I'll await your friend request so I can send an invite because there are other artists I contacted but I want to explain the production and some other stuff.
No problem. but for discord i need an invite link to your page. Otherwise i can not join the server. I only am a member on discord and don't have my own server page there.
Hello, We at Jackal Studios want to put this song in our upcoming cyberpunk anime called UndaWorld we would like permission to use it with regard and credit I would also be happy to give you my discord that way you can join us with music production (we also need voice actors) moving along I await your reply...
It is no problem to use this in your production. I give my full premission. I'm on discord, so i can join in easily. I'm always looking for improvement and suggestions on my music.
On the note of voice actor (i have a terribly voice).
But let me know when you use this song in UndaWorld. Would like to see the end result.
Dank je. Had wel het hele nummer er op willen zetten met vocal. maar dan ben ik bang dat ik een copyright strike krijg. daarom is de download ook niet beschikbaar en is het een sample.
on Path to ascension by DutchReligion
on Return to Andromada by DutchReligion
on Return to Andromada by DutchReligion
on Return to Andromada by DutchReligion
It is no problem to use this in your production. I give my full premission. I'm on discord, so i can join in easily. I'm always looking for improvement and suggestions on my music.
On the note of voice actor (i have a terribly voice).
But let me know when you use this song in UndaWorld. Would like to see the end result.
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