I'm just an old computer geek messing around. I toy with the loops from time to time when I have some spare time. I don't play any real instruments, unless you count a computer as an instrument. Most of the software I use is basically freebie junk, but I modify it a bit to suit my personal taste. I never aim for a specific genre. I do what I feel and I'm random like that. Sometimes I enjoy fusing together what shouldn't go together. There's always a way to make something work.
My hands, My mouth, My brain, and you guessed it... my computer. I can play keys too, but nothing complex.
I still use Sound Forge 6.0 beta. Very powerful software fully loaded with chainable plug-ins. My compiler is Acid Music Studio 10. That's basically it. I don't need anything else.
I just used it to update this page.
... probably something strange I shouldn't be listening to. Oh, wait, that's MY track!
My Homebrew Music
Anything Old Skool, rap, rock, metal, hip-hop, techno bass, dance, some pop... the darker the better. If it has a B.A. attitude, then I dig it.
... probably crap, but I have fun making my crap.
Unemployed and Disabled.