Great Track, I love the song I love the Vocal, I love the bass, Im working on a track now and I want you to put vocals on it for me, I'll keep you posted, you F#cking rule, im a Big Fan the boneman. ps I love Beer!!!
You're what I call a creature, mostly. Hyperactive with no order. A free spirit with no master. Of course, I view most screaming metal in that kind of light. But, what I really liked was the segments with the vocs "come, see my burden - come, see the mur...(dropping the 'der')" Which I assume was your real normal voice. Do not be ashamed of that voice. It is great. Let it shine more often. I detect a hint of goth harmony in it.
Well, if something like a god exists, he must be such a asshole like the god in our song, there´s so much pain and suffering, that isn´t caused by humans specifically. On the other side, there´s much more human suffering, which is caused by mankind itself, so I could understand the opinion, that we deserve to be extinguished, before we cause even more trouble, especially before we meet another intelligent race we can kill, instead of each other. Man is a predator. If God created man by his image --> God is a predator, too.
I think it sounds cool. Im not this kind of vocalist by any means but I still like it. The only thing I dont like is that it sounds like you can hear the process sound of the effects on the vocal. This type of singing in my opinion is better left raw if possible. Just my opinion. Mix sounds good.
Nice! sounds good:) To get better sound out of your amp, try turning the mid down and keep the gain and bass up, if you have those options. Sounds good either way though, keep up the hard work! -Ghostzyden;)
f*ck off! ;D that's awesome.
hehe, dein "gesang" ist richtig fett. :) der track ist auch erste sahne, da dreht sich die nackenmuskulatur schon in alle richtungen. ein bisschen abwechslung im gesang wäre cool. sowas wie pig squeals, growls, oder auch mal ein cleaner teil wären geil. :)
danke schön ;)
ich werd schaun, was sich machen lässt in sachen abwechslung ;) bin nicht der geborene growler und an meinen pig squeals muss ich au no bissl feilen ;)
Yeah, I certainly need the lyrics to understand the song.
I couldn't comment on your voice after all the comments I get on my own in my songs.
If anything your voice I thought should have been louder.
Interesting ending with the gunshot.
Good job on this. It is difficult to sound good live.....people are used to the polished sound from a studio, but you guys really did sound good. Best of luck with the band in the future. Keep rocking.
on Lykanthrobier by Hetman
on Lonely Prophet by Hetman
on Lykanthrobier by Hetman
Yeah, I´m a big fan of beer, especially the beer of my home country, bavaria ;-)
on I am God by Hetman
on F--k the Army by Hetman
on Lonely Prophet by Hetman
on Dictator by Hetman
on Volbeer by Hetman
on Eternal Suffering by Hetman
on Hunt for Beer by Hetman
on BIERKAMPF by Hetman
JK, totally enjoyed the track
on Nuclear Revenge by Hetman
on Nuclear Revenge by Hetman
Thx xD
on Nuclear Revenge by Hetman
hehe, dein "gesang" ist richtig fett. :) der track ist auch erste sahne, da dreht sich die nackenmuskulatur schon in alle richtungen. ein bisschen abwechslung im gesang wäre cool. sowas wie pig squeals, growls, oder auch mal ein cleaner teil wären geil. :)
geetings glocke.
ich werd schaun, was sich machen lässt in sachen abwechslung ;) bin nicht der geborene growler und an meinen pig squeals muss ich au no bissl feilen ;)
on Hold-up by Hetman
on Hold-up by Hetman
on Hold-up by Hetman
on Hold-up by Hetman
I couldn't comment on your voice after all the comments I get on my own in my songs.
If anything your voice I thought should have been louder.
Interesting ending with the gunshot.
on BIERKAMPF by Hetman
on Cheese Pot by Hetman
on Lonely Prophet by Hetman
All The Best
on Lonely Prophet by Hetman
I love to scream on great songs like this one!
on Destruction by Hetman
on New Generation by Hetman
on Isolation (aka It make me Dying) by Hetman
Cool vocals. you got my vote.