. Maybe it's playing exactly the same as the guitar.

Drums are OK, maybe a bit limited. They actually work quite well and aren't a problem. Just could be better and perhaps a bit more varied.

This has some character and is something very different from what you normally hear around here, hence my comment.

Overall, it's a pretty tight production and mix.

dumarecht replied 1st Jul 2017 - 7 years ago
Pretty acurate conclusion : ) im hoping to achieve a little more groove in the future so more varied drums is def a good idea
Spivkurl 1st Jun 2017 14:09 - 7 years ago

on Boss 80 by dumarecht
This is pretty cool for a "tablet" creation. Reminds me a lot of an all electronic version of something New Order would put out. I like New Order a lot, so that okay by me.

Good dynamic range, and well represented frequencies in the mix. I think my cat liked it.

Had fun hearing this!
Spivkurl 1st Jun 2017 13:55 - 7 years ago

on slappy by dumarecht
I can already tell that this is one of the top rock songs I've heard on Looperman. I am so digging it!

Definitely has some Clash vibes, but also seems quite updated (especially the tones and mixing). I am hearing a lot of nineties feel here, a la Primus or Echo and The Bunneymen (as in Evergreen/Noel Burke era). The bass and guitar effects on this song really stood out for me, in a good way. It could be that I am simply tuned into that sort of thing right now with the work I'm doing. The song sounds good!!

I just had to check if you were allowing downloads, and *joy* you are, so I will be doing just that. We need more tunes like this around here, and I hope we hear more from you! Fave!
dumarecht replied 5th Jun 2017 - 7 years ago
Well... Thanx man, alot. Its all done on multitrack without a computer which is a hassle to do but im finally getting a descent laptop which should allow me a little more room to play around with a tune and hopefully get me a better sound quality. Im def looking forward to this and will keep sharing the results on here, although i just threw away a track : )
theHumps 26th May 2017 13:26 - 7 years ago

on slappy by dumarecht
I can definitely hear the Clash influence in this very cool track! I love the Clash, this sounds like something off of Sandinista then it kicks up notch when the change happens, cool dynamics. It has that reggae element that they loved to incorporate in their music. The vocals have that Joe Strummer attack and feel. Good use of the electronic elements that the Clash featured in so many of their track.

Loved it! Gonna download, thanks for sharing!

dumarecht replied 26th May 2017 - 7 years ago
I geuss smoking helps me get that sound (and destroys all others) raspy and out of breath. I still want cowbel!
TRE24 25th May 2017 21:24 - 7 years ago

on slappy by dumarecht
You did your thing here buddy.
The style is unique and fly.
Nice production.
dumarecht replied 28th May 2017 - 7 years ago
tanx man!
topclass 25th May 2017 17:17 - 7 years ago

on like uhhh and such by dumarecht
never underestamate yourself, you are better than crappy, :)
silverman 25th May 2017 17:14 - 7 years ago

on slappy by dumarecht
This sounds fun.
I'm going to eave it that for now and come back and have another listen later.
topclass 25th May 2017 17:11 - 7 years ago

on slappy by dumarecht
it's good
Comments 1 - 25 of 32