Now for the really hard part. Figure out at least one additional chord sequence to create another section in the track. I have the greatest difficulty doing this myself and so often end up doing tracks with only one repetitive chord sequence. But, I know that my tracks would be better if I made the effort to figure how where to go with a new sequence that works in the track. And, I figure that the more I try, the easier it will be for future tracks.
Finally, I actually kind of liked the ending. It was really unusual. I'm not sure how you did it. That being said, I think Danke's suggestion is a good one. I tend to use fade-outs myself because I can't figure out how to end my tracks. Danke is right that figuring out how to end a song is perhaps the hardest thing. A good fadeout is not a bad choice, but it can't be the only method used. If you produce and EP or an album, and every song ended with a fadeout, that would be pretty obvious. Remember that lower frequencies have more power than high frequencies, so you might need to adjust the EQ on the master outputs as you do the fade-out to maintain the balance.
I'd be very interested to hear how this track sounds if you do a bit more work on it.
I appreciate that you took two whole comments to give me some feedback, I might have to go back to this track for some finalizing, it is simple. Thanks again for leaving some feedback, peace
Well, I agree with Danke that this track shows great promise. I see from your profile that you play several instruments, but not sax. So, I'm assuming that the sax sound is either a VST or a loop. Getting a VST saw to sound right is a real challenge in my experience. I think some processing might help with that on this track, specifically some reverb.
In the spirit of constructive advice, here's my suggestions on the track. First, it sounds to me like everything has been quantized. Very rigid timing. Jazz needs to be more fluid. Not just the sax lead, but also the drums, bass, and particularly the Rhodes comping. Assuming you played in the Rhodes chords, try fine-tuning the midi timing on them, and don't make all the notes in the chord sound at exactly the same time.
Drum track needs work. Is too simple. I'm a drummer and I suck at doing drum tracks from scratch which is why I tend to use midi loops and drum instrument VSTs. But I think you did program this, so you have a decent start. Adjust timing. Try adding a swing groove to it if you have that available in your DAW. See how that feels. I'd experiment shifting the kick drum a few milliseconds early, and the snare a few milliseconds late. Need some fills. Try adding a ride cymbal for the second part of the track. Get more variation in the drum part. I'd EQ the drums a bit as well.
Try adding more activity and syncopation in your bass line. It has parts where you have that already, but not enough. The bass line with only one note on each downbeat in each measure for much of the track kind of drags down the feel of the music. Try delaying at least some of the bass notes by a few milliseconds to help establish the groove. Audition the track using only the bass and drum parts to see if they work together.
Rather than repeat the sax melody lines a second time, try layering over a piano (pitched above the chords) instead. Will give more variation and maintain interest.
I have more comments but the length exceeds the 3000 character limit set by Looperman, so will put then in a second comment.
very cool tune...on my humble opinion with a more proper mix and producing it could be much better...for example at 2.15 there is a slight sax voice as begins the next tune...I know that one of the hardest thing to end a you chose not a best option I think...fade away should be a better choice...on my humble opinion...
Thanks, I'll head back to this track for finalizing. I usually go with a fade out for tracks, but on this one I tried experimenting with bending the pitch at the end. Thanks for the feedback, peace
on Flow funky hip hop instrumental by tunedproductions
on Spring by tunedproductions
on Spring by tunedproductions
on Spring by tunedproductions
on Spring by tunedproductions
on Spring by tunedproductions
on Spring by tunedproductions
on Reefer in the jazz club by tunedproductions
Now for the really hard part. Figure out at least one additional chord sequence to create another section in the track. I have the greatest difficulty doing this myself and so often end up doing tracks with only one repetitive chord sequence. But, I know that my tracks would be better if I made the effort to figure how where to go with a new sequence that works in the track. And, I figure that the more I try, the easier it will be for future tracks.
Finally, I actually kind of liked the ending. It was really unusual. I'm not sure how you did it. That being said, I think Danke's suggestion is a good one. I tend to use fade-outs myself because I can't figure out how to end my tracks. Danke is right that figuring out how to end a song is perhaps the hardest thing. A good fadeout is not a bad choice, but it can't be the only method used. If you produce and EP or an album, and every song ended with a fadeout, that would be pretty obvious. Remember that lower frequencies have more power than high frequencies, so you might need to adjust the EQ on the master outputs as you do the fade-out to maintain the balance.
I'd be very interested to hear how this track sounds if you do a bit more work on it.
on Reefer in the jazz club by tunedproductions
In the spirit of constructive advice, here's my suggestions on the track. First, it sounds to me like everything has been quantized. Very rigid timing. Jazz needs to be more fluid. Not just the sax lead, but also the drums, bass, and particularly the Rhodes comping. Assuming you played in the Rhodes chords, try fine-tuning the midi timing on them, and don't make all the notes in the chord sound at exactly the same time.
Drum track needs work. Is too simple. I'm a drummer and I suck at doing drum tracks from scratch which is why I tend to use midi loops and drum instrument VSTs. But I think you did program this, so you have a decent start. Adjust timing. Try adding a swing groove to it if you have that available in your DAW. See how that feels. I'd experiment shifting the kick drum a few milliseconds early, and the snare a few milliseconds late. Need some fills. Try adding a ride cymbal for the second part of the track. Get more variation in the drum part. I'd EQ the drums a bit as well.
Try adding more activity and syncopation in your bass line. It has parts where you have that already, but not enough. The bass line with only one note on each downbeat in each measure for much of the track kind of drags down the feel of the music. Try delaying at least some of the bass notes by a few milliseconds to help establish the groove. Audition the track using only the bass and drum parts to see if they work together.
Rather than repeat the sax melody lines a second time, try layering over a piano (pitched above the chords) instead. Will give more variation and maintain interest.
I have more comments but the length exceeds the 3000 character limit set by Looperman, so will put then in a second comment.
on Reefer in the jazz club by tunedproductions
handshake, Danke