

FAWK da police Or I Shamelessly Steal from Others
Hooversville PA, United States
Joined : 5th Jun 2009 - 15 years ago
Comments on aDeviantSexualInterest tracks

Other users have posted 11 comments on tracks by aDeviantSexualInterest

Comments (11)
mesxtuz 8th Dec 2009 01:57 - 15 years ago

on Pseudosexual by aDeviantSexualInterest
well hmm sorta sounds like marilyn manson think your gonna have to do your own drums alectrick guitar search up the fight song-marilyn manson maybey sumthing around them lines i dont know though completely as i never done sumin like this before
GRAVEFLOWERS 11th Aug 2009 22:54 - 15 years ago

on #9 by aDeviantSexualInterest
i like the beats u were using just think the tempos off.
Colors_Killing_Numbers 10th Aug 2009 03:17 - 15 years ago

on #9 by aDeviantSexualInterest
I personally loved this one. It was like listening to an alternate reality Ween in which they were heavily influenced by Skinny Puppy.I dig lofi vocals.
aDeviantSexualInterest replied 2nd Dec 2012 - 12 years ago
Thanks a lot to you and everyone else for the support: I just came back to looperman because I hadn't had time to make and songs recently[and as you can tell, I'm far from being and expert at it], but now I feel better about my chances of actually creating something truly GOOD. [and work on my singing >:-P]
What cracks me up, though, is everyone keeps comparing this to Skinny Puppy and I've never heard a single song by them. Guess I'd better check 'em out now, and thanks again!
DJL3 29th Jul 2009 21:47 - 15 years ago

on #9 by aDeviantSexualInterest
Love the grungy feel of it! It does sound a bit random at some point, but that brings the Crystal Castles effect to it.
I think the vocals help to make the track darker and I love it!
aDeviantSexualInterest replied 2nd Dec 2012 - 12 years ago
Yeah, I'm using audacity to cut and modify the loops and sounds, so it's really hard to get everything to match up[especially since originally the loops were all different tempos] and it's really time consuming to make them fit, and even then I'm not good enough at it to fit them perfect.
Also, I'm VERY glad you like the grunge and dark vocals- it's exactly the feeling I wanted people to get- but I know my vocals need a lot of work, too.
LazarusBlack 29th Jul 2009 18:10 - 15 years ago

on #9 by aDeviantSexualInterest
Sick Track Bro!.Hard Ass beat and loved the Grungy Vocal-very Dark/Industrial feel to it.reminded me of earlier Skinny Puppy.Keep up the Great work }:)-
aDeviantSexualInterest replied 2nd Dec 2012 - 12 years ago
Thanks, man! For someone just starting out at this and getting frustrated by how tedious the editing is, this practically make me feel I HAVE to keep trying, and try HARDER until I get much better at it. I had given up for a while and just came back, and I you, and the others, really reminded me not to be a pussy and quite just 'cause it's tough! Thank you, and be safe!
bcway 27th Jul 2009 04:17 - 15 years ago

on Self-Destruction[Part 111] by aDeviantSexualInterest
I do not know if I like it or not, but I did listen to all of it. Only one thing I can say, and that is true art is to go beyond the normal - dude, not only did you go beyond, you defied gravity and gave the bird to those of us left behind. Don't stop, ok .Later
aDeviantSexualInterest replied Unknown
>:-D Even if managing to listen to it's entirety was all I'd be very grateful[I know it's painful to do], but what you said really made me grin! If I had to choose, I'd rather people consider what I do to be "art" than "good". I'm currently aiming for both, of course, but we'll see where it goes.
digitalenigma0 8th Jul 2009 05:44 - 15 years ago

on Audiophile by aDeviantSexualInterest
organ loop wise you might need to set your prgram to a slightly un even tempo such as 120.5 rather than 120, or 121, or the loop its self may be just slightly out of sync or like a millasecond too long, which when everything else is looping perfectly on time a millisecond of somthing out of sync becomes very noticable very fast, i noticee this alot when im recording electric guitar tracks to drop onto fruity loop sampler channels. I would recomend re-reording it if you made the loop, or trying to put the tempo of your music program slighty somwhere in between two numbers like the whole .5 deal i was talking about earlier
digitalenigma0 8th Jul 2009 05:35 - 15 years ago

on Self-Destruction[Part 111] by aDeviantSexualInterest
At first or rather a year ago i would have said this is dogsheit, that will never go anywhere, but, since being on the net i have developed a appreciation for the glitch/electro genre and apparently many others have long before myself, so as for that genre it totally fits in, also after listening to it, i like the punk elements to it, and i myself as others have mentioned cant ignore the great level of abstraction, which is one of my favorite elements of any music period! so i say fux it, keep it up go balls to walls and keep trying to fine tune, polish your tracks, i personally can see a audience for this! I also think it will get more twisted and abstract as you progress, so keep it up man!
aDeviantSexualInterest replied Unknown
Haha, thank you man- especially for the honesty that at one time you would've been disgusted with this piece. >:-] Right now I need as much honesty and advice from people like you as possible, 'cause I know I got a long ways to go. But that's ok, 'cause the rhythm in my head makes me do loud things, so it's not like I have much choice but to keep at it!
I've been distracted with another track recently, so I haven't had much time to work on either of these, but when I do I'll be sure to try some of the things you and avid suggested for Audiophile. Seriously, thank you for the review and support and advice- AND thank you, 'cause I got really drunk last night and forgot that I wanted to check out the rest of your tracks! >:-P Be well, man!
KelleyKrueger 7th Jul 2009 06:17 - 15 years ago

on Audiophile by aDeviantSexualInterest
Hello Kirlog !!! Just wanted 2 tell "U" how much I sure "Appreciate" your kind n' very encouraging reviewz on my tunez !!! I'm never on here anymore !!! I got bored with the whole "round n' round" "not getting anywhere" networking thing !!! Now don't get me wrong I've been in contact with some really talented n' good poeple on the net !!! It just takez "Too Damn' much WORK" 2 make it effective it seemz ... I'd rather be jammin' more than yappin'!!! "Know what I mean" ??? But I read your review n' I wanted 2 "Do the Right Thing" n let ya' know !!! I listened 2 your tunez 2 ... soundz pretty strange ... PD waz pretty muffled ... But "Stay With It" !!! Real musicianship iz ALWAYZ about finding "your" sound !!! Jus' wanna say "Thank U" 4 the "Out of the Blue" review !!! Ha !!! Ha !!! Later !!! Kelley K
alividlife 26th Jun 2009 02:32 - 15 years ago

on Self-Destruction[Part 111] by aDeviantSexualInterest

i actually like this!

industrial ...
very abstract

you should watch shiiitloads of youtube videos on music production.
i learnt a lot doing that
aDeviantSexualInterest replied Unknown
Dude! I don't even care if you're lying to me- I love you for it anyways!>:-D Really man, again this means a lot, and I'll make sure to check out youtube[I hate that site, but if it has some valuable info].
alividlife 26th Jun 2009 02:29 - 15 years ago

on Audiophile by aDeviantSexualInterest

it's gonna be quite hard to fix the loop...

what i do recommend, is that you look at the waveform, and then look at your bassline (?) and then your vocals, and try and move it?.. .now.. if that still doesn't work, you could ... i think go to edit->split the wave up. so then you can move the individual pieces here and there...

problem is... it will probably still not fit just how you like...

i do recommend acid or ableton... or fruity, but you want free?
... i don't know .. if there is a free DAW out there that can accomplish the task

but i hope you find what you are looking for!
aDeviantSexualInterest replied Unknown
You have my sincerest thanks for the advice. I've been playing around with the timing, and I believe I've got it done to the best of my abilities[the drums fir perfectly when my singing doesn't fukk it up], so I'm starting to thing the organ wave is the problem. Are you saying I should cut that one up and adjust it as needed? I would hate to, 'cause I love the tune, but if you think it'd work I've definitely give it a go.
And thats for the tip on DAW, I will definitely look into it. And again, this really means a lot to me that you'd take your time to help someone so green>:-D Take care, and the best of luck to you!
Comments (11)