Honestly I like this here track. It def caught my attention. I like all types of sounds u know,,yeah but thid beat here is tight! Nice work!!!!
With Much Love E.Stallings
A lot dif. than whay you usually do and it came out good. Sounds like you had fun on this one. Keep up the good work and check by another time to see what new u got going on.
Mate you did not dissappoint me, thought after checking out your first track here on your profile, was not sure what I would hear next but this one even though diff genre, this is right up with your techno track, very catchy indeed,adding to fav's also, cool work man...
Well as promise in checking out your tunes, this is the first one that I have heard of yours, well what can I say, loving it man, get beat with nice synths which match well together, as you say stepping out of your comfort zone, I have done that when venturing into trance, glad I did on the reviews recieved, so be proud you have too mate with this great piece of work, by the way love the vocal bits that come through out the track..brilliant...adding to fav's mate..
Taking a step out of your "comfort zone" is an important step for any artist - pushing the boundries of art/music is what progresses the art/self to be greater than the original design - I hope this makes sense. I am not familiar with your work, but, the beat here is outstanding - I get the feel that the melody is in support of the beat rather than the other way around as what is traditional - and there it is my lad - art, turning things around - well done !
Did you record the vocals on this one or just an acapella? Any way this shits hot. im digging that beat with that little arabian sounding flute. cool job bro
thanks for the comment.the answer to your question,no i didnt do the record on this one.its a pella i got from mrshammi here on looperman.the beats all me though.maybe we can callab .u a beast on Fl.
Nice beat again in this one. Is that you on guitar. And to answer your question if i play guitar only a little bit but all the guitar in my music is done with sytrus or slayer synth. But this track is chill. I think we could get down on a collab some time.
on technotic by teflondon
on Shake,Shake,Shake That Body (feat.) Mr.Shammi by teflondon
on A-Town by teflondon
With Much Love E.Stallings!!!!!
on Shake,Shake,Shake That Body (feat.) Mr.Shammi by teflondon
With Much Love E.Stallings
on technotic by teflondon
With Much Love E.Stallings
on technotic by teflondon
on A-Town by teflondon
Man you have talent, yep could see this in a club for sure, great beats and synths man, keep em coming...
on Shake,Shake,Shake That Body (feat.) Mr.Shammi by teflondon
Mate you did not dissappoint me, thought after checking out your first track here on your profile, was not sure what I would hear next but this one even though diff genre, this is right up with your techno track, very catchy indeed,adding to fav's also, cool work man...
on technotic by teflondon
Well as promise in checking out your tunes, this is the first one that I have heard of yours, well what can I say, loving it man, get beat with nice synths which match well together, as you say stepping out of your comfort zone, I have done that when venturing into trance, glad I did on the reviews recieved, so be proud you have too mate with this great piece of work, by the way love the vocal bits that come through out the track..brilliant...adding to fav's mate..
on technotic by teflondon
on Shake,Shake,Shake That Body (feat.) Mr.Shammi by teflondon
on A-Town by teflondon
on Our Love by teflondon
on The Mother Land by teflondon
on Our Love by teflondon
on Shake,Shake,Shake That Body (feat.) Mr.Shammi by teflondon