I really love it. It is a classic Rock Song with the classic recording sound from the 80s & 90s. Good to hear something like this still exists. Please go on with you collab. :-) Cheers, Oli
Great Job, a nice cover of the song and needless to say the band is rocking! Vocals are on point though sometimes in some of the phrasing I could hear a lil' "Diamond Dave" lol! I enjoyed this very much.
Cool man. This works great. Classic rock sound. Your guitars are as wicked and tight as usual. Your singer is awesome! Fantastic mix, I've got a long way to go in working out how to mix and produce electric guitars. Any tips welcome!
excellent work Bill, shoutout to the band too great catchy rock song, excellent lead and a gritty bassline, good vocals too and excellent guitar solo' talk to me man, i got the weekend :))
Hello, nice "Old School Rock", good production! I had a lot of fun listening. The sound is excellent and the lead guitar is hard to beat. I was impressed with this song!
Kind regards, Manuela
Hey Bill! So what did you get for a new git? I recently purchased a 2023 "inspired by Gibson" Epiphone Les Paul Standard(smokehouse burst) and a newly re released Marshall Guv'nor pedal, unbelievable sound for the money, couldn't be happier. My guess, you bought a PRS.
Nice track, dark, metal song. Overused the tremolo? Can't be done, impossible, he. Vocals work great with the music!
Heya Wayne. You guessed right another PRS guitar. A custom 24 with a Floyd Rose on it. The Les Paul sounds like you are having a blast with it. I have heard lots about the Gov'nor pedals, giving you that tubey Marshall sound. I hope you are having fun with your new rig !
Keeping the rock flag flying here on the loop, we need that! great driving guitars. You did an awesome job writing the music around the vox. Mix and production are out of this world.
wow, wow, wow!! Rock to join in. No foot stays still! There's a lot of young Patty Smith in it. Excellent. Madness this guitar work. But also drums and bass do a very good job. And all of this in excellent quality. I wish more of this! Greetings Manuela
on Remember Me - Bilbozo Guitar Track by Bilbozo
on Alone Again - Hair Metal Cover by Bilbozo
on Alone Again - Hair Metal Cover by Bilbozo
on Beat It - Rock Collab Cover Version by Bilbozo
on Beat It - Rock Collab Cover Version by Bilbozo
on Smooth Operator - Santana Style ft Karina by Bilbozo
on Beat It - Rock Collab Cover Version by Bilbozo
on Wicked Sensation - Cover by Bilbozo
on Wicked Sensation - Cover by Bilbozo
on Wicked Sensation - Cover by Bilbozo
on Wicked Sensation - Cover by Bilbozo
on Wicked Sensation - Cover by Bilbozo
Kind regards, Manuela
on Wicked Sensation - Cover by Bilbozo
on The Way It Is - Bruce Hornsby Cover by Bilbozo
on Beat It - Rock Collab Cover Version by Bilbozo
on Secret Lulliby - BILBOZO by Bilbozo
Nice track, dark, metal song. Overused the tremolo? Can't be done, impossible, he. Vocals work great with the music!
Take care!
on BILBOZO - Who Am I by Bilbozo
on BILBOZO - Who Am I by Bilbozo
on BILBOZO - Who Am I by Bilbozo
It makes me want to dance around the office, but I can't.
Nice vocals! Lovely voice
As always great work.
on BILBOZO - Who Am I by Bilbozo
on BILBOZO - Who Am I by Bilbozo
on BILBOZO - Who Am I by Bilbozo
on BILBOZO - Who Am I by Bilbozo
The vocals fit nicely with the music, lead was great and the track rocks! Cool intro as well.
More cowbell!! ha!
Good to see you around again!
on Domingo by Bilbozo
on Beat It - Rock Collab Cover Version by Bilbozo